The Year & A New Year

I don’t write as many JaneBlogs as I used to.  I have been featuring many guest authors and friends because it feels strange to always talk about me and my books.  I know many of you are here, or follow me, because you enjoy my books, but as the career has continued and the deadlines accumulate and the manuscripts wrap up, I can’t help feeling a bit like a fictional character myself…telling you this bit of news and that, trying to be cheerful and positive, and entertaining while still being real and honest.

And so I invite friends to join me here, and ask them to blog, and try to show some love and light onto others.

But today I just want to say few words from my heart.

I know life can be hard.  I know the economy is still tough on folks and there are health issues and life issues and heartbreaking things around us.  Like all of you, I have a family that sometimes struggles, and sometimes struggles a lot.  Like you, I have friends who are confronted by cancer and loss.  Like you, I have children that feel like square pegs in a round hole.  Like you, I’m not always sure I’m doing the right thing.  Like you, I lay awake at night, feeling guilty or resentful, or fearful.  Like you, when afraid, I reach out to friends, and lean hard on my faith.

There are times where I don’t think I should be writing anymore.  I think I should go back to teaching.  I think I should be doing something that truly helps others, and encourages others, a career that doesn’t have as much ego attached as the writing life where there are so many crowns and tiaras of lists, reviews, accolades.  I find myself wishing for a career that was based on heart and hope, strength and faith, courage and kindness and I work hard to write stories that reflect those themes so close to my heart….but those aren’t necessarily the popular themes in literature, and I’m no literary darling.  New York/traditional publishing doesn’t quite know what to do with me, or how to market me.  I don’t really know how to market myself.  So now I do traditional and digital publishing while trying to see the future.

But as much as I pray about my career, and asking God to close doors and open doors I find me still here…writing.

And then it hits me that maybe I’m still writing and selling in whatever form it happens to be,  because it allows me to know you, and reach out to each of you, my way.  Maybe my career isn’t about bestseller lists and being someone’s literary darling.  Maybe my career is about….you.

Encouraging you.

And validating you.

And most of all, loving you.

And so as 2013 ends, and 2014 is about to begin, know that I am still writing because I believe we can make a difference, together.  You and me.  I believe we can change lives and strengthen hearts and heal wounds.  I believe we can offer each other support and hope, and most of all, love.

Love is everything.  You’ve heard me say these words in my books, most recently in The Good Wife, and also in my Christmas story, Christmas at Copper Mountain, but love is there in the beginning, and love will be there at the end.  Love is all.  And it is love that will give our lives meaning.

Happy new year to all of you, my friends.  On the nights you are worried and can not sleep, or the mornings you wake with a heavy heart, know that you are not alone.  You are part of this…us…a community of amazing, beautiful, valuable women.

Here’s to you, my amazing, beautiful, valuable friend!



PS  And what would a New Year’s JaneBlog be without a special giveaway?  Not so very special!  🙂  And so of course I have an extra delightful, secret gift of lovely things for one of you.  Comment below and I will announce the winner on Saturday, January 4th!


  1. What beautiful words to write for the end of an old year and the beginning of a new year! All the best and much love to you Jane, always! <3

  2. Oh Jane, you are so gifted. Those that you inspire through your stories (me and everyone else)and I am sure you inspired your students long ago. I would have felt lucky to have had so gifted a teacher.
    I know what you mean about the family struggles through illness and this economy. Feeling our kids pain as they try to find there way a long the highway of life and hoping that everything turns out okay.
    Wishing you and everyone a better 2014. I will be celebrating in January 30 years married to a great guy. I know I for one and glad to see 2013 go it was a year that nearly broke me and my spirit.
    Sending you and your guys hugs, smiles and good wishes.

  3. Dear Jane,
    Your wise, uplifting and inspiring words are what I needed to hear. After a year that was difficult healthwise life will improve and I am looking forward to enjoying 2014. Wishing you a year filled with happiness, success and love. Thank you for your books and creativity which gives me hope.

  4. Jane, you are amazing and beautiful and full of love. We need you to continue writing because your books allow us to cope or escape in life’s tough times. But, you also need personal satisfaction with your life so if you need to teach too then do it. A little of everything never hurt anyone 😉 Happy New Year, make it amazing!

  5. Thank you for such a beautiful blog post. You are such an inspiring, wonderful person. Thank you for sharing your gift with all of us.

  6. So much truth and wisdom and such a beautiful time to reflect on the old and think of the new. Happy New Year to you and yours!

  7. Very touching and heartfelt words!!
    Thank you for this reminder.
    Thank you for reaching out to your readers!
    We all have doubts of “are we doing the right thing?”
    But still have to believe we are where we should be, doing what we should be doing for a reason.
    Keep on writing inspirational words and your books!

  8. I cannot thank you enough for writing this blog today. Sometimes we need to step back and realize that we are not the only ones hurting,suffering and losing loved ones. I know that my author “friends” are real people too, however I forget that life still happens to you too.
    I pray for a better 2014 for our country, my friends and family.

  9. Jane, you are the most generous person and I for one am glad you are writing and sharing your talent with all of us. Your books resonate so strongly with me and I am also entertained by them. I will selfishly ask you to NOT go back to teaching 🙂

    Happy New Year!

  10. My wish is that you never stop writing (as long as it continues to bring you happiness). Your post was very touching and surely makes leaving the very hard year of 2013 behind easier. May you and all your readers have an abundance of love in the New Year !


  11. I never win anything but I’m addicted to books! I started putting them on my e-reader so I can take them anywhere I go & it’s more compack to hold with my little wallet thingy & drink.

  12. Jane, you’ve always been a favorite of mine even before the tornado that devastated my city back in 2011. When you found out what happened and offered your help I cried. So no matter where you are or what you are doing I will always remember your offer of help in a time of great need. May God bless you each and every day and know that you are valued for who you are, not just for what you write.

  13. Thanks for this, I think as women we all struggle with one more of these. I know I’m a worrier and with two of my triplets on the Autism spectrum, I always wishing my kids could just be “typical”. Let’s make our new year a new start!

  14. You are fantastic, Jane. And I’m so excited by your foray into SP!!! And I hope you do more Jane-centric blogs. I love them.

  15. Such a wonderfully worded letter. You are doing exactly what you are aupposed to be doing. I believe you are atill teaching but to a different and larger audience. It is just how you look at the situation. Thanks for sharing your words of love to the world. They are cherished by many.

  16. Your words are heard. It is true the most important thing in our lives is love. So why then are we hesitant to say the words? Do we feel if we say it often it looses it’s depth of feeling? My New Years resolution is to say it often, to my family, to my friends and whomever I think needs to hear it. Happy New Year to you and your family!

  17. Jane,

    One of the many things that I respect about you is how open you are with your readers/friends. We are all flawed, but it’s how we take those flaws and learn to embrace them. We are each the perfect versions of ourselves … flaws, imperfections and all.

    I hope you and your family have a blessed new year.


  18. Jane,
    I came across one of your books several
    years back. It was at a time in my life that was
    so incredibly hard. My oldest son had been diagnosed
    with Chron’s disease and it manifested into anarexia.
    My husband and I had to put in a hospital 2.5 hours
    from our home in hopes of saving his life. Your books
    then and now show me no matter what the situation is, I am not alone in life. So Happy New Year Jane!! Here’s to you and Thank you for all you do!
    Yours truly,
    PS Christopher is still with us and is better than ever!

  19. Thank you for your honest words and sincerity. It is those traits in you that make your readers fall in love with you and your words. You do make a difference.

  20. Really enjoyed the words you wrote above-hope everything in our country becomes better in the year 2014. Happpy New Year.

  21. What a heart warming blog. Even if you go to teaching, still keep writing! Your books are wonderful breaks from my long days as a principal!

  22. You are such a love. 2013 has brought more questions than answers but i would love to know you are still writing in 2014. Thank you, Jane.

  23. Thank you for your beautiful words. I was just at the doctor with my 80 year old dad this morning and was thinking how relieved I am to send 2013 on its way. I am hopeful and positive for 2014. As I looked around the waiting room I began to be filled with so much gratitude for my family, my friends and my health. And then I started wondering if this is the year I start to explore different options as far as my career. I’ve been teaching fifth graders for a long time…maybe I could marry my credential and law degree, maybe I will begin to explore options. No matter what I decide I know one thing, I have been blessed with a supportive family and incredibly awesome friends. I am lucky to know you, Jane.

  24. These are strong, caring words Jane. Keep writing!
    “Happy new year to all of you, my friends. On the nights you are worried and can not sleep, or the mornings you wake with a heavy heart, know that you are not alone. You are part of this…us…a community of amazing, beautiful, valuable women.”

  25. I am trying to type through my tears. Thank you for writing this blog, Jane. I have been suffering from a serious bout of the blues which usually come on right after Christmas. Sometimes I feel as if I’m all alone – that everyone else has their act together but me. I think that it is only me who can’t sleep at night wondering how my son will make his way in the world. I worry about my parents & their health as they get older. I wonder what I am supposed to do with my life now that my son is close to graduation. Please don’t ever stop writing. Your books bring your readers joy and solace.

  26. What a beautiful blog post. I don’t read many blogs and admit I came to this post because I saw giveaway, now I don’t even know what the giveaway is or care, b/c this post was so beautiful.
    But seriously, PLEASE don’t stop writing. You are absolutely one of my top favorite authors and for “New York” not to get you? Whatever. I don’t “get” them. HAHA. I anxiously away each book you write and will never hesitate at the price, like I do with so many others.
    Many blessings to you!

  27. Such a lovely blog. You are a fairly new writer to me. I look forward to reading you in the New Year. I will check your blog also. Wishing ou a Happy, Healthy New Year.

  28. You’ve done it again Jane, you always have the right thing to say at the right time. I hope you never stop writing. I hope I never stop reading. You are a gift. Good luck to everyone! And have a Wonderful New Year!!

  29. Jane,
    Writers write because they have a gift they want share with their readers. Thank you for sharing your gift with us through all life throes our way.

  30. I hang my head … I have a few of your books on my kindle that I haven’t gotten to yet but I WILL! I was first drawn to your blog by your constant of uplifting words, encouragement and support and whenever I am feeling not at my best or disheartened, this is where I come to renew my strength, energy and optimism as you are always here for us and your words soothe my heart, mind and soul. Thank you for being you and being there for us. Happy New Year, Jane, and wishing you good things in the coming year!

  31. That was thoughtful, encouraging, vulnerable, and transparent…the love for your fans and followers came through. What a great way to end the year and ring in a new one, Jane. Do whatever your heart loves and you will bring joy to others. Happy New Year!

  32. My husband and I truly have had a very hard year. We keep saying 2014 has to be better! Thank you for the encouraging words.

  33. Thank you for these words! Many times I feel like I’m the only one or that I’m alone…

    Happy New Year and I hope it takes you where you want it to be!

  34. Thank you for this blog and your words of love and hope and kinship. I really needed to read that as I have been floundering about trying to get through and waking up worried and with a heavy heart also. Love is the answer. ..thanks for that reminder. May God bless you and your family and I wish you a love-filled, happy and successful New Year!


  35. I have missed these heartfelt blogs. I love to hear your heart! Life always throws curveballs but women are exceptionally gifted to read the signs and adjust. You beautifully validate women and our struggles in your books. It’s such a gift to all who read them. Thank you!

  36. Jane, you are such a special part of our lives. I think you absolutely make a difference…more than you know. You help us to escape for a few minutes to the places we dream about. Thank you, and keep up the good work…

  37. Jane, thank you for sharing so much of yourself with us…through your books and your blogs. I love how honest and real you are. You’re a true gem in a sea of authors and I’m so happy and grateful that I stumbled across your beautiful work for the first time years ago when I read Flirting with Forty in a magazine. I could relate to that story on so many levels. My heartfelt prayers are with you and your precious family for 2014…may it be a year showered with blessings for all of you.

  38. your words are very touching! It is a reminder that no matter who we are, we all share the same thoughts and feelings. Thank you so much.

  39. Jane,

    Thank you for writing and thank you for being you. I always, always take away something special from each and every one of your books. We do all need a reminder every now and then that we are not alone and that everyone has stuff going on. Your books are some of my most treasured possessions and your friendship is priceless.

    Happy New Year! Cheers to 2014

  40. I am glad you write. Some of your books are my best friends, the books I re read in times of trouble. The unspoken contract between romance/women’s fiction writer and reader is comforting – the hero will not die, or be a bad guy, it will end happily, or at least hopefully.
    If only the real world were so hopeful!

  41. Wow, Jane! That was truly touching! Your books are always on my “MUST READ” list because they just work for me. I don’t struggle to read them and in fact, sometimes have to put them down so I don’t read them too fast. I appreciate all you do for US, your loyal fans, and look forward to another year with you!!! ♥

  42. I love your blog. It’s like a window into your world. It’s good to know you have the same worries and concerns like me. I don’t want you to have problems, it’s just good to know I’m not alone. I hope your New Year is filled with lots of love and great ideas/words for your novels. Keep up the good work on writing. You touch so many people’s lives with your books.

  43. I do love your blog. I know the economic is the pits but that does not stop me to buying books. I enjoy your books so much and am so thankful to you. It helps me forget all about the real world and give me much enjoyment. Thank you so much!!!

  44. Ah, Jane, what a timely post!

    First let me say that meeting you this year at the NJRW conference was one of the highlights of my year. You radiate a warm and loving spirit.

    Second, your self-reflection mirrors what I am going through right now. Tomorrow I turn 50, and I’m having a serious mid-life crisis, wondering what I’ve been doing for 50 years, what I should be doing, and what I will do for the rest of my time here that is meaningful.

    Know that your writing is meaningful, and makes a difference for all your readers, whether they come away with hope, love, or just having had the chance to escape for a few hours while they read. You touch people. That matters.


  45. Thank you for writing that Jane and thank you for writing… I hope you never stop. Happy New year to you and your beautiful family!

  46. Jane, What a beautiful post and so very true for all of us. Thank you for putting all that into words in the way only you can. And thank you for writing. You will probably never know the lives you touch with your words, but never underestimate their power and value. xo

  47. I hope you never give up writing! I read many different authors, but your books are the only ones that I feel really get me. You write with more authentic truth than anyone else I have ever read. I share many of the same thoughts with your characters and I always come away grateful that I am not the only one who has thought that way. I’m sure everyone here feels all the validation, encouragement, and love that you are giving us. I only hope that we as readers give that back to you in some small way.

  48. I love your books and really think you and all writers help people. We can escape our troubles for a while in your books so please don’t ever give up writing!

  49. What a lovely post. You are so right. You would not still be writing if you weren’t meant to be. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Have a happy new year.

  50. Lost the love of my life after forty years but I’ve been lucky to have family and friends who have been so supportive.

  51. Jane,
    I just love how open you are and how generous you are with your readers.
    Happy New Year to you and yours!


  52. Your post was a pleasure to read. I sure hope you keep writing and blogging. I like reading about you and how you feel. Your blog is a gift to us- your devoted fans.

  53. I’m a mother of six children and I love to spend any free time reading. My goal for 2014 is to read more! Happy New Year!

  54. That was just beautiful. I am glad you are still writing. It provides us with an escape from our sometimes not so wonderful everyday life. And helps us remember that sometimes our everyday life is wonderful. Happy 2014.

  55. What a wonderful year-end blog, Jane. And never ever doubt that you are not doing something meaningful with your writing. We, your fans, cannot imagine not looking forward to your next book; cannot imagine not feeling like we know you personally, like a good friend. Happy New Year, Jane…and many blessings from not only me, but from all of your fans.

  56. You definitely need to write. You have such a way with words. Puts me in my own little world, a special place, enjoying your books. Please know that you are a true treasure and help all your readers feel better every day. Loved “Christmas at Copper Mountain”.

  57. My Dearest Jane,

    I am not just commenting to be entered into your contest because while reading your Year in review, before I had even gotten half way through the article I knew I had to write to you to say Thank you, my friend. It may be true that we have never met, it may be true that we aren’t friends in our day to day lives, but I am a great fan of your writing as of late, and I have written to you before, and as the kind person I see in your writings, blogging, and your newsletters I feel that I have made a friend in you. What you said was so touching, and I am sure many of your fans will agree with me. However, not all of them live what you wrote and those that do, will feel as I do. Before I finished reading I was in tears, because I have had that struggle you spoke about, I have had that thought of giving back, aiding those in need, well Jane let me tell you a story. A woman who has been disabled for almost 16 years, came across a website known as “Montana Born Books”, and as she went through the site she read a short bio on you, so then she went to your website, well to make it short, she is now a follower of your site, a huge fan of your books, and could be a “One Woman Band” in telling others about you. Why? She discovered that when you create a character you make them real, believable, you use real bits of people to create your characters, and she found that your books resembled her life a great deal. The woman was me, and I just want you to know from the bottom of my heart, your year in review has touched me so deeply I had to say Thank you, please never give up writing you are helping, yes writing can be the whole glam ride, but you didn’t take that ride. That’s why New York is so stumped, you did the opposite of what many others would jump at. If you were to give up writing there are I am sure many like myself that would be at a loss if you quit. You do and are helping many women, I am proof of that. Forget what people may think, you know you have been given a gift, and you are doing something that does help others, it lets us dream, gives us hope when we think there is no more. Never regret your choice, it was never a choice, it was after all your calling. God Bless you Jane Porter.
    Barbara Hopkins

    1. Thank you Barbara for putting so eloquently into words what my heart was feeling! I couldn’t stop crying after reading Jane’s blog, and could barely write the few things I did finally do because like you, I find myself believing that I’ve found a truly honest friend in Jane Porter! She is the first author I’ve ever written to in my entire 63 years of life!

  58. Dear Jane- No author has touched me like you! You have a beautiful heart. Thank you for writing books that give such a wonderful escape from reality and allow a girl to dream again.
    Be blessed,

  59. That was exactly what I needed to read tonight. Thank you Jane! I think you are amazing and I truly enjoy your writing – books and blog.

  60. What a great message in your blog. Sometimes we just need a little reminder that everyone is human and we need to look out for our fellow man/woman with love and compassion. Happy New Year to you and your family from me and mine in Iowa.

  61. Beautiful post by a beautiful lady. All of us have more in common than we think. We need to lean on one another and God. Happy New Year to you and your family, Jane!

  62. Please don’t give up writing. Authors are my superheroes. When life is rough, I read. It helps me escape what is going on in my life, and sometimes teaches me that I don’t have it all that rough. Teaching does encourage people, but so can reading what you write. Happy Holidays, and best of luck with whatever you decide to do.

  63. That is such a beautiful post Jane. Thank you so much. Sending love and hugs and peace to you as we end 2013. I feel so blessed to have found you as an author whose books I love, and as a friend who I feel blessed to have gotten to meet at writing/author events here in Southern CA. Happy, Happy New Year!

  64. really liked the post. you forgot to mention you bring many of us happy hours & dreams reading your books. I think you can get to know someone through how they write and what they write. So that it seems you are friends of sorts. Have a Happy & prosperous new year 🙂

  65. Jane,
    Keep writing. Because you do make a difference with every word you write. You just may never know who needs those words, or when. But someone, somewhere, does. And your are so right, it is all about love. The love you put into what you do every day is why what you do touches people so. So, know you are loved in return, and appreciated. Have a happy and healthy new year.

  66. Thank you for your heartfelt blog post. I really appreciate your honesty and how real you are. I’m very happy that you aren’t going to stop writing too! Happy New Year to you and your beautiful family!

  67. Great post Jane! Like you, I often struggle with my career choice and feel that I should be doing something more meaningful that helps others. Please know that your work is so very meaningful! At the end of a particularly stressful week, there is no better escape than to lose myself in one of your books!

  68. What ever you chose to do, you will always be loved because you are more then just a writer to many of us. You are a friend to us. I love your words of encouragement because I have gotten where I don’t share a lot about myself anymore. But, I do have many struggles every day and often wonder if and when they will ever end. Or if I am doing the right things with my life. We all love your books. but, if you were to choose just publishing, I’ll always be there to support you and help out how ever I can.

  69. The publishing world honestly sounds scary and just plain awful that it is almost discouraging to young writers. Ok, very discouraging. I know that is just an excuse, but if I feel that I can only imagine how many others feel the same!

    I hope you took time to relax and enjoy your family this holiday season!

  70. love the blog post.. words to think by as the new year comes..

    Wishing well your family for the holidays and the new year..

  71. What a beautiful message. Thank you for your words. Please keep doing what you do. Happy New Year. May 2014 bring us all the wishes we hope for.

  72. Thank you, Jane! You are a beautiful soul. Your words touched my heart. That is the best gift, the gift of youl

  73. OMG! The tears won’t stop flowing! This blog, touches my heart as do any of the books you’ve written that I’ve read! I feel inspired to begin writing poetry again because of the heartfelt raw emotions you always allow to grace every novel! I believe that once a book is done, your energy needs a double dose of replenishing, if not more! Although we don’t personally know one another, I feel your love and compassion for others when you write. You are truly a very gifted woman and writer! May you continue to be blessed and be a blessing in 2014 and many years beyond!

  74. There are only a few blogs that I read and yours is one of them, so selfishly I hope you keep writing your own books and pointing us toward other good books. Your words are like pebbles tossed into a pond and the ripples are the words we all share with others about you, your work and your life and the authors you endorse and the circles get larger and larger. God is at work in your life and I am so thankful. It is always a joy to share what I read here and today is no exception. Thank you Jane!

  75. Jane, I’m soo glad I checked in to read your blog this evening…your words were heartfelt, honest and just what I needed as life has been very hard lately. I think that whatever you do in your life whether it be writing, teaching, or whatever, will bring and does bring such joy to those you encounter. We need more people like you in this world and thank you for making me not hurt so much tonight:) happy new year! And, God Bless

  76. such awesome words Jane and I thank you for them. You probably are where you are supposed to be. Hope you find peace with that.

    love you and Happy New Year, friend

  77. Jane, I always enjoy your books, your blog and your guests. I can tell that you care about your fans. Thank you for being …you.

  78. Every word you wrote touched me, Jane. I too have tears in my eyes. Indeed, love IS everything.
    All the best to you and your family now, as well as in the years to come.

  79. My heart would be broken if you stopped but you need to do what is right for you and your family. Best wishes in the new year. Xoxo

  80. I’m feeling kinda of down tonight. I just read your blog,I’m crying and smiling.Thank you for the love, comfort,and truth you just wrote. You are beautiful too; in so many ways.Thanks for the books and words of love and encouragement. Happy New Year!! <3 hugs 🙂

  81. Jane, your words of love inspire so many people! Your writing is a gift, and so you share it. Thank you for being real and sharing your gift. Yes, we all have our ups and downs in this classroom we call life. Thank God for your gift of writing!! You are an amazing wonderful woman. Thank you! God bless you in the new year and always!

  82. Happy New Year! Your blog touched me in a way that it made me cry-I took a job so I could pay the bills, its just not the same working at home at my home daycare but no one was answering my ad so had to get something-I still tutor kids that need help with reading so they keep me going and I’ve given a few of them your books to read so don’t stop writing. I’m going to be making some changes in 2014 for I’ve decided its time to go forward and make me Happy, both of my kids are old enough to be on their own and sure I’ll always be their mom but they are doing what they want to do! Sure hope you don’t stop writing for you’ll disappoint a lot of fans also I love your books and all!

  83. What a lovely note. It’s so nice to be reminded that one is not alone in feeling fear and not sure about things–also to be reminded that even if someone looks successful, they can also have doubts. Thank you for sharing.

    I love surprises. Look forward to seeing what someone will win. Happy New Year. 🙂

  84. I don’t know if you read it before but I am saying this somewhat again just in different words. In high school we were forced to read books that we were not interested in simply to learn why we were reading and how reading can bring words to life. I moved to Lexington, KY about 6 years ago after I got married to my second husband. I have a daughter who is now 16 years old. I raised her alone for 9 of those years and 1 of them with an abusive ex husband. Upon moving here I started going to the library for computer use. While at the check out desk I noticed a stack of returned books they were putting away and noticed “Odd Mom Out”. I picked that book up and read the back, seemed interesting so I checked it out. This book was the most interesting book ever. The emotions, the characters, and all those life experiences were things I had felt and experienced. I connected so much to this book that I could not put it down and I was finished reading it the next day. I checked out the author, Jane Porter and did a search on the catalog at the library and found “Flirting With Forty” so I checked it out as well. Again, could not put it down and it connected so well with the other book. Since reading those I started shopping at a book store here, something I had never done before, and just looked for your name, Jane Porter. I soon found a shelf with nothing but your books on it. I bought what I could afford then asked for the remaining ones for Christmas. I was set. As time went on I got busy and had no time for reading but still had your name in mind. This year for Christmas my husband got me the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 and I realized I could purchase your books there and read them from the tablet. This is just too cool and has inspired me to start reading again. I won’t read them at night because I get so into them I cannot sleep until the entire book is read but I am back in the reading game and LOVE it! Thanks so much for writing. It has made all the difference for me in my life to connect to something so much like myself and not feel so much like an “Odd Mom Out”. Happy and prosperous New Year to you and your family!

  85. To the beautiful lady with the amazing smile who writes the magical stories – thank you so much, many hugs and all the best to you and your family in the coming year.

  86. Loved your blot you feel like a understanding friend.I have read and loved 4 of your books now and hope you don’t stop writing. Your writing takes me away.

  87. Jane, You are a terrific writer, putting into words what we are feeling, and helping us cope with the worries we all have about our loves, our careers, and our feelings of self worth. You give us understanding and hope in your books that reflects your goodness and strength of character. If I hadn’t met you I would have trouble believing you are for real, gracious and generous and beautiful inside as you are lovely on the outside.
    Thank you for continuing to write and bringing us your wonderful books! I don’t know how you manage to do all that you do, but I am grateful that you try, and I appreciate how difficult it can be from your sharing your struggles in your blog. Love to you and your family and best wishes for a terrific 2014!

  88. Dear Jane….what a lovely Blog and ending for 2013. Thank you for always being there so full of love
    and friendship

  89. Dear Jane….thank you for the lovely end of the year blog. You always write with so much love and friendship and I find myself happy whenever I see you’ve posted. I hope you never stop writing for you are right we do love your writing! Happy New Year to you and your family. I look forward to all your coming books. Love to you!

  90. Always find your books interesting to read. But reading that blog makes me want to be a better person all around.

  91. Hi Jane
    Ditto, please know you are not alone. Like you, we have struggles as you noted. Each of us have our crosses to carry as I tell my 3 sisters.

    I don’t pick up a romance book to necessary “learn” something. If I do, that’s icing on the cake. I read for enjoyment and to “get away” from everyday issues, stress and stuff. Over the past ~17 years I have went thru a divorce that took 2 years, and numerous court dealings after, unemployment for almost 2 years during which I had a hysteroctmy. From January – July 2005, my dad, 1 of his brothers & another brothers wife died. During early 2009, I thought was going to have a nervous breakdown while trying to sell my home. Recently my daughter in law lost my only grandchild while only 4 weeks from delivery. During all these trials I have been able to turn to reading to keep me from going over the edge. You and many others probably have no idea how much you are genuineally appreciated. But, you are! Might I say, if just one person reads your book and it helps them for a short/long period, I say to you “a job well done!”
    Thank you for your time and continued success on your writing career.

  92. Hi Jane,
    I had forgotten how much I love and have missed your Jane blog.
    Thank you for writing his one and thank you for writing great stories.
    You will do great in what ever you decide to work on.
    Happy New Year.

  93. I just finished Christmas at Copper Mountain. It is an amazing book by a wonderful author. A beautiful Christmas story!

  94. Jane:
    Thank you so much for the beautiful post and for all your writing. I am so happy to have discovered your books and I feel privileged to be a part of your community. Whether it feels like it or not, you do touch people’s lives… Keep doing what makes you happy. Many wishes for a wonderful 2014!

  95. What a beautiful and heartfelt post. 🙂 But it’s so true. t only takes a word, a hug and sometimes just a smile to ease our discomfort. As an Author you are helping lots of readers. Inspiring, giving hope,bringing love to the light etc. I can’t tell you how may times reading a book has healed my soul, not always but most of the time and that ‘s a big plus to me. Have a safe and Happy New Years Eve everyone.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  96. As you can see from the above numerous comments…. what you do makes a difference in our lives… so thank you. Happy New Year to all and may your 2014 be all that you need it to be.

  97. That is a lovely post. I know that I have great comfort in the books I read during both good and bad times. Happy New Year!

  98. Happy New Year, Jane! I wish you and your family much happiness and success in 2014! Happy New Year to all who read this post : )

    Whatever else you do, you should never give up your writing. I recently saw a contest to submit a list of top women writers, and I immediately thought of you. You write wonderful women characters, and you give them a variety of life situations to deal with–whether real-life issues or imaginative romantic adventure. You share so much of your own life, your triumphs and traumas, your travels and your home and family. You offer us entertaining fiction, yet you are always so real. Your work ethic, your generosity, your globe-trotting, and most of all your devotion to your family and friends is very inspiring. Somehow, underneath all of your success and public image, your vulnerable humanity shines through. You will never be able to know all of our stories, but please continue to share yours with us.

  99. Wishing you a happy, healthy, & good writing 2014. The love & support of family & friends can usually help us get through any situation which may arise, though not always easily. I’m sure that whether you write or teach you will still be passing on love & support.

  100. Thanks for sharing your ups and downs with us. It makes us feel better knowing that others are also experiencing life’s struggles and surviving!

    I congratulate you on your successes balancing your family life and your career.

    Love your books.

    Thank you!

    Hope you have a fantastic 2014!

    johnslake at usa dot com

  101. Hi Jane
    What beautiful words …. If only this comment could convey how much your books have touched my soul … That’s because you write about REAL things … Life! Happy .. Sad…. The inbetween bits …no life is perfect …. But that’s what makes it unique … I’ve read your books over the years and was always struck by the individual nature of them … You don’t pump out “pulp fiction” there’s touches of “oh my god I’ve felt like that!” So you see … YOU are unique because you reach out and show the vulnerable side and that’s what makes me love your books keep writing in whatever form missy
    You’re the best! Keep getting betterer (what? It’s a word?!? Isn’t it??? Lol xxxx) love Nonna x

  102. I disagree. A New Year’s JaneBlog without a special giveaway would still be very special. I enjoy your words and your perspective.

  103. Happy New Year Jane. Here`s to less worrying and more smiles for 2014 – life is too short! Thanks for sharing, it`s nice to read something from you again 🙂

  104. What a great post!!! You did write from your heart and all your fans appreciate it! never stop writing!!! We will always be here for you, waiting for that next fab book.Have a wonderful, happy new year!

  105. This was the most perfect, most needed post (for me, at least). Thank you for writing this, thank you for sharing yourself and your heart, and thank you for being you.

    Hope you have a wonderful new year!
    Lisa McManus Lange

  106. Jane, you have to follow your heart and your calling, but it would be a sad day if you quit writing. Your books delight so many and your selfless service to your fellow writers is phenomenal. I look forward to meeting with you sometime over the next year. Happy New Year and blessings for you and your family!

  107. What a beautiful post, loved it. I don’t know if you know it or not but your writing does help others. At least it does me. You take me away from my real life for a while and that is a confort to me. I am sure others feel the same. Never stop writing.

  108. It’s been such and up and down year, it’s nice to see others out there going through the same thing. Here’s to a more joyful new year.

  109. Your words have touched my heart. Midnight tonight(12/31) is my wedding anniversary & my husband is deceased. So I reach for your books for company, inspiration, hope for second chances & love. I hope you continue to write. May 2014 be your best year yet.

  110. Thank you for writing such a heartfelt blog today. You are such a awesome lady. we love you. I hope all your wishes for the New Year come true and everything works out how you want. Hope you and your family have a wonderful, safe and heathly New Year.

  111. I am very glad that you are still writing! I have read all of your books and loved them all so much. It would be a sad world without Jane Porter writing amazing novels. =]

  112. Jane, In my mind you are a very brave woman! You tackle life and work on staying true to yourself, which is very hard. Your blog couldn’t have came at a better time to me, as I am also struggling right now.

    Changes on the job front, should I make a leap and change careers. I know I will be happier but the steady income will cease. My daughter is sick and having to work instead of be home with her is another hard decision, but paying the bills and I know she is in good hands with her grandparents.

    The hardest thing to remember is every action we do can affect someone in a positive manner and sometime’s we won’t ever know the difference we make in a persons life.

    Follow your heart!!!! Your fans and friends will be their to support you!!

    1. jane – this is a whoops. I typed your name in instead of mine. Tells you the type of day I am having. A full nights sleep would be nice. :-)!! Happy New Years!!

  113. Love you, too. Thank you for the love letter to us all. Keep writing…you express what so many of us want to say but might lack the words and certainly lack the means to share with so many others. Happy Shiny New Year…”365 pages” on which to dream, make a mark, love, laugh, and enjoy.

  114. your books have helped me threw some tough spots this last year I love how down to earth you are and how open you have been with your fans after losing my dad in February I didn’t know what i was gonna do how things couldn’t get worse then i came on line and read one of your hopeful posts and it just made me feel a little better thank you for that good bless and Happy new year !

  115. Being a teacher myself, I can relate to your dilemma, but we teachers need someone to write the great books that keep us going and give us the right perspective when we are about to give up on the kids we are trying to teach some meaningful skills.

    Your words warm and comfort me and I agree with you whole-heartedly.

    Wishing you a Happy New Year in return from Sweden.

  116. What beautiful words! I for one am very glad that you are writing! Ive loved what Ive read so far and Im starting my new year out reading The Good Wife! 🙂

  117. Hi Jane ~
    Loved your blog, I never tire of reading them. You are always so heartfelt and inspirational, never doubt that your writing does not help/change/inspire others! I have enjoyed your guest blogs as well and have purchased several of their books on my Kindle.

    Happy New Year!

  118. Each new year evokes the idea of a fresh beginning, and that’s very appealing to me.

    I’ve never thought of having a single word define a year. It intrigues me – a single word that resonates seems infinitely easier to hold onto than a zillion resolutions that I inevitably drop soon after they are made.

    My word for 2014 is “yes.” I am going to choose to say “yes” instead of “no.”

    Like so many of us in our middle years, I’m dealing with end-of-life care for my parents. Loss and grief have become companions to me. At the same time, I’m launching my own daughter out into the world. (Yup. I’m the filling in the single mom sandwich)

    So, a choice to say “yes” this year is to allow for possibilities. It might be time for myself, or going on an adventure, learning something new, or feeding my heart with the many things that I already know can bring me joy.

    The beauty of “yes” is that I do not have to plan for or envision what opportunities may arise. I merely have to be open to them. Saying “yes” and accepting the invitation is the next step.

    A “yes” for me was posting a comment here. : )

  119. My heart is full and brimming over. Thank you for the lovely comments and heartfelt messages. All of you are so very dear to me and I love that I have your friendship. So awesome.

    Our winner for the special prize is #58 Camilla!

    Drop me an email, Camilla, with your full name and mailing address and I’ll make sure the prize is in the mail!

    much love to all,
    Jane xoxo

  120. Great post Jane. You know that I can relate. But please, please don’t stop writing! Seriously.

    I hope your holidays were happy. The Smith Family was brought down by the flu, which seemed to be an apropos way to end a tough year – hiding under the covers:)

    Looking forward to the new year, very much.

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