Tempt Me, Cowboy by Megan Crane

megancraneb&wMost of you have heard me talking about Megan Crane, who also writes as Caitlin Crews, over the years.  Megan is one of my best and closest friends and I adore her.  We met several years ago when we were both writing for 5 Spot (Hachette) and shared the same editor.  We both also write for Harlequin Presents and share an editor there as well.  Megan is an amazing writer, a wonderful friend and a beautiful person inside and out.  I’m blessed to have her in my life and I’m thrilled beyond words that she joined me in my new adventure with Tule Publishing’s first imprint, Montana Born Books.

I’m happy to share that Montana Born‘s first book release is a yummy, sexy novella by Megan.  Tempt Me, Cowboy is available at all major e-retailers today and reader feedback is already pouring in!

Our Montana Born Street Team is working hard to help get the word out and put up reviews and we’ve had some great ones, including this lovely one from Romance Junkies who gave Tempt Me, Cowboy 5 Blue Ribbons and said “TEMPT ME COWBOY is a refreshing and fun tale full of sigh-worthy moments.  Although short on words, this wonderful story packs a big punch, nevertheless.  Megan Crane has a snarky quality to her voice that will produce a few chuckles.  If you are looking for a fresh, amusing and quick read, you will be delighted with TEMPT ME, COWBOY!”  

Wow!!  I just love that.  I’m super happy for Megan and delighted for Tule too!  Here’s more about Tempt Me, Cowboy–

Tempt Me, Cowboy – Megan Crane
Too much temptation…
Chelsea Collier wants nothing more than to save the old depot built by her railway baron ancestor and turn it into a museum—until it’s sold out from under her!
Jasper Flint made himself filthy rich in the Texas oil business by the age of 35. Now he wants a quieter life and building a microbrewery in Marietta, Montana is the perfect project.
Neither one of them knows what to do with the passion that explodes between them! But Chelsea knows a man like Jasper will never stay in one place for too long. Can he convince her that this time, he means to stay?

To celebrate Tule Publishing’s first release with Megan Crane, I’ve got a SUPER cool mystery prize that combines the very best of Megan Crane and Caitlin Crews, along with other yummy goodies for one lucky winner!  For a chance to enter to win, you have to do two things:

1 – Visit the Montana Born Books News page and leave a comment.

2 – Come back here and leave a comment letting me know what you think of our website or Megan’s book

That’s it!  You’ll be entered for a chance to win the mystery prize!  Contest ends September the 13th and I’ll announce a winner on Saturday!  Good luck and thank you so much for all your support.  My readers and friends are the absolute best!  xoxo



  1. Great Design on the new page….have added Tempt Me Cowboy to my must read list. Thanks for the opportunity in the giveaway 🙂

  2. I love the website; crisp & clean. I really like that the header stays in place while you scroll up or down. I cannot wait to read this book; sounds SO good! Congrats!

  3. Love the website, and the book sounds great. I’m on my way to Amazon to buy right now. I can’t wait to read the rest of the stories.

  4. Thanks for sharing this new release. I love the Web site, very visual and appealing. And, how can you go wrong with a cowboy? So, going to add the book to my TBR.

    evanlea at gmail dot com

  5. I am excited for you!The website was great! I like the way the links to purchase the books are right at the end of the reading of the blog. Easy is always a plus.I look forward to the new line of books!

  6. I really love the web site, all the pictures and how you can read more about the characters and the town of Marietta .

    The cover of Tempt Me, Cowboy is so hot and I just added the book to my wish list and I hope to read it soon,

  7. The website is very well done & easy to navigate. I love the muted brown/gray colors with the whisper of green background-it’s a subtle representation of Montana & doesn’t over power the reader. Kudos to your web designer.

  8. I so LOVED Megan’s book and the new Montana Born website is awesome! Thank you so very much for introducing me to another wonderful author, Jane!!

  9. Hi Jane,
    Loved the website, especially the wide open Montana blue sky. I enjoyed the q & a with Megan and left a question there myself for her. You are such a good hostess!
    Many thanks,

  10. Went to the new website. It is totally cool. I love the photos and info on the characters in the books. That is very cool. Congrats to Megan on the new release.

  11. Oh I LOVE the ‘Montana Born’ website! It is so inviting and absolutely beautiful! Good job! Can’t wait to start on that series. I am so looking forward to 4 days away at the beach in So. Cal, Crystal Cove where I can just read and walk on the beach! See you on Sunday!

  12. I love the new website, its beautiful! Also love the sound of Megan’s book, it do love cowboys so this is a book for me.

  13. I love the website and the book Tempt Me Cowboy, it was such a fun and refreshing love story between a city boy and a small country girl, boy the sparks flew…can’t wait to read the next book-love them cowboys!

  14. Megan’s book Tempt Me, Cowboy was just great, anticipating the other books in this series! The Montana Born Book news page site was great also.

  15. I really like the web page. It´s fun and inviting and at the same time a little mysterious and flirty. Just like Megan´s book.
    I liked that very much too.

  16. congrats on the new website; thanks for bringing a new author to me.

    love the sound of the book and look forward to it being on my TBR pile soon

  17. I loved the site and swiped the recipe for skillet cornbread and can’t wait to try it.

    I really like Jane’s books, especially her characters. I look forward to reading some of the books by the other authors featured on this site.

  18. I really enjoyed Tempt Me, cowboy. loved the connection between the characters and always enjoy a good romance. can’t wait for the next book in the series.

  19. Thanks Jane, I left a comment for Megan and I wish all the best for this new venture! Hope the sales go through the roof!

  20. Like the website. I purchased “Tempt Me, Cowboy” yesterday and downloaded it today. It is next in on my list to read!

  21. New website looks great, congratulations on your new publishing venture Jane. Looking forward to picking up Megan’s book 🙂

  22. Just purchased Temp Me Cowboy for my smartphone kindle app. My first e-book! Thanks for the heads up on Facebook about the Amazon book sale!

  23. Huge apologies, everyone! I forgot to pick a winner sooner but I’m here now and ready to remedy that!

    Our winner for the mystery prize is #20 – Paula!

    Send me an email, Paula, with your full name and mailing address and we’ll get the mystery prize in the mail to you!

    Have a great weekend, all!
    Jane xoxo

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