Pre-Release Event in NJ & Good Daughter Giveaway

Just two weeks left until The Good Daughter hits shelves, the reviews are coming in (they’re good!), and I’m continuing to finalize travel details for my East Coast book tour, which now includes a pre-release party in beautiful Northvale, New Jersey on February 4th.

This is a new event to my schedule and time is getting short so help me get the word out about this fun new addition to my book tour if you can!

 Not near Northvale?   Remember I’ll also be visiting

*Cranford, NJ on February 5th

*Albany, NY on February 6th

*Springfield, MA on February 7th

You’ll find more info for each of these dates on my Events page, with these four events just the start of many more to come.

And to keep my pre-release theme going, I’m pairing the announcement of my pre-release event at Books & Greetings with a pre-release giveaway of The Good Daughter!  Want a chance to win one of two advanced reading copies of Kit’s story?  Just tell me which of the Brennan Sisters is your favorite (you’d probably have to have read The Good Woman to answer this one…) OR tell me if you’ve got any sisters, and where you fall in your family’s birth order.

This is a short contest and I’ll be drawing the two winners on Friday sometime before 3 pm PST.  If you’re one of the winners, and want to read this book early, check back to see if you won, and if so, email me your address ASAP so I can get your prize out in the mail on Saturday.  Even better, the arc of The Good Daughter is only one of the fun things in your very cool, California prize box so enter, enter, enter!

And speaking of prizes…have you checked on the last contest or two to see if you won?  I’ve still got a couple prize boxes sitting on the corner of my desk.

Talk to me and with any luck, you will be one of the two people reading The Good Daughter next week!



  1. My favorite Brennan sister is probably Kit-she only wants to see the good side of everyone! And I admire the strength she showed in The Good Woman when she decided to end things with her boyfriend. I can’t wait to read her story in The Good Daughter!!!!!

  2. I guess I would have to say right now, Meg is my favorite, because I’ve read her story. But, I’m looking forward to reading all the sister’s stories, so it’s hard to say who my favorite will end up being….maybe Kit, but we will see. As for sister’s I have 3 sisters (and one brother). I’m the youngest of the bunch!

  3. I think Kit is going to be my favorite. I can relate to her and the choices she is making when she is turning 40. I can somewhat identify with Meg too though. I am always the caretaker, not sure if it is because basically I was an only child until my mom remarried when I was 21, I have a step-sister who is 15 years younger. I know that anyone who makes it to a stop on the book tour will be so happy they did. Your events are always fabulous! See you in San Clemente! Counting down the days until Feb 5th.

  4. I would love to catch up with you on a tour some day. I hope you are enjoying it all. Just remember to breathe.

    I have 5 sisters. I am the second youngest of the girls & third youngest overall. (Yes, the ‘baby’ brother has 5 older sisters.)

  5. I guess Meg is my favorite so far, but I’m really looking forward to this next book and getting to know Kit too!

    I have 4 brothers (I’m right in the middle), but no sisters…always wished I’d gotten the sister experience, but I really can’t complain!

    Good luck with your tour, I’d love to get to one of your events someday!

  6. oh , i really wish, i lived near you..and can see you in person, Jane !

    i’m the first, have 2 sisters and one lil brother. But i dont know why, everyone who see my sisters will say i’m the youngest among my sisters 😀

    Good luck with your Tour !

  7. I haven’t read The Good Sister but it’s on my “to read” list. And I don’t have any siblings. I’m an only child. I hope I still qualify for this contest! 🙂

  8. I am the youngest; brother is 5 years my senior; sister is 5 years his senior; and eldest is another sister 5 years older than the last. Very easy to keep track of birthdays….

  9. Meg is my favorite sister for her wonderful qualities which are to be admired. I have a sister who is younger and I always protected. Have a great tour. best wishes.

  10. i haven’t read your latest novels yet…but i’m looking forward to doing so 🙂

    sisters…i don’t have any. but i do have a girlfriend (or two) that I consider ‘sisters’

    have a great day, jane

  11. Meg is my favorite so far.

    I have 1 older sister, 1 younger 1/2 sister and 2 younger brothers. I also have 1 older step sister and 4 older step brothers.

  12. I have 1 sister and 2 inlaws and a mom of a 7yr and foster mom (we had 14 in five yrs)right now have 2 little ones and love

  13. I’m not sure if I had a favorite Brennan sister. They are each unique in their own special way. I would love to get my hands on an advanced copy. I’ve been waiting patiently for soooooo long! Good luck on your tour ~ be safe!

  14. I have one sister and I am the oldest (she is 3 years younger). Growing up we weren’t as close but now that we have kids, we are much closer. I can’t imagine not having a sister!

  15. Yes, I have a sister, younger than I by two years. But I chose to quit college early and get married and start a family; whereas, my sister chose to remain single, go on to her PhD in Spanish and is now a professor at UCDavis, CA. So she feels superior to me. She reads nonfiction and complicated murder mysteries; whereas I read romance! And I think I’m happier than she is. 🙂

  16. Defintely Kit! She just rocks in all kind of ways, I will not list it as it would spoil it for those that have not yet read your awesome book! But yes Kit is my fav she reminds me a lot of my own sister Rene.
    Congrats on your release and have a excellent week!

  17. I would LOVE to read an advance copy of The Good Daughter. Sarah is my favourite Brennan sister, her and I could be twins, lol!!

  18. Kit is my fave. I like the strength her character displayed in your book. I’m the baby in my family and have three older sisters

  19. Hi Jane!

    I love all of the Brennan sisters, but I think Meg’s my fav so far! Can’t wait to read about Kit!

    We are a family of three girls, with me being the baby!

    Hope you have a great rest of the week!

    Take care!


  20. there are advantages to living in a small town but a big disadvantage is that I will never get to meet you.

  21. I relate most to Meg, probably because we are contemporaries. I wrote a reivew of The Good Woman for a blogger and I really enjoyed it. I’m looking forward to continuing on the journey with the Brennan sisters!

  22. I have all of your books except for this one and Easy on the Eyes, everytime I go to B&N to get it they are all out. Would love to win The Good Daughter 🙂

  23. MY favorite is Kit. Thanks for having this contest. Would love to win a copy of arc of The Good Daughter. Have a great day.

  24. I don’t have any sisters, but I’m lucky to be blessed with two (newly acquired) sister-in laws (one is my brother’s new wife, and the other my husband’s younger sister). Although I missed having sisters as a child, I’m enjoying having them as an adult!

  25. I have it on my desk but didn’t get to read A Good Woman yet. I am the youngest of 8. Unfortunately due to cancer I lost my oldest sister 16 years ago who was 45 at the time and my older brother 11 years ago who was 46 when he too passed away from cancer so now there are only 6 of us left 🙁

  26. I am the youngest of two…but only in years. My sister is three years older, but we look like we shared the womb. My sis and I have a role-reversal relationship in most things that has worked for 30 years or so and has nothing whatsoever, no way, nuh uh to do with the fact that I’m a control freak…

  27. I was Meg! Went through a very similar situation with a very similar ending. By the end of the book I was crying. I do love Kits spunk though. I have one sister and we are 11 months apart. I am more of the protective one. We’ve had our differences but would not trade her in for the world! Good luck on your tour. I’m a little antsy about The Good Daughter coming out. Think you could release it early? 🙂

  28. Oldest child with no sisters, so I got to pretend my best friend growing up was my sister, and her family was like a second family to me. I have a lot of “sisters” friends now, and we support each other through our ups and downs.

  29. As of now (I have been known to change my mind) Meg is my favorite. I’m the oldest child and so is she so I relate.

  30. I identify with Meg. 🙂
    I am a first born daughter.
    I only have a younger brother.
    I can tell you that I always have felt way more responsibility on my shoulders that he ever had to.

  31. I would say I can relate more to Meg because I have made the same mistake she did. Plus, I help out my my parents when they need me (since I’m the one who lives closest and doesn’t have a job). I take care of everything around my house and my cats when they are sick. But, I can also relate to Brianna because I was a bit of a rebel when I was growing up too. I am actually the middle sister in my family.

  32. I’m second born child but first daughter and I’m also the middle child. My little sister which I still call her that to this day lol are very close. I always stuck up for her when she was picked on and definitely agai st out older brother. However we are all close. My sister and I have a sister night out once a month and have for over 20yrs!! Would love to read both these books!!

  33. Jane,

    I don’t think I can pick a favorite. But I can tell you that I have 2 sisters and I am the middle. I love my sisters and we are very close. But we are so different too. Those differences are usually what makes us laugh though.


  34. It’s hard to say which sister is my favourite as I’ve only read Meg’s story… but I am leaning towards Kit. I am the oldest of three, have a sister and a brother myself. My sister and I are quite different, but we get along really well.

  35. I have read The Good Women and I can’t wait to read The Good Daughter. I love the first book and could relate. Please enter me because I want this book really bad.

  36. I am the baby in my family, I have 6 older sisters and 2 older brothers. I feel really bad that my daughter doesn’t have any sisters, but I had 3 boys before I had her, was sick as a dog with each one(threw up night and days for the first 6 months and just day the last months) and had to have c-sections so I could not go through it another time (probably would have been a boy anyway. Having sisters is so special.

  37. I have The Good Woman sitting on my shelf – I NEED to get it read.

    I have 2 younger sisters (and an older brother) so that makes me second born, oldest sister. I think of my self as a middle child and find my self being the peace-keeper. At least I try. My 2 sisters are only a year apart and are nothing alike so they do not get along if they are together more than 24 hours. Yep – that’s where I come in – keep the peace!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  38. My favorite sister is Kit. I have 4 sisters…I am the youngest of the 5 of us…(have 2 brothers also :one older, one younger…)

  39. I liked Meg, I’m the only girl in my family and I’m a caretaker, I took care of my gramdma, and my mom until they died…but i took charge of my brother too when my mom went back to work..even now I have a home daycare and I love my job. I can’t wait to read the Good Daughter…

  40. I love your books and can’t wait for next one! When are you returning to Seattle/Bellevue area for the new book?

  41. I have not yet read The Good Woman. I am waiting for the next one to come out and then read them back to back. I know I won’t be able to wait until the third one comes out and do all three at once!
    I have one wonderful sister, who is the oldest in our family of four kids, and I am the youngest.

  42. Hi Jane,
    Looking forward to reading your next book. I hope you are still planning on visiting Royal Oak, MI in February. My sister and I would love to come out and meet you!

  43. Can’t say that I have a favorite yet, of course that may change after I’ve read THE GOOD DAUGHTER. I have three brothers (1 older, 2 younger), no sisters.

  44. Hi Jane,
    I have an older sister, but she is only 1½ years older than me. So we are pretty close both in age and otherwise.

    I love Brianna and hope that you someday can write her story.

  45. The Good Woman is next on my bookshelf. It’s just sitting there staring at me everyday telling me to hurry up with the drab book I’m currently reading. So I can’t answer the question, but I can tell you about my sisters. I have three sisters and I wouldn’t trade any of them. I also have two brothers. I am 4th child so I’m stuck in the middle. I’m super close to all my siblings and I love it. My sisters are my best friends along with my amazeballs Mom!

  46. Hi Jane! Well I am the oldest of 8…yes 8 children (just on my mom’s side). On my dad’s side I am the second of 6! I loved reading The Good Woman, I would have to say that Meg is my favorite. She is human and makes mistakes like anyone else does. I wish you would come to Houston again! Last time I was sick and I couldn’t go see you….bummer. Well good luck on all your upcoming events. Love ya Jane and I look forward to your two upcoming Harlequin’s!

  47. I loved reading Meg’s story. You captured her raw emotions. I can’t wait to read Kit’s story. Hope you are feeling better and can enjoy your book tour.

  48. I have two brothers. I’m the only girl. Sometimes, I wonder what it would have been like if I had a sister. I’m a “good daughter” 🙂 I would love to read this book.

  49. Always wished I had a sister but God gave me one brother (he’s pretty terrific….just not a sister! lol) I was blessed with three really wonderful sisters-in-law though and one of them is still the “sister” of my heart to this day – even though she’s technically my “ex” sister in law these days! Anyway, I think I’m most like Meg. Hope all is well with you and yours and I’m hoping to be able to see you in Cali in March!

  50. I am the second of six children, the oldest of three sisters. As a child I was always the good daughter.
    I would love to review your arc of THE GOOD DAUGHTER.
    Best wishes.

  51. I have three sisters, though one of them passed away a couple of years ago. She was older than me by 10 years, and my other sisters are closer in age and younger than me. I’ve lived in California for many years now and they both still live back in the midwest. I do enjoy visitng them though, and I spoke to both of them on the phone just last night. I wish they were out here enjoying the weather we’ve been having, since both of them live where it is very cold right now. I enjoyed reading Meg’s story, but as I read it, I was intrigued with Kit’s story. I am looking forward to reading more about her.

  52. I love my artistic, beautiful sister, Shawn. She is 3 years younger than I am. She was born while we lived in Ankara,Turkey. She lives in Denver, so if you’ll be there, I must tell her to come meet you and read your “Good Daughter”. I can’t wait to see you in the Bozone.

  53. I have one sister who is the oldest in the family and a brother who is the middle child, but I have the best position being the youngest! 🙂

  54. I am the oldest of three sister and one brother. In different ways I feel I can relate with both sisters so far. As the oldest it seems that I also am doing the responsible thing vs. the fun and wild, which seems that people take for granted. When you would like to let that wild side go.

  55. I think Meg is my favorite sister so far! I can’t wait to read more about these sisters. Meg seems to have the life closest to mine. I am so excited to be meeting you in two weeks and to read Kit’s story:-)

  56. I haven’t read The Good Woman yet, but it is on my list and I can’t wait!

    I don’t have any sisters…just a brother.

  57. Hi Jane i dont have a sister i am the oldest out of two i love my brother but when i was younger i always wanted to trade him for a sister.Some day maybe hell give me a sister-in-law.

  58. I would have to say that I like Brianna. She seems so laid back and just wants to live her life without restrictions. I even sort of like how she picks at Meg for being so perfect. Can’t wait to read the next one. 🙂

  59. I am the oldest in my family with a brother and a sister. I see a lot of myself in Meg, but I like Kit too and can’t wait to read her story.
    It sounds you are going to have a very busy February. I wish you could get a little closer to Toronto one of these days. I know it is outrageously cold right now, but maybe later in the season.
    have fun!

  60. Does the “favorite sister” have to coincide with the one whose life matches with yours? Then, no comment…But since I have no sisters let me just say I love my sister-in-laws.

  61. The book sounds like a fabulous read. I have added it to my read list.
    I have two sisters and two brothers, whom I love very much.

  62. I love the cover to The Good Daughter. I don’t have any sisters. I have several older brothers and I am the youngest.

  63. My m.i.l just called me asking for a book recommendation since we’re both waiting for your new book to come out- we both can’t wait! I can’t pick a favorite sister yet…

    I have 2 older brothers and a younger sister but I am the oldest of the girls.

  64. I have two sisters and a brother whom I love to the moon and back! I’m the oldest sister. 🙂
    We were raised to be close and know that family is first. We sass, tease and get on each other’s nerves sometimes, but it’s all good cause we have each other.

    I think my favorite is going to be Kit! 😀

  65. I actually like Sarah-I think it would be interesting to delve deeper into what her life is like. Definitely not Brianna-too bossy & opinionated.

  66. I like Kit, minus the fact it took her 10 years to find her happiness, she’s a kindred spirit. Alas, I do not have any sisters or siblings. My mom is the older of 7, so I have plenty of family, which is pretty cool.

    Good luck with the book parties! Looking forward the the Bay Area event.

  67. I own The Good Daughter but haven’t read it yet so I don’t have a favorite. I am one of nine and have 4 sisters and four brothers. I am the oldest of the girls…I love each of my sisters dearly. There is a 14 year age difference between me and the baby of the family. Despite our differences, we are all mothers, all working outside the home. We’re family, no matter what and family is what’s important.

  68. It is hard to pick a favorite Brennan sister as I know they will all have good stories. I can’t wait for the book to come out. 2 weeks is too long to wait!!

  69. No sisters..I am an only child. I did have two foster sisters (and a brother) all younger, when I was a teenager but they were adopted into other families and we weren’t allowed contact again. 🙁 So I have no idea where they are. Would love to read this!!!

  70. I think my favorite so far is Kit.
    I am one of 8 kids and have 5 sisters and I am the youngest of them all! We spend a lot of time together and all live close. It’s nice…my brothers and sisters are some of my very best friends. 🙂

  71. I am the oldest of 3 girls and 3 boys! It is definitely a challenge, but I am happy to be the oldest…
    Can’t choose a favorite yet, can’t wait to read more!

  72. I’m the only girl and the 2nd in line with twin brothers who are the babies…its funny for everyone thought I was the baby for I’m the only girl…I’m like Meg, the caretaker, I babysat my twin brothers and the neighbors and took care of my grandma and mom until they both died of cancer. I cn’t wait to read the Good Daughter…

  73. Hi everyone, I’ve been busy doing Mom stuff this afternoon but wanted to pop in and announce the winners –

    #19 Kristine Radgman
    #79 Shannon in Tustin

    Please drop me an email with your mailing info and I’ll get prizes in the mail.

    Hope you’re ready for the weekend. Have a good one!

    Jane xoxo

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