Featured Author: Amy Sue Nathan

I’m back from Montana and already packing for Oahu to attend this weekend’s Book & Music Festival in Honolulu, before heading on to Minneapolis for my reader dinner on Monday, and then a book club dinner on Tuesday with the Horshoe Trail Book Club.   I can’t believe I’m already repacking but when I fly, I read, so I’m packing a big stack of books to take with me.

One of the books I’m taking with me is Amy Sue Nathan‘s debut novel, The Glass Wives, which releases today!  Your pub day is so exciting and I’m thrilled to have Amy Sue with us on her big day.  I hope everyone will give her a warm welcome to the JaneBlog!

*Amy Sue, what do you love most about being a writer?
Working in my pajamas. That tops the list. After that? I guess it would be the fact that my work is something I can get lost in for hours. I’m not aware of the time, the surroundings, or sometimes even the weather outside my window. It’s all-encompassing. That can also be a drawback.

*Tell us what your new book is about, in 2 or 3 sentences.
THE GLASS WIVES is about Evie Glass, a divorced mom who finds herself strapped for cash after her ex-husband dies suddenly.  Cautiously, Evie agrees to share living expenses—and her home—with Nicole, her ex’s young widow, and her baby. But when Evie suspects that Nicole is determined to rearrange more than her kitchen, Evie must decide who she can trust. More than that, she must ask: what makes a family?

*What are you working on now?
A novel about Izzy Lane, a single mom and anonymous blogger. Izzy’s blog gets really popular when she writes about her dating escapades and a new boyfriend. The only problem is, she isn’t really dating at all. Izzy is then offered a job as the dating guru for a popular website and takes it.
The book is really about life lies —you know, the big ones—and not only what makes this character tell them over and over again, but what has to happen for her to tell the truth.

*What’s your favorite time of the day and place to write? 
I am an early bird in every sense. My favorite thing to do is wake up with my dogs, get the business of the day taken care of, like feeding the dogs, seeing my daughter off to school (although she’s about to graduate high school, so that will end), answer emails, check blog posts, follow up on any leads from the day before.  Then, after more coffee and breakfast, I’ll go into my office, which used to be my son’s bedroom, open the blinds and get onto the bed. I have to be super comfy when I write! The office is also the room at the side of the house farthest from the distractions of the TV and the kitchen!

*Name five items sitting on your desk right now.
Pens. I love pens of all colors, so I have lots!
The dictionary I won in seventh grade as the prize for Outstanding Achievement in English.
Hair clips. I hate having my hair in my eyes or falling on my face, so I always clip it back.
Note pads. I love note pads almost as much as I love pens. And they must be colorful, cute, or pretty ones.
Photos of my kids. I like to have them smiling back at me.

*Name 3 books you hope to read soon.
The Life List by Lori Nelson Spielman
The Third Son by Julie Wu
The Chalice by Nancy Bilyeau

*Name 3 – 5 books you’ve read this year.  Which ones would you recommend to your girlfriends?
Only five? Oh, okay! I would recommend all of these books to my friends, and I have!
Me Before You by Jojo Moyes
Calling Me Home by Julie Kibler
And Then I Found You by Patti Callahan Henry
The Plum Tree by Ellen Marie Wiseman
In Need Of A Good Wife by Kelly O’Connor McNees

Here’s more about The Glass Wives:

Evie and Nicole Glass share a last name. They also shared a husband.
When a tragic car accident ends the life of Richard Glass, it also upends the lives of Evie and Nicole, and their children. There’s no love lost between the widow and the ex. In fact, Evie sees a silver lining in all this heartache—the chance to rid herself of Nicole once and for all.  But Evie wasn’t counting on her children’s bond with their baby half-brother, and she wasn’t counting on Nicole’s desperate need to hang on to the threads of family, no matter how frayed. Strapped for cash, Evie cautiously agrees to share living expenses—and her home—with Nicole and the baby. But when Evie suspects that Nicole is determined to rearrange more than her kitchen, Evie must decide who she can trust. More than that, she must ask: what makes a family?


Readers and friends, do check out Amy Sue Nathan’s new release and if you read her book, please add a review to Amazon or B&N or over at Good Reads as those reviews do make a difference!

I’m giving away a copy of The Glass Wives, a $10 Barnes & Noble gift card, and lots of fun sweets and treats to one of my lucky readers.  Post a comment below to be entered, and then please check back to see if you won.  The Glass Wives giveaway will run til Friday, May 17th, with the winner announced Saturday morning.  Thank you, Amy Sue, for being here, and to all my readers, have a fantastic week and if you’re on Oahu this weekend, come see me at the Book & Music Festival on Saturday!


  1. I am captivated with this wonderful, unique book. I enjoyed learning about this very talented author and I will be reading this novel. Best wishes and much enjoyment.

  2. Happy Release Day Amy Sue Nathan! I look forward to checking your book out.

    Jane, thanks for always giving us such wonderful authors to check out, you have never steered me wrong. Safe travels this weekend and next week.

  3. Congrats on your new release! I would love to read your book, sounds very interesting and different then most books I read and I am ready for something different.

  4. I really enjoy the Featured Author posts. It is a guarantee that I will find a great book to read!

    Amy, Thanks for the list of recommended books, I will definitely check them out! Congrats to you for your new release, so exciting!

  5. Happy Release Day to Amy Sue Nathan. I have the Glass Wives on my to-read list. I’m interested in finding out how it ends with two women in the same house that were married to the same man.

  6. Congrats on your release. This story sounds wonderful. It’s already on my TBR wish list. Thanks for the chance to win it along with the other goodies. And I love the cover!!

  7. I’m so excited that this is finally being released. I have been eyeing it for months. I am absolutely in love with the cover too!

  8. Congrats Amy Sue on your Pub day!
    Love your recommendations..I will have to add the ones not on my list to it.

    Jane you must be exhausted…happy reading on your trip & safe travels!

  9. Congratulations to Amy on her debut novel. It sounds like an interesting story about families and how we deal with them.

  10. Another new to me author, thanks Jane!

    Wish we could be in Oahu this weekend. We are not the travelers that you are, but we do hope to go to CO this summer to see our son and wife.

    Hope all your travels are safe ones Jane. And, Amy Sue I will look for your books.

  11. The books sounds really good and I love the cover! Her next novel sounds very fun too. Thanks for always introducing us to great new authors, Jane!!!

  12. I have this book on my ever growing to be read list! I hope she has much success with her debut novel.

  13. Hi! You sure are on the move, I know you’ll have alot of fun! I’d love to read this book for she’s a new author and the story line sounds really good, I like this kind of a book, just like yours. Congrats to Amy! Happy Release Day!Jane, have a safe trip and enjoy meeting all your fans!

  14. This sounds like a really interesting twist on the blended family concept… intriguing. Happy release day Amy Sue!

  15. Another new author to me. My reading list continues to grow! Have a wonderful time at the book and music festival. Sounds great. If I was in Oahu, I’d for sure be there.

  16. Thanks for introducing us to Amy Sue Nathan…I’m intrigued by the premise of The Glass Wives…relationships can be shattered “in the time it takes to answer the phone”(can’t remember who wrote that). Looking forward to reading this; hope I win.

  17. This and Amy’s next book sound fantastic!!

    And I love that she has her “babies smiling back at me” on her desk. Sounds like me. :oD


  18. Sounds like a good book. I will definitely read it. I wish I was going to Hawaii. I am in Alaska on vacation and it is cold!!

  19. Happy pub day Amy Sue, adding it to my tbr list. The cover is amazing!
    Thanks for this awesome giveaway!

  20. What an interesting story. I’m adding the book to my growing TBR pile. I wish I had more time to read.
    Have a great time in Hawaii.

  21. This is one book that I really do need to read as it is about one thing I fear the most. I have no idea what I would do if my husband suddenly died. I can’t wait to read it and see how Evie and Nicole make thier new lives together. Enjoy your time in Hawaii. I’m sure everyone will enjoy seeing you at the book festival.

  22. Best wishes to you with all your travels. The storyline of The Glass Wives and the next story Amy is working on both sound good.

  23. This book sounds amazing. I can’t wait to read it. The next book she’s working on sounds wonderful. I’m anxious to get my hands on that one too 🙂

  24. Another book to add to my must-read list!! Looking forward to reading it. Enjoy your trip, Jane! Amy Sue, I’m looking forward to reading your work!

  25. congrats on your debut book, amy sue nathan! how exciting! reading in your pjs is a definite plus.

    thanks jane for the generous giveaway, you rock!

    happy hump day! 😛

  26. I’ve been following Amy Sue Nathan on Twitter for some time. She is awesome! I’m really excited for her and look forward to reading her book!

  27. I really like the sounds of The Glass Wives! My sister-in-law is staying with my husband and I right now and it is a struggle have two women in the house, so I would to read the struggles the women in the book go through. Of course having a ex wife and the currant wife in the same house would cause way issues. Now just hope my Fifty year old brain remembers to check back here to see if I won…

  28. I can relate to working in your p.js, I do it everyday and love it! My husband has two ex-wives that I get along with, but that would be asking quite a lot to live with them! Sounds like a great book!

  29. Hi Jane! Love that you do these Featured Authors. I never know what new author/book I’ll get interested in next. 🙂 Thanks!

  30. Oh, Jane!! Because of you, my reading pile is getting bigger with new and wonderful authors to read! Thank you so very much for introducing me to new great reads!!

  31. *sigh* I was hoping for birthday airplane tickets for this Book Fair + Music Festival but the husband didn’t come through : ( {not complaining because I still got spoiled}

  32. What a fun concept…I’m intrigued as I’m friends with one of my ex husband’s ex’s. Can’t wait to see how it works out!

  33. I’ve read a couple of great reviews of this book!! Thanks for the opportunity !! I love the new authors that you find to share with your readers!

  34. Amy Sue’s new book sounds really interesting. Wow… I can’t imagine having an ex-husband’s widowed wife moving into my home…. holy smokes. That would be a better woman than me.

    Sounds like you’re a busy woman, Jane. I like reading when traveling, too. A good book and “me” time…. I am there!

  35. Thanks Jane for introducing us to new authors. It’s great for both the author and the readers!!

  36. Looking forward to reading it! Thanks for introducing us to new authors, Jane. And feel better soon…

  37. My to-read list is expanding faster than I can read! I love reading these interviews and finding new authors to read. I’ll be off work for several weeks this summer (medical reason) so I need to beef up my library. Thanks for giving me new books to read!

  38. I have been waiting for this book! My TBR pile is huge but this one is right at the top. Thanks for the giveaway.

  39. Sounds like an interesting read I need to add to my list! Jane, you keep adding more, and I can’t keep up. I love it though!

  40. Been busy turning a bedroom into a sunroom. Now I shall have the perfect place to relax and read. Building new shelf system to hold all books to be read and those I can’t part with. So many borrow my books and never return. Sorry, it will be under lock and key. This shall be my domain. lol

  41. Looks like a fabulous book! Always glad to be introduced to great authors! I will be putting this on “my list”! Thanks, Jane!

    Take care!


  42. I’m enjoying all the interviews you’re doing on your blog. Amy Sue sounds like a fabulous writer, and I’ve not read anything from her yet.

  43. I hope everyone’s having a wonderful weekend! Our winner for Amy Sue Nathan’s blog is –

    #42 Summer Grinstead

    Summer, drop me an your mailing address and we’ll get the prize in the mail to you very soon!


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