It’s Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

My long time readers know how much I love Valentine’s Day and the week surrounding it.  I’ve a birthday just a few days after Valentine’s Day and so I’ve always liked to celebrate hearts and candy and all things pink and red all month long.

This year I’m having one of those ‘big’ birthdays and I’m surprisingly excited about turning 50.  My forties were amazing and I think life is just going to keep getting better as I continue to take risks and embrace change and learn new things about me, life and love.

To celebrate my birthday and the one year anniversary of Tule being founded, Tule Publishing and I are teaming up to do a special giveaway for one lucky reader of a handmade heart quilt, print copies of The Sweetest Thing by Lilian Darcy and the Love Me, Cowboy anthology by Lilian, me, CJ Carmichael and Megan Crane, plus lots of chocolate for a cozy winter escape.

Heart Quilt

You can enter the Tule Anniversary Contest by commenting below and sharing either what you did for Valentine’s Day, or what you’re reading, or anything at all.  The contest runs through midnight Feb 20th with the winner announced Friday morning, February 21st.

In meantime, if you’re looking for some great reads this long President’s Day weekend, pick up a ebook copy of both books, The Sweetest Thing and Love Me, Cowboy at Amazon for just .99 for the next two days.  It’s Tule’s way of wishing you a very special Valentine’s Day.


Buy at Amazon


Buy at Amazon

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

love to all,



  1. Spending Valentine’s Day with the loves of my life! Couldn’t ask for more than that 🙂 Happy Valentines Day to all…

  2. Happy early Birthday Jane and my you have many more. We haven’t done much today but last Sunday we did go out to dinner for our Valentine’s Day. We celebrated a little early because that was when husband and son were both off work. Hope you have a lovely Valentine’s Day and birthday.

  3. Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day Jane and a memorable birthday. We will be spending a quiet evening at home which I appreciate greatly and enjoy. best wishes.

  4. So far nothing for Valentine’s. I made sure that hubby knew it was today. Last yr he did a lot so won’t yell if he doesn’t do anything.

  5. Happy valentines day Jane. Wow
    a beautiful quilt, books and chocolate, AHHHH heaven. LOL
    The chocolate shots recipe looks like a very good drink. I think I will have to try it out. I don’t have a hubby or s/o so any gifts I get I buy them. Which isn’t a bad thing. I get what I really want. 🙂

  6. Jeremy and I have found ourselves alone for this Valentine’s Day. Kids are at grandparents for the night and we can’t decide what to do! It’s been a LONG and exhausting week, and ordering a heart shaped pizza from Me-n-Ed’s, opening a cold Corona and enjoying a little quiet time are sounding better by the moment. Does this mean we are getting old?

  7. Having some festive desserts with my loves and doing the mom thing! No breaks from that. 🙂

    Will be on the pool deck for a water polo tournament for Joey all day Saturday and half of Sunday. I have every intention of pouring through “The Sweetest Thing” on my Kindle!

    Happy Valentine’s Day, Jane. Love ya!!

  8. I am making a special meal for my loved ones. Filet with cognac sauce, blue cheese and walnut roasted potatoes, and a salad. Then I am babysitting my favorite 4 year old and 1 year old for a friend while she goes out with her honey.

  9. I am having dinner with my love he made reservations and both kids are working 🙂 Trying to relax after all the snow

  10. I’ve been baking with the kiddos. Their dad will get some yummy treats! Hope ya’ll have a great Valentine’s Day!

  11. I loved your ideas about turning 50! I’m nearly there and it overwhelms me sometimes. Spending Valentine’s Day with my entire family…oldest daughter is coming home from college for the week-end which will make my world complete! Have a Happy Valentine’s Day Jane!

  12. My friend is working this afternoon, but we will go out tomorrow. Tonight I will watch whatever movie is on TV and maybe pop some popcorn to go with my iced tea.

  13. Beautiful quilt! Not quite romantic, but Valentine’s Day was spent with my hubby receiving chemo. We are now home with our 3 kids and looking forward to a quiet evening and maybe a movie we could all agree on!

  14. Since we are in the flower business I rarely see my husband during the entire two weeks before Valentine’s Day because he is so busy with work. So tonight we plan to buy a nice growler of beer, have a special dinner and watch a movie with a fire in the stove. The heart quilt is beautiful. I hope I win! Happy Valentine’s Day and Happy 50th Birthday. I just turned 60 so I know the feel of BIG birthdays!

  15. Happy Valentine’s Day, Jane! No plans here today. In fact, my husband said he didn’t have time to get me a card. He tried telling me what he wanted to do, but I told him I didn’t want to hear it. I gave him the gifts and card I got for him before he left for work. My cats are my Valentine today. They always make me happy. The quilt is beautiful. Someone is very talented to have made it.

  16. Happy valentine’s day and a happy birthday. it’s only a number I always say. no plans for me for valentine’s. As with reading. I’m reading Wind chime point by sherryl woods. I’m loving this series. almost I finished this week something between luck and trust by emilie richards. I totally recommend this series plus the woods series. we have alot of ice and snow by me even though we have guys that go clean the complex I still go out and follow up or make wider areas they don’t get. so at least I’m getting my exercise.
    looks like a awesome prize.

  17. Perfect timing….I am headed out to an appointment where I will be waiting a long time, so I am excited to download a new book! It’s Valentine’s Day – not too exciting for me, and I also turned 50 a few months back – time to start making time for me and my reading. Love my Jane books and especially your new adventure with Tule!

  18. Well no big plans for the day, I have been married for almost 42 yrs so we have had many Valentine’s to celebrate together. I’m reading Miss Julia Renews Her Vows right now.

    Happy Valentine Day’s to everyone~

  19. Hi Jane! Congratulations on Tule’s FIRST anniversary and Happy Birthday wishes to you, too! For Valentine’s Day, I’m celebrating 35 years of marriage and spoiling my honey with a homemade heart-shaped pizza and my freshly baked macadamia nut cookies. The house is smelling yummy right now. Even the dogs are huddled in the kitchen! Can’t wait to break into Love Me, Cowboy this weekend.

  20. Happy Birthday (you look great) and Happy Valentine’s Day (you are sweet). Got a 2 lb box of my favorite See’s Candies. Had dinner with my husband on Wednesday, and drove home as the snow storm on the east coast was just starting. We’ve been holed up since so I’m doing as little as I can get away with. Happy Valentine’s Day to all the sweethearts…Ruth

  21. Happy Birthday & Anniversary! I will be enjoying a warm evening with my family. On a side note, I too love everything hearts and enjoy them all year round. What’s not to “love”? ; ) thanks for the chance

  22. Happy Birthday and Valentine’s Day Jane. And Happy one year anniversary of Tule! We went out to breakfast for Valentine’s day today. I love breakfast foods, so it was very enjoyable. As for tonight, we won’t go out into the craziness, but instead spend a quite evening at home. Maybe get Chinese take out and watch the movie “Enough Said” which I just picked up at the library.

  23. Happy Birthday and Anniversary!

    I took the day off from work and have been watching the Winter Olympics. We had our Valentine’s dinner out last night since we were too late thinking about making reservations but it was a very good meal and the chef presented me with a long-stem rose so it’s good. We’re eating at home tonight but with sparkling wine so it will also be special.

  24. Happy Valentine’s Day & Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day today. Right now I’m currently working on crocheting an afghan for my daughter Lily.

    We(my honey & I) aren’t doing anything special for Valentine’s Day, as we celebrate our love everyday we have together.

    Thank you for the chance to enter your giveaway.

  25. Since I’m snowed in I get a day off! I shoveled the snow around our mailbox so that we can get our mail. Mom & I watched Bones together for awhile & now I’m reading Torn by Monica Murphy.

  26. Happy Birthday and Anniversary!! I have to say i wa smy moms valentine we went to breakfast and had a great day today isnt exactly a good day for us my dad was laid to rest on this day so we celebrated his life today and just had agreat time bingtogether what an awesome give away would love to win for her .

  27. Hi, Jane! Happy Valentine’s Day! I would not have guessed you will be 50 this year! Our day has been pretty quiet. Kids in school, but my husband and I were both off to see our son compete in the county spelling bee, There were some really difficult words, and he left during the first round along with many other kids. I will make a steak dinner, though. Hopefully that will turn out well. Hope everyone else has a great Valentine’s Day!

  28. I love everything about Valentine’s day: hearts, cards, family, friends. (The heart quilt is amazing.) Today, I am having dinner with two special people (my parents) who will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary this year and who also told me I was was born smiling with violet eyes like Elizabeth Taylor….and who gave me the middle name…Love! Yes. My middle name is Love!

  29. Just having a normal day for Valentine’s Day since the hubby refuses to recognize it. In fact, I’m serving him left-over bean soup for dinner just to make sure it doesn’t seem like a special day at all!! But I am giving the dogs a special treat.

  30. What a beautiful quilt.
    And great deals on your books.

    Nothing much planed for Valentines Day.
    Just hanging with the kids, going to the zoo, baking pizza for dinner and just relaxing.

    Happy Birthday Jane. And Happy Valentines Day. And Happy one year anniversary to Tule.

  31. Happy Valentine’s Day Jane! and Happy Birthday, too! It’s been a year since I saw you here in Denver. Hopefully, you can make it back here this year 🙂

  32. There’s no way that beautiful face of yours is 50, but if you say so…..
    I’m frantically trying to frost the V-day sugar cookies I make every year for friends and family. I’ve done this every year for the past 18, and every year I say how I’m going “to be more prepared this year” and get them out the day before, and the day of I’m always up to my elbows in frosting, but I love doing this. My girls used to help when they were little, and it was a blast – my little kitchen always looked like a bomb went off in it. :o)

    The quilt is amazing. I quilt, so I’m always so in awe when I see something this beautiful because I know the labor and love that goes into it. One of your readers is going to be very lucky.

    Me, my daughter, hubby and mother-in-law are going out for Greek food at a local restaurant in downtown Salt Lake. Can’t wait.

    Happy Hearts Day Janie

    peace out

  33. Beautiful quilt. Spending a quiet night in with the cat(Cosmo) and dog (Jasmine). Going to finish Tennessee Takedown (Harlequin Intrigue) that I’m reading on my kindle. Have a great day everyone

  34. Reading Shoreline Drive by Lily Everett. Hoping someone is going to pick up dinner so that I don’t have to cook! I’m looking at 50 in a couple of months, too. So have both a great Valentine’s day and birthday (when it gets here)!

  35. It was just my birthday last week so we’re having a low-key Valentines Day. My husband cooked breakfast for me and brought supper home as well. He’s a great guy!

  36. Beautiful quilt!
    Kids have the day off from school, so hubs and I took it off too and spent the day together 🙂

    Happy V-day and Big Birthday Jane, hope you enjoy the weekend! (I have a February b-day too!)

  37. Happy birthday in a few days, Jane! Valentine’s Day used to be my favorite day of the year but not so much now. Anyway, hope you had a great day & a happy birthday!

  38. I’m celebrating my Valentine Birthday watching the Olympics and reading “My Nerdy Valentine”. My hubby already gave me a dozen red roses and took me out to lunch at Longhorn Steakhouse, one of my favorite places. And it’s not snowing today, so it can’t get much better than this in New Jersey!

  39. Happy birthday and Valentines Day. Don’t have a husband or s/o, so I’m not doing anything special today. Am reading FOR THE ROSES by Julie Garwood.. It’s great so far.

  40. My husband and I stayed in because we are snowed in! I cooked a beautiful roast for dinner and we are just going to relax for the evening!

  41. Ordering Love Me, Cowboy and The Sweetest Thing right now. Thanks for the heads up. Currently reading A Hundred Summers by Beatriz Williams, and today, on Valentine’s, I had a haircut, lunch with a good friend, and now sadly I am going to go pick up my Mother’s ashes. She died Feb. 5th. Sad time around our house. She was 95.

  42. My husband is on the night shift. 🙁 I am reading a good Valentine’s book, though – The Trouble With Valentine’s Day by Rachel Gibson.

  43. We are enjoying 85 degree weather on this Valentine’s Day and went to the Arabian Horse show in Scottsdale this afternoon…beautiful horses. Hope you had a great day too.

  44. Just ordered Love Me, Cowboy & The Sweetest Thing, and am currently reading One Hundred Summers by Beatriz Williams. And sadly I am now on the way to pick up my Mother’s ashes from a funeral home here in Spokane. She died Feb. 5th at age 95. Very sad time for us. She will be buried in Pensacola, Florida this coming June.

  45. Beautiful quilt. Happy Valentines day. Valentine’s Day is very special to me as that is the day my Beloved gave me my Engagement Ring packed in a box of Whitman’s chocolates. We have been married for 52 1/2 years. He is the Love of my life.

  46. worked from 8:45 am-5:45pm, came home, took frozen food out of freezer to cook and relaxed before heading to bed for my 6:00am shift tomorrow. will go out to dinner with hubby on Monday when I’m off work.

  47. Happy Valentine’s Day! Spent the early part of the day with my kids. Will be spending the evening with my boyfriend, relaxing & waiting to see if the snow they have predicted falls…just raining a lot right now.

  48. Spent the day dancing for Eve Ansler’s One Billion Rising – the Global movement that has 1Billion people rising and dancing in over 200 countries and territories to demand an end to violence against women and girls worldwide. In NYC I participated in 5 Flashmobs with women, men and children of all nationalities. (In the snow, slush and ice) We even went to Times Square to dance. On a day that’s dedicated to love….we were all showing love and support for the 1Billion victims worlwide, and all those who have been silenced. And this was worth more than all the chocolates in the world.

  49. Having to work 2 jobs, so not a lot of time to enjoy the day. But Mom did come to lunch with me and I got flowers delivered at my first job! Happy Hearts Day!

  50. Happy 50th birthday and Valentine’s Day! I’m cooking dinner for the family and watching the Olympics tonight.

  51. spending Valentine’s Day apart (hubby is home with dogs, and I am with an elderly parent), but in some ways this is the best one we have ever spent together in our 31 years of marriage. being apart has made us realize how much we love and miss each other.

  52. My birthday falls on Valentine’s Day, and I feel blessed to celebrate it on that day.

    My long-distance love is three hours away, so we had dinner last weekend. He emailed me first thing this morning to wish me a happy birthday and V-Day. What a great thing to see when I got home from working midnight shift!

  53. Happy Valentine’s Day. Ours is bittersweet. We had to put our darling cat to sleep. Feeling sad. Husband will be grilling hamburgers for dinner–simple but yummy. Love the quilt–beautiful.

  54. Happy Birthday to you. Spending the day alone…family all live a distance:( Reading Trouble in Mudbug by Jana Deleon..

  55. used my new crockpot to make shredded bbq chicken & shoveled snow – and we’re expecting more tomorrow.

    Happy Birthday Jane!
    Happy Anniversary Tule Publishing!

    Happy Valentines Day to all!

  56. I’m spending my Valentine’s day pampering myself… Did my nails, took a bubble bath, and now I’m watching a movie and getting ready for popcorn!

  57. It’s 7:15 pm our time and I just got home from work(worked from 11-7). It was unexpected to be called in so I had to put my cookie dough in the fridge and now I’m too tired to bake my Valentine’s cookies.
    Happy birthday Jane on the day!
    thanks for the giveaway; I love the quilt.

  58. I helped dig my daughter’s car out and exchanged Valentine’s gifts with my granddaughter & her. We went grocery shopping together. Then I came home to give my son his Valentine’s gifts. A good day.

  59. Spending Valentine’s Day with my husband of 43 years! I’m just finishing “Rumor Has It” by Jill Shalvis and then starting on Lilian Darcy’s The Sweetest Thing!

  60. Happy Early Birthday! I’ve been snowed in for Valentine’s Day. Here in MD we got about 10-12 inches of snow. The nice thing about being snowed in is that I’m getting a 5 day weekend, which is giving me lots of time to read. So far I’ve read Legend by Marie Lu (a young adult dystopian novel) and Crystal Cove (part of the Friday Harbor series by Lisa Kleypas, which is a romance with a twist of the supernatural). Next up is After the Rain by Karen White (sequel to her novel Falling Home). Lots of good reads! Love the quilt and always like to read books by new authors so it’d be great to check out Lilian Darcy’s book!

  61. What a lovely quilt.
    We had a busy day, but a nice dinner of shrimp, bacon wrapped fillet, asparagus, fresh bread, and wine. We stopped going out for dinner on Valentine’s Day many years ago. It is too crowded and rushed. I’d rather have a quiet evening at home. since my husband needs to get up at 4:30AM for work, no late night for us.

    Thank you for the giveaway. I hope you had a lovely Valentine’s Day.

  62. Today for Valentine’s Day I took my daughter to have her foot x-rayed again to see if she could get the cast off. She is in a walking boot for two weeks. At least we made chocolate chip brownies tonight for Valentine’s Day.

  63. I’m caring for an ill family member and rereading Julie Anne Long’s “Like No Other Lover.” Happy birthday to you, Jane. Welcome to the 50s. They are truly fabulous!!

  64. My son surprised me with a bouquet of pink tulips and a lovely Alex and Ani bangle bracelet. He’s so thoughtful. Then I walked 3 miles, came home and had ice cream cake for dinner! 🙂 Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. Enjoy turning 50,Jane (I hope I look as great as you when I’m 50)

  65. Happy Valentine’s Day!!!! Also an early happy birthday Jane!! Entering your 50’s isn’t too bad. There are a lot of fun things that happen during that time, as I say from exiting that decade later this year.

  66. We spent the day with our grandchildren playing outside and listening to giggles….such a blessed Valentine’s Day full of love.

    I just finished A Copper Mountain Christmas and loved each book in the anthology. Your Harley and Brock are my new favorite Jane Porter characters. Now I am reading Carly Phillips Perfect Together.

  67. Happy happy birthday! It seems as if you just started your dynamite publishing. Congratulations ! I love the pieced red heart.
    Just took a giant leap of faith and signed up for a three day sewing event 8 months from now. We shall see. Only accepting 200 and 110 signed the first 4 days. Gracious.
    I am eager for a you to offer a writing class in Tulare or Visalia!!
    Thank you for all you do

  68. Hope you had a wonderful Valentine’s Evening. Our family kept it very simple. Couple chocolates for everyone and hanging out together.

  69. The quilt is beautiful and just like you my birthday is also in Feb. Actually the day that you are announcing the winner, the 21st. Would love a great birthday surprise and new books to read. Thank You

  70. Happy anniversary Tule and Happy early birthday, Jane. I just hit 50 back in October and I think this is gonna be a good decade.

    I went and visited my daughter who is in college today and took her somethings. My mom was with me so we did some girl time shopping.
    Me and hubby ordered pizzas and rented some movies. Just finished watching Enders Game. I really enjoyed it. It made you think.
    I just finished reading The Sweetest Thing late last night or should I say early this morning.
    Hoping to spend time with the family tomorrow.
    Happy Valentine’s Day

  71. Happy Valentine’s Day! I have to work until 9pm so that’s how I’m spending it-had a nice day with my daughter on Thursday. I love the quilt! Have a wonderful day!

  72. Happy Valentine’s Day and early Happy Birthday, Jane!

    We had a casual Valentine’s Day. We shared pizza and a selection of decorated heart cookies.

  73. With our big storm yesterday I spent Valentine’s Day with my snowblower. After I plowed myself out my dog and cat were very happy to cuddle with me and keep me warm.

  74. For Valentines Day I worked and we had a big pizza party! Now I am just relaxing with my love, my dog Serenity!

  75. Today we went out to eat and have eaten tons of sweets. My teeth even hurt from all the sugar. LOL


  76. My husband and I took our dog Schatzie to PetSmart and Petco to get dog cookies. Then we got take out food, from Applebee’s. So the whole family spent a very loving day together and everyone had a smile on their face, including our fur daughter, Schatzie. Now that’s true love at it’s best. Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone!

  77. Took my hubby to dinner at the seafood buffet at our local casino put a few quarters in and came home to watch the olympics to usa.

  78. My husband and I are celebrating our 25th Valentine’s Day together. It’s a three-day weekend and we have decided, “There’s no place like home.” I left my work at work for the weekend. We are doing what we want, when we want, together. We enjoyed a glass of silver label wine from Tobin James while we played our nightly Cribbage game. (I won!) We watched our favorite Friday night show. Now I’m going to finish a book by an author I just discovered whom I relish as much as Jane Porter and Terri Blackstock. Her name is Kristen Heitzmann. We are looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow and going out for breakfast. Beyond that… Happy Valentine’s Day!

  79. Spent Valentine’s Day with my amazing boyfriend and we just finished watching About Time which was a truly wonderful movie!

  80. I wasn’t going to have a Valentine’s Day as medical bills eat up every dime we got left after bills. So I was counting our money today and there was just enough to pay for gas rest of month. Then I got a $ 20 bill in mail and was told to buy something special. So my husband and I went out for Oriental – $ 19.51 and they gave me a box of 5 chocolates. So had a day after all.

  81. Hi Jane!

    For Valentine’s Day, I drove a friend and her son to Valley Children’s Hospital for a consultation on his torn ACL (her car was broken down), took my daughter to the doctor, watched my son’s basketball game, then went to pizza with my hubby, son, and son’s friend! I started The Sweetest Thing while waiting at the doctor’s (on my Kindle), and love it so far! And you share a birthday with my very best friend, so HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY, Jane!

  82. Can you believe 50! I feels like we were just talking about turning 40. I don’t celebrate my birthday 1 day, this week has been birthday week for me. You have a good Valentines and a wonderful birthday!

  83. Had a fun pass Valentine cards and goodies into our decorated boxes at work this morning ! Was like being a kid and patients loved seeing them at the front desks. ! Went home early due to cold starting and woke to roses and beautiful card. Now he’s sleeping and I’m deciding what to read and watch!
    Happy early birthday Jane, 50 is the new 30

  84. The “name” restaurants are usu-
    ally too crowded and rushed for
    Honey and I. This year for Val- entine’s Day, we drove over to a neighborhood Mexican restaurant that we have enjoyed for some 20-odd years. Good food in a comfortable site. We picked
    up a dessert on the way home and
    enjoyed a quiet evening at home!

  85. February is a month of celebrations for you!!!
    Happy Valentine’s Day!
    Happy Anniversary Tule Publishing!
    Happy Birthday! Jane!

    My husband and I celebrated our 25th anniversary on February 11 and with Valentine’s Day today, it has been a special week!

    I am reading The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd.

  86. Happy Valentine’s Day Jane! Happy 1yr Birthday Tule!

    Oh my that quilt is absolutely gorgeous. Quilts always remind me of the Amish country in So Indiana and everyone has quilts there. I need to get one!

    I had today off and I went a took some tests for different jobs at my work and passed them all with flying colors. I even had to take a typing test and discovered I type 40wpm, who would have thought, not me…lol

    Enjoy your Birthday Weekend, many wishes for you on Monday.


  87. I got to spend the day with my daughter so it was a very good day. We volunteered at our local food bank then went to lunch. Happy B-Day and Happy Valentines day to all.

  88. Happy Birthday and Happy Valentines day. I’m reading Dare To Love by Carly Phillips and trying to fight Bronchitis I have had it a dang month.

  89. Sorry to say it but hard as I tried to fight it, for the sake of my son, I spent this day depressed and alone because I fell the wrong man. Tears are running down my face as I type. Sorry for being a party pooper when I know everyone had such a great day. I am just being honest.

  90. Again, Happy Birthday Jane! You’re right 50 is great! As always you out do yourself with these beautiful giveaways! Well, Since I am single, I paid it forward this Valentine’s Day, I babysat for my daughter and son in law, so they could go to a nice dinner, and then have a night to themselves. Oh I would love to win the beautiful quilt you are giving away, it’s cold here in MO. and any of your books or Lillian’s would be awesome to have. Thank you for the chance. And, I hope you had a wonderful Valentine’s Day. B

  91. Totally understand loving Valentine’s Day since that is MY birthday, along with my twin brother of course and my nephew, as well as his wedding anniversary and my best friends anniversary!!! Yes, lots to celebrate.
    I spent the day with my husband and daughter enjoying a lovely dinner out and then back home to watch a rented movie with my family. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday and thank you for the wonderful giveaways.

  92. Hope you had a fantastic Valentine’s Day!
    Enjoy your decade changing birthday too with all the treats you love.

    My husband and I spent a quiet day at home reading then we took a walk outside and watched the sunset. Beautiful but cold. BRR!

    While my husband of 36 years and I cooked our traditional meal, the gorgeous full moon appeared. This morning it’s still shining over the barren, frozen lake in our backyard.

    As for what I’m reading, I’m catching up on several Super Romances I had on my TBR pile. Yesterday’s read was WISH UPON A MATCHMAKER by Marie Ferrarella, a touching story about a widower and his young daughter, who sets out to find him a wife through a matchmaking realtor.

    HAppY BirThDAy!

  93. Happy Birthday! My husband is turning the big 50 this year, too. On Valentine’s, we just dug ourselves out from all the snow. I just finished reading Jen Lancaster’s Twisted Sisters. It made me laugh.

  94. My birthday is Feb 13 so I usually have a combined bday and Valentine’s Day celebration. However, this year we had an unusual amount of snow & ice so we didn’t get to do much. A little bit of snow in SC shuts down everything. It was still a great birthday though. I loved being ‘snowed in’ with my husband & son. I am reading HEARTBREAKER by Julie Garwood & loving it! I hope you have a happy birthday!

  95. I spent Valentine’s Morning (4:30 – 12:30) working, then went home did laundry, cleaned the bathroom, vacuumed, dug out my front porch and than fixed dinner. The evening was spent waiting for news from a friend who was in labor (nothing says love like a forever Valentine in the form of a precious Baby Boy) and reading.


  96. Oooo…lovely quilt ~ I would dearly love to curl up under it with a good book! As for Valentine’s…spent it with my daughters.

  97. For Valentine’s Day, I told my husband that I would prefer to have a day spent with just him. I don’t need flowers and such from him to prove his love and vice versa. However, he did surprise me with a chocolate valentine he made the night before after I had gone to bed. That was so sweet. After 47 years of marriage, he is still the guy for me!

    Hope you birthday is special, Jane. Mine is on February 18th. Let’s toast one another. 🙂

    Thank you for the lovely giveaway!

  98. Happy Birthday Jane…I just turned the big five oh a couple of yrs back. I am enjoying my fifties more time for me since the kids are older and doing their own things..finally time to read!!!

  99. We had 2 of our grandchildren over, one spend the night and the other so her parents could go out for dinner. Happy birthday, happy anniversary and all the best wishes your way.

  100. Happy 50th Birthday Jane!! That quilt is stunning, would love to win this prize pack. Had an amazing Valentine’s Day with my family, but really, everyday is Valentine’s Day with my loving husband. After 25 years, he still rocks my world!!

  101. Valentine’s day was quiet as we were having a little more snow here in central Indiana. We will celebrate that day, and my birthday, on Sunday with one of my favorite meals at Applebee’s, Honey Pepper Shrimp.
    I am a great fan of yours, Jane, and look forward to each new book.

  102. Happy Valentines Day and a very Happy Birthday also. I already have the books and I recently purchased The Sweetest Thing, I would really love to win that quilt. Good luck to everyone who entered.

  103. Will be going out tonight for a nice dinner with husband and his siblings and their spouses. Happy birthday!! I hope your 50s are very good to you! I will be turning 50 next year, and feeling hopeful about it as well.

  104. I worked most of the day and came home to dinner, wine and flowers.It was just nice to be home alone with him. I’m reading Too Good to be True by Kristin Higgins.

  105. Happy belated Valentine’s Day! Unfortunately, my Valentine is deployed overseas. My night was still filled with love, as I spent it with my daughters and babysitting my 1-yr-old goddaughter so her parents could escape for a much-needed date night!

  106. What a beautiful quilt! Hope you had a wonderful valentine’s day. Spent mine watching Tinkerbell and Fairies with the granddaughter. Amazing what you can “see” through a child’s eyes 🙂

  107. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JANE!!! Every day is a special day, mind you, but this one is a welcome one!
    We had supper out a week ago and then our family home to play cards afterward, as we all worked on the 14th (various shifts). Still … I managed to make a nice meal and relax before toddling off to bed early with a good book!

  108. My hubby too our daughter to a daddy daughter dance so a friend of min amd I made a special Valentine’s themed dinner for our boys. Between us we have 5 boys plus her one token son ;). Was so much fun! Happy Birthday Jane!!!

  109. Happy Birthday Jane! 50- no way! You look great. My daughter and I are both sick, so we spent the day trying to recover. Husband and son are staying away so that they don’t catch it. Valentine’s Day spent at a distance 🙂

  110. spent Valentine’s Day Reading Marie Force’s new book. And watching the snow fall.
    I would love to win the beautiful quilt with the cold winter we are having it would be a God sent gift. Happy 50th to you, my Birthday day(69th)is February the 28th so what better way to say happy birthday to me LOL

  111. For Valentines I was treated to a wonderful breakfast out and he had chocolate covered strawberries delivered to my work. Was a wonderful day. Happy Birthday Jane! Love ya

  112. Hi! This quilt is beautiful– whoever wins is very lucky! Thanks for the chance. 🙂 For Valentines Day, we kept it simple, as you have to now that there are 2 little ones in our lil family! 🙂 We stayed at home and I cooked my hubby filet mignon and a vegan chocolate lava cake (which was AMAZING! Worth all the time and effort!) Hope everyone had a great Valentines Day! :-*

  113. Celebrating with my husband with dinner and a movie, relaxing and reading When the Rogue Returns by Sabrina Jeffries.

  114. Hope you had a wonderful Valentine’s Day and have fun plans to celebrate your birthday on Monday. Glad you are excited about turning 50. Once you pass 40, the rest are just numbers. I just turned 58, hubby 59 (we are 6 days apart) and don’t feel much different. Hubby and I are celebrating Valentine’s weekend at a B & B on the Delaware River in NJ – Chestnut Hill on the Delaware. Fresh flowers, Victorian wallpaper and a canopy bed with ivory tule, draped with ivy, flowers and twinkle lights. Just magical and it’s snowing outside. Love the quilt and it would look beautiful on our bed. We have pale pink walls and floral wallpaper with a blue/green rug – kind of Victorian.

  115. I am reading The Sweetest Thing right now. It is great. We had family in from New Mexico, so we made Indian Tacos. I hope you have a wonderful 50th Birthday. 50 is not so bad anymore.

  116. Hubby and I made a surf and turf dinner, served with Prosecco and chocolate covered strawberries. He also bought matching flower arrangements for me and our 12 year old daughter. Congrats on your one year anniversary!!!

  117. Jane, my Valentines day started out okay. Children were back in school for the first time in two weeks so I did some major cleaning. Then they day sort of started spiraling down from there. No dryer so had to order another one, so basically I have a mountain of laundry to do today. The next was the pediatrician called and there was a problem with my daughter’s labs so we will be seeing a specialist. This came out of left field and was totally unexpected. I worried all evening and read everything online I could find. Finally just decided there was nothing I could do until we found out what was going on from the specialist and I read a book. We decided to celebrate later. Son’s birthday is tomorrow so today I will be getting ready for that. Hope you have a wonderful Valentines Day.
    A great giveaway.

  118. Spent the evening at home. Made dinner and watched a movie with hubby and son. Happy anniversary very exciting times for you

  119. My hubby took me to the local Mexican restaurant and we ate with our friends.
    I love hearts! Happy 50th, it’s a good age to be, not so much pressure. Enjoy your special day!

  120. Spent valentines evening having a fancy dinner at home with my husband and 2 kids, planned by my 8 year old daughter. It was a nice evening in.

  121. I spent Valentines Eve with my hubby of 36+ years. We started dating in January of 1976 & I took him home to meet parents Valentines weekend, already! Enjoy all your books & love the quilt!

  122. We did a lot of nothing yesterday, which was perfect! 🙂 And I’m not currently reading anything … eek!!!

  123. On valentine’s Day, my hubby came home and found me waiting for him in bed…with a fever, chills and body aches. I gladly traded the chocolate, wine and roses for Advil, 7 up and saltines! I didn’t need romance to know how deeply loved I was yesterday. Wishing you the happiest of birthdays, Jane.

  124. Hubs and I had a very unromantic date in the doctor’s office followed by takeout from each of our choices! Tonight I will be high schoolers at a semi-formal dance. We are doing a fundraiser for Special Olympics with Frozen Turkey Bowling…our first try. Wish us luck!! 🙂

  125. Thank you for the lovely giveaway. Happy birthday and I hope your fifties are awesome. I have no significant other so I spent Valentine’s Day with my son and his children that he has custody of. We had pizza and wings. And the dishes are still sitting! Thanks again!

  126. Worked graveyards Thursday night. Received a sweet text from my 15 year old grandson. Received a rose bush from my son-in-law. Lunch with my daughter. Dinner with a girlfriend. But mostly I spent the day reading. Finished The Black Rose and started Unseen. I would be honored to win this fabulous contest!!!!

  127. Happy Birthday- you don’t look 50! My hubby is on active duty right now so I spent the evening doing some baking and the boys enjoyed their angel food cake for Valetine’s. I am reading “The Good Wife.” That is a beautiful quilt, a very sweet idea. Happy Valentines Day 14/14!

  128. My birthday is less than a week from Valentine’s Day, too. Growing up my room was all red and pink hearts. Guess I’ve been a romantic since I was a wee lass. I’m not reading anything right now…I’m obsessed with the Olympics. Lots of opportunity for dreamy men there!

  129. Thanks! Right now I’m reading ‘Steal me Cowboy’ by Kim Boykin…Copper Mountain series. Happy V day!

  130. Happy 50th Birthday, been there and done that…have loved being in the 50’s…Happy Valentine’s Day…Going to dinner tonight (Saturday) with my Hubby since he worked for like 36 hours in a row dealing with all the snow here in CT. Love the quilt and would love to win, thanks for the chance…

  131. I worked and then went out to dinner with my family 🙂 I did read last night to finish one book so I could start a new one tonight!

  132. Yesterday, I took my husband in for a medical procedure, talked to my flu bitten college student, and waited for my other child to get home from work. She busses tables and didn’t get home until 12:30 this morning. A lot of people out celebrating Valentine’s Day. Maybe next year.

  133. I just saw your post about this on Facebook and had to stop over to say that quilt is gorgeous. Happy early birthday to you!

    I spent Valentine’s Day running a Facebook event, then spent my evening with the pets, a pizza, and a giant cookie. No candlelight and chocolates for me. 🙂

  134. Jane you made me a lover of Valentines! We still use the fondue set you gave me one year and have so much fun with the kids dipping our dinner! I love spending Valentines Day spoiling my kiddos and letting them know just how much I love them. xoxo Happy “Big” Birthday to you!!

  135. Hi Jane! I spent Valentine’s Day snowed in with my boys—baking, reading and playing games. It was probably the best Valetntine’s Day I’ve ever had, Happy birthday! Nicole. 🙂

  136. Love the quilt!!! (My house is named Heartland 🙂 ) This was my second Valentines Day since my husband passed away after a battle with cancer. Last year was, of course sad and I missed him terribly. This year, I still miss him but I decided to embrace the holiday! So, I made a home made pizza, opened a lovely bottle of red wine, toasted Jeff and the holiday and our 33 years of memories and then watched the movie Valentines Day 🙂 (Very funny and sweet!) Then off to my stack of books 🙂

  137. Happy birthday Jane! You make 50 look fabulous!! My wonderful friend Mariela and her family are staying with us this weekend. We went to sushi last night and today we are going to hit a rustic Montana hot springs for a good soak! Love ya and have fun this weekend!

  138. I spent v-day alone. i’m waiting to have leg surgery (i have a large tumor around my thigh) so I have trouble getting around. Got several calls and texts though.

    I’m reading Avery Aames’ newest cheese shop mystery – Days of Roquefort and Wine. So great!

    have a great weekend!

  139. Hope you have a awesome birthday My 50 th was the best birthday ever My kids threw me a birthday party at the local park it was the first birthday party I ever had It was decorated and everyone brought a dish friends and family was there it was a total surprise and such a awesome thing the kids played and there was a family kick ball game with every age I didn’t get to play but it sure was a amazing thing to watch a memory I will cherish forever

  140. We celebrated our thirty-ninth anniversary on Valentine’s Day. We started the morning by going to hear our grandson, Hunter, who is autistic, give a speech to elementary kids about the “R word”. Before he walked up to give his speech, he winked and hugged me and told me “Happy Anniversary, Grammy” When we left the school, we stopped for coffee at Dunkin Doughnuts and Mike told the lady at the counter that it was our anniversary and she announced it to everyone there and they clapped(also got free coffee and doughnuts!). A girl stopped me on the way out and ask me our secret? I told her that it is being commented to your spouse.
    I had a wonderful day!
    Love that beautiful quilt!
    Blessings & Hugs!
    La Neel

  141. Happy Birthday. As a crafter I know the amount of work that goes into something like this, and all is can say is what a beautiful piece of art.

  142. I spent the day doing household chores and playing catch up since I have to work this weekend. Made my husband one of his favorite meals (New England Boiled Dinner) and apple pie. We exchanged cards when he got home from work then we spend a quiet night cuddled up together on the couch watching TV. We don’t always get to spend a lot of time together because of our work schedules so having some time alone to ourselves was nice. I hope everyone else had a good day! Thank you for the opportunity to win the contest.

  143. One of my granddaughter’s was born on Valentine’s Day and always overlooked because of the emphasis placed on everything about the day by others. I love making the day feel as though “it’s just because she’s so special” that she couldn’t have been born on any other day! I ordered a Cassatta Cake (our favorite) as a surprise and she had a sleepover at my apartment with her sister and god sister! They were loud, but had an enjoyable time. When they leave, I’m going to enjoy the silence! Lol!

  144. Happy Birthday!! Mine is on Valentine’s Day and it’s a great day for a bday. Beautiful quilt. I love anything with hearts on it <3

  145. It’s tax season for hubby and I so we don’t go out. But hubby got my a small box of candy and a spinning class! Love this man!

  146. This is beautiful, it is also CHD awareness month, I’m sure there is a fan and a CHD mama out there who should win this! If not then I hope I win so I can pass it on to a very special CHD mama myself, having a quilt to wrap around your shoulders always takes some of the weight off of them 😉

  147. Reading The Counterfeit Mistress by Madeline Hunter. Stayed home with the love of my life. Been married 40 years so hes the only one to be with for me. Besides the hunks in the books I read.

  148. I’m afraid the snow kept us in but that’s ok we spent a nice quiet evening together 🙂 Happy Birthday and hope your Valentine’s Day was a lovely one.

  149. A spent a very quiet evening at home with the hubby without the kids eating pizza and watching Star Trek TNG. Hope you got double the chocolate for your birthday. <3

  150. Happy Valentine’s Day , Happy Birthday, and Congrats on your publishing company! ! Sending all good wishes to you and your family. ..

  151. Went to a quiet Warehouse District bar in NOLA & enjoyed my favorite sandwich (St. Chuck Duck) with a large glass of Merlot. Hubby had an Oyster Poorboy and we shared some white chocolate bread pudding. Nice, relaxing evening.

  152. I am celebrating tonight with my valentine… Snow delayed our dinner. So last night I made my special meatballs for the family and enjoyed the night together.
    The quilt is absolutely gorgeous and thank you for the chance to win.

  153. Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary, and Happy Valentine’s Day! I spent a quiet night at home with the family!

  154. Before my mom died, February was a big celebration. The 14th was her wedding anniversary and the 22nd was her birthday. She loved Valentine’s Day and sent out lots of cards and we would either carry in dinner or take them out. Even after my dad died. Because it was still her holiday. 🙂 now I don’t do much at all except cards for the grandkids and a few distant people.

  155. Hi Jane,
    Happy Happy Happy Birthday! Aquarians are gifted and talented as you have a gift of writing so well.
    I spent Valentine’s Day and Evening with my wonderful husband…We always prepare a Gourmet Dinner together;(Rack of lamb,asparagus,Israeli cous cous and a special dessert with Prosecco)followed up with
    Neil Diamond’s “Jazz Singer” film…I am truly lucky that my husband likes V-Day,too. He makes it a very special night.
    .I hope yours was a memorable one,too..
    The Quilt is truly would be nice to win…
    Enjoy! The rest if this Holiday Week..Warmly,Terrie

  156. Hi jane, and a very happy 50th to you. I am 50 also, and another journey for us!!!!! Valentines Day was spent with my family and watching the Olympics!!!! The quilt is absolutely beautiful and I would be honored if I had something so special as this, thanks to our lovely winter weather we are having in upstate NY! Take Care, best of snowy wishes to you from NY!!!!

  157. Happy Early Birthday, Jane!!! That quilt is absolutely gorgeous…how generous of you to put it in a giveaway!
    Spent this valentines day doing errands all day. I had worked 12 hour shifts all week and before that my girls and I were stuck in the house for 4 days due to a huge snow/ice storm. I really wanted to go to their school and help with their valentines parties… But unfortunately didnt have time. Wish I could have been with my husband celebrating…but will have to wait till December to see him. So my V day was kind of depressing, but hey, it could always be worse! 😉 hope you have a great week!!!

  158. I’m reading the new Lillian Darcy book, “the sweetest thing”. I’d never read any of her work before but am enjoying it very much and I’m certain I will be reading more of her work.

    Happy February to everyone and Happy Birthday to you Jane.


  159. What a lovely quilt. We ate out the day before Valentines day and then had a nice dinner & movie at home on the big day.

  160. So happy to hear you are excited for your fifties…I’m loving them myself!!

    As for what I’m reading this weekend, Good Together by CJ Carmichael.

    Happy Birthday,and embrace your fifties!! You won’t be sorry…

  161. We’re in the “show your love all year” camp, but circumstances fell into place and we ended up having a dinner date at a new restaurant. It was very sweet. 🙂

  162. Well it wasn’t the most romantic day for Valentines, the hubby and I did not go out any where special. We did however spend it at home together 🙂 had a hand in hand stroll around our little community together. For dinner we sat down to a nice Roast dinner for 2. It’s such a joy to have him (my angel) in my life and I’m grateful any time together.

  163. Spent the day, well sorry the evening with my wonderful husband Darcy, we’ve been married for 25 years, but I love him more now than when I first married him. My daughter and granddaughter came for a visit, love spoiling them both. Nothing better than being with family and laughing.

  164. Spent Valentine’s Day with the family; just finished reading Suite 606, and about to start Be Mine (Jennifer Crusie, Victoria Dahl, and Shannon Stacey)…

  165. Beautiful quilt! Happy Valentines day,Happy Anniversary and Happy 50th Birthday year! This is what they mean by Happy, Happy, Happy!!

  166. Happy 1st Anniverary, Valentines, 50th Birthday! Wow! So much to celebrate and be grateful for! Today is my daughter’s 21st birthday so we will be celebrating by having a family dinner and going to a comedy show! I would love to present her with this beautiful quilt and gift swag to always remember this wonderful special time!

  167. Spent the night at work trying to get myself in a better place. Currently happy being single till I find the right man but that didn’t keep me from eating some valentines chocolate :D. Thank you for holding these contests and I am currently reading my favorite “The Frog Prince”

  168. What a beautiful quilt! I spent yesterday almost in shifts. A little time in the morning with my 18 year old son which is quickly becoming a rarity. Some time in the afternoon with my daughter, 15 1/2, all drama. And then some quiet time with my husband. The best of all worlds!

  169. Spent Valentine’s evening fighting a cold and recovering from spending Valentine’s Day with 29 first graders. :-] But I also got to have dinner with my Sweetie … which was very nice. 🙂 Happy Valentine’s Day, Jane and Happy 50th Birthday … Welcome to the Club!! 😀

  170. Congrats on first anniversary and birthday. Read, finished, enjoyed and reviewed on Amazon “the Sweetest Thing” very good. Looking forward to more by this writer.

  171. What a beautiful quilt and Happy Birthday!! I spent Valentine’s Day with my three kids. We took a trip to a local used bookstore and then we went out to dinner.

  172. Happy Birthday! That is beautiful! I love cowboy stories, though right now I’m reading Julie Garwood’s The Secret. :-)Smile

  173. I just love the authors in this group and can’t get enough of them! After reading all of the wonderful novels set in Montana I seem to be noticing a lot more horses lately. Also that is one beautiful quilt! It reminds me of one my Nana made for me when I was a little girl.

  174. Jane, fifty looks great on you! Happy Birthday!

    I am reading The Black Count, by Tom Reiss, about the father of Alexandre Dumas. It won the Pulitzer prize, and the cover looks like a romance novel, more evidence that the popularity of women’s lit is influencing the whole market.

  175. We put our name in at Longhorn Steakhouse then drove across the street to shop while we waited for our table. My boyfriend (bless his heart) waited patiently for me to finish reading Winter’s Tale in the car before we went inside the store. I had to get the book done before we went to the movie after dinner. It was a lovely night. I am getting ready to start Steal Me Cowboy and I am listening to the Life of Hennrietta Lacks on audible for class. Happy Birthday Jane!

  176. Happy valentines day and early birthday to you! I am
    reading Nicholas Sparks’ The Longest Ride. Surprises by how it sucked me in within the first chapter!

  177. That is a beautiful quilt! Currently reading Ghost Shadow by Heather Graham – and that is what I did for Valentine’s Day! Hubby watched TV in the same room with me, so that was romantic. 🙂

  178. Congratulations on your birthday and company. Lovely quilt. Neat giveaway.
    Alone for Valentine’s day, widow.
    Turned on my kindle and let it read a short story to me, by Helen Scott Taylor, THE ARMY DOCTOR’S VALENTINE’S BABY

  179. I am down with the flu and overloaded with emergency work so I had no v-day but got home and at least had a good book to read! Love the contest thank you so much for the chance!

  180. Happy Birthday & you will totally enjoy the 50s. It’s a greater time of not being wrapped up in what others think about you but what YOU think is more important. It’s a powerful decade!
    Valentine’s Day isn’t a romantic day for me because I knew 36 years ago that I didn’t marry a romantic guy. It is a day to reflect on the 365 days each year that he is loving, faithful, caring, intuitive, & oh so funny. For me, I’d rather have this all year long than just one day. (Although, I must say, when he does do candy & flowers, he does get exactly my favorites!)
    Enjoy your birthday! Celebrate your honey! Celebrate a successful first Tule year!

  181. That is a lovely quilt. I have two beautiful quilts made by my Grandmother and one made by my father. I am reading Don’t Tell by Karen Rose. Happy Valentine’s day.

  182. My husband and I were able to have a rare evening alone, a nice dinner at a favorite Thai restaurant, coffee and talking after, before we picked up the kids again. He had surprised in the morning with cards and chocolates scattered around that I found as I went about my day, so it was extra nice to have some evening time, too.

    I just finished True Spies by Shana Galen. Right now I’m also rereading Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon. My TBR pile is huge, but I want to make my way back through the Outlander series before the next book, so I’ll have a couple of books going at a time.

    Happy Valentines! And Happy Early Birthday!

  183. We exchange books for Valentine’s Day and then nine couples went to dinner and then back to one house for cakes (ice cream) and pies. Great night!

  184. My grandson’s first Valentine’s party at school, and he became all worried at breakfast-time when I asked him if he would be my Valentine. Since he knew we had gotten goodies for his classmates and teachers, we had to reassure him that it was not necessary for him to give a gift to be a Valentine; so then he was more than happy to say ‘Yes!’ AND he made certain that I received a couple of chocolates from his school candy!

  185. I spent valentines with 2 very special people – lunch with my bestie , then the Lego Movie and wine and cheese with my sweetie ! I am reading Jen Lancasters new book Twisted Sisters 🙂

  186. Happy birthday & Valentine’s hope both were fabulous!
    I enjoyed my evening of margaritas and fajita nachos with my Love. It is heart warming knowing that everyday he is mine and I am his. So blessed.

  187. Happy Birthday and Valentines Day. What a beautiful quilt. Thanks for the chance. I spent my day at home with my husband and we were both reading. Me I finished You Can See Me.

  188. I cooked super for my hubby and two of our children,and spent a very nice evening at home. Right now I am finishing up the Fool’s Gold Susan Mallery.

    Happy Valentine’s Day and Happy Borthday!!!

  189. Just bought The Sweetest Thing on Amazon. Perfect book to start reading right after Valentine’s Day! Happy birthday and happy anniversary Jane!

  190. Had a lovely valentines at Anthony’s pier nine. Food was amazing and received roses too with the package. Got to dance the whole night with the love of my life. Best valentines ever. Currently reading Dante’s inferno by dan brown.

  191. We celebrate our 2 birthdays which are in Feb more than Valentine’s Day. We however did order in pizza & wings & watched a movie.

  192. We had to have a frozen pizza because a snow & ice storm had us stuck at the house!!
    Hope you had a great birthday & congratulations on Tule’s 1st anniversary!!

  193. Hi Jane! Happy early birthday , I will also be a member of the fifty club this year? My Valentine”s Day consisted of receiving flowers and a heart felt card from my husband of almost 29 years! Then dinner at a fancy restaurant with our good friends .Every day is meant to celebrate the love that as a couple we share.

  194. Happy Birthday, Jane!!
    I am in Yakima WA with a leadership team @the Red Lion firming up details of a state convention for state educators in May.
    We’d had lots of fun gifts,chocolates and wine to keep the holiday in our hearts while we are away from our sweethearts.

  195. Happy Birthday and Happy Valentine’s Day Jane & Tule! This quilt you have chosen is beautiful! Had a wonderful Valentine’s Day with my daughter, “son”, grandson and my love:)!

  196. As the snow was piling up again, another 4 inches, my husband fixed steaks and I some baked potatoes and we watched news and olympics while we enjoyed out meal.After 40 years, that was still nice. Just keeping warm and not having to go out in this weather.

  197. My Valentines Day was spent wirh my “Sweetie” of 38yrs, my husband! Still love every moment spent with him! And I would cherish this quilt! Awesome!

  198. Tule? As in Tule Fog? Hope you have a great 50th. We went to Vegas for mine but ended up with the flu. Ah well. For Valentine’s Day (week) we went to Disneyland (and Thor at the Treasures of Asgard exhibit) then had dinner at Steakhouse 55 (yummmmm). To wind down the night we enjoyed listening to a trio of Island Boys while sipping tropical drinks on the deck of Trader Sam’s Tiki Bar. Much fun was had!

  199. Hope you had a wonderful Valentine’s Day. And Happy Early Birthday Jane. It’s jut a number. You are as young or old as you feel. 🙂 I spent a quiet day with my younger daughter enjoying some desserts. 🙂
    I’m now reading Rules To Catch A Devilish Duke by Susan Enoch. Good luck to everyone. That is a gorgeous quilt.
    Carol L

  200. Sweet Jane, Happy Birthday to you! My husband worked his 12 hour shift and I cooked shrimp scampi for when he came home. Love yourself and love your family and your world will be alright.

  201. I had a sort of bling date for Valentine’s Day which went remarkably well- he even surprised me with a dozen pink long stem roses! We had a great night filled with lots of shared stories and laughter 🙂 Happy Birthday to you! You don’t look 50 one bit- I never would have guessed a day over 39!

  202. I got to spend time with my husband, which is all that I really wanted for Valentine’s Day. I work days and he works nights/evenings so we don’t really have that much time off together. The snow storm gave us both a snow day off from work on Thursday. I had another day off work on Friday but he had to work in the evening. I had the day with him, which made me happy. I hope you had a wonderful Valentine’s Day and that you have an amazing birthday!

  203. we enjoyed a quiet dinner at home, I made my hubby his favorite chocolate chip cookie dough, had enough left over to bake 3 dozen cookies and we enjoyed a movie snuggled up on the sofa

  204. Jane Happy early Birthday. The quilt is absolutely gorgeous. Please enter me in contest. Thank you for the opportunity to win.I enjoy reading your books.Have a wonderful weekend.

  205. My husband and I don’t do very much for Valentine’s Day, because our Anniversary is four days later on the 18th. It will be our 36th! Very hard to believe. I am 51 and I love the fifties as much as the forties. Welcome to the fifties Jane!

  206. My military son took me, my daughter and granddaughter out to eat for Valentine’s Day. It was about an hour drive and we had fun talking, listening to music, and then eating way too much at a buffet — with yummy crab legs, and amazing dessert buffet!. We were so full on the return home but it was a good feeling having my family together.

  207. Oh how beautiful! That takes ralent, would love to win!

    Spent valentines going to lunch with my son, visiting my daughter at her restsurant. Then out to dinner with hubby.

  208. Before my husband went to work on Valentines Day, we watched Letters to Juliet which is the movie we saw the day he proposed. Then, we put out birdseed for the National Backyard Bird count. That night, I watched the sunset and read The Sweetest Thing by Lilian Darcy. Hope everyone had a great Valentines Day! Happy birthday Jane!

  209. that quilt is gorgeous!
    i actually watched lame made for tv movies on Valentines Day … The Dating Coach (I think it was a Lifetime movie)

  210. Happy valentines day & happy birthday Jane! No reading for me this week. I’m enjoying watching the Olympics.

  211. I spend Valentine’s Day getting estimates for the repairs that need to be done to my home after the tornado hit wednesday night. Then went out to dinner with family and friends.

  212. Had dinner with my best friend, who happens to be my husband. It was quite and delicious. Happy valentines day and happy birthday. I reach that mile stone next year. The quilt is beautiful. On my way to amazon to purchase some books, thanks for the tip.

  213. I would lobe to give this beauty a good home. I spent my Valentine’s day relaxing and then was treated to a yummy homemade meal from my honey.
    Thanks for this amazing giveaway and congrats on one year and Happy Birthday!!

  214. reading jd robb cautlated in death and then the twist of fate and then the quilt is great my bd is the 18 and then hope you in joy yours

  215. I spent valentine’s day picking up and delivering children to school, I am a bus driver. I love the kids but it can be so tiring, so hubby and I just had leftover pizza and cuddled on couch and watched tv.

    Ah the quiet!

  216. Unfortunately I spent Valentine’s Day clearing out my Grandma’s apartment(we’re still not done) but Happy Birthday!

  217. I babysat a friends kiddos so they could go out! My hubby, me, my two kiddos, and my friends four kiddos….it was an interesting night…but we all had a good time!

  218. I worked both jobs for Valentine’s Day. Most people would be sad about that, but I’m not. I was able to spread happiness to a lot of people, and then go home to my wonderful children. I am getting ready to read The Age of Miracles by Karen Thompson Walker. I can not wait to read YOUR next book!

  219. I’m reading THE SWEETEST THING now. I’m also reading another book for my church book club – TENDING ROSES by Lisa Wingate.
    Hubby & I went to OKC on Friday afternoon. He had a meeting this morning (Sat 2/15) so daughter & I hung out for a bit. Altho, daughter, SIL, and granddaughter had dinner with us Friday night, it really wasn’t as a Valentine Dinner – we just needed to eat. Went to Cheddar’s at a good time ’cause we really didn’t have a wait. As we left, oh there were lots & lots of people!

  220. I have been reading graphic novels lately and catching up on my comic book reading. Also baked cookies for Valentine’s Day and read

  221. Hi Jane,
    I hope you had a great Valentine’s Day. I spent mine at home reading The Boleyn Deceit by Laura Andersen, because my hubby had to work. I hope you have a great birthday!

  222. I worked on Valentine’s Day but since my job is taking care of the cutest little boy with the biggest blue eyes,whom I love very much, it was a pretty good day. No flowers, no chocolate but an awful lot of love and that is what the day celebrates now, isn’t it?

  223. I wanted to spread Valentines to as many as I could, so I bought a box of Valentines, put little hearts on them and put them in mail boxes of widows in the neighborhood. Then I headed to the Nursing Home where my mother-in-law is with her box of chocolates and delivered Valentines and cup cake cups of candy hearts to all the residents. I was having such a good time I also gave them to nurses, aides, people working in the kitchen and the housekeeping staff. I’ve never had so much fun on Valentines Day before.

  224. Happy Birthday!!!!
    Movies and dinner with hubby last night. Then spent the evening with grandbabies this evening. Wonderful Valentine’s Day

  225. Happy Valentines Day Jane. 🙂
    Had an amazing Valentines Day with my wonderful husband. Breakfast on the deck overlooking our garden with mango trees, lunch on the beach & dinner plus movies. So lucky to live in Paradise and to be with my true love.

  226. Happy (late) V-Day and happy birthday! I was snowed in yesterday so I spent the day relaxing, watching tv and reading several romances! It was perfect!
    Thanks for the chance and for the giveaway!

  227. Boy, what a wonderful contest! Thanks for the chance!

    Hubby and I attended a Valentine’s Day party at a local church. They had a band and it was lots of fun. And hubby gave me a nice box of chocolates and a card.

  228. A mellow Valentine’s Day, focusing on the kids…and my daughter’s birthday tea party today! So much fun, and her birthday is Monday, so there will be so much more fun!
    Happy Birthday, Jane!

  229. Spent Valentine’s Day in Atlantic City with my mom and nephew to celebrate my birthday. Here’s hoping everyone feels the love all year long. Happy early Birthday, Jane!

  230. Wow, what a beautiful quilt. I am reading Linda Lael Miller/ Cathy McDonald books recently released together by MIRA.
    Congrats on your 50th!

  231. I woke up early with my 3 year old delivering me a cheese stick, drink and a penny in bed while singing me Happy birthday at the too of her lungs. She totally misunderstood the holiday but it was adorable!

  232. Happy Birthday, Jane!! Hope you had an amazing Valentines Day as well!! I spent a quiet day at home avoiding all the busy restaurants and stores. Decided to make my husband a special meal at home. Visited and spoiled my grand kids earlier in the day. So much fun! Love to all!!!

  233. Happy birthday, Jane, and congratulations on your one year anniversary. The quilt is stunning. It makes me happy looking at it.

  234. Happy Birthday!!! Thank you so much for sharing your day with us and such a sweet deal on two books I haven’t read yet!!

  235. My first Valentine’s Day as a single mom after 25 years of marriage….it was magical and fun as I without a doubt knew that I had the greatest Valentine of my life….my 18 year old son. He treats me like a queen. I had such fun picking out books I knew he would enjoy from B&N and knowing I discovered the greatest card ever!!’ Seeing his smile light up his face was pure bliss….then he hugged me and told me he loves me. Amazing!

  236. Spent the day working. 🙁 So my honey and I are going to delay Valentine’s Day and celebrate it with a little get away next weekend.

  237. For Valentine’s Day my family (husband, son, and 3 grandsons) gave me a stuffed monkey that has the word LOVE in front. When I push the paw he sings “Love was meant for you and me.” Since the guys either worked or went to school, we had Subway sandwiches together. Wonderful day!

  238. This would be an amazing 73rd birthday present for me,my birthday is Feb. 25th, I love your books and I love quilts, you will love the 50’s, there’s something so liberating about being in your 50’s.

  239. Had a great Valentine’s Day! Went out for lunch with my Mom, then took her out for ice cream after work. THEN found out I was going to be a first time Grandma…I’m still kind of adjusting to the Grandma Part 😉

  240. Thank you for another wonderful contest! I spent Valentine’s Day taking care of my sick baby. My bf is a chef so he was busy making others days great. My Dad recently passed away so I was worried about how my Mom’s day was going so I probably called her at least ten times! So I spent my day thinking of others, which is really the way it should be I think.

  241. Jane Happy 50th Birthday to you. I gave my husband a personilized val card and he loved it as it was his 1st one.He couldn’t get over it as I am disabled and he has to drive me everywhere and didn’t know how I did it without him taking me.Well he did the weekly shopping as he is laid off also due to so much snow and brought home 2 dozen roses in a vase the neat thing is that he picked out the vase and then he also picked out 1 dozen of yellow and the other orange and he always buys the most romantic card on the shelf then we live in a rural area so dinner was at a place we go all the time which was nice. When I lived in the bay area I loved to go to the wharf every weekend but especially for Valentines and also my b-day and that is where I celebrated my 50th it was at a time when my granny was alive and i was visiting her so 1 of my kids and i went there as always it was magical.You have a great one and hope you had a nice Valentines Day also.

  242. Spent Valentine’s Day with 3 of my 4 boys watching SUNY Oswego play SUNY Geneseo in a hockey game. It was very exciting! Wishing my 4th boy was with us! Happy Birthday to you! Turning 50 wasn’t so bad!!

  243. Spent Valentine’s night at the Hilton with my wonderful husband. We were awakened at 2:20 am by the fire alarm. I had to walk down eight flights of stairs with my crutch (I’m recovering from knee surgery. My sweet husband was right by my side all the way down. Thank goodness we could use the elevator to go back to our room!

  244. I didn’t do anything for Valentine’s Day. We were snowed in for a couple of days:( I love this giveaway! The books are on my wish list and my daughter and I will fight over the quilt!

  245. My son cooked a nice dinner for us (him, his wife and me). And then I watched TV and read a book. I’m reading Nowhere To Run by Mary Jane Clark and loving it.

  246. I know it’s late but Happy Valentine’s Day and Happy Birthday. I went to the Cardiologist that day and then my husband took me to Red Lobster for a nice lunch. Right now I am reading The Peculiar Case Of Lord Finsbury’s Diamonds by Stephanie Laurens.

  247. I spent valentines’s day and night at Santa Monica pier. It was my first time there. Enjoyed it very much

  248. Drove through an Indianapolis snow whiteout on Valentines Day to make sure my 17 year old got to a college campus visit. True love! Reading books by Dave Eggers, Steve Berry and Edward Rutherfurd. But ready to put down the mysteries and histories for some romance 🙂

  249. Hubby started my day with a dozen red roses and then we went out to eat. It has been cold here and it was great to just
    get out of the house for awhile.

    Want to wish you a very happy birthday (for about the hundredth one to do so here. LOL.)

    Enjoy your books.

  250. My honey and I went and saw About last night at the theater then came home and watched the original. Liked the new one better LOL 🙂

  251. I would have loved to spend the day with my special man, but I set that aside. His best friends, mother had passed away and his friend needed a shoulder. His friend Scott needed him that day more than I did. So Happy Valentines Day to my best friend and partner Todd. We can have Valentines on a different day, I love you. Besides the leftover dinner wasn’t that bad. Haha.

  252. I had hoped to go out to dinner, but my husband and I are waiting until tonight to do so. I did receive candy and flowers.

  253. My daughter is taking French in school so, she made me a Valentine with French words and bought me a cake pop. I hope that you have a great 50th birthday Jane!

  254. Well, my Valentine’s was going to be spent with my kids and opening the valentine’s from preschool. Unfortunately the weather forecast was wrong and I got stuck in the city I work at in 5 inches of snow. It took me over 2 hours to get out of the city and a total of 4 hours to get home. I am still tired and we haven’t looked at the valentine’s yet.

  255. Happy birthday and SweetHearts Day to someone with a sweet heart! I’m enjoying the psychic eye series by Victoria Laurie.

  256. Yikes! SOOOO many comments. I think I might be better off asking where you got that quilt:).

    Reading “Writing the Bestseller”:) Took a mini-road trip with the kids for Valentines.

    Happy Birthday!

  257. Spent Valentines Day very quiet. Reading A Sinful Regency Christmas and then picking up Grandbabies from Daycare and spending a little time with them. Happy Birthday Early 50 is great

  258. Have a wonderful birthday Jane so happy to hear that 50 doesn’t discourage you–it’s only a number and we all know you’ll be young forever lol

    We watch our 2 and 5 y.o. grandsons a couple of times a week and Friday afternoon is one of those days. Kindergartener grandson came with his bag of Valentines-we had so much fun looking at each as he told us about the child lol

  259. We spent Valentine’s Day at a high school basketball game watching our youngest cheer.

    Happy 50th! My hubby turns 50 on March 5th!

  260. For Valentines’s Day my family had a four day weekend. I got breakfast in bed and a bunch of red themed gifts as it’s my favorite color. I had an amazing dinner with my family and opened some wonderful gifts with them. I am currently reading Good Together which I am loving!

  261. Happy Birthday Jane! Many many more to you.

    My boyfriend had a last minute gig to fill in for a sax player at the country club on Valentines Day. I felt a little sad but my teenage son and I had a fun evening together watching a few episodes of Dexter. Not exactly what I’d hoped for, but my dear boyfriend made it up to me the next day!

  262. My husband was born on Valentine’s Day (he was born to love me!), so I made him an applewood bacon crusted pork roast and mashed sweet potatoes for dinner. We watched a movie together at home, and snuggled. It was awesome!

  263. The recipe for Hot Chocolate Shots sounds amazing. Chocolate and orange, two of my favorite flavors!! Can’t wait to try it.

  264. I spent it with my daughters and grandchildren making marshmallow pops with white chocolate and various toppings.

    My husband had to work but surprised me with gifts and dinner later.

    Both days were beautiful.

  265. I’m reading Allegiant by Veronica Roth…my attempt to be up on pop culture AND I like it! For Valentine’s Day the hubster and I went out to a winery and had a artisan pizza and tried not to talk about the kids!

  266. Happy birthday from Tulare Jane!
    I spent valentines day (and the 13th) delivering flowers for a local flower shop. I got to make 74 strangers day! Two 11+ hour days but totally worth it

  267. My sister and I walked the dog at the shopping center. Interestingly I noticed (there are 3-4 dining places) families with little children spending the evening – I thought – hmmmm maybe they can’t afford a babysitter or maybe they decided the Romance of the day just might need to include the little ones. 🙂

  268. Happy belated Valentine`s! I had a quiet night at home with my Valentine. 🙂
    Thanks for putting on this great contest! I was just recommended to read The Lost Girls and am really looking forward to it.

  269. I wasn’t able to spend Valentine’s day with my hubby of 27 years. He did text me for it was 28 years ago we had our first date. My hubby is a wonderful man. He married me with 4 children, and we adopted number 5. We are now the proud grandparents of 16 grandchildren. they range from age 15 to 3 weeks. we all love to read. I share all my books with my daughters, granddaughters and mother. Winning this would be awesome. Hope you have a great Birthday.

  270. On Valentine’s Day I had a lot of things to do, so I read a good book at night when I finally had time to do so. Happy belated birthday dear Jane.

  271. On Valentine’s Day, my wonderful hubbie worked so I took our four children out to eat at one of my favorite pizza places. We were all excited at finally being able to drive somewhere after almost a week of ice and snow shut down much of our state.
    I’m reading The Next Best Thing by Kristan Higgans.
    Thanks for your blog and stories.

  272. Because it was weekday, my little and I got some one on one time while big brother was at school and Daddy was at work. DQ it was! Later we made French Toast and fixings for dinner and Daddy brought home a cookie cake (and flowers).

  273. We went away as a family to NC to visit my brother. We checked out his plans to build a house in Montana! Can’t wait to visit!

  274. Hi Jane!! Happy Belated Birthday, I hope it was amazing! Valentines Day was spent making my hubby a fondue dinner and eve in front of the tv watching movies. Nothing special, but we’re low maintenance. 🙂 Have a great week everyone!!

  275. Dinner with the family, then dessert from the bakery, then (I know this isn’t Valentine’s-ish) inspiration struck and I plotted out a novel! Happy birthday to you!


  276. Happy Birthday Jane!!! I hope the 50s treat you well!! Your forties seem to have been wonderful. I also hope you had a fabulous Valentines Day. I’m a February baby too. February 12th and then my hubby gets hit with Valentines Day on the 14th. Poor guy. Lol. I’m currently reading late last night by Lilian and I’m enjoying it so far. Have a great day Jane!

  277. On Valentine’s Day both of our girls went to a friends house overnight. My husband and I ordered Chinese food and watched the Olympics. A quiet and peaceful night! Happy Birthday – a little late.

  278. Valentine’s Day is also my anniversary. So my husband and I went out to dinner to celebrate and then came home for a quiet evening watching TV together. I am reading Losing It by Cora Carmack.

  279. Thank you for the awesome comments, everyone! Loved all of them. 🙂

    Congratulations to #218 Jayme Maness who is our winner for the Valentine / Tule Anniversary prize!

    Please email me with your mailing info and we’ll get prize out to you soon!

    lots of love to all!
    Jane xoxoxo

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