Here’s Amy Hatvany!

When I was in Tucson for the Book Festival two weeks ago, I sat next to the gifted Seattle author Amy Hatvany on a panel, and every time she spoke–I either nodded,  yes, yes, that’s me, or I teared up!  I so connected with Amy and was really moved and inspired by her as a person, and a writer, and I wanted you all to meet her, too.

Amy has a new book out right now, Heart Like Mine, and I was lucky to be able to get an advanced copy at the Tucson Festival.  I started reading Heart Like Mine in my Tucson hotel room and couldn’t put it down.  I loved it.   Here’s the blurb:

Thirty-six-year-old Grace McAllister never longed for children. But when she meets Victor Hansen, a handsome, charismatic divorced restaurateur who is father to Max and Ava, Grace decides that, for the right man, she could learn to be an excellent part-time stepmom. After all, the kids live with their mother, Kelli. How hard could it be?

At thirteen, Ava Hansen is mature beyond her years. Since her parents’ divorce, she has been the one taking care of her emotionally unstable mother and her little brother—she pays the bills, does the laundry, and never complains because she loves her mama more than anyone. And while her father’s new girlfriend is nice enough, Ava still holds out hope that her parents will get back together and that they’ll be a family again.

But only days after Victor and Grace get engaged, Kelli dies suddenly under mysterious circumstances—and soon, Grace and Ava discover there was much more to Kelli’s life than either ever knew.

Narrated by Grace and Ava in the present with flashbacks into Kelli’s troubled past, Heart Like Mine is a poignant and hopeful portrait about womanhood, love, and the challenges of family life.


In Tucson Book Festival with wonderful Jen Lancaster, Amy Hatvany, & Laurie Notaro!

Have you ever read Amy before?  Do you have a favorite Amy Hatvany novel?  She’s really talented–a wonderful writer–and if you haven’t read her yet, start with her new novel, out now, Heart Like Mine.

Post a comment below, letting me know if you’ve read Amy before, and you’ll be entered to win a signed copy of Best Kept Secret by Amy Hatvany, a Starbucks drink card, a B&N gift card, Seattle chocolates and other wonderful goodies, too.  The Heart Like Mine contest runs through Saturday night with the winner announced Sunday morning.

PS.  And I would be totally remiss if I didn’t give a shout out to Jane Green’s brand new novel, Family Pictures, which came out yesterday and is in my opinion, maybe her best yet.  Really love it.  Am halfway through it and it’s fantastic.  If you love Jane Green, rush out and buy her new one today!!


  1. I am not familiar with Amy’s book but from the blurb, I’m thinking I need to go and get this one! I also want to read Jane Green’s book too.

  2. I have not read Amy’s work before, so she is a new author for me to check out. This book sounds really good. Thanks for sharing it with us today.

  3. I just learned about Amy Hatvany on Goodreads earlier this month. Read the blurb for Heart Like Mine and had to get the book. I also picked up Best Kept Secret which I’m reading right now as a matter of fact. You have really good taste in reading, Jane Porter! 🙂

  4. I am not aware of Amy’s wonderful books but I will definitely be reading Heart Like Mine since it sounds memorable and special. thanks for this wonderful post and your experience sounds great.

  5. No, I have not read her books, but I will now. Thank you for introducing us to her. Heart Like Mine sounds like a very compelling famiy drama, and being a step-mom myself, I think it would be something I’d like to read!

  6. I have not read Amy before, but sounds like a very intriguing book. Will definately check it out and add it to my list!

  7. I have not read anything by Amy yet. This book sounds very interesting. I’m also looking forward to reading Jane Green’s new book. My TBR list continues to grow!
    Thanks for a chance to win!

  8. I appreciate you introducing new writers to us 🙂 No I have not read Amy, but now I can’t wait to! Thank you Jane!

  9. I have heard of Amy, but haven’t read her book yet. However, it is on my TBR list! It sounds like a great book!!!

    I haven’t read Jane Green’s new book yet … even though I’ve had the ARC for a while now. I’m so excited that my son went to her event yesterday and got me a signed copy! Jane Green is an amazing author. I guess I favor authors named Jane 🙂

  10. Jane–Three of my favorite authors in that picture, and I hope to make Amy my fourth!! This latest book sounds wonderful and complicated.


  11. I have only read one of Amy’s books so far, Outside the Lines, but I absolutely loved it. I need more Amy!!

  12. I have not read Amy before, I appreciate new recommendations! I’m struggling to get into a book now, I’ll go find one of Amy’s instead. Heart Like Mine sounds like a great story, looking forward to it!

  13. I have NOT read any of Amy’s but I’m anxious to. Heart Like Mine sounds VERY interesting!

  14. I have read every one of Amy’s books and, in my opinion, she just keeps getting better and better. I have read “Outside The Lines” FOUR times because it moves me so much. She can make me laugh and she can make me cry but she always makes me feel just a little deeper in a very personal way. She’s a great woman and the sky’s the limit for her.

  15. Her book Outside the Lines was FANTASTIC! I love her books, can’t wait to read Heart Like Mine!

  16. No, I haven’t had the pleasure to read any of Amy’s books yet.
    After reading about her here on the blog I will have to give them a go. 🙂

  17. Hi Jane,
    Have not had the opportunity to read any of Amy’s work but am looking forward to starting. The book sounds really interesting.


  18. I just learned about Amy today while I was going in Costco. I stood with her new book in my hands reading the back cover.
    I guess I should have bought it.

  19. I have not read anything written by Amy, yet. I will look into her books. Her new one sounds great. I love hearing about other authors who write great books. Thank you for sharing.

  20. I haven’t read any of her books yet; but I will certainly look for one next time I am at the book store. Congrats to her and Jane Green!

  21. I haven’t read Amy before but after that excerpt I am off to check out her books. Thank you for introducing her to us.

  22. Have never read Amy Hatvny before, but your recommendation is tempting! Will be sure to hunt down her books for sure! Always welcome a good recommendation! Thank you!
    Lisa McManus Lange

  23. I read HEART LIKE MINE and LOVED it. Such a relatable story with characters you invest in!

    Mrsmommybooknerdsbookreviews at gmail dot com

  24. I’ve not read any of her books, but I’d love to. I think my daughter would probably enjoy her books too.

  25. I haven’t had the opportunity to read Amy, but after seeing that blurb,I think I should be reading her. Thank you for introducing me to a new author, Jane.

  26. I have not ready any of her books, yet, but have seen the blurb for this one and thought it sounded interesting, and put it on my TBR list…Jane Green’s new one, too!(I have read hers!)

  27. Nope, i haven’t read any books by Amy. she’ll become my new for me author. and from the blurb that you had posted, i’m sure i will be love to read her books more 🙂

  28. Hi! I’ve not read Amy book’s, this one sounds so good,love to read it. I like Jane Green alot will have to look for her new book! Love the photo!

  29. I have not read anything by Amy Hatvany. Since reading the review and your comments I will be looking for her and would love to win. Dee

  30. Outside the Lines is fantastic! I also have The Language of Sisters, but I’m afraid to read it…subject matter is close to home and her writing it so raw and realistic.

  31. Amy is a new Author to me but I loved the excerpt and look forward to reading Heart Like Mine and checking out her other books. Thanks for the opportunity.
    Carol L

  32. Thank you for telling us about Amy. If I don’t win, I’m definitely going to pick up her book.

  33. I haven’t read any of Amy’s work either and I’m intrigued… I love author-by-author recommendations — I’ve picked up so many good reads this way!

  34. This books sounds so good! I have seen so much buzz about it these days, I cannot wait to get my hands on it!

    I just picked up Jane Green’s newest – she’s an old favorite of mine. Can’t wait to read it! I am having one of those moments where I have SO MANY good books to read I just cannot read fast enough or choose what I want to read next!

  35. I always love the books of the authors you introduce to us, so I will check out Amy as well. Thank you!
    After all we have to keep reading while we patiently wait for The Good Wife to come out. Loved, loved, loved The Good Daughter and can’t wait for the sequel.

  36. Haven’t read anything by Amy before; but now I’m off to check it out on Amazon (slave to my Kindle)!
    What a treat to have an author/friend like you recommending books to me! 🙂

    XOXO for a fantastic weekend.

  37. Both Amy and Jane are new authors to me – and both are going on my wishlist! Your recommendations are always so welcome. 🙂

  38. Yes! Amy Hatvany is fabulous. Her writing is so fluid and beautiful. They make you laugh, and cry and cringe and laugh again.
    Glad you had such a good time in Tucson. I’m going to look out for Jen Lancaster’s books.
    (no contest, I already have Amy’s books) 🙂

      1. Hi Shannon!!!
        I started adding the Tucson, after you started the Tustin. We should form a club with Shannon Bereza. 🙂

  39. I haven’t read any of Amy’s books but I will be looking for them. Congratulations to Amy on her new book!

  40. Welcome back to mommyland….never read anything from Amy but she sounds wonderful. Thanks for bringing her to us…Ruth

  41. Not familiar, but the brief is certainly interesting… Had a conversation early today with a couple of young unmarried but in a relationship mothers… pointed out they need to see attorneys and find out what they need to do should they not be there to bring up those kids…

  42. I have not read Amy before but this book sounds amazing just from the blurb. I’m going to buy it right away because I really want to read it. Thanks for sharing all the fun pics of your tour and BTW the pic of you and Ty is so freaking adorable. You guys are the cutest couple!

  43. I never heard of Amy before today sounds like an awesome read and a great author I love when you introduce new authors to me Id love chance to read her book!

  44. I’m not familiar with her work but after reading about this book, I will definitely want to check it out. Thanks for sharing with us, Jane.

  45. I recently became aware of Amy and her books on Twitter through other authors. I have not read her other books, but was drawn to the cover of her new book when I saw it on Amazon. I look forward to reading this and her other books. Thanks, Jane.

  46. Jane, I am not familiar with Amy’s books, thanks for telling us about her. Recently I read Be Mine, Cowboy, your American Romance book with Tanya Michaels and was so impressed with the warmth and love that abounds in your lead female character, Rachel. Confronted with a child some would see as a problem, she sees only through loving eyes. Your own feelings for your children and husband shine through your work. It is entertaining and touching to read your books. Thank you Jane for your own stories and for sharing new authors with us.

  47. I’m not familiar with Amy’s books, but after reading this, I know I need to get this book!!

    Thank you, for again introducing us to another amazing author!

  48. Hi Jane,
    I have not read any of Amy’s books. I will read “heart like mine”. It sounds very good. I just got Jane Green’s book today. Can’t wait to start it.
    Hope you have a great day!!

  49. I’ve never read Amy’s books, and her latest sounds fabulous.

    Looking forward to your visit to the Bay Area this weekend.

  50. Hi everyone,
    Hope your weekend has been relaxed and wonderful so far. Our winner for Amy Hatvany’s novel, Best Kept Secret, is –

    #56 Lisamarie

    Drop me an email with your mailing address, Lisamarie and I’ll get the prize in the mail soon!
    I’m headed to Burlingame now for my event at Books Inc.
    Enjoy your Sunday!!

  51. I read one of Amy’s previous novels. I just finished reading “Heart like Mine” which I thoroughly enjoyed. I can truly recommend her novels. I read loads of chick-lit and this novelist is top of the line. I encourage you to take a peek.

  52. I have not read any of Amy’s books but will definitely check them out. You are awesome for introducing all these authors to us. Thank you! And keep supplying us with your wonderful books. 🙂

  53. I have never read any of Amy’s books. I have been reading alot of various books from different authors that I would never have read before if I wouldn’t have received the most terrific gift from my husband. A nook. And It helps that authors like you & Heather Graham support other’s and recommend books. Facebook has helped me pick out new books due to being able to read the comments from the readers. I will be checking Amy out. Thank you for the recommendation. Sincerely Tina

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