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Laura Spinella’s Perfect Timing

lauraspinellaI’m in Hawaii for Christmas and New Year’s this year and taking time off to just be with my family.  I have a few revisions to wrap up on my next Harlequin Presents (was supposed to get them done before Christmas!) but stopped stressing out so I could focus on my boys and just enjoy the holidays this year.

Part of the holidays means relaxing with a great book, too, and I love  Laura Spinella and thought we should prepare to ring in the new year with her new book, Perfect Timing!  And so here Laura is, doing an interview with me about her new release.

Readers, help me welcome Laura back to the JaneBlog!

Laura, tell us what your current release is about, in 2 or 3 sentences.

Guilty. There’s a rock star at the center of Perfect Timing.  But that’s not what this story is about; it’s about the rhythm of lasting friendship, and the beat of a love story subject to incredible odds. It’s about family and figuring out what makes you truly happy, then being brave enough to embrace it. Perfect Timing is relationship fiction set to the sometimes extraordinary and always precarious tempo of life.

There’s rock, there’s a hard place, then there’s Aidan & Isabel
What’s a Jersey girl to do when she moves to Catswallow, Alabama? Isabel Lang finds the answer in friendship, an unlikely bond with the musically gifted Aidan Roycroft. The two share everything from a first kiss to startling family secrets. But when Aidan is accused of a violent crime, the inseparable pair flee to Las Vegas. The move seems like a jackpot win as a long-awaited romance ignites and a major recording label offers Aidan a deal. But Vegas luck doesn’t last when circumstance interferes and Isabel’s future comes tumbling down.
Seven years later the past is history. That includes any yesteryear bond with Aidan Roycroft—an entity better known as Aidan Royce, Alabama’s own Springsteen. Isabel is busy running a radio station and closing in on a commitment with Nate Potter, a guy who defines ideal. Life seems cozy until new station management demands a sudden-death ratings grabber. It puts everyone’s job on the line and Isabel’s perfectly timed future in jeopardy. What should be a simple solution leads to a stunning revelation as Isabel is forced to call on the past and the only rock star she knows.

What is your favorite thing about your book?

That’s a two-part answer. As noted, Aidan Royce is a “rock star.” I was intrigued by the idea of delivering a story that incorporated that but used it in a relatable context. I thought a singular childhood friendship could create that kind of bond—a relationship that could survive something as blinding as fame. The second part is more personal. My daughter, who’s a tough critic, loved this story when I first wrote it. (Since there are some steamier scenes, I should mention she’s 25) After toying with different storylines for a follow up to Beautiful Disaster, Megan all but insisted, “Aidan and Isabel!” I’d almost forgotten how much I loved the characters, and immediately found myself re-involved with their story.

What do you love most about being a writer?

I’m sure thoughtful reflection, coupled by serious contemplation would reveal an array of intellectual answers. On the other hand, here are mine:

I can wear pajama pants all day.
If I’m sick of dealing with a particular individual, there’s an off switch.
If I’m sick of dealing with a particular individual, there’s an on switch.
It’s an acceptable form of basically irrational behavior.
There’s nothing quite like getting an email from a complete stranger telling you how much they loved your book.

Name five items sitting on your desk.

Does above the desk count?
My favorite item is a collage of antique postcards showing off my hometown of Bayport, New York.
A mini rock waterfall. I filled it once, about five years ago, and never have managed to refill it. But as I recall, I really enjoyed it.
A Perfect Timing mouse pad, Mother’s Day gift this past year.
Books! I’m working my way through some great ones, including Jane Porter & Co’s wonderful A Copper Mountain Christmas.
A 99-cent composition notebook where I keep miscellaneous notes about my WIP.  I like it because the pages never fall out.

What are you working on now?

Funny, I chose this question and I have skipped answering it three times.  I am neck-deep in revisions to a novel tentatively titled, Color Outside the Lines. Although, as titles go, I may change it to The Unremarkable Life of Missy Flannigan. However, if the revision process gets any more intense, I may have to re-title it again: How I Pulled My Hair Out in the Winter of My Discontent.

Seriously, I think this is one of my best efforts when it comes to novel writing. Everything I’ve learned as a writer seems to be swirling and converging onto its pages—just not as orderly as I’d like. It’s the story of Aubrey Ellis, a woman who shuns an extraordinary gift in search of an ordinary life, and the souls, living and dead, who help her along the way.

Three things you know now that you wish you’d known before publishing your first book?

Only three?

The importance of networking and social media. When Beautiful Disaster was published I had about 140 Facebook friends. Initially, it was like being the neighborhood Fuller Brush salesman—once you’ve played to the home crowd, where do you go? Several hundred FB friends later, I now watch authors from every end of the publishing spectrum interact with one another. Not only are there connections, but there’s real support for a craft that can often be brutal and trying. Other authors make for the best built-in cheering section.

Enjoy what you’ve accomplished. An author gets a book deal and thinks that will bring the accomplishment full circle. Wrong… Once that’s done, you realize that you’re just a grain of sand in an ocean, and the desire to become coral, or mollusks, or squid takes over.  Anyway, oceanography aside, the chase can be never ending, so if you can find some satisfaction in what you have achieved as an author then, I think, you’re a happier person all around.

Don’t let it consume you. I still fail at that one.

Favorite food/cuisine?

On a lighter note… Does wine count? How about food cooked in wine? Well, if I have to pick, I’m an appetizer whore. I could live off appetizers! You name it; if it comes in multiples off a cookie sheet or you can dip a chip into it, I’m in.

Name 5 words that fit your personality according to you.  And 5 words that fit your personality according to your best friend.

I kind of love this question because I have a BFF of 30+ years who knows me better than anyone. These are the unedited words of Melisa Holmes, who happens to run one of the best tween & teen knowledge-based websites in the world, Her books are pretty great too! She says her words about me are not necessarily in descending order.

Mama Bear
Smart Ass

My five words? Hmm, I wish I were as sure as her, but I’ll go with these: Introvert, Sarcastic, Loyal, Determined, and yes, Mama Bear.

Thank you so much to Jane! Not only for hosting me on her blog today, but for providing the fantastic, incredible and generous cover quote for Perfect Timing! She is just the best and I am very grateful!


Thanks so much, Laura, for sharing with us today!  Readers, I’ve read Laura’s fantastic new release and I am a true fan.  Do add it to your reading list and I promise you’ll be a fan too and to celebrate Laura’s new release, I’m giving away two (2!) Laura Spinella prize packages consisting of books, treats and New Year sweets.  Comment below for a chance to win one of the prize boxes, and contest ends New Year’s Eve with the winners will be announced January 1st.  Good luck and hoping your holiday was truly happy!

83 Comments on “Laura Spinella’s Perfect Timing

  1. Congrats to Laura on the recent release. I love appetizers, too and sometimes we forgo the entree and just order appetizers.

  2. Congrats on your new release! I enjoy a good appetizer with my meal but you have to watch because if you eat to much of then you don’t want the meal.

  3. Laura: Congrats on the new release! Love the 5 things you love about being a writer. Jane: Wishing you and your family a wonderful time in Hawaii. Happy New Year (soon)!

  4. I’m definitely putting this book on my must read list. I love you food list too. Wine is one of my main sources of liquids. I love appetizers too. Me and my husband have been known to go out to eat and just order several different appetizers and make a meal of them.

  5. congrats laura on the new release. I have beautiful disaster to be read looking forward to it. I enjoyed reading your interview thanks for sharing.

  6. I love the cover of this book! So pretty! We like to go and have appetizers to share. That way we have more different foods to eat; and if it is happy hour, they are less expensive!! Happy New Year!

  7. Congrats, Laura, on your newest release. I’m an appetizer fan too, especially anything with shrimp. Happy New Year!

  8. Congrats on the new release, Laura.
    I would use those same 5 words to describe my personality. Your WIP sounds fantastic…The Unremarkable Life of Missy Flannigan.

  9. Congratulations to Laura on her new story. It sounds like an emotional story, the type I enjoy. Happy New Year to everyone!

  10. Congrats on the release of Perfect Timing, sounds like a good book and looking forward in reading it! Glad your in Hawaii with your family! Enjoy and Happy New Year!

  11. Thanks for the giveaway! I’ve heard and seen some great reviews for Laura’s new novel and can’t wait to check it out!

  12. Thank you Jane for introducing me to a new author. Laura, I am looking forward to reading a Beautiful Disaster. Thank you for running this contest. Happy New Year to both of you.

  13. Congrats on the new release. I love the cover–I’m definitely interested in reading this and will add to my to-read list.

  14. Congratulations on the new release! I’m putting it on my wish list right now. Definitely going to pick it up!

  15. This sounds like my kind of book. I can’t wait to read it!

    Laura, seriously appetizers are the best thing ever invented!!!!

    Happy New Year everyone!


  17. I wandered upon Beautiful Disaster after reading a newer book with the same title. I was intrigued and ending up loving the book as much as the one that had brought me to it.

    I’m just so excited to know a new book is coming. Hopefully she’ll be able to keep her hair and sanity in the process!

    I can’t wait to read Perfect Timing!

  18. Hi Laura
    Welcome to Jane’s blog spot. I enjoyed reading your blurb for Perfect Timing and q&a with Jane.
    Thank you for your time and best wishes for continued success.
    Ginger aka robertsonreafs

  19. Your a new to me author and I have to say your book has me intrigued Cant wait to read it Jane you truly you are awesome for sharing new to me authors ty for the chance and for the opportunity to read your books have a blessed New year

  20. I enjoyed the interview. Congrats on your release of Perfect Timing…adding it to my TBR list now. Happy New Year!

  21. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Laura! I love the sound of The Unremarkable Life Of Missy Flannigan. I hope you’ll keep that as a title for the next book. Awesome giveaway: thank you for the opportunity!

  22. I am with you on anything I can dip into is a go for me. I will have to put this one on my “to read” list. Thanks for the contest.

  23. After this, I’m going straight to goodreads and add Perfect Timing and Beautiful Disaster to my to-read list. These books sound incredible! I’m also going to check out, as I have one young teen and one tween and can use all the advise that I can get. Thanks so much for this blog!

  24. I’m intrigued by the book synopsis, I will definitely have to read it! Hope you both had a wonderful Christmas!! Will also check out for my daughters.

  25. congrats Laura on the release
    love the sound of The Unremarkable Life Of Missy Flannigan

    happy to have been introduced to you and your works

  26. Laura, putting Perfect Timing on my must reads for 2014.
    You sound like a hoot from the words your best friend used to describe you. Good luck in 2014.

  27. Thank you for introducing to us to another great author. The pile on my night table is becoming huge. I just got Sleigh Bells by Sarah Morgan, but as I am home with a cold what better way to spend the time than read!
    Wish I was in Hawaii in the hot weather. The ice storm really made for a quiet Christmas this year.
    Happy New Year to Laura and Jane.

  28. Happy New Year to you Jane and your family and Laura and your family, also. Jane, you always tell us about great authors. I ordered and read all of Hope Ramsey’s books and have your Christmas at Copper Mountain on order. Thank you so much for sharing your author friends with us!

  29. Congrats on your new release! Happy New Year. Perfect Timing sounds wonderful. Please enter me in contest. Thank you for the opportunity to win.

  30. “Perfect Timing,Appetizers and Wine = perfect New Year’s Eve! Please KEEP “Coloring Outside the Lines” as your next title…it suits me and so I’d buy that one!
    Happy New Year!

  31. You keep having fabulous authors on your blog, Jane, my list of must reads just gets bigger and bigger!

    Happy New Year!

  32. Laura I enjoyed your introduction!

    Hope to read your work in the near future. I’m interested in what happens when Isabel reconnects with Aiden after he succeeds beyond his wildest dreams and she has to ask him for help.

    Happy new Year!

    johns lake at usa dot com

  33. Sounds like a good book for the holiday break. I love appetizers as well. I like to meet friends at applebees for drinks and appetizers.

  34. Happy New Year to my wonderful friends and readers! Here’s hoping 2014 will be a great year for all of us! 🙂

    Our winners for Laura’s contest are –

    #39 Rachel Jones
    #70 Suzy

    Girls, shoot me an email with your mailing address and I’ll get prizes in the mail very soon!

    much love to all,
    Jane xoxoxo

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