Checking in with Maggie Marr


My friend, gifted author  Maggie Marr, is joining us today on the JaneBlog to chat about her brand new release.  Maggie is so very busy but I begged her to sit down with me for a few minutes and share with us a little about the new book, Hard Glamour, and her publishing career.  I hope you’ll enjoy this sneak peek into Maggie’s world.  She really is an amazing girl!

Maggie, what do you love most about being a writer?

The stories.  I love the voices in my head that tell me these stories.  I’ve heard them since I was a little girl, it started when I was around 8 years old.  I hear them in dialect and with male and female voices.  I love writing down the words and then trying to make the story I’ve written be as great as the story I was told–that is the tough part–trying to get my craft to be good enough so that I can do service to these fabulous stories that I’m told.

What’s your favorite time of the day and place to write?

My favorite time to write when I am on a first draft is early in the morning. I like to start at 4 am. My mind is fresh and clear and while I still have lots to accomplish the needs of the day haven’t crept in quite yet. I write my first drafts at the kitchen table with a lovely cup of coffee.

Tell us what your current release is about, in 2 or 3 sentences.

Hard Glamour is the love story of Lane Channing and Dillon MacAvoy. Lane comes to Hollywood to pursue her dream to work in film as a producer and falls for bad-boy soon-to-be-star Dillon MacAvoy.  Dillon would do anything to avoid falling in love, but he simply can’t avoid falling for Lane.

A promise to keep…
Honoring her mother’s last wish, Lane Channing vows to follow her dreams. She takes the ‘big risk’ and leaves her small Kansas town behind and heads to LA, the city of dreams. She’s got a stellar job lined up, an old jeep, and 20 bucks to last her to her first paycheck. Her hopes shatter when she arrives to find her job’s been given to someone else. Now she’s broke and if she doesn’t do something fast will soon be living on the streets. Welcome to cutthroat — Lane is most certainly not in Kansas anymore.
On the cusp of success…
Dillon MacAvoy has one goal — to become a star — whatever it takes. Even if it means honing his bad-boy can’t-be-tamed-and-forever-single image. Besides the image isn’t far from the truth. Dillon cares only about his younger brother and his career. He’s on the brink of superstardom if he can just decide on the next right script. But for that, he needs a script reader he can trust.
In a strange twist of fate…
Lane Channing is Dillon’s last chance. If Lane lasts the summer without becoming MacAvoy’s latest conquest, she’s guaranteed a job in entertainment. No problem, as long as she can ignore the heat that pulses through her every time Dillon is in the room. After all, love and commitment with a sweet, hometown girl would only ruin the Dillon MacAvoy brand.

Best advice you’ve ever received?

Never, ever, ever, ever give up.  You simply can’t give up.  If you want something you must pursue it, you must go after it, you must never ever stop.

What’s your astrological sign?

Aries with Leo rising.

Is there anything that has surprised you about writing or publishing your books?

The work never ends!  I am indy pubbing my books now and while I love the freedom there is a ton of work!  I am lucky to be supported by NLA DLP which is my agent’s publishing arm as well as this amazing team of people that support me with this endeavor. Also the stories are up there in my head stacking up–they remind me of airplanes lined up for take off–and I just can’t seem to write fast enough!  I wish I could write faster so I could get all the characters stories down on paper!

What’s are you working on now?

Right now I am working on Broken Glamour, book 2 in the Glamour Series. This story is about Amanda Sterling, Lane Channing’s best friend and how she finds love.

Favorite dessert?

The Local Peasant’s chocolate bread pudding.  Love!


So good to have you here, Maggie!  Thanks for sharing with us, and for my readers, if you’re looking for a sexy and fun escape this weekend, Maggie’s stories will be perfect for you.

To celebrate Maggie’s new release, Hard Glamour, I’m giving away a I Adore Maggie prize full of gift cards, chocolates, books,and more great reader treats.  To enter the I Adore Maggie giveaway, just chat with me in the comment section below, and that’s it!  You’ll have a chance to win.  The contest runs through Sunday night with the winner announced Monday morning!


  1. Sounds like a great book, I will be adding it to my shopping cart. Thanks for introducing us to another great author Jane!

    Hope that you are enjoying quality family time this month 🙂

  2. I am glad to see you are able to spend some good old quality time with your family. That’s the best medicine for anything, I think. Thanks for giving me another author to add to my must read list. I look forward to reading Maggie’s work. I would love a chance to win your giveaway, maybe her books will help me believe in love again. I guess maybe I would like to believe in love once again! Thank you Jane, as always you are great to all of us. So glad you are getting time for yourself, we need that so much. B

  3. Maggie, 4am?? Yuck. Lol. Everyone has their most productive time of the day. I am sure this is the time when there is no craziness gong on in your life. Enjoyed learning about the book.

    Jane, thanks for sharing.

  4. This sounds like an intriguing plot. Loved the interview. I like getting to know authors in this sort of format. This is a new author to read. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Hi Jane,
    I just started The Good Wife and I am loving it! I have to get a start on report cards, but that book is calling…..
    I just saw on the news the huge waves they are having off of the coast of CA today and was wondering if your hubby was out surfing.

  6. Hi Maggie! I don’t think I’d enjoy getting up at 4am but I would enjoy the bread pudding. The voices/dialogue in your head is fascinating! Thanks for the chance to win!

  7. Thanks Jane for introducing us to another great writer. If you love her, then I know we will, too. Good luck Maggie and I so agree with you on never giving up!!

  8. Loved the interview. Maggie is new to me but not for long. Hard Glamour sounds like an interesting read and it’s going on my TRL. A great new series and a new Author is quite a prize. Thanks again Jane .
    Carol L

  9. Sounds like a great story. I’m trying a sample of it on amazon right now, and if I like what I read I’ll buy the book.

  10. Congrats on your release! Sounds like a good book and your a new author for me to look for your book to read! Thanks Jane for the nice interview!

  11. I love bread pudding too. My husband makes it with a Jack Daniels sauce. Thanks for introducing a new author to me – I enjoyed the interview.

  12. Fun post to read. I love hearing you have the stories running around in your head. With voices and everything. Often, as I am reading, I see it all in my head. Like a movie.
    I love bread pudding. But never had chocolate bread pudding. hmmm….

  13. Up at 4 am, huh? Well … it’s just after 3 am here and I’m thinking it’s a good time to go to bed, LOL!
    We all have our own clocks. I’m glad you make yours work for you, so to speak, Maggie!

  14. My eyes are still glued shut at 4am, but I love the advice about never giving up. Need to take that more seriously.

  15. I love learning about new authors. And I love Maggie’s advice about never, never giving up. I needed the reminder this morning. Have a great weekend.

  16. Great interview! I love your best advise and I agree with it 100 percent. I have not read your work before but love the sound of this book. I will have to put it on my to buy list because I would love to read it. Thanks for sharing with us today! Love new authors to me.

  17. Thanks for sharing love reading these type of interviews. Jane knows just the right questions to ask too. Looking forward to checking the books out.

  18. The interviews are so fun and opens us up to new reads, covers and the real person…thanks so much…Ruth

  19. Gotta love Maggie’s books, it is one of my favorite names and I named our last cat Maggie..
    Getting up at 4am to write books for us, thanks Maggie Mar (it is even fun to say “Maggie Mar”)!

  20. Love the cover, I’d love to read it. She is a new to me author but I’ll definitely add her to my list.

  21. Great interview. I admire anyone who can get up that early to work on a project. For many years I had to be to work at 6:00am and I never, even after all those years, got used to get up so early.

  22. Congrats on the new release. Jane, thanks for introducing me to another great author. I will be adding her books to my TBR list.

  23. Hi everyone,

    Hope your weekend was great and you’ve had a good start to the new week!

    I’m busy with mom stuff and business emails today but wanted to pop in and announce the winner of this contest –

    #12 Katrina

    Please drop me an email with your name and mailing address soon and I’ll get the prize organized!

    Jane xoxo

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