Introducing Tule Publishing!

We return home to San Clemente in a couple of days and then I’ll be helping Jake pack up and head to college.  It’s a lot harder to let him go than I realized.  I love all my boys equally but Jake is my first born and I’ve experienced all my firsts as a mother with him. It makes me so proud to see him gearing up to start a new phase in his life, but  I’m going to miss him so much!

For the past few months I’ve been working hard to get a special project off the ground and it’s all finally come together.  I’m happy to share that I’ve started a publishing venture called Tule Publishing.  My goal with Tule is to give authors with great voices the freedom to write the stories they want to write.  We have an excellent line up of books coming your way soon and early feedback on our first imprint, Montana Born Books, is already producing great results.  I hope you’ll agree.  Look at our beautiful covers!  Aren’t they gorgeous?





We kick-off our Montana Born imprint with the Copper Mountain Rodeo series, featuring four original, compelling, sexy and sweet cowboy romance novellas from four of your favorite romance writers: Megan Crane, Lilian Darcy, CJ Carmichael and yours truly, Jane Porter.   In fact, we’ve just launched our Facebook page and have a great contest for readers –  Come LIKE us for a chance win an iPad Mini!

Looking ahead, the last book, and my absolute favorite, in the Brennan Sisters Trilogy, The Good Wife, will hit shelves September 3rd.  I’m beyond thrilled and counting the days.   Kirkus Reviews loved The Good Wife and called it believable, insightful and marked by witty dialogue.  A novel that may inspire readers to examine their own family relationships.”   I can’t wait for you to read it too!


Is it possible to love someone too much?

Always considered the beauty of the family, the youngest Brennan sister, Sarah, remains deeply in love with her husband of ten years. Boone Walker, a professional baseball player, travels almost year-round while Sarah stays home and cares for their two children. Her love for her husband is bottomless—so much so that her sisters say it will end up hurting her.

Living apart most of the time makes life difficult, especially since Sarah often wonders whether Boone is sharing his bed with other women on the road, even though he swears he’s been true to her since his infidelity three years ago. While she wants to be happy and move forward in her life, Sarah constantly fears that Boone will break his promise. Now with Boone facing yet another career change, tension rises between the two, adding more stress to an already turbulent marriage. Emotionally exhausted, Sarah can’t cope with yet another storm. Now, she must either break free from the past and forgive Boone completely, or leave him behind and start anew…

If you haven’t already done it, you can preorder your copy now: Amazon · Barnes & Noble ·IndieBound but I really look forward to hearing what you think.

As usual, my life is busy and things are hectic but its also good.  I am so looking forward to the Fall as there are is exciting things coming your way.  I hope you’ll join me for the fun and enjoy the adventure!  I’m sharing the excitement with another contest for you.  For a chance to win a fun Montana prize box packed full of awesome goodies, leave a comment – tell me if you would enjoy reading stories that feature characters or themes connected to Montana?  Contest ends on Sunday and I’ll announce the winner on Monday!



  1. The Montana theme would be exciting and special. What beautiful book covers that have wonderful artwork. Best wishes on this new endeavor. What a great idea and very appealing.

  2. Yes, what I look for in a book is the romance, the location, any travel involved and very detailed descriptions as I will probably not travel to the places in my lifetime. Most important is I like to learn new things. Congrats and GL with the new project!

  3. I would love to read stories with a Montana connection, a place dear to my heart. Not only is it the farthest west in the US where I have traveled; but also, it is where I went to meet my lifelong pen pal and her family at a beautiful ranch.

  4. I would LOVE to read romance stories based in Montana. That is close to wear I live in Canada and I can totally relate to the terrain and way of life. Excited to read your new Copper Mountain Rodeo Series, thanks Jane!!

  5. I’ve never been to Montana so I would definitely love to read about it. That’s how I do most of my “traveling”. Add in a sweet romance and you can be sure I’ll be gobbling it up.

  6. I would love to read romantic novels that take place in Montana! I cannot wait to start reading some of these awesome books!

  7. I can honestly say I’ve never read stories with themes related to Montana, but the books sound awesome and I certainly look forward to reading them!

  8. I’m so excited for The Good Wife and the Montana Born series. I see great things ahead for Tule Publishing! Stories set in Montana usually involve cowboys and I’m all for cowboys. 😉

  9. I have never been to Montana but it looks like a beautiful state from the pictures I have seen. I would definitely enjoy reading about stories set there.

  10. I’ve preordered The Good Wife and CANNOT wait for it to arrive!

    I went to Montana for the first time just last month. It is simply beautiful. I love the idea of Montana as a setting. As always, I’m looking for a good story, and I think Montana will be a good breeding ground for ideas. Congratulations on launching Tule Publishing!

  11. I would love and enjoy reading romantic novels that take place in Montana! I cannot wait to start reading some of these awesome books

    Best wishes on your new adventure, Jane.

  12. I would enjoy reading a series like this about Montana and especially a series about Hawaii and Alasks which are mysterious to alot of people who have never traveled to either state.

  13. After seeing these covers and titles- yes please!
    Congrats on your new adventure + Jake going to A+M. Maybe I will stalk, I mean, see you there : )

  14. Congrats on your new adventure, I have nothing but well wishes for you and the series. Can’t wait for the Good Wife to hit the shelves, I have my kindle version on preorder now. Have a wonderful day!

  15. How exciting for you, Jane! Your own publishing company! You will do great!

    I can’t wait to “see” the scenery through these Montana books! I’ve never been there, so it will be fun to live there through these books!

    Enjoy the time of getting Jake ready! You’ve raised him to be independent…now it’s time to let that happen! I’ll be crying a different story in two years when my first born is ready to go!

    Take care!


  16. I love stories set in Montana….the great outdoors, the big sky country. I’ve traveled through Montana and love it, and look forward to going there on another trip sometime in the next couple of years. So, yes, reading stories set in that state is definitely on my must read list. Congrats with the new venture Jane. I’m excited for you!

  17. I am certainly interested in reading the books taking place in Montana. Sounds like September is going to be a great month for reading. (And the children will be back in school so I will have time!)

  18. Congrats on your new adventure! and a Great name Tule! back to your roots! Angie and I wish you the best. Hopefully we can stop by and say Hi in Kirkland!Besides I have to get “The Good Wife” for Angie and I.

  19. Yes, I would love Montana stories. Montana has always been one of my happy places even though I’ve never been! The crisp cool mountains look so good in this 106 degree Tx heat. Congrats on everything! Can’t wait for book in Sept!!

  20. Montana is one of my favorite places to visit. The beauty of the land and mountains and of couse some of my favorite people live there!! Can’t wait to read all of these 🙂


  21. Montana seems like an interesting place to get inspirations for writing. I just received your newsletter and “liked” your MontanaBorn Facebook page launch. Congratulations for your publishing venture. Some more beautiful books to add to my TBR list! thank you Jane.

  22. I have read a lot of books with Montana as the setting and they never get boring. Really enjoy them all. A much different area than i’m from.

    Lisa B

  23. Congrats on releasing your publishing company. The covers of the four books are so lovely, enticing, and enchanting. I have never been to Montana except for in my imagination from reading books set there. Can’t wait for them all to come out!

  24. Of course books with a Montana theme or set in Montana would interest me! Good luck in your new venture, sounds like a great idea and the covers are beautiful.

    Have pre-ordered The Good Wife….your release date is my birthday and I am hoping the book ships early…really looking forward to it!

  25. Really exciting news, Jane! Congratulations to you all all the ladies involved with the new series and the publishing venture!

    I always look forward to reading your new books, and have really enjoyed the books and authors you have recommended through your blog.

    Especially looking forward to your final instalment of the Brennan sisters series!

    Have fun getting your son off to college…it’s amazing you have time to get any writing done with your busy schedule!

  26. Yes I’ll love to read Montana team stories.
    It’s very exciting what you and the three other authors are doing.
    Hope to read some of your books soon.

  27. Squeeling with excitement for you! I know that this new adventure is going to be successful! Love that you are publishing and offering an avenue for authors to write what they want to.

    Love. Love. Love the covers of the Montana books. Even though I have never been to Montana, I have enjoyed other books that have used it as their background and I am all about the cowboy!

    I have been counting down the days for The Good Wife, this has been such an awesome series!

    I know that you have been a great Mom with Jake and he will make you even more proud as he continues to grow. I know it will be hard to have him living so far away.


  28. I would enjoy reading books connected to Montana. I have never been there and I always enjoy reading about places I have never been!

  29. I’d LOVE to read books about Montana. My boyfriend is out there right now (I’m back east) and it would make me feel a whole lot closer to him. 🙂

  30. Hi Jane!

    Since I’m from Montana, the idea of stories set in my home town state is an excellent idea. Beautiful state.

    Big Sky Country!

  31. Oh, Jane. Montana sounds wonderful. (Deep sigh, as I’ve spent many vacations visiting the mountains in Banff, Alberta.)

  32. Hey Jane,
    Congrats on the new venture! And yes, most definitely, would Ienjoy reading books with themes and/ or characters related to Montana. It is such a beautiful place, especially western Montana. I love all that cowboy stuff, too! I have per-ordered your book and can’t wait to read it!!

  33. Congratulations on the Tule Publishing event. Wishing you much success. I love the covers too. I’d love to read this series and stories based in Montana. Any other stories I’ve read based there have always involved Cowboys and the Cowboy mentality. Thanks so much for the chance.
    Carl L

  34. Congratulations on the new publishing company! I so happy and excited for you on this new venture. I can’t wait to read the books. The covers are absolutely beautiful. I don’t see how anyone could walk past one of them on a shelf in a book store and not pick it up. I’m also excited about next month and The Good Wife coming out. I hope you’ve enjoyed your time in Hawaii and hope everything goes well for Jake and his big step he has coming up, going to college.

  35. Congrats on your new publishing company sounds so exciting. I love books set in Montana so I am really looking forward to reading them.

    You will miss your son so much at first but it does get better. Mine got his degree this past December but hasn’t done anything with it yet. I can only hope he does something soon.

  36. I love all the covers, and can’t wait to read all the books about these cowboys from Montana. I’m seeing a cowboy, there’s just just something about him and his friends, they are gentlemen and very loyal and stick to their word…even when he’s busy he drops everything to help me or anyone of his friends. Hope your son has a wonderful time in college, I know the feeling I miss both my kids. Have a nice weekend!

  37. Congratulations on your new Company, Tule and yes I would love to see more stories about Montana and the cowboys or fabulous men of that sexy state. I look forward to reading your Montana Series. Love me a cowboy… 🙂

  38. What a better backdrop for a cowboy story than Montana!? Since I can’t go there myself, I look forward to curling up with your books and heading to Montana. Montana is wild, open and free just like a good cowboy should be!

  39. This would make a great gift for my sister. She is always talking about moving to Montana. That is too far away from NC; maybe a box of Montana goodies would tide her over for awhile.

  40. Hi, Jane! I don’t believe I’ve ever read anything with a specific Montana theme, but by the looks of these, I’m sure ready to start! 😉

  41. Montana is a great place for romantic bent stories. Montana Sky is one of my favorite Nora Robert’s novels of all time and I just had a friend get married in Montana a few weeks ago and it was a beautiful location and wedding!

  42. I would love to read a Montana series. Congrats on your new publishing company and I can’t wait to read The Good Wife!

  43. I would love to visit Montana. It is so beautiful. Good luck on your new venture.
    Hope Jake has a great year at college. You will be okay!!

  44. A few years back we took our trip of a lifetime & visited Wyoming & Montana. It was only four days but I still think of that trip nearly every day. What a beautiful place. Congrats on your son starting college, starting up a new publishing co & having a new book come out. Wow! That’s a lot!

  45. I would love to read books that take place in Montana. I think the new book cover are amazing! Congrats on the publishing company!

  46. Congratulations on your new venture! Best of luck! I would love to read something new & exciting! I enjoy reading books that take place close to home!

  47. I do enjoy romances set in settings other than where I live. Especially settings that are very different from where I live. And Montana fits the bill!

  48. I so look forward to your Montana stories! I am a beach girl and I am going to love escaping to the mountains in your book. I need the help of your great writing to get me there.Good luck on your adventure in publishing! As always Jane you are my inspiration!

  49. Montana stories sound wonderful! It would be a chance for me to learn about an area of the country I haven’t been to and know little about. Congrats on the new venture!!

  50. Way to go, Jane! I would love to read something set in Montana, especially with covers like these. How did you come up with the name Tule?

  51. Your nest will never be empty with the way you nurture new authors. congrats on Tule. Where did the name come from? Love the “wild west.”

  52. Jane, so excited fo you!!! I love these covers and it is great to see it all come together, especially after you bought out the Barnes & Noble in Montana. I have such wonderful memories of that trip:-) Can’t wait to read it and Sarah’s story of course!

    Many hugs and congrats!

  53. Congrats on your latest project!! The covers are all so very lovely!!
    PS, I once gave a high school graduation gift of a white duffle bag with instructions on how to do laundry written on it… His mom was appreciative!!

  54. I have never been to Montana but it makes me think of lots of open country and mountains. I`d love to read stories set there (and should!)

  55. I can’t wait to read the books, they sound fun! I would love to visit Montana, and it would be a great setting. I also can’t wait for “The Good Wife…!!” Have a great week!

  56. Jane, congrats on starting the new company!!! It’s been far too long since I’ve stopped by your page. I’m so thrilled you have another cowboy story coming out. I can’t forget the one from Cooper’s Corner. Looking forward to read them all. I. LOVE. MONTANA! It’s on my life list of places to go. Now your FB posts from Big Sky Country makes more sense 🙂

    It’s hard to believe your oldest is heading off to college now too. Time sure does fly.

    Peace and love,
    Paula R.

  57. Hi Jane,
    So proud for you and your friends setting up a new business.
    I haven’t been by your page in about 5 weeks. We have had some major surgeries and illness in the family.
    I also, would enjoy reading stories with a Montana setting and characters from that area.
    I am finally getting to have a little time to read again.

  58. Congratulations on Tule Publishing. It is so exciting when an idea takes flight. The covers for the new Montana series are so gorgeous. It will be wonderful to read them. Some of my favorite authors. Montana is a state I have not visited since I was a very young girl, but I love to read about it. Good luck with all your future writing!

  59. Congratulations on your new adventure! I would love reading books set in Montana! Of course my first thought is cowboys!

  60. Yes I would love to read a book set in Montana! I would love to live in Montana. I hope to travel there in a few years. My husband can’t fly, so we have to drive. I love road trips! Congrats on your new adventure. I hope you take us with you! By the way, I love your book covers. So refreshing!

  61. You write it Jane, we’ll read it!!
    Excited about what’s coming up – the new Montana books & especially the final in the Brennan series!! Can’t wait to see what they have been up to.

  62. Hi Jane,
    Congrats on Tule Publishing. That is so exciting.
    I prefer characters. With Montana as the setting, I bet they are dreamy!


  63. How exciting for you Jane! So happy for you and Tule Publishing. Montana is a favorite state, so yes books about Montana couples sounds right up my alley. Lots of family doings around here too. Hope Jake likes Texas A&M!

  64. Great writers lined up which is very exciting. I am totally Interested in reading this new series. Montana sounds like a wonderful place for stories to be told. Congrats on your new venture!

  65. I’ve been to Montana a few times (need to go back), so I’m looking forward to reading books set there.

    Good luck with the publishing venture!

  66. Thanks for the great vote of confidence! I love your support and enthusiasm! Our winner for the Montana prize is –

    #81 Shirley Buchanan

    Shirley, send me an email with your mailing address and I’ll get the prize in the mail to you!

    love to all,
    Jane xoxo

  67. Congrats!!! It doesn’t matter what state, as long as you’re the one writing it, I’ll read it for sure!

  68. congrats on your venture and honestly yes I Love stories that are based in Montana and a series is an awesome idea! Its one of those states I have never been to but have always wanted to go so now I visit threw books and wow those covers r beautiful! and I cant wait to read the good wife!

  69. Since I am from Texas, I really enjoy books with a western theme, this would include Montana! Love the new covers on the books too. Can’t wait to read them!

    Congrats on your new venture, Jane! Also, I so feel your pain on sending your child to college… it isn’t easy. But what a wonderful place to spend his next four years!

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  79. Just finished “Montana Cowboy” I loved it And want to read the other books written by Jane Porter.

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