Jane Loves Ranchers, Cowboys & Cowgirl U!

The Fallen Greek Bride, my new March Harlequin Presents, is shipping today from Amazon, and should soon be on store shelves, too.

I love this story–it’s passionate, intense, as well as full of longing, and hope.  I was worried about having so many books out in one month, and yet as one reader told me on Saturday in Atlanta, these three very different stories that are out right now, show my range, and the different stories I like to tell.

I have enjoyed writing this past year.  I spent a lot of time writing, too, and writing is such a big part of me.  Writing defines me.  Thinking about the story, and the characters, and who these people are (yes, they become absolutely real to me) fill my head as I fix dinner, or start a load of laundry, or drive son Ty to school.

I am planning a new series, a series that will be set in Montana and I’m collaborating on this Montana series with three of my close friends who are authors, and seriously talented writers.   We’re working on the scheduling now and I’ll have my first book out in December.  Appropriately, it’ll be a Christmas story, and I’m having fun over at Pinterest building my board.  I’m calling the Pinterest board, The Shanahan Brothers, and you’ll see lots of Montana pictures, and rugged cowboys and ranchers, and snow, and Christmas trees.

My head is full of these pictures, too.  This is how I write. Layering picture on top of picture, idea upon idea, emotion upon emotion.  It’s my favorite part of the writing process, and the easiest, but soon the real work begins when I sit down at my keyboard and start putting the sentences down in some order that makes sense.

To help with inspiration for my new Montana series, I’ll be attending the Cowgirl U Luncheon hosted by the Clovis Rodeo Association in Clovis, CA to benefit the Central California Blood Center, on March 16, 2013 with my friend Megan Crane/Caitlin Crews.  We’re driving up early Saturday morning from Orange County, and later that night, Megan and I will also attend the Rodeo for some authentic cowgirl fun!  If you’re in the area, I hope you’ll come join us at the Cowgirl U luncheon since it’s raising money for a very good cause.

To celebrate today’s release of The Fallen Greek Bride–and my The Good Daughter book tour–I have three prize boxes to giveaway.  Winners will receive a copy of The Fallen Greek Bride, a copy of Mrs. Perfect, a JP water bottle, candle and lots of other good reads and fun goodies!  Want to win?  Tell me if you’re a romance reader, a women’s fiction reader, or if you read both.  I’d love to know what kind of stories you like best and the contest ends Friday, Feb 22nd at midnight PST, with the three winners announced Saturday morning just before I race off to a girls night out in Bozeman, MT.  Talk to me and hopefully you will be one of those that win!


  1. I agree with your reader who said your books show your range and your amazing writing skill. I like to read both romance and women’s fiction and all kinds of non-fiction, too. And, it is I am discovering fun to read books on my phone, too. Have a great time at the luncheon and rodeo!

  2. Hi Jane,

    Yes, I´m both a a romance reader an a women’s fiction reader. You turned me in to both 🙂
    Currently reading “The Fallen Greek Bride” and I love it.
    I love stories that are compelling and easy to read and I´m a sucker for a happy ending.

  3. I read both but tend to lean towards Romance. Love the happy endings.

    Wish I lived closer to the luncheon as it would be wonderful to meet you and others.

  4. I like both. Actually, I really just got into the real romance books. I never thought I would like them, but I love them. And, yes Jane, your range is wonderful. I love all your books. Right now, however, I am reading an old book on ghost stories on my nook.

  5. I read both and love both if them. I am jealous of you going to the Clovis Rodeo. Another thing I miss about the Central Valley. Lots of great memories! I am excited for your new series! 🙂

  6. I love reading both romance and women’s fiction! Nothing is better than forbidden or denied love and passion between two characters. The struggles they have trying to resist each other, and the way they fall into each other. Ultimately, their realization they should have been together all along.

  7. Hi Jane,
    I am more of a women!s lit reader. I was so excited to hear about the new series you are writing! I also love the the cowboy/ranch type setting books, especially ones that follow a family over the years with different family members as main characters. The first of these I ever read were the Calder family series by Janet Dailey. That’s where I got my son’s name from – Chase. I am so looking forward to yours because I love your writing.

  8. I’m soooo excited about your new book! It sounds wonderful! As you know, I’m a woman’s fiction reader turned JP romance book reader 🙂

  9. I read both women’s fiction & romance novels. I have been reading more romance novels lately, because I can get through them faster & I want to make sure about the HEA! My preferences are contemporary, cowboy & historical romance.

  10. That is wonderful that you are planning a new series. I will be reading those for sure. I love both women’s fiction and romance novels. Both are so fun to read and get lost in.

  11. I love both. I like just about everything except fantasy. I don’t like getting stuck in a rut so I try to diverse myself.

    I look forward to reading your new books!

  12. I love to read both! I lean more towards romance, but as long as it has a good story line you will find a book in my hands!

  13. Both! I do love romances, an anything with cowboys. But I want to read anything that keeps my attention. Thanks Jane.

  14. I love a good romance story. Any kind of story line, as long as the characters grab my attention. I have to really connect to the main characters and care about them in one way or another to get into the story. Whether i love the character or loathe the character, it doesn’t matter. As long as I feel something!

  15. I’m a a romance reader so I was very happy to learnt that you’ll have 2 romance books coming out this month.

    I pre ordered The Fallen Greek Bride and I can’t wait to get it soon.
    Earlier this month I read My Cowboy Valentine and it was amazing!

    Great news about a new series from you, I can’t wait to hear more info closer to December.

  16. I love reading Romance, Women’s Lit, Mystery, Thriller, and Time Travel. Guess you could say I’ll read anything that keeps me from putting the book down! I’m a TX Cowgirl and have 6 different colored cowboy boots that I’ve lived in since HS.
    Thank You for the Giveaway opportunity!!

  17. I read both – and love book series – I really enjoyed the Good Daughter and am looking forward to the rest of the family

  18. Hi Jane! I love the fact that you have 3 books out in such a short period of time. And I love the setting of Montana for your new project. As for me, I read both romance and women’s fiction. Love them both!

  19. I love reading! There are a few genres that I don’t read…but even these, if I like the synopsis I will have to buy then *.* Sure that I favorite will be romance, but if I’m in a good mood I read everything 🙂

  20. I love both – and read a lot!! Especially love romance with a western flavour! The new series sounds awesome 🙂

  21. I love romance, women’s fiction, mystery, horror, honestly, whatever sounds interesting! I have really enjoyed reading your books, and I agree, 3 different types of books show your great range. I can’t wait to read whatever you come up with next! Have a blast in Montana, I want to go there one day….

  22. I love reading both romance and women’s fiction (especially historical fiction). Would love to win this prize pack, thanks for the contest!!

  23. I love romance written by susan mallery and authors that write similiar to her also like the katie lane and also the cowboy/cowgirl ie: linda lael those are really really good have read almost all of their books also like the amish told stories by wanda brunstetter those are also really good romance plus they give you a background of the amish and what the girls grown up doing my absolute fav book isn’t romance its called Angel Sister by Ann H Gabhart that was a really moving book and definitly a tissue book but has nothing to do with the cowgirl guy thing.Good luck with your Montana series and you know I will be one on goodreads after I read it.

  24. I love both. I like romance, but there has to be a suspense angle to it as well. I love a book showing an empowered and strong woman.

    I found your blog through Christine Feehan on facebook and the contest y’all just had. I am really glad for it, as I love your writing!

  25. The rodeo and luncheon sound like so much fun. I still haven’t been to the rodeo and we have a huge arena a couple miles from my house. I hope one day to be able to talk my husband into taking me there. I enjoy romance and women’s fiction equally. I misunderstood and thought The Fallen Greek Bride went on sale in the stores today. I spent this morning going from one store to the next looking for it. Dang, I have to wait longer. Oh well. I know it’s worth the wait.

  26. I read both. In fact I read almost everything. I love variety. For me the characters are the most important. If I care (one way or the other) then an author can take me almost anywhere. And the author’s voice. I’ve enjoyed you in the past and that definitely influences my selection.

  27. I love romance and womens fiction! I try to read every time I get some spare time. I hope to win this (fingers crossed). Have a great week.

  28. I read both. I have been leaning towards more chick lit books than romance lately. I will be looking forward to your new series of books. Much love!

  29. I enjoy both or all types of romances. I love historical and paranormal, but falling in love with contemporary. I love seeing anyone get their own HEA’s. I love falling in love and seeing others fall in love. Those are the best feelings.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  30. i read anything and everything – right now i have 3 books going – Rick Riordan’s The Mark of Athena – Chris Kyle’s autobiography American Sniper – and rereading Hannah Howell’s Highland Lover – i love books – it’s as simple as that – have since i first learned to read and i’m almost 64 – so there’s been a lot of books in my life – without them i would most likely be in a psych ward somewhere

  31. I read everything I can get my hands on. I read romance primarily including historical, futuristic, mystery, paranormal – I just love a good story.

  32. Hi Jane!
    I am a lover of all genres. What I read really depends on what I have been watching on tv or seen on the internet and of course, my frame of mind or mood that day. If I have watch a crazy, passionate love story then I might be in the mood for romance. But if I have watched or read a history based movie or article I might want a book based on the old west or a diary of a pioneer or slave woman. I enjoy mostly everything I read! 😉

  33. I love reading romance but I like to mix in lots of other types, too. I, too, am 65 so I have read lots of books and types of books in my life. can’t wait to read your latest.

  34. I read both, although I probably read more romance than anything. I enjoy series romance, contemporary, paranormal and YA. I do like to read for a HEA.

  35. I prefer to read women’s fiction but I will occasionally read romance. =] I sometimes get bored when the books focus too much on romance.

  36. I prefer to read romance especially romance with intrigue. I grew up reading mystery books such as the Nancy Drew books.

  37. My favorite is romance…I love the happily ever afters! That being said, I really enjoy women’s fiction, too.

  38. I read mostly romance (all types) but I do read women’s fiction as well. I would love to be a lucky winner

  39. I read both. If the story catches my attention then I will read it. Wonderful giveaway thank you. Hope it was nothing majorly serious with your puppy Church.

  40. I read a lot of romance and some women’s fiction. I like cozy mysteries too, especially the ones that have romance in them. Congrats on all the releases…I’m looking forward to more in the future.

  41. I read women’s fiction and romance since both are appealing and memorable. Enjoy your wonderful gettogether and congratulations on your release and best wishes.

  42. I enjoy reading both. I love the old cowboy stories in the wild west and early times. You’re luncheons, teas and dinner gatherings are as diverse and exciting as your books. Thanks for the fun Jane….Ruth

  43. Hi Jane!

    I read everything, including women’s fiction and romance. My preference is really…anything! I have many favorite authors, stretching from biographers to science fiction. I started reading your books around two years ago when I got my Kindle, and I fell in love. I can’t wait to read the new series about Montana that you are teasing us with in this blog post!

  44. I have not read either of these books so I would love to win. I love reading all kinds of romance and also love women’s fiction. Love your books because you write a little of everything.

  45. I enjoy both Romance and Fiction. The most compelling stories are characters with many layers dealing with life…the good, the bad, and the ugly. If the ending is happy, well, it makes me happy. But, truelife endings that aren’t always happy also are good in that they give a surprise ending too…not happily ever after but how life is in some instances. Stories set in places that are described so vividly and in a way that makes me want to go there or that I can envision the setting clearly too.

  46. I like to read both women’s fiction and romance as well…depends on my mood. Love reading any story that gets me all involved in the characters and is hard to put down. Am looking forward to this new Montana series you are working on! 🙂

  47. Hi Jane!
    Congratulations on your new releases. 🙂
    I enjoy reading romance (both contemporary and historical), women’s fiction and mysteries (preferably with a little romance thrown in).
    What do you prefer when you have time to sit down and read?

  48. I do read both but I do like some romance in the women’s fiction I read. I do enjoy a happy ending also since it leaves me with a good feeling.

  49. I am a Romance fan for life! I live and breathe it. Your writing is amazing and you must be so proud! I review on my blog and I’m always amazed at the talent I see! Keep up the great writing and may your dreams come true.

  50. I love reading both, plus many other genres as well. And I enjoy them for many different reasons. I like stories with characters I can relate to or learn from. I like stories that make me feel hopeful or that warm my heart. I also enjoy a story that can make me laugh, ponder, question, or wonder. Mostly, I just like to read a book and feel satisfied when I turn that last page. And your books do just that, Jane! 🙂

  51. I love both! I agree that the 3 books are very different and they show just how darn talented you are(as if we didn’t already know it!)

    I am already excited for this new series you are going to be doing. I have always been a sucker for a good cowboy type story anyway. I know that you and Megan Crane will have a blast at the luncheon and the rodeo,. Try to stay out of trouble….

  52. Read both but prefer romance. Love books that are character driven. I also need the HEA that romance provides.
    I want to wish everyone good luck the winners will be lucky indeed.
    Enjoy the rodeo!
    TY Jane!

  53. I read both. I really don’t have a preference. Once I get into a good book, I can’t put it down no matter what type of book it is.

  54. I love a good romance with a little mystery to it. I just finished The Good Daughter & LOVED it! I could not put it down!

  55. I read both. I like a little varity, who wants to get bored. Thanks for all you do…Later…hope i’m lucky

  56. I read both. Can’t get bored that way! Have read all your books [except for the good daughter, it’s on the list!] and enjoy them thoroughly. Keep them coming, please!!!!!

  57. I read so many different genres, I love romances of any type. If its written by you Jane I don’t care what it is, your books are wonderful.

  58. I read all genres, but I usually tend to gravitate to books with a love story involved. I love the fantasy of pure romance books, but I also love that women’s fiction books can explore women’s issues embedded in a good story. You are so good at blending both in your women’s fiction books.

    I loved your pics on Pinterest! Can’t wait to read the books when they come out!

  59. I read almost everything, especially if it is a Jane Porter novel, but my favorite is women’s fiction.

    The Montana series sounds great. We vacationed there last year, and I loved the place – loved the mountains and the sense of space and the genuine people so much we thought about retiring there someday (with another place to spend the winters though). A person can dream…

  60. I really have trouble getting into romance novels. Since I was introduced to Jane’s novels, I have been reading some, and of course women’s fiction, which she does a great job at.

  61. I can’t really say I have a favorite. I will read almost any genre, it just depends on my mood at the time. I like romance, of course, but most of the other “womens” genres have romance in them. The type of book doesn’t matter…the story is what matters. I want it to make me feel something for the characters and the story line.

    That’s why I read Jane Porter 🙂

  62. I’m a huge Romance nut. I go from series romance to almost all of the other types. Contemporary, paranormal, historical, and futuristic. I can guarantee I read at least one book a day and on a day off more like three. I’m looking forward to your Montana series as I lived there for several years and it a beautiful state. I rarely read any other fiction but occasionally I will read non fiction in reference to ecological issues. But those usually take a month to read. Give me an enjoyable read like yours and I’m happy. Thanks

  63. I read both! Of course if it’s well written I will read most types of books! Congratulations on your multiple releases and keep up the good work. 🙂

  64. I read both romance and women’s fiction. I have always loved to read and focused fervently on reading Jennifer Weiner, Emily Giffin, Jane Green, and Sophie Kinsella books. Then, I branched out.

    Authors like Jennifer Weiner, actually endorsed other authors, even authors not sharing her same publisher. Eventually, I discovered Chick Lit Central which introduced me to even more fabulous authors including Anita Hughes and you!!!

  65. I read both but I do read more romance than any other. As long as the storyline is a good one, I am hooked! Thank you for the giveaway!

  66. I would have to say I do read more romance, but I’ll read anything that gives me a great story & characters to love.

  67. I love reading both romance and fictional novels. I’d also feel very honored and over joyed to be selected as one of the winners of your prize package. I truly am amazed with the speed in which you complete the entire process of writing and publishing your many works of love.

  68. I love all Genres but Horror. 🙂 Romance is generally my favorite. Especially if it’s Historical. Haven’t read your books yet but can’t wait and look forward to it.
    Carol L

  69. Love to read both…and throw in some mysteries, paranormal…whatever looks good or what I’m in the mood for at the moment I’m ready to pick up a new book to start! Cowgirl U sounds like so much fun!! Give us details when you get back??

  70. Hello! I don’t know if you’d remember me, but we got to eat dinner together at Third Place when She’s Gone Country came out. I’m busy writing (thanks in part to the kick in the pants from you) and I think it’s terrific that you’ve got three books out in one month. I agree about the characters present while you’re doing everyday things. I can relate! Of the two options, I read primarily woman’s fiction. My first love is mysteries and that is what I am writing. I’ll miss seeing you in Bellevue, but I hope to catch up again this fall! Congrats!

  71. I simply love reading but I must admit there is nothing like a good romance. A romance whether Regency..Victorian..Contemporary…Intrigue once I start reading..Don’t stop till I’m done. I’ve been reading Harlequin since 1965…they only get better.

  72. I mostly read romance, especially regency romance, but I do enjoy woman’s literature as well. I love reading anything well written with an interesting plot

  73. I love reading Women’s Fiction.It reminds me that I am not alone in this world and no I am not crazy to have all the feelings women have. We are dynamic creatures in a complicated spinning world.

  74. I read both types but the older I get (I was 49 my last b-day)the more I enjoy women’s fiction.
    I guess I am wanting more character and story. I blame it on my hormones. 🙂

  75. Nice question. I just bought your ‘Be Mine, Cowboy’ from American Romance. Most of the time I prefer romance and nonfiction. Women’s fiction I read sometimes with my book group.

  76. I read almost exclusively romance. I like all types of romance – but historical and paranormal are my faves. Thank you for the giveaway 🙂

  77. I started as a women’s fiction reader, but since I’ve read your romance novels, I think I like both! I always laughed at the older ladies that were checking out the romance novels from the library. They knew what was going on!

  78. I definitely read more women’s fiction, am engrossed in “The Good Daughter” now, and can’t wait to see how Kit’s story progresses in the book! I thought I was most like Meg when I read that book, but now I am definitely relating to Kit!

  79. I love both! I don’t read romance as much, but do love it! Have a great time at Cowgirl U! I’m usually in the area, but will actually be heading to L.A. that weekend for a Maroon 5 concert! Have fun at the rodeo!

  80. I love both.. romance and women fiction.. but I love Romance because if my life is not going the way I want.. I just read a good romance and it seems to turn my life around..thank you so much for writing such beautiful stories…

  81. I love both types of stories! I like women’s fiction, but my Love is romance, I love reading romances that have a lot of humor and fun between the couple, I always tell my friends that after being married for 10 years I read romance novels because that’s where I get my Mr. perfect/sexy w/out having to put out any energy. That’s what is great about books; My imagination puts me as the leading lady and for the whole story I am the most perfect woman in every way! lol… P.S I have attended at least 6 Clovis rodeo’s and “big hat days” in the last 15years. If you want some little town fun with a big rodeo please visit if you are in the area!

  82. I have always loved to read. I love romance mixed with a little danger and women’s fiction. I go through phases though. I might read only romance for a couple of months and then o.ly fiction for a couple of months. I love books that I get so involved in that the emotion carries over into my life. Once I was so mad at a man in a book and my husband came in about that time…I ended up being mad at him! Finally he asked why I was mad and we both started laughing when I told him why. I LOVE TO READ.

  83. The vicarious adventure of reading has been in my blood, since childhood. For a Iowa farmgirl, spending hours on a Big Yellow School Bus, offered ample time to dive into a good book. I love to see my stockpiles of Fiction and Romance, waiting for me to pick them up.. Fun.!!

  84. I read both, plus a ton more. 🙂 I love romance for the HEAs, I love women’s fiction because sometimes, things just need to be said, and stories need to be told. 🙂 Thank you for writing!

  85. Hi, Jane,
    I’m excited about your cowboy series. I read and write romance, and also love reading women’s fiction, like Kristin Hannah or Lisa Verge Higgins. My current WIP is set in West Texas, and the heroine’s sister now runs the family ranch. (She’ll get her own story later.)

    Have fun at the rodeo…I miss living in Texas, where it’s okay to wear plaid shirts and cowboy boots all year. 🙂

    Looking forward to reading your new releases!


  86. I’m mainly a women’s fiction reader. I like other genres, but women’s fiction is definitely my favorite! I recently read The Good Woman, and I’ll be reading The Good Daughter very soon!

  87. I have always loved Suspense the best – preferably, Romantic Suspense. I’ve always loved Romance, too. I find, though, as I get older, I’m really getting into Women’s Fiction – stories of women, written by real women – and so many times reflect your own life, your own feelings!

  88. I read both Romance and Fiction books. What I am really into is the Paranormal Romance genre. I have been into those for ten years and counting, and the stories just keep getting better. I am also finding many new books/authors to put on my kindle. Have fun in Bozeman!!

  89. I love your writing and devour romance and women’s fiction equally. I had the pleasure of reviewing The Good Daughter and The Good Woman and I am looking forward to the next! I am not far from Clovis so maybe I will hop over and attend the rodeo. Sounds like a blast! Thanks for your books. I love your writing style!

  90. I read both but also love when a little suspense is thrown in. Can’t wait to read ‘The Fallen Greek Bride’!! Love your stories!

  91. I love romances but will read women’s fiction upon occassion. I read most genres though and especially like the crossover romance/westerns,romance/fantasy or romance/science fiction.

  92. Hi Jane… I am an avid reader and I read both… got a real addiction to reading !!! 🙂 I want my own library shelves in my sitting room !!! 🙂 thanks for the chance to win some great prizes !!!

    Rosemary rfoley@salemstate.edu

  93. Hi Jane! I love to read romance and watch womens fiction. My tastes run the gamut from light hearted romance to spine tingling chillers. Right now I am nose deep in a contemporary western romance. Can’t wait till Christmas, I absolutely love holiday romance! Michelle

  94. My favorite books are romance books. I love it when the female characters are strong independent women but have a sweet romantic side. The male characters need to be good men who know how to treat a woman and sweep her off her feet. Live the happy endings. A good romance book to me allows me to escape the reality of my world of working, being a mom, a wife and all the things that keep me busy and stressed. My favorite romance books are the ones with good ol country boys. A can relate to them. Keep up the great writing Jane and giving me my little escapes from reality.

  95. I am definitely a romance reader. If I have the time, I can go through a book a night sometimes. I love happy endings and love the hot, passionate, relationships.

  96. Like both kinds love it when you can not put it down from page one till the end of the book and wish there was more.

  97. I love to read both. I read so much so often that I am always ALWAYS looking for new reads. So i for one am so happy with a multi able release month from awesome authors like you!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

  98. I read both but prefer a good romance. As long as there is a good plot or even an occasional mystery added in and I am hooked.

  99. I read both romance and woman’s fiction. I read other genres as well. I love your books. Looking forward to the new series. Good luck.

  100. I read both romance and women’s fiction. I probably read 2 romances for every 1 women’s fiction book. Your books look great!

  101. I enjoy reading many different types of books, both fiction and non-fiction. I discovered romance books rather later than most, my late 40’s, and have become quite a fan. The genre doesn’t get the respect it deserves. There are many talented writers in the romance field that are putting out excellent books. I find it interesting that several people I know who don’t read romance because it is “trash” are great fans of some romantic suspense authors, not realizing just who they are in the romance field.
    I enjoy the Beauty and the Beast and the Cinderella story lines. The first works well in historical, contemporary, or suspense sub-genre. Lately I have been enjoying reunion stories. “Westerns,” both historical and contemporary are favorites. There is just something special about that part of the country and the people who inhabit it (in Canada, too).
    Best of luck with the release of THE FALLEN GREEK BRIDE. I will be looking forward to the Montana series.

  102. I mostly read womans romance, contemporary and historical. I do sometimes manage to get a bit of other reading in, too. I liked your flirting with forty pinterest board 🙂

  103. I read every chance I get. I read mostly romance but I do read other genres as well also. I love reading your books and I love how they keep you hanging on for more.

  104. I love romance fiction. Actually I read just about any romance fiction. I love cowboys and ranching so mixing it with my romance fiction is the best of all reads. I love your books.

  105. I like to read romance, especially romance with some suspense or mystery, but I also like to read other types of fiction and suspense. Right now I’m reading Mary Higgins Clark’sDaddy’s Little Girl. Have several others in my pile to read so don’t know which will be next. I do like cowboys & Montana (tho I’ve never been there). Have a great time at the Cowgirl U Luncheon!

  106. I am first and foremost a romance reader, but have ventured into women’s fiction as well. I began reading romances at a young age (ironically, Harlequin Presents from the late 70s/early 80s that my grandmother read), and really got into the classics as well (Wuthering Heights, Shakespeare)as we were “forced” to read them in school (never a hardship for me – reading is a passion). I’ve even read some mysteries, although I don’t think I can take a leap into horror (although I did read Stephen King’s Firestarter in high school). Thank you for helping to support my addiction to reading by continuing to write great stories!

  107. I love the Shanahan Bros. board, I’ve repinned a few things. I seriously need to travel to Montana.

    I read both romance and women’s lit. Science fiction is about the only thing I don’t usually enjoy, but there are exceptions to that, too. I love stories where the emotions feel real, and I can visualize the people, the scene, the emotion. It doesn’t have to be an actual setting (paranormal, anyone?), just something I can see in my mind’s eye.

    As always, looking forward to the new stories!

  108. I actually read a lot of genre but romance has & will always be my favorite. I absolutely love reading about cowboys and small towns. I am from a small town and these stories seem to take me back there. I recently had the pleasure of reading ‘The Good Woman’ and hoping to get ‘The Good Daughter’ soon. Please keep them coming as I truly do love reading your books. Thank you for this great opportunity!! Hope you have a fun but safe trip!

  109. I love romance novels but I enjoy anything with a happy ending. When I read, I want to escape into a stress free world of love, friendships, and happiness. I’d love to win some goodies! Thanks for the chance to win!

  110. I like realistic fiction~love your modern lit books. Have loved each one from Flirting with Forty through The Good Daughter. I most recently enjoyed Meg’s story in The Good Woman.Thank you!

  111. Hi everyone,
    Things were a little rushed this morning before I had to get to the airport for my flight to Bozeman. Here are the winners –

    #131 Linda Calderone
    #8 Karin Anderson
    #160 Rhonda

    Shoot me an email with your mailing information and please be sure to mention the title of the blog in your note.

    Thanks everyone and have a wonderful weekend!

    Jane xoxo

    1. Jane –
      What a lovely prize! Thank you so much! I have read The Fallen Greek Bride and enjoyed it! Thanks again!

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