First Stop… San Francisco!

Well, today is the day! The Good Woman released today and the reviews so far have been wonderful and I feel so happy and grateful for all the love and support from my readers. It’s been so fun to watch all the good wishes come in from Facebook, Twitter and the countless emails.  I am so blessed!

The next two weeks will be very busy as I leave on my Good Woman book tour to sign books and meet readers.  My first stop is San Francisco!

Tonight I will be at Books Inc. in the Marina at 7pm.

















Then on Wednesday the 5th, I will be at the United Irish Cultural Center at 6pm for beer, wine, Irish appetizers and more! I will be chatting about my research and why I chose San Francisco as the setting and introducing some of the SF Irish-American firefighters that inspired the Brennan family. It should be a really fun night and I would love to meet you there!

For information on the two San Francisco events and all the upcoming events, please visit my website events page or RSVP on my Facebook events page. If you know someone in any of the areas of the events, please feel free to invite them and pass on the information.  I love meeting new readers and friends!

Now for more fun stuff and book giveaways!  I have been writing quite a few articles lately for some of my favorite blogs, two of which you can read by following the links below, and they are also giving away copies of The Good Woman if you want to enter to win!

Well, now you know what I’ll be doing for the next two weeks. What are you up to?  How is back-to-school treating you? I love hearing from YOU!


  1. I have been going to physical therapy twice a week and walking two miles every day for my back. Son is finishing up his college courses at a town near where we live so I have to drive him back and forth to class because he still doesn’t have his drivers licenses yet. So its been pretty busy around here. It would help if son would get his drivers license but for some reason he just want practice enough to get them.

  2. Hi Jane,

    I pre-ordered your new book last night on my nook. I can not wait to get home from work so that I can download it!! I have been anxiously waiting for this book to come out!! I am sooo excited!!!!

  3. I just went and got your new book, seriously, just got home a minute ago! Now I can’t wait for the family to go to bed so I can enjoy reading it in Peace!! : )

  4. Just returned from B&N with my copy of The Good Woman. I walked around the mall showing it off through the clear bag! Now it is out to the deck to read! As far as school, I stopped by the teacher aisle at B&N even though I no longer need those things. Tuesday, a group of us retired teachers will get together for our yearly “School Starts Today…but we don’t have to go” Brunch. We’ll munch, lunch, chat and laugh, and have a “beverage” or two (followed by water/coffee of course) until those bright yellow buses leave the schools. I’ll be bringing Jane’s book with me to the Brunch. Plan to get a photo of our Good Women group and “The Good Woman”. (Also waiting for our Granddaughter to arrive on Sept. 14<3). Best wishes for a fabulous year for all students, parents, staff members.

  5. Being a grandparent is the best Mary J. Praying for your family and especially that new grandbaby! Jane, hope your sons are having a good start to school. Being retired we don’t have to get up and be at school anymore, but our internal clocks have us up and out the door early for our morning walks. Can’t wait to read The Good Woman!

    1. Thank you,Library Lady,for your prayers and good wishes.Through these years of Jane’s Blog, I’ve enjoyed looking for and reading comments from the “regular bookies”…feel as if I’ve gotten to know you,LL as well as Quilt Lady and a few others. Thank you again for your kind wishes. Happy reading.

  6. I have enjoyed the quiet of the house, as my youngest daughter has headed back to Fresno State to start her second year of college!

    My husband and I have taken easily to the Empty Nest and it gives me lots more time to read!

    I thoroughly enjoyed The Good Woman and am looking foward to seeing you on Saturday at your Visalia Book Launch!

    Good friends, good food and great books! Isn’t life wonderful?

  7. Enjoy your meet and greats. I know it’ll be busy, but take some time for yourself to have fun too. I just got my copy of The Good Woman this afternoon and already getting into it and enjoying it. Back to school isn’t much for me since i don’t have kids. But, I do like when it’s quiet around the neighborhood and if I have to do something in town.

  8. School has been back in session for nearly a month here and the girls are doing great. Our son graduated in May so he’s busy trying to get into the swing of his first real job working nights. My fall garden is popping up and looking good and we’re still harvesting tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and okra. The sweet potatoes are looking good too. I finished your book today and it’s so amazing! I’m so proud of you, Jane! You have really out done yourself with this one. Love it!

  9. Jane,

    Enjoy your book tour, I know everyone will be excited to see you. I will see you in SC on the 13th!

    What fun guest blogs. I think we have all thought about what we would have told our teen selves if given the chance.

    I can’t believe Summer is coming to an end, I guess it is because of my foot being in the walking cast for most of it, so my Summer wasn’t as much fun as it could have been.

    Hope your guys are having a great back to school day!

  10. Hi Jane,

    Congrats on the release of your new book.
    I got my copy yesterday and I´m trying to find some “me” time to sit down and read.
    I look forward to seeing you when you hit the Seattle area on your book tour.

  11. Hope you have fun and enjoy the book signings. Jane you need to come to houston. :). As far as whats going on not much just school school school….lol. Have a great week Jane.

  12. Could. Not. Put. It. Down.

    The book is fantastic, Jane. I finished it in one sitting.

    Could you please write the next one a little faster? I can’t wait to spend more time with the Brennan sisters. 😉

  13. Hi Jane! Good luck on your book tour! Wish I lived on the west coast. Book was wonderful. Ended up reading it in one day :I just couldn’t put it down once. I started :can’t wait for the next book!

  14. Can’t wait to read the new book Jane! Have fun at your events in San Francisco. I’ll be sure to make one down here in Southern CA. As for me, the hubby’s birthday was this past weekend so we had a small family party and then last night we went on a quick trip up to the mountains for an overnight getaway. It was very nice. We learned that the woodpeckers up there sound like monkeys!

  15. How exciting Jane!!! Have Fun!! Wish I could catch up with you a one of the signings…
    I went last night B & N to get THE GOOD WOMAN…. then took it to the gym with me and rode the exercise bicycle… so I could get the first chapter in… can’t wait till the weekend so I can read the whole book 🙂
    Any book signings late October in Hawaii? I am going back 🙂 to that beautiful state.
    Thanks Jane for writing!!!

  16. Hi Jane,
    Back to school is treating me well. I have 31 5th graders – very full class – but thankfully, they are really good kids! I am enjoying it.

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