Snapshots From The Road

I’ve been home two days and am already packing to fly to the Bay Area Friday morning, but wanted to share a few more of my favorite photos that readers and friends have sent me.  Hope you enjoy the pics!  A new blog is coming soon.  I’m just trying to get caught up with laundry and bills and emails and hanging out with my boys, too!  They’re missing me and I’m really missing them.  It’s been wonderful seeing readers for the past 7 weekends but now I’m eager to stay home, be a hands on mom again, and start writing that new book!

With Sue Fazio and her delightful Mom
We had a lovely time!  Sue’s mom has read everything I’ve written.
Ty and Jane in NJ at the wonderful Books & Greetings store in Northvale!

This coming weekend is my last ‘official book tour’ weekend for The Good Daughter and I’m returning to one of my favorite cities in the world:  San Francisco!

Can any of you join me at my Books Inc signing on Sunday at 1 pm in Burlingame?  We’ll have delicious cupcakes and lots of great conversation and I’m hoping for a great turn out.  Bring your book club, bring friends, or your sister or mom.  The more, the merrier!

With Shannon and girls in Tucson after the Book Festival.  Fun dinner, fun group!
Our wonderful dinner in Tucson at the Hub, hosted by the amazing Shannon Nicole Yun. Thanks, Shannon for a lovely night and for treating me!
Another fun snapshot from our dinner at the Hub. Good times, great company!

I do have a few more reader events planned for this Spring though, including the three DC area reader events below in April, and then the Hawaii Book & Music Festival May 18th, and a Minneapolis Reader Dinner, on Monday May 20th!  Remember, details for all events are on my events page here on my site, or over on Facebook, so check it out and come be part of the fun!!

Thursday, April 18th, 2013 :: TBA
Book Signing with Jane at Irvin’s Books
2159 White Street, York, PA 17404     Phone: 717-843-2947

Friday, April 19th, 2013 :: 11:30am – 2:00pm
Book Signing at Turn the Page Bookstore  (Nora Roberts’ Bookstore!!)
18 N. Main St., Boonsboro, MD 21713
~ Check out Nora’s bookstore!

Sunday, April 21st, 2013 :: 5:30pm
Reader Dinner in Alexandria, VA with Special Guest Author  Sarah Pekkanen!
The Chop House at Columbia Firehouse, 109 S. St. Asaph St., Alexandria, VA 22314

~ Join Jane and  Sarah Pekkanen for dinner and great conversation! Space is limited so RSVPs for this will be a must!)

So what have you been doing this past week?  Does it feel like Spring where you are yet?  Fill me in and one of you will win my Frog Prince prize box which includes lots of great treats, and a hard to find copy of my novel, The Frog Prince, which is my first trade release and out of print.

The Snapshots from the Road contest will run through Wednesday night with the winner announced Thursday morning so if you comment, check back on Thursday to see if you won.



  1. I haven’t been doing much this past week. I live in SC and it’s been really nice lately but I think it’s supposed to be cold and rainy this weekend. =/ I had some family over for dinner on Sunday and I’ve worked the past 2 days.

  2. Save travels!

    We are having a Gospel Meeting this week at church Sun-Thurs. So our week is busy but productive!

  3. Looks like you’ve been having a lot of fun. All that fun makes you tired after a while. lol Hope you get to relax soon. Me? I’m just working and reading and blogging. That’s about it and i guess waiting on spring to get here. Snow today!!

    Lisa B

  4. Your tour sounds impressive. Lovely photos which are special. I am preparing for family weekend dinner this Sun.

  5. Snowed heavily overnight; really wet so needed the snowblower rather than a shovel.
    Attended a good friend’s mom’s visitation and funeral on the weekend, came home for a 2-hr nap, went out for romantic supper with DH, and then helped another good friend sort out her recently-deceased mom’s house (which involved lots of heavy carrying of boxes up and down the stairs).

  6. I’ve been trying to do a little spring cleaning. Spring has not arrived here. We just had a snowstorm last night.

  7. We are having really warm weather here. It was 90 yesterday, but down to the 40’s this morning and only 80 for a high today. We have been chasing our tails like puppies around here taking care of elders and grandkids. Praying for continued Traveling Mercies for you Jane and a happy reunion time with your guys when you finally have days at home. I saw the cover of The Frog Prince at our library and found your blog. I appreciate that book for more than being a great story.

  8. I just got home from doing the shopping. It doesn’t feel like spring here. Its in the 40’s and they are saying we will have a little snow tomorrow but not much. I am so ready for spring and some warmer weather.

  9. I have been busy planing my very first Ester Egg Hunt.
    I have never been to one and suddenly I´m planing a big event with about a 100 people attending. And it´s om less than 2 weeks.
    I´m filling plastic eggs as we speak 🙂

  10. Safe travels – I am sure it will be lovely to be home with the family and back to writing. Looking forward to what comes next! Pam

  11. I always enjoy seeing your pictures and hearing about the fun you and everyone else has at your events. But, I bet you are tired out now and ready to be home with your family again for a while. Spring has sprung here along with my allergies. The cats have been going crazy running from one window to the next when I have them open.

  12. I enjoy seeing pictures from your travels. I wish I could have gone to one. I would love to see you in person.

  13. It’s still cold here in Indiana. You definitely can’t tell spring is tomorrow!! I’m looking forward to this week ending and enjoying spring break next week! Not going anywhere but hopefully still get some books read! The Frog Prince is the only Jane Porter book I don’t have!!!! I need it!!!

  14. Hi Jane!
    I remember the Frog Prince keyfinder you bought from me at Girlfriend Weekend in Jefferson TX a few years ago! I would love to win the book! Hope to see you again soon!

  15. You’ve done so much for me already that I don’t need to be entered into the contest. Just wanted to pop in and say what a lovely pictures from your tour–your readers love you and it shows! I love that your guy went with you. So cute!
    I have a copy of The Frog Prince and didn’t realize how rare it is! I’ll have to hang on to it. 🙂

  16. No spring here yet, but it’s supposed to be 80 degrees when I arrive in Las Vegas in two weeks, so I am super excited about that trip!

    Have a great trip to San Francisco. It’s one of my favorite cities too! 🙂

  17. I babysat my 10 month old Granddaughter all weekend came home from her house on Sunday Babysat my 3 other Grandchildren ages 8,7 and 2 they went home. On Monday we had all that good cold white stuff called snow that we had to clean up..I had a great weekend. Love spending time with my Grandchildren..

  18. Getting ready for Easter! My favorite holiday. As you know, it’s already warming up here in California. “Frog Prince” is the first book of yours I read so it holds a special place in my heart. Been a fan ever since.

  19. My daughter was home for spring break for a few days this past week. Wonderful to have her home. Do not get to spend enough time with her these days! Life pretty much the same, 🙂

  20. Spring? No sign of it here in the Mitten. I think that ground hog should be fired. It’s been cold and windy with freezing rain and SNOW! I’m ready Spring. I can’t wait to see the all the shades of green, to hear the birds singing, the wonderful smell of flowers, and the sun. I miss sun. Maybe Spring will be here next week 🙂

  21. This past week we went to a fun bar in Philadelphia that is a “speak easy” modeled after the 1920s prohibition bars. It has velvet wall paper and chandeliers and you’d never know it was there other than word of mouth. It’s hidden in behind a restaurant and they sneak guests through the kitchen to get there. I never knew such a thing existed! It was quite fun. If you ever come to Philly, email me and I’ll fill you in on the details. Other than that, mostly I’ve worked this week. It’s still pretty cold in Philly, but I feel like spring is just around the corner!

  22. Enjoying the sunshine in Fresno! Unfortunately not having the best of weeks…just got another diagnosis of breast cancer during my 6 month follow up last week. Instead of celebrating 15 months cancer free, I’m starting over again. Great prognosis but still scary. Loved the Frog Prince, the first of your books that I read and identified with so many parts of it from your time living in Fresno.

  23. I haven’t done much this week except work and I started reading a new book. It’s been in the 50s during the day but quite breezy here in Delaware. Doesn’t feel like spring yet. Thanks for the chance to win!

  24. I have been working and yesterday we had crazy weather it snowed, hailed, rained, windy and then the sun came out to shine. Also I have been volunteering at the humane society with my son.

  25. This week has been fairly easy, just a little work and no major computer problems (like last week). Here in MD today it felt like spring, but tomorrow it is supposed to be cold again, I hope they are wrong. My crocus are blooming and look beautiful. I am so ready for spring.

  26. I just finished my quarter and am enjoying some very needed school break ;o) the weather in Seattle doesn’t feel like a Spring yet. Pretty cold with tons of rain…I am sure that you still remember that ;o)

  27. It keeps snowing here so no sign of spring yet. I spent the week test driving cars, still haven’t decided which I like best.

  28. I am just north of you when you are home, so the weather has been nice, a little cooler than predicted… The kids and I have been hanging out… Spring Break isn’t until second week of April…. Then, hopefully, something fun…

  29. It feels like spring is trying to break through in Oregon. It’s warmer and the sun peeks out on some days.

  30. It is most definitely NOT feeling like spring here in Minneapolis. 🙁 But my husband took a couple of days off from work, and we took our daughter to the Mall of America (or the big mall, as she calls it). We stayed at a hotel with a waterpark, and she had a blast!
    Have fun in SF, and I can’t wait to see you in May in Minneapolis! I’ll definitely be there 🙂

  31. This week feels like spring where I live…in Louisiana. We’ve had beautiful although with clouds weather at about 70 to 75 degrees. Love it and look forward to Spring!
    I am working but if I can this weekend, I will be in my yard again working on flowers and my garden:)

  32. i’ve been visiting my sister in Houston for almost 2 months so i was excited to get home and start getting my gardens ready for planting – got the back yard pooper scooped and mowed and was going to start clearing out beds the next day – and of course it turned cold again – so about all i’ve been doing – besides getting my truck repaired – is reading
    Facebook and working puzzles at jigzone or at pogo – hopefully the warm weather will return soon – i’m ready to dig in the dirt and reestablish my frog garden – which will be much larger this year due to an influx of frogs for Christmas and my birthday

  33. Jane,
    Hi. This week we have really been enjoying the warm Texas weather. We have been working out in the yard and doing some barbequeing.
    Hope it is warm whereever your travels still take you.


  34. It just keeps snowing here in Michigan. Not like the east coast, so I suppose I’ve got that to be thankful for. Good weather to curl up with a good book, though!

  35. I love seeing all these pictures from your events! Wished I lived closer still to attend your event with Sarah…maybe you ladies will do a joint event closer to me:-)

    So I know tomorrow is the first day of Spring, but it DOES NOT feel like it here as we got another snowstorm today. Just when I was starting to see my lawn again! Hopefully this is the last of it.

    LOVED the Frog Prince and would love to win a copy as I lent mine out and it has yet to return:(

  36. Yesterday was my niece’s birthday, tomorrow is my oldest son’s birthday and today . . . we received word that my nephew hung himself. I am preparing to drive to Alabama for the wake, etc. I need to take along some books to occupy my mind.

  37. I run the crafts for my Moms group at church so I was busy getting that ready for the ladies. I’ve been looking for Frog Prince forever!!! Crossing Fingers!!!

  38. My week!
    Monday I worked in the morning, I do cards for Hallmark at our locate Walmart.
    In the afternoon I drove my 25 (she turned 25 on Saturday) to check out a Cosmology school that is 445 mins away. She has finally decided the she can’t work at the locate college bar forever. She took this in high school and only needs 100 hours to finish. I am doning the Happy Dance!!!!

    Tuesday – we got a other snow storm all the schools are closed. Where is spring! But when you live in Upstate NY you get use to it!
    Because I make my own hours I get to stay home until the roads clear.

    I worked on our vacation, in September going on a 8 day cruise!!! 1st day in 3 years. I can’t wait.

    I need a few more great books to take with me!!!

  39. It is wonderful weather here in Orlando, FL. This past week I have been spending my time looking for some of the best wild turkeys in my state. We haven’t had much luck killing any this season so in my at home time I just curl up on the couch with a good book to read and my crochet.

  40. I’m glad to have gone from the cold weather in Indiana to the warmth of Florida in the past week.

  41. I have a small daycare so I have two new babies..and so I pretty much have spent my time, changing diapers, making bottles, and heading to bed after they leave 🙂

  42. Hi, Jane,
    Unfortunately, I’ve been nursing my sick daughter this week. Poor baby, she can’t get a break this winter…which, by the way, is neverending. No Spring in sight. I am so wishing for a vacation somewhere warm.

    It sounds like you had a successful book tour…yea, you!

    Enjoy your Spring…it does arrive tomorrow, or so they tell me.


  43. I have been noticing some signs of spring: how bright green everything is, the daffodils, how it is much lighter out in the evenings, even the faint scents of trees budding. I am ready foe more sun and more flowers.

  44. We just got home Friday from cancer check up in Texas. Unpacked went to grocery store, woke up Monday morning at 2:00am with the stomach flu. Not a good week, been in bed so far this week. So many things to do but unable to do any.

  45. I have not been doing much this week as i have been in much pain with my arthritis and other medical issues. We have been having storms most days..snow then sleet , then freezing rain and then wind. Then we get a nice day and then starts all over again, and the pain comes and goes with each storm front. The only good thing is if we get enough snow dad can blow least he can get out of the house for a little bit..really bad case of cabing fever going on here…Thanks

  46. We had a couple of days of spring but it looks like winter might make another brief appearance here again. The frog prince the your only novel I have not gotten to read yet! I am definitely ready for springs warm sunshine for our weekly BBQs with friends. I hope you come back to Washington soon(I missed you on tour)

  47. It is Spring Break for the kids here! No snow in this part of Canada (Vancouver Island), but it’s still too cold! Raining tonight. Yesterday was sunny, windy and cold…took a day trip to Victoria 🙂 Just hanging out with the kids! 🙂 Thanks for sharing the pictures too, you’re gorgeous!

  48. Hi Jane.
    Thanks for sharing your pictures with us. I’m sure your guests were thrilled to meet you. I know I am when I get to meet some of my favorites and new to me authors which I had the opportunity to do so recently. I know your boys are glad to have you back.
    Here in McCalla, AL, Spring is here in full force. Trees blooming like crazy along with possibility of bad weather such as straight line winds yesterday near 70 mph. But this week is Spring break at SU, so I’m enjoying a little quite and down time.
    Have safe travels to Burlingame.

  49. Instead of growing warmer as Spring approaches, it is getting colder here in the Midwest. Nevertheless, I must stick to the task at hand and, that is, buying an appropriate dress for my son’s May wedding. Plus,it’s kind of hard to try on fancy shimmery sandals when my feet are covered in thick socks and boots. Am praying for warm weather and a warm May…..

  50. Spring has not yet arrived in SW Pennsylvania. Just when you think it is getting nice..BAM..more snow and cold! I could really use a new read while I’m still stuck inside (hint hint)!

  51. I work at a florist. This week has been getting ready for easter. Lots of pretty spring flowers coming in, tulips, daffodils etc. It’s cold and windy here but at work I make it spring!

  52. Went to VA Beach this weekend to run the Shamrock Half Marathon. The race went great (I got a new PR!) but the weather definitely felt more like winter than spring. Race morning was 47 degrees with some crazy wind! I cannot wait for warm weather!

  53. It most definitely does NOT feel like spring here. We just got dumped 6-8 inches of snow today. I guess it’s to be expected living in upstate, NY but I’m just ready for it to all be gone and for the warmer weather to arrive. It never lasts long enough around here.

  54. This has been the start of a good week for me, as I finally have won the battle over the cold that I’ve had the past few weeks. I don’t have much on the agenda, but I am just happy to be feeling well. I’m glad you have enjoyed your book tour, and hope the last events go well.

  55. It has been in the 30’s on LI, NY and it snowed last night. Thankfully, it rained today & snow is gone. Mostly just working & driving my daughter to various activities. We get a break next week, though!

  56. Definitely not feeling like Spring in Wisconsin. Just yesterday we got several more inches of snow and the temperature has dropped. Right now it’s only 21 degrees outside. I am praying for Mother Nature to have a change of heart and send a heat wave our way. So what I’ve been up to is shoveling and more shoveling. But I did have a great weekend with my kids. We made a fort in the living room and had an all day movie marathon which included lots of variety from Harry Potter to Pirates of the Caribbean! Thanks for the chance to win Jane!

  57. I’ve enjoyed the lovely weather we’ve had in GA. Caught up with some very much missed friends and family. Oh yea, don’t forget all the housework. 🙂

  58. I’ve been having a quiet week reading, working out and catching up on little projects. I work as a temp at our county election office and have a couple of weeks off before starting back to work on the next one. Aaahhhh, peace and I’m loving it!

  59. Watching baseball, running kids from practice to practice! Spring has definitely sprung here in Visalia!

  60. Not feeling like Spring here yet in New Jersey. As you already know I’m sure we have had our share of bad weather here. We are looking forward to the warmer weather as we continue to restore our shores. Since I live down the shore I see the damage everyday but we will rebuild and be beautiful again 🙂

    I would love a copy of The Frog Prince! I thought I read it but hadn’t and since it is out of print it is hard to find 🙁

    P.S Finished My Cowboy Valentine, loved it 🙂

  61. I met someone new and we had a couple dates. We’ve had some sunny spring weather and also some cold rainy days here.

    I’d love to win The Frog Prince!

  62. It hasn’t felt like Spring so far this week, except for the “tons” of rain we have been getting. I think for the first day of Spring, we are having a possible winter weather advisory. The “peepers” as my Mom called them, are already blooming.
    I love The Frog Prince! The very first book of yours I read!!!

  63. We ha d one day of Spring type weather, and snow & lots of rain. I have been working, working, working at both jobs. I will love to see you this year!

  64. I have been busy with school work at my university. Getting a chance to read any author’s first book is amazing and shows where they started from. It is really warm where I am.I love your books Jane. This is a great contest.

  65. Its been doing the cold and the warm and the back and forth It felt like spring for most of the day today

    I wish that i could see flowers and a little warmer after the crap winter and such ive had i cant wait for the spring weather

    I havent ever read the Frog Prince would love to win and read it

  66. Oooh! I will come up to Minneapolis for the reader dinner! I’m only about 3 hours away in Des Moines 😉

    Things have been good. Busy wrapping up grad school and looking for a full time teaching job! 🙂

  67. No Spring here yet. I’d go after Phil… for saying early and now it’s late…but I hear he’s gone underground. 🙂
    I’ve been packing to move for it feels likes forever. I found a whole box of books marked TBR!! AND I moved them without opening the box. Do you know how hard that was? I would love to add THE FROG PRINCE to it!! That is what I plan to do when this is over. Veg, read, look at old pics, read, sleep, read…. You get the idea. 🙂

  68. Jane,
    Thanks for posting photos of Tucson. We all had a wonderful time. You are so great, so kind! Our spring is slowly starting. I guess you know it was cold here last week, now getting warmer. My week is focused on doctor appointments…

  69. Drat, Jane! I would TOTALLY be there, but DD is competing in San Jose that day, and we are stuck down there until the evening! 🙁 Boooo! Have a fabulous time!

  70. What great pictures! I have been working and our weather has been nothing like spring. I am really looking forward to some spring weather.

  71. haven’t been doing much here in Tennessee aside from working . Have been spoiling the cats (all 10 of the them) taking them for walks around the house on leashes thank goodness for warm days they have been stir crazy

  72. I love your fan photos!! It’s just starting to be spring like in central Indiana. My sister from Kentucky is visiting and says that they have flowering dogwoods and the daffys are blooming!

  73. It felt like spring up until 2 days ago, before we got a foot of snow!! Hopefully it will melt very soon.

  74. Such lovely pictures! It sure does feel like spring here. It’s suppose to be in the 80s again today and I’m loving it. I’ll be cleaning up a bit and getting ready for my son and his family to come and visit for a week.

  75. Love the pictures! This weekend, I suppose I will be “spring cleaning” It’s about that time. 🙂

  76. Wow Jane you were where i lived for 48 years i lived in San Mateo and my family lives in Burl and ssf wow wish i was visting there I now live in Iowa met my love here and moved everything . Loved all your photos I was looking for friends but doesnt feel like spring 5″ of snow yesterday..Have fun

  77. Hi Jane,
    You have been really busy but it looks like you had a lot of fun too.
    I have been busy I had to take daddy to have his second cataract surgery on Tuesday. Today was his post-op check. I had to take mom to her hair appointment. Today was her Birthday she was 74 so I spent some time with her. She wanted to go to the new Olive Garden Red Lobster synergy restaurant that opened in our are back in December.
    I live in south Georgia and the weather has been a little wet but the flowers are blooming and yesterday the sky was so blue it was wonderful. Today it is overcast but that’s okay too.

  78. I had a very buys week, I met a friend for dinner on Monday and yesterday I had a evening of fun with my aunt, we did our nails and than want to the mall to do some shopping and than we had dinner out.

    Also it’s super crazy at work since we are moving to a new office and we had to pack everything and today we couldn’t work for most of the day since the computers weren’t working.

    Next week it’s Passover which is also called the spring holiday in Hebrew and you can defiantly fell that spring has arrived since the weather is crazy- one day it’s 90 and than it’s 70 with rain.

  79. I was sick all weekend, Monday, and Tuesday. Went back to work today and tried to catch up with all that I had missed. It seemed like I had been away longer than 2 days!

  80. Finally getting some nice beach weather down here in Texas. Spring break was lovely. Now it’s back to school time. I am looking forward to the summer. Catch up on my reading and enjoy some beach time. Have a great week!

  81. It’s been pretty nice here but that’s all going to change tomorrow, we have a winter weather advisory. I am ready for warmer weather. It’s been a wild week, the grandkids are on spring break so it’s been pretty busy here with all their activities. My youngest granddaughter is in Kansas City for a check up before her surgery to fix her vocal chord, hopefully to get rid of her trach. So I’d appreciate any and all prayers and good thoughts for her.

  82. Had a very bad internet connection..i think that’s why i came so late for this giveaway..still i wanna read more of your books 🙂

  83. Love the pics!! So sad I missed you when you were here in Portland!
    Have been working a crazy amount of hours lately at work. Now I am on vacation for the next 2 weeks!!

  84. What a blast we had at dinner. Thank you so much for coming out with us and being so kind, gracious and fun. Good luck on the rest of your tour. How exciting you get to sign at Turn the Page!
    Like the previous poster, The Frog Prince was the first book I read of yours, too, and since then have read most of your others. You were the one that got me into Presents!
    (No contest, I already have the book.)

  85. Howdy Awesome Lady, I have to be the luckiest guy in Tucson since I got to have dinner with You, all of those nice ladies including my Cool, Awesome, Beautiful, Fun and SMART Wife when you were in town. I could talk to you for days! Seems like we have been in combat with some of the same demons during our short but interesting lives. I know you are busier than a One Armed Biker In A Bar Fight, but someday I would savor another visit with you! My Best Wishes to you and Happy Con Trails,John Eslinger-Moore, Tucson, AZ

  86. It feels like winter here with snow and all! I have been looking for the frog prince on kindle and print so I guess that’s why I cant find them. Safe travels for the rest of your book tour!

  87. Hi everyone,
    I’ve been trying to get some writing done before I head out for my weekend events.
    Our winner is #60 Sharlene Wegner!
    Sharlene, drop me an email with your mailing information and I’ll get this prize in the mail asap!
    love to all,
    Jane xoxoxo

  88. It has been 60 degrees one day then 30 degrees the next day with a blizzard. I have been spending the week having a reading marathon.

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