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The Good Wife: Fun Social Media Contest!

The Good Wife went on sale officially this week and reader feedback has been awesome so far.  I’m so thankful to all my friends and readers who have taken the time to write and let me know what they think!  I love that so many of you pre-ordered a copy.  Thank you for working so hard to help me make it a success.

What stuns me more is how many of you already read it!  Thank you so much for the emails and messages sharing your thoughts.  Writing is such a lonely profession sometimes but I do it because I love to tell stories and I do it for YOU.  I cannot tell you how much it thrills me to know you’re enjoying Sarah Brennan’s story.  I love these Brennan girls and the fact that you do too exceeds all my hopes for the series!


Release day means party time and I have some fun lined up for you!  I’ve just launched a great Social Media contest and I’d love to see you participate for a chance to win a fun prize!  Entering this contest is easy.

1 – Take a photo of yourself with your copy of The Good Wife.  You don’t have to include your face in the photo if you don’t want to.  If you bought a digital copy of the book, take a snapshot with your ereader displaying the cover of the book!

2 – Share the photo on your Facebook page, on your Twitter or Instagram account and be sure to use the hashtag #GoodWifeContest with your post so we can track and find your entry!

That’s it.  So easy!  Contest ends at midnight on September 6th, 2013 and the winner will be chosen at random.  The prize is a fun tote bag full of awesome books, a beach towel, gift cards and more! Good luck!!


Is it possible to love someone too much?
Always considered the beauty of the family, the youngest Brennan sister, Sarah, remains deeply in love with her husband of ten years. Boone Walker, a professional baseball player, travels almost year-round while Sarah stays home and cares for their two children. Her love for her husband is bottomless—so much so that her sisters say it will end up hurting her.
Living apart most of the time makes life difficult, especially since Sarah often wonders whether Boone is sharing his bed with other women on the road, even though he swears he’s been true to her since his infidelity three years ago. While she wants to be happy and move forward in her life, Sarah constantly fears that Boone will break his promise. Now with Boone facing yet another career change, tension rises between the two, adding more stress to an already turbulent marriage. Emotionally exhausted, Sarah can’t cope with yet another storm. Now, she must either break free from the past and forgive Boone completely, or leave him behind and start anew…


10 Comments on “The Good Wife: Fun Social Media Contest!

  1. Jane,

    I am going to miss the Brennan girls so much that I will just have to read them again and again 🙂 Seriously, this book was AMAZING and I can’t stop thinking about it!

    Enjoy all your parties!


  2. Hi Jane,

    I have already read the book and now I wish that I had another new great book from you.
    It´s so hard to say goodbye to the Brennan Sisters and their Families.
    But thank you for writing a great trilogy.
    It was easy to see that you have put you hard and soul into thees books. Especially the last one.

  3. I’m a little more then half way through The Good Wife and really loving it. It’s such a great story so far. I have a hard time putting the book down.

  4. Are you going to write a fourth book for Bri? I seriously read the book in one day because I couldn’t put it down. Beautiful story made me cry! Loved it. 2 more books please!

  5. I read it last night from cover to cover! I really enjoyed it! We need more books to the Brennan sisters “saga”! Congrats!

  6. The Barnes & Nobel bookstore by my house did not have any copies of your new book so I had them order one for me-should arrive end of this week:)
    Can’t wait to dive in!

  7. Pre-ordered this book and blew through it. Your books are so enjoyable and insightful. Sad that this series is over. I will recommend to everybody I know.

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