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Happy Mother’s Day!

I’ve spent the past week in Montana with three amazing friends and talented writers,  CJ Carmichael, Lilian Darcy and Megan Crane, as we plan our new Montana Born books, which kicks off with our October novellas, and then continues in November with my holiday release, Away in Montana.

We started our trip by flying into Kallispell, and then explored Flathead Lake, Whitefish, and parts of Glacier National Park before heading across the state to Butte, Bozeman, Yellowstone, Gardnier, and now Livingston.  Saturday I’ll be back home in time for Mother’s Day, and I’ve got something special for you for Mother’s Day, too!




The wonderful Mother’s Day giveaway includes incredible tea, a beautiful tea cup, a big box of Schmidt’s chocolates from San Clemente, fantastic reads, and lots more for the lucky winner!  There’s just one winner this time, and it’ll be totally random.  For a chance to win, talk to me and tell me something about your plans are for Mother’s Day and I’ll announce the winner Monday morning, May 13th.

Hope you’re doing well.  I’m soooo excited about these new books Lilian, CJ, Megan and I will be writing.   I feel really lucky to have such talented friends to work with on our series and hope you’ll love what we’re doing, too!

Happy Mother’s Day to all my readers, family, and friends.  May you be with those you love on Sunday.

148 Comments on “Happy Mother’s Day!

  1. What a wonderful you and the other ladies had.
    My family is taking me to see Iron Man 3 at the IMAX and out for a nice lunch. 🙂
    I am taking my mother out today for Mother’s Day. Kind of a girls days out a nice lunch and shopping at her favorite stores.

  2. Neither of my parents are still alive so I don’t celebrate Mother’s day since I am not a mother myself.
    But I have been to Montana and the picture of the lake could be a duplicate of one I took.

  3. Sounds like a great time you all had!!! Love hearing about it! this mother’s day I hope to take a minute and just enjoy my kids, and not get too caught up in doing chores, etc.

    Happy Mother’s day to you!
    Lisa Lange

  4. I don’t really have any plans for Mother’s Day, just a quiet day at home. Maybe some chocolate covered strawberries will show up, I really like the ones with white chocolate. Happy Mother’s Day everyone and have a safe trip home Jane.

  5. Mother’s Day with my sons and the grandchildren will be special since it is the best family time.

  6. I love, love, love books in Montana…But then again, I love Montana and my friends there too 🙂 I can’t wait to read the books.

    Don’t have any plans yet for Mother’s Day. Since people have been taking care of me for over 2 months, it really has been Mother’s Day a lot for me here.

    Happy Mother’s Day to you…enjoy your last day in MT and travel safely home to all your boys!!


  7. I have no plans on Mother’s Day. I will all both my Grandmother and Mother (who do not live in the same state as me) and wish them a Happy Mother’s Day. if it’s nice I will head to the dog park, work out.. etc.

  8. Sounds like a lot of fun and hard work which should be a great balance for you! Enjoy the rest of your trip! Happy Mother’s Day to you!

  9. My mom is planning on making a turkey this weekend. I’ll be there with her and my family. I’ve already gave her Mother’s Day gift to her. I bought her some bath and body products. Sometime this week we will also be visiting my grandma. Happy Mother’s Day everyone!

  10. For Mother’s Day my son is taking me out for dinner. Unfortunately my mom won’t be around for Mother’s Day, but we will celebrate a week late when she does come back. I hope you have a wonderful Mommy’s Day!!! xoxoxo

  11. Looks like you girls had a fabulous time! It seems like a beautiful spot to visit. I will be hiking Sunday, sent my Mom flowers (should be delivered today), and will take my Aunt out for dinner Saturday.

    Happy Mother’s Day, Jane!

  12. Your Montana pictures are stunning! My grown family is all coming over for Mother’s Day…I know they know their way home because for the past three weekends they’ve all been here! We’ll probably all hangout in the spa, then have dinner together and a grand time. Happy Mother’s Day to you Jane and all your friends here on your blog…Ruth

  13. Sounds like you had a wonderful time and saw some beautiful sites. Happy Mother’s day to you Jane. I’m not sure what we’re doing. Not sure if there is a surprise in store for me or not from my kids. I have to figure out what i am getting my mom yet. Trip to the garden center this weekend i think.

    Lisa B

  14. What beautiful pictures from your trip! I am not sure what is planned for Mother’s Day. I know my munchkins and I will go to church where I will get a flower, and both my little ones have worked on surprises for me :-)… I will also call my my Mom and tell her I love her and miss her! Otherwise, I plan on lots of hugs and snuggles before they are too big to want them!

  15. Happy Mother’s Day. We don’t have any plans yet because my mom is working on Sunday. We’ll figure something out.

  16. I’m still not sure what I’m doing on Mother’s Day. My family is still trying to figure out their plans. I think we’ll go out to dinner. =]

  17. I’m going to the circus with my parents and my nieces and nephew. It’s going to be lots of fun.

  18. Happy Mother’s Day Jane! So glad you have been having a great trip with your friends. Yellowstone is one of my favorite places. Anyway, as for Mother’s Day, my mom and are going on a garden tour of 6 homes which should be a lot of fun. This is a new tour for us, so I’m looking forward to going to one in a different area around town. Enjoy your time with your family on Mother’s Day.

  19. Not much going on for Mother’s Day since we lost our 16 year old son 4 years ago and my other son is working. Maybe the DH will cook dinner for me! 🙂

  20. We started a Mother’s Day tradition many years ago…the kiddos and I have a fun filled day to the local green house and pick out all our flowers and garden veggies for the season. Then we spend the entire day planting, drinking sweet tea and dreaming about what our summer is going to look like. I LOVE LOVE this time of year and spending it with Ted and the kiddos playing in the dirt and filling our planters with beautiful flowers is always a dream come true!! I am truly blessed to be a Mamma to these kiddos!! 😉 Happy Mother’s Day Jane, glad you got to enjoy this beautiful state!

  21. Happy Mother’s Day Jane and all the other mothers here, too.

    Our youngest son and family will be with us on Sunday, always a treat no matter the day.

  22. I’ve loved seeing your Montana pictures I love Montana!! And can’t wait to read your new book coming out. Happy Mother’s Day to you! I’m going to spend mine with my kids and hopefully get out for a motorcycle ride!

  23. Lunch at Panera Bread with my husband and daughter (my son will be on his way home from Disneyland) and then a big Costco shopping trip. Fun times. 🙂

  24. Beautiful pictures!
    This mother’s day will be a fun one at our house. We have kids’ sports and on top of that my husband’s birthday to celebrate.
    I got spoiled by my little guy in school today, so i’m happy to share Sunday with my husband’s birthday celebration.

  25. Mother’s Day means more to me in recent years than it ever has. I lost my Father 3 years ago and my Mom has become more precious than ever. My Mother-in-law passed away the year before we were married and my Mom is all that we have left parent-wise. She has been our strength forever and is what holds our family together. We tease her that she is the “last one standing” since all of my brothers-in-laws have lost both their parents too. We will start the day with my son and husband cooking an awesome breakfast, then in the afternoon head over to Mom’s for a fun family dinner with all my sisters, their husbands and all the nieces/nephew/great-nephew. We don’t get the opportunity to all get together often, so it’s an extra special day for all.

  26. Some pool time with my 2 children and my granddaughter. Then a bbq. Best way to spend the day with the ones you love!

  27. Hi Jane,
    I’ve enjoyed your pictures of your recent travels, thanks for sharing them.

    So, Mother’s day. I have 3 brothers & 3 sisters. We will go to mom’s Sunday, and have a big lunch there with all the family.

    Meal is to include meat loaf, mashed potatoes, sweet peas (me), cole slaw (me), cooked cabbage, macaroni & cheese, corn bread, sweet tea, dessert of some sort.

    Afterwards, there will be picture taking by my sister and who knows what else we will get into, you never know with this crew. My mom has 10 grandchildren and a few great grandchildren. Might go to the cemetery and see my dad.

  28. I’m hoping I can take my mom out for Mothers day early dinner. It depends on how she is feeling – she is 80 (how did THAT happen?) so we go day by day. Lovely giveaway!

  29. It is our Spring Celebration at Sunday School on Mother’s Day morning. So, I have the privilege of spending that day with not only my own 2 kids, but also 60 of my other favourite little people. Happy Mother’s Day Everyone!!

  30. Thank you for the terrific giveaway! Your trip sounds wonderful! Mothers’ Day will involve brunch with my mother-in-law. My mom passed away 8 years ago, so we may visit her grave to leave flowers. Then I will have a special dinner with my husband and kids. 🙂

  31. My plans right now include taking my mom out for brunch, she gets to choose where she wants to go. Maybe pick up food and enjoy watching the horses at the farm while we eat. Just spending the day together.

  32. After church, I will spend a quiet day at home reading. My mother is no longer alive, my children live in another state and my husband has to work. Enjoy your Mother’s Day!

  33. My Mum doesn’t like to do much for Mother’s Day, it holds bad memories for her ever since it was the day my Dad was diagnosed with brain cancer. I’ll still do something quiet with her though, because she sure deserves to be celebrated.
    For me, I will spend the day in Victoria with my husband, son and daughter watching my son play football. without them I wouldn’t be a mother, so it’s really all about them, lol!!! 🙂 Wouldn’t have it any other way though!

  34. Honestly, I have no plans. This is the first weekend in a long time that we actually don’t have one single thing to do. So I think the only thing that I know for sure that I’ll be doing is swinging by my mom’s to bring her a plant and a card. Other than that, I’ll let the husband and kids take charge 🙂

  35. It sounds like you had a lovely time! I will be spending my weekend at someone’s wedding instead of being at home like I want, but my husband insisted. We then need to be back early on Sunday for my daughter to be at her play rehearsal.

    That sounds like I’m grumpy about Mother’s Day…but I do have three wonderful young daughters that I wouldn’t trade for the world! My husband….sometimes that’s another story! 😉

  36. My plans for Mother’s Day: I will get to sleep in, as my husband and I always stay home from church that day so he can make me breakfast. A once a year extravaganza with sausage, potatoes,eggs with a side of pancak. After wallowing in the calories and when we can move after our carb coma, we make our way to his mom’s house where we will visit and go to the local greenhouse to pick out plants for her garden. After our lovely day long visit, we stop at the cemetery to give my mom some flowers. We toast our mother’s for the love and support they gave us in our formative years and we thank them for their friendship and laughter in our adult life.

  37. Both kids are living out of town and parents have passed away. I plan to pamper myself. Read for several hours and have a lazy day! Wait…I do that every day!

  38. Looks like you had a great time in Montana. Loved the pictures.
    Not sure what I will do for Mother’s Day. My daughter will be with us but not our 3 sons. Maybe we will get pizza, restaurants will be packed and my daughter doesn’t cook and I am not cooking on Mother’s Day. 🙂 Enjoy the day.

  39. Ok this is a little strange but I plan on cleaning out the garage and then going to my daughters for dinner!!

  40. I have been loving Megan’s photos. I had NO IDEA that Montana was such a gorgeous state. It’s breathtaking!!!

    Tom works on Sunday so I’m taking the kids to Disneyland to spend time together and be unplugged. It’ll be fun! Then we will all meet for dinner.

    Happy Mother’s Day to one of the best moms I know! xoxo 😀

  41. Happy Mother’s Day weekend!! Doing a little bit of everything…yard sales, working, and hopefully spending some quality time with my 2 beautiful daughters and amazing granddaughter.

  42. Jane, Montana sounds like fun. It is beautiful. Don’t know of any plans for Mother’s Day. Kids might just surprise me.

  43. I really can’t tell you how excited I am for this new series! You know I already adore you and Megan, and I look forward to loving Cj and Lillian too! The pictures that you and Megan posted this week on fb were so breathtakingly beautiful, it made me want to jump on a plane and go to Montana.

    Safe travels home. I know you will have a fantastic Mom’s Day with your boys!

    I am picking my mom up at the airport in the morning, she has been in Indy visiting her Mom for the first time in 7yrs. It has been a rough trip for her, so I am sure we will be spending a lot of time just hanging out. I will leave it up to her what she wants to do, but I imagine that it will involve either going to bingo or a local casino for a bit.

    Happy writing…..I will have to start a coutdown to October calendar……..


  44. Well I’ll be spending Mother’s Day as I have spent most of the past 15 Mother’s Days… in a field at a horse show. However, I had a lovely surprise from my son today… an edible arrangement! So much luscious fruit and chocolate! And I will celebrate when I get home from the show with my girls. My Mum is at a reunion in Tallahassee with her Florida State college friends this weekend, so we’ll probably get together next week when she gets back.

    Your Montana trip sounded absolutely wonderful… Happy Mother’s Day to you too Jane!

  45. I have a beautiful 2 month old baby girl. I will be spending Mother’s Day with her and my husband. It is my first as a mother and I am very grateful for my special little baby girl gift.

  46. I have loved all the pictures that you and Megan have been posting. I haven’t been to Montana but it just moved up the list. So beautiful!

    I’m not sure what Mother’s Day will bring. Seattle is supposed to be rainy, so all my outside ideas are out. We are having some serious challenges with my daughter now, and a peaceful day without issues, would be a welcome gift. A card, a hug, an I love you – that’s all I want.

    Enjoy the rest of your trip and being home for Mother’s Day!

  47. We have invited a friend that will be alone on Mother’s Day to a Mothers Day Brunch at our favorite Italian restaurant. Happy Mother’s Day Jane. Enjoy

  48. My Mother’s Day will be a little quiet this year. Both my children are away (in different states) going to college. My mother and my mother-in-law are in two other states. But I will get to talk to all four of them throughout the day. I am blessed!

  49. I enjoyed hearing all the updates and seeing the pictures from the trip. It looks so beautiful where y’all went. Our plans for Mother’s Day will include lunch with my in-laws and then stopping by my mother’s on the way home. I like that they are along the same highway now. It makes it convenient on holidays. The cats usually get me a card for Mother’s Day. I hope you have a special day with your family!

  50. I plan on resting Sunday, my son has to work this weekend (Friday, Saturday and Sunday), so he took me out to eat last night and we had a wonderful time.

  51. Jealous of your trip to Montana, Jane. We were planning to go there this summer, but decided it is just too expensive this year because of all of the work we’re having done on the house.

    My perfect Mother’s Day is to do absolutely nothing! I just want to read and putter around in my garden. My kids usually make me breakfast in bed, but otherwise, no big plans this year. My mom passed away 17 years ago, and my husband’s mom lives several hours away, so it’s usually just us.

    Enjoy your day!


  52. Happy Mother’s Day! Well, my sister and her husband invited our parents and me and my daughter to have lunch at their house. Then my daughter and I will have the day to ourselves.

  53. Planning a trip to Wisconsin to spend Mother’s Day with my mom! HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all the moms out there!

  54. Looking forward to breakfast in bed – my husband’s homemade sour-dough pancakes with maple syrup!

  55. Happy Mother’s Day! I plan on having a quiet day spending time with my three girls. They’ve already given me some wonderful presents including 2 books and a CD. Today they all brought me some beautiful homemade presents home from school.

  56. My daughter and son-in-law are coming for a barbeque (cooked by Dad) and then we are all going to a movie (to be determined). Love having them here (rather than going out somewhere to dinner) On holidays, we usually stay in and talk and play games, etc. And a “Happy Mother’s Day” to you, pretty lady. Enjoy yourself.

  57. Happy Mother’s Day. I will be spending most of the day with my Dad, and spending a bit of time at my Mom’s gravesite. My kids will be at my Dad’s also, so it should be all kinds of crazy…LOL

  58. Lost my Mom when I was 39. It’s not the same without her; however, my son and his family always include us in whatever they do. You have a great Mother’s Day Jane. Hugs, Linda

  59. I am doing nothing, it’s my day, I am going to lay around in my pajama’s all day and read, I will stop long enough to hug daughter and grandson’s when they come with cards and gifts, otherwise I will do nothing, nothing, nothing but read.

  60. I don’t really celebrate. My mothers days have not been something to brag about. My son fought cancer and two of them were spent in the hospital. No fun. I also no longer have my own Mommy to celebrate with. So as Mothers Day approaches I look forward to shaving pigs for fair. On the bright side it will take all three of my kids to get this done so we will be all together 🙂 Just another day but I can never turn down chocolate.

  61. Montana! Big sky country. I was born in Glasgow, Montana.
    I have distant relatives that live in Kallispell. Lovely area.

    The weather here in Washington is suppose to be rainy, possible thunder. I love thunder. We don’t see it much, so it’s a treat. I had a taste for eggs benedict, so that’s what we will have for Mother’s Day breakfast. My family loves the way I make it. We will probably stay in, watch one of our favorite movies, visit. Just being together as a family, works for me. My oldest daughter is 22 and in college, so we don’t see her much. My little social butterfly.

    Thank you for the giveaway. Very nice. 🙂

    Happy Mother’s Day to you, Jane. 🙂

  62. It’s hard to get a mother’s day when my mom wants too be spoiled on this day, my sister’s husband requested for me to watch the kids so he can spoil her.

    So to keep my 2 boys and my sister’s 3 content I will be taking them horse back riding with me. However, my husband is offering me a nice hot quite bath (no kids yelling mom) with a new book to read and massage after my long day with kids and horses.

    Now that is a perfect mother’s day for me. Love the horses and kids, best time spent. Plus bath, book and massage all in one day…. WOOHOO!!!

  63. Hi Jane… my Mother’s Day will be spent taking my 73 year old mom fishing in Hyalite Canyon, up by Bozeman MT. Sister and nieces in tow… it will be the perfect day. My own kids away at college – my day is spent with my mom:-)

  64. Hi Jane,
    Hope you have a great Mother’s Day. We are having my husbands folks over on Sunday and plan to do some grilling on the bbq pit. After everyone leaves in the evening, I plan to have some me quality time and read!

  65. What a wonderful gift for a mother. I for one am a mother of three beautiful children I have two girls and one boy. But enough about me. I would like to win this for my mother in law. The reasoned is she wonderful she has token me under her wing when she didn’t have to. She has made me into the woman I am today. With out her guide me I would not be a great mom or wife. I am truely blessed to have a wonder mother in law.

  66. go to church, come home and see what my guys will make me for lunch, take one to driver’s ed, and after driver’s ed we get to go to a lacrosse BBQ–woohoo! it’s all about mom–not. lol. life with boys.

  67. Hi Jane!

    All of you and Megan’s pictures have made me want to visit Montana! Simply breathtaking! Can’t wait for your books! My Mother’s Day weekend will consist of watching my son play in three basketball games on Saturday, while hopefully sneaking in lunch in Fresno, then relaxing on Sunday.

    I hope you have a fabulous Mother’s Day!

    Take care and safe travels!


  68. The Montana pictures are beautiful. They make me want to go there myself. For Mother’s Day we plan to cook out with my family. I hope the weather is nice.

  69. Your trip sounds wonderful and I am looking forward to the Montana Born books. We will be having dinner with our daughter on Mother’s Day since our son is not home from college yet. I hope your day is a lovely one!

  70. My family usually surprises me with a picnic at a lovely location with some food that I won’t have to cook…YES!!! Then they give some sweet, little surprises…nothing too expensive but thoughtfully chosen. I get spoiled!

  71. So glad you had such a beautiful retreat, sounds like a great girls trip!

    Looking forward to seeing my Mom for Mother’s Day because she has been away for several months and coming home Sunday!

    Happy Mother’s Day to you Jane, and to all you other lovely ladies posting here 🙂


  72. Loved all your tales of Montana, Jane. And the pics, of course!

    Looks like a renaissance festival for us this Sunday (which is also my birthday!). First mother’s day with my five-year-old AND seven-month-old.


  73. We have a tradition of taking my MIL to a nice dinner on Mother’s Day. We have a favorite restaurant we go to for special occasions.

  74. My 85 year old mother and I will spend some time with my grown son and his girlfriend in downtown Pueblo to tour antique shops and have lunch. We’ll laugh and cry over the antiques that were a part of our lives, now considered relics of times on by. Lunch will either be at a special place or my son will grill. Either way, I’m already salivating!

  75. happy mother’s day! daughter is off and she’s going walking/hiking with me. wish we were hiking in Montana, but Colorado will be fine for now.

  76. My husband and I will go to church Sunday and I hope I get to see our son again before he has to go back to work in Texas. He came home Monday and I got to visit with him Tuesday. I had not seen him since my birthday in January. I was so glad to see him and we do talk on the phone when he is gone at least twice a week when he can call me and his dad.

  77. I’m just going to take whatever Mother’s Day brings. My daughter’s prom is tomorrow night. I’ll be happy just to get through that. Glad you and your writing friends had a productive and fun time. Happy Mother’s Day to you, Jane!

  78. My sister and I will be taking our mom out for brunch complete with mimosas! I will spend the rest of the day with my husband and two sons followed by dinner with my mother-in-law !
    Thank you for the chance!
    P.S. the new series sounds great!

  79. Sunday I am spending Mother’s Day with extended family here in Montana for a BBQ and then next Friday my #1 son and his wife are coming from Washington to spend a week. Haven’t seen them in a year so I am a happy mom. I hope that your Mother’s Day is a great one. One of these days you will need to bring the clan to Big Sky country.

  80. This will be my first Mother’s Day with 2 children. 🙂 I plan to Skype with my mom who lives too far. Happy Mothers Day Jane!

  81. Hi! I can’t wait to read all of yourbooks that are set in Montana. The photo’s I’ve seen are so beautiful.Its one trip thats on my bucket list. I want to wish you a happy mother’s day! I’m going to churh first, then if the weather is nice heading to the beach and have lunch that my daughter is gonna prepare. Just a relaxing day!

  82. Hopefully dinner with my mom, but she’s working and I don’t know what time she’s off. We’ll probably celebrate on Monday and that gives me more time to finish her present. Happy Mother’s Day Jane, I hope you have a wonderful day.

  83. My wonderful husband cooks brunch for me, my mom, his mom, his sister, and his niece and of course all family members! I help some in the kitchen with a mimosa in my hand. Then after everyone leaves I end by the pool with a good book if the weather permits. Happy Mother’s Day! By the way can’t wait for the Good Mother to come out! Love those Brennan sisters.

  84. going away party for my brother in law who is headed to Namibia for 18 months then mother’s day brunch and dinner. Busy weekend! !

  85. I will be seeing 4 of my 5 children this weekend. (My eldest daughter lives in Washington state so I won’t be seeing her). But, I am lucky that the other 4 live nearby and I will be getting to visit with all of them. My grandaughter is graduating from college tomorrow, so I will be seeing lots of the family then. Glad you had a nice time on your trip. You look very happy in the photo you posted. And the scenery photos are beautiful. Happy Mother’s Day.

  86. Rolling out of bed, unshowered 🙂 to hit the Farmer’s Mkt and then to brunch with the fam!

  87. Montana looks wonderful. I have never been there. I am not sure what I am doing for Mother’s Day yet. Maybe my four children will surprise me! I am going shopping on Saturday to get my mother some wonderful gifts. My husband and I are on a strict diet so we won’t be going out to dinner this weekend. We can celebrate in a few weeks. Happy Mother’s Day!

  88. I’m not feeling well so we are not doing anything until I feel better. My daughter did send me beautiful flowers today.

  89. I will be flying home from Sanibel Island on Mother’s Day. My son and his fiancee are picking us up at the airport and we will all be enjoying a late dinner out. I can’t wait to get home into their welcoming arms!

  90. I’ve been a recent winner so this note is just to wish you a Happy Mother’s Day. It will be a lazy day for me, thinking of my mom who I miss every day, and looking forward to skyping with our son in the evening. If the weather is nice we will go to the Bellevue Botanical Gardens that are bursting out with bloom from the sunny weather this May.
    I finally had a Yellowstone/Grand Teton vacation in the fall a year ago and LOVED it! Spectacular scenery, even for someone who lives within view of Mt Rainier and the Olympic Mts., and wonderful people. Can’t wait for the Montana books, Jane.

  91. Happy Mother’s Day Jane!!! I don’t have any special plans for Mother’s day. Just some studying and writing of my final paper…

  92. Happy Mothers’ Day to everyone who ever had a mother! All the best to those who are, have been, or will become Moms by birth or by heart…that includes aunts, neighbors, and any woman who shows kindness to little ones and their families. My sons and their lovely wives who now are Moms themselves and the three little babies will spend the day together with my husband and me. Looking forward to having a “spot of tea”…along with a spot of this and that the children will surely supply!

  93. My husband, daughter and I are going out tomorrow (Saturday) to get my Mother’s Day gift-a bike! I haven’t ridden one in a while, but we live in a very bike-friendly area (Minneapolis) with lots of bike trails. We’re also getting our daughter her first bike 🙂 She’s getting a little big for her tricycle!

  94. Happy Mother’s day to you. I am just happy having my kids next to me:) Their homeade cards and gifts were so special. I hope you get pampered!

  95. My kids are planting my vegie garden for me this year…I am so excited! I love the gardening but don’t enjoy the planting part so this is huge for me. While they plant I may sit in a chair nearby and drink a cup of tea…their commentary should be pretty funny.

  96. Hi Jane,

    Happy Mothers Day on Sunday. I hope you have a great day with all your boys.

    I’m spending mothers day packing and getting ready to fly home the day after.

    It’s my second mothers day as a mother and it’s also the second time I’m away from home. Maybe next year I’ll be home with my family.
    But on the upside I get to spend the day with my mother 🙂

    Love, love, love the pictures from your road trip and I’m so looking forward to reading your books. All of your books.

    Have a great weekend.

  97. My Mother’s Day will be spent in Yakima, cheering my daughter on in her basketball tournament. So far, we have won our first game!!!

    Happy Mother’s Day Jane!!!

  98. Happy Mothers Day, and the photos are gorgeous. Wish I could be there. My allergies are killing me here in the valley.

  99. We’re planning on driving 3 hours north to have dinner with my MIL and her other children.. Sadly, my mom is no longer with us.

  100. Happy Mother’s Day Jane! I always love this holiday bc my Mom and I have such fun together. I usually take her out for high tea at one of our favorite tea houses. We’re going this afternoon. Then on Sunday my whole family gets together and all the men do all the work and take care of kids so is moms can relax and talk. Always such a good day!

  101. the kids and I are going to my favorite restaurant tonight as my son works on Sundays in the evening. Tomorrow, treating myself to a day of beauty at home and working on some hobbies I don’t always have time to enjoy!

  102. This is my first Mother’s Day so I’ll no doubt be up early with my 3 month old. Then I will drive 2 1/2 hours to see my mom who is helping my Dad through cancer and has a dog with a broken leg. Hoping to see other family too.

  103. I unfortunately have to work on Mother’s Day but my husband and kids have plans to make me both breakfast and dinner of my choice (Eggs Bene w’ smoked salmon for bfast and Vodka creme sauce penne pasta for dinner and my fav choco cake for dessert) plus do ALL the dishes… Which as long as I don’t have to clean a dish all day, is enough of a Mother’s Day treat in itself. 🙂

  104. Happy Mother’s Day to you. Mine will include a hike with my fam in the morning and soccer in the afternoon. Soccer stops for no one – even moms.

  105. My in-laws are visiting from Indiana and we’re going to head to Galveston for some sand and sun for Mother’s day.

  106. Your retreat sounds wonderful! Yellowstone is wonderful!

    My plans for Mother’s Day are, hopefully seeing my daughter and spending a wonderful day with her! Maybe curling up with a good book!

  107. No big Mother’s Day plans. My husband will throw something on the grill and I will take care of the rest. My day is really the day after when everyone has gone off to school and work and I go somewhere fun with my own mother.

  108. HI Jane, love your pictures from Montana. So pretty. For Mother’s Day, I’ll sing at 2 Masses like every Sunday, and then my daughter and I are doing a show for our community theater. Took my mom to breakfast this morning and will celebrate Mother’s Day with my son on Friday at his college graduation. Happy Mother’s Day to you too Jane!!

  109. No plan for me so far. my mom will go to her yearly check up in our capital on Monday. And She’ll busy with her friends today 🙂

    happy mother’s day to you Jane !

  110. Your trip sounds like it was fantastic!For our first Mother’s Day without mom we are gahering all the kids at my sister’s house for fried chicken and mom’s gravy since my sister knows just how mom made it.It will be bittersweet but we will all be together. Then afterwards I am camping at the lake I camped with my mom. I hope the fish will be biting!Wish me luck oh and I will be finishing a book I have been reading by Amy Hatvany. Happy Mother’s Day Jane!

  111. Happy Mother’s Day! I haven’t made plans other then trying to get some rest. I just spent the past couple of days at the hospital with my husband. He had a colonoscopy, which he needed because of his age. Don’t think they can’t go wrong because when we came back home a few hour late we where back at the hospital because he had a GI bleed. He lost a lot of blood and past out in the ER. He had to go back into surgery and was admitted. He is back home now and doing well but it has been a very scary couple of days. We will try to go see his mother tomorrow.

  112. Happy Mother’s Day! I haven’t made plans other then trying to get some rest. I just spent the past couple of days at the hospital with my husband. He had a colonoscopy, which he needed because of his age. Don’t think they can’t go wrong because when we came back home a few hour late we where back at the hospital because he had a GI bleed. He lost a lot of blood and past out in the ER. He had to go back into surgery and was admitted. He is back home now and doing well but it has been a very scary couple of days. We will try to go see his mother tomorrow.

  113. Jane,
    Looks like you had a fantastic time in MT. Hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day with your guys. Making mom dinner and probably buy her some clothes for the cruise we are taking in September.

  114. Looks like you ladies had a great trip!

    My Mother’s Day this year hasn’t gone as planned so far. I was supposed to go away on a girls weekend, but my little one has been home with the stomach bug for a few days and I caught a version of it too! My kids usually make me breakfast in bed so I’m looking forward to that.

    Wishing all the moms out there a Happy Mother’s Day!

  115. Happy Mothers Day, Jane. Your trip to Montana with your fellow writer friends sounded like such fun! What a great way to research those books that I will look so forward to reading.

  116. My plan was to catch up on two weeks of paperwork, make a solitary lunch of mango salad, and then be driven to a restaurant by my daughter and her boyfriend for supper.
    I ended up going on a “road trip” with my daughter in the morning and getting home in time for the supper out. It was a beautiful day, filled with lovely memories for me and my daughter, along with several friends we shared time with along the way.
    It doesn’t get any better than this!

  117. Had a lovely brunch with my husband,daughter, son-in-law, granddaughter, grandson and grandson in waiting. They started me on a Brighton bracelet with birthstone charms. Was a very pleasant day… of the best I have had in a very long time.
    Can’t wait till tomorrow….making a trip to the bookstore! Thank you, I envy your talent.

  118. Happy late mothersday!

    My plans were simple we were gonna hang out watch survivor then go out and light the memory balloon for my sister that passed away while her kids told her they loved her instead we just hung out ate food then sat around chatting about my sister and all the great times we had was a blast I will say cherish every moment you have with your children or family never know when its gonna be the last

  119. Happy late mothers day!

    My plans were simple we were gonna hang out watch survivor then go out and light the memory balloon for my sister that passed away while her kids told her they loved her instead we just hung out ate food then sat around chatting about my sister and all the great times we had was a blast I will say cherish every moment you have with your children or family never know when its gonna be the last. Good luck and have a blessed week

    1. sorry for the second reply my nets actin crazy refreshing before I am done typing so it posted part of the message

  120. I went to lunch with my family and then spent time relaxing and reading. Hope you had a great mother’s day!

  121. i spent mother’s day w.all the moms in our family. we had a nice brunch. hope you had a great day too!

  122. I spent mother’s day with my mom, went shopping and I bought her a new phone. She was sooo happy:)

    Thank you for this awesome giveaway!

  123. Loved all the comments and hearing about all your plans for Mother’s Day. I hope it was wonderful!

    So, our winner for the Mother’s Day prize is –

    #1 Gigi

    And because I’m feeling the love for all the Moms out there, I decided to pick 3 bonus winners too –

    #31 Diana Gould
    #70 Dani DiPentino
    #41 Danelle Schwertner

    Send me an email with your full name and mailing address and please also include your comment # and the name of this blog so I can get your prize in the mail asap!

    much love to all,

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