Lilian Darcy’s The Sweetest Thing

Lilian DarcyI love the month of February for many many reasons and this week I’m especially loving it because my very close friend, Lilian Darcy‘s has a fantastic new release out, and it truly is ‘The Sweetest Thing‘!  If you’ve not had a chance to pick it up yet, it’s on special right now for just $0.99 cents on Amazon.

Lilian is already working hard on her next book, the second novel in her River Bend trilogy set in Marietta, Montana, but I did get her to do a quick chat and Q&A with me about her books, career, and kufe as a writer.

Here’s what Lilian had to say!

What do you love most about being a writer?

Controlling the universe is always right up there. If I want it to rain in my book, it rains. If I want my heroine to wear pink, she obediently puts it on. My other favorites things are the writing friendships I’ve made – so warm and wonderful and precious.

Tully Morgan hasn’t been back to Marietta for more than a few brief visits since the night of the 1996 senior prom eighteen years ago, when the chance exposure of a long-held family secret sent her running to her uncle in California in shock. She stood up her date Ren Fletcher that night, and she hasn’t seen him since.
Now she’s here for an extended stay, to help take care of her seriously ill mother. It’s an edgy reconciliation, the first time that Tully, Patty and Sugar Morgan have been together since that long ago prom night. Tully has had so much anger toward Sugar… can she ever forgive her?
And Sugar still has one more secret that needs to be dealt with, one that needs Ren Fletcher’s help. Has he forgiven Tully for leaving him in the lurch on prom night? And is there any chance that he and Tully can rekindle what they might once have had, when he’s still tied to someone else?

What are you working on now?

I’m doing a kind of side-bar novella that tells readers more about Charlie, Sugar’s long-lost son from The Sweetest Thing. He’s a little moody and distracted when we meet him in The Sweetest Thing, even though he’s strongly affected by connecting with his birth mother and half-sister again. There’s a reason for the moodiness and distraction, and let’s just say it has something to do with a gorgeous Spanish girl he’s left behind in New York.

Name five items sitting on your desk right now.

A messy folder with papers spilling out of it. Another messy folder with papers spilling out of it. A messy pile of papers spilling onto one of the messy folders. You get the idea. Oh, that’s only three items? Okay, two more : my phone and a bottle of ant poison because we get plagues of tiny ants in the hot weather. You really don’t want to ever come to my office now, do you?

Title and author of the latest book you read?

Five minutes ago, literally, I finished C J Carmichael’s Good Together. Now, I know this is another story from Montana Born Books, so yes I’m a little biased, but I’m not just giving a shout-out to a friend. I absolutely adored this story. Often in romance and women’s fiction, the story starts when the heroine is just about over the bad stuff that happened with her ex in the past. In Good Together the bad stuff is just starting, and we follow Mattie’s journey through the dark times and into the light with page-turning eagerness. It’s such a real, gorgeous story, and for me very life-affirming. Yes, bad stuff happens in life, and even the ending of this book isn’t a perfect rosy miracle, but there’s such a celebration of love and life in it. You can tell how much I loved it.

What’s your astrological sign? 

Aquarius. I have no idea what I’m supposed to be like as a person because of that. Watery?

Are you superstitious?

No, I’m conflicted. I don’t believe in superstitions, but act on them anyhow.

What does success mean to you?

The best thing is when people say they love my books. It’s the same feeling as when someone says something nice about my children. You just glow. And you believe it until you foolishly read the next one-star review on Amazon, which inevitably ends with the words, “…but at least I got it cheap/for free.”

Rock or country music?

Rock, mostly.

Last song you listened to?

Whatever was on the car radio, which is tuned to a rock mix station.

What do you enjoy doing other than writing in your spare time?

Going to horse trial competitions with my daughter, who is working toward being a professional equestrian. We sleep in the horse trailer, cook on a camp stove, get very dirty and seem to walk about a hundred miles in a weekend, and when she’s riding, my heart is in my mouth – sometimes out of fear of the danger, sometimes just because I know how disappointed she’ll be if she has a bad dressage test or jump round. And yet I always have such a good time.


Thank you, Lilian!  It’s always such a pleasure to chat with you and I’m loving your River Bend series so much, starting with your novella, Last Last Night and now, The Sweetest Thing.

Readers, if you haven’t taken advantage of this special $0.99 cents price, I urge you to do it today.  The Sweetest Thing is so good, I have no doubt you’ll love it, too.

And to celebrate this exciting time with Lilian, I’ve got a fun giveaway for you.  For a chance to win books, treats and all things sweet, leave a comment and tell me if you’ve read any of Lilian’s other books and if you have, which one(s) did you love most and why.  But wait.  There’s more fun in store!  Besides this wonderful prize, I’m also going to give away 5 (FIVE) ebook downloads for The Sweetest Thing so there will be a total of six winners!   So be sure you leave a comment and you could be one of the winners.  🙂  Contest will run until Monday night with winner announced on Tuesday.  Good luck, and fingers crossed you will win!


  1. To be perfectly honest, No I haven’t read any other books by Lillian. But, I am now in the middle of reading, “The Sweetest Thing”, and I do know that I will be reading more of her books, because I am already in love with the book I am reading now. I have put her on my “must read list”. But, it is no surprise to me, that she is a great writer because she is from Montana Born Books! And, I would be honored to win this giveaway. Thanks Jane as always you have awesome giveaways! B

  2. I am almost finished reading the excellent book: A Copper Mountain Christmas and will start next Love Me, Cowboy, so I have Lilian’s Merry Me Cowboy to look forward to soon. Marietta has become my favorite place! The books were my present to myself for making it through some cold weather here. 🙂

    Thanks Jane for your writing and for introducing us to authors like Lilian. Early Happy Valentine’s Day to you and everyone here!

  3. Lilian Darcy’s books have brought me hours of enjoyment. Her writing and books are delightful and special. Saving Gerda is my favorite of all. Thanks for this lovely giveaway and post. Happy Valentine’s Day.

  4. I have only read her Montana born titles but have enjoyed them. Just came in from shoveling the foot or more of snow we got today. I proudly say that I don’t shovel snow – my husband and sons do – but due to my husband having a medical procedure yesterday and my boys being at college – my daughter and I shoveled snow for 2 1/2 hours with husband supervising. So, today, I proudly say that I shoveled snow! Now to get warm and curl up with a book!

  5. I have only read Lilian’s Montana Born stories. The Sweetest Thing is my favorite of the series. I can’t wait to read Charlie’s story.

  6. I had not read any of Lilian Darcy’s books before the Montana Born books, but I am loving everything she has written since. I can’t wait to find out more about Charlie, and to read more in the River Bend Series. Absolutely Loved The Sweetest Gift…

  7. I have read Marry Me, Cowboy & Rodeo Sweethearts…love them both…cowboys and romance! Happy Valentine’s Day!!

  8. I have not read any of Lilian’s books, but I’m always excited about discovering new authors. And the cover is lovely.

  9. I have not read any of Lilian Darcy’s other books. The Sweetest Thing sounds like a great book though. Happy Valentine’s Day.

  10. No, I haven’t read any of her books; however, I’m turning on my kindle right now to download The Sweetest Thing.


  11. I’m not real good at remembering titles, but I just finished The Sweetest Thing and have read others of Lillian’s! I have enjoyed every book I have read – she pulls a reader in. Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  12. I’ve read Marry Me Cowboy. I bought Late Last Night and will be reading it soon. Also on my amazon list to buy is The Sweetest thing and Rodeo Sweethearts about Jamie’s parents from Marry Me Cowboy! Love this contest!

  13. The sweetest thing is a good story. I enjoyed reading it. Read lots of Lilians books,when I find them. Thanks for the giveaway.

  14. I just started reading The Sweetest Thing this afternoon and it’s fabulous. Just put it down to eat dinner but already 6 chapters in….going to be a late night! I haven’t read any of her other books but I will be.

  15. I have read her Montana Born stories, love them. Loved Sweetest Thing, so many stories in one story. I can not wait to read about Charie !

  16. I haven’t read any of Lilian Darcy’s books…YET! But I am starting The Sweetest Thing TONIGHT! Yippee! And Happy Birthday, Lilian! Can’t wait to get started on this book!

  17. No, I haven’t had the pleasure yet to read any of her books. I’ll be checking out her site and her other books. Thanks for this chance. Please don’t count me in for the e-books because I can’t read them. Happy Valentine’s Day.
    Carol L

  18. Just downloaded The Sweetest Thing and it’s next to be read. Can’t wait! Got Take Me Cowboy, too. So, I’m set for a couple of days at least!

  19. To be honest I have not read any of her books but that will have to change. I am going to add her to my TBR list because this one sounds awesome. I will be looking for her books.

  20. I am getting ready to read The Sweetest Thing. My
    first Lillian Darcy book. Excited to read it. I love finding out about new authors (new to me) on your blog, Jane.

  21. I have read

    I am 62% into reading The Sweetest Thing on my Kindle and all I can say to everyone is download it. It is an intricate, beautiful story about how one certain day and secrets can affect so many peoples lives. It is so beautifully tied together I don’t know how Lilian does it, but I have been reading steady and not skipping parts. Really good writing drama and romance. In my opinion when I don’t skip parts of the book or read to quickly.
    Back to my reading. 🙂

  22. I have not read Lilian’s books. It is so nice to have the opportunity to hear authors talk about the characters they’ve created. Jane, I’m taking your advice and adding Lilian’s book to my TBR list.

  23. I started reading The Sweetest Thing this afternoon and thank you for sending the ebook. My daughter use to rodeo about 15 years ago and one night she was just out of the chute and somehow she flew over the top of the horse’s back and she landed on her back. I jumped up to go help her, but she got back on and finished the barrel race. Whew! I was scared to death, but she was okay and was able to finish the rest of the events she was entered and won all but one. The barrel racing.

  24. I have only read Lilian’s MBB’s, but I have a couple of her others on my TBR list. I absolutely Loved The Sweetest Thing, I just wanted to climb in the book and hug the characters.

  25. have not read any of her books but had wanted to get the River Bend books; still haven’t accomplished that task.

    Do like the sound of the new book

  26. I haven’t read any of Lilian’s books yet. I will have to check out her books. I always enjoy finding new authors.

  27. I have only read her Montana Born books but would love to read some of her other books. The Sweetest thing just kept me reading loved it.

  28. I haven’t read any of her books yet but am always on the scout for new authors to try and look forward to reading some of her novels 🙂 Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be a part of these contests, I don’t know any other authors who do such generous and sweet things!! Happy V-day!! 🙂

    1. I hit send too soon LOL

      I have Late Last Night on my Kindle TBR folder and The Sweetest Thing is on my wish list.

      My fav book by Lilian Darcy is Marry Me, Cowboy because I loved the plot and how Tegan and Jamie started not liking each other and end up together.

  29. She’s a new author for me and have read only ‘late last night’ and I loved it! Looking forward to more good readings from her.

  30. I am reading The Sweetest Thing. I am loving it. Hope to find some time this weekend to lounge on the couch and finish this book.

  31. I read PRINCESS IN DISGUISE and loved it. It kept me reading right to the very last page. I enjoyed the balance between royalty and normalcy, and I liked the delay to get things in order, as well as the parents’ attitudes. Yup. Great reading, and I’m looking forward to my next LD book!

  32. I have never had the honor of reading one of her books. After reading the interview I am very interested in checking out her books and am headed toward my kindle as we speak. Thank you for the interview and the giveaway.

  33. I have not read any of her books yet but the cover of this one tempted me so much that I had to buy it! And at $0.99 what a steal! Thanks for another contest.

  34. Marry Me, Cowboy is the first book by Lilian that I have read. I enjoyed it enough to download The Sweetest Thing and am looking forward to starting it this afternoon while I am waiting for the kids to get out of school this afternoon. We all deserve treats now and then, and books are my treats!

  35. Thank you to everyone who’s already read Lilian’s books – aren’t they the best?! I love her stories. And thanks also to those of you who are planning to download her books soon. I promise you’ll love them!

    And now for our winners –

    The Sweetest Thing prize package goes to – #43 Faye Peters!

    And the 5 download winners are –

    #32 Chris Spiecker
    #25 Kathy P
    #18 Kate S
    #51 Robyn L
    #8 Jessica M

    Shoot me an email, Faye, with your mailing details and I’ll get the prize package in the mail.

    Download winners, I need you to email me so I can confirm your email address and please note that the download is from Amazon so you will need a Kindle or the Kindle app on your reading device/computer. Please confirm this in your email and we’ll gift the book to you!

    Thank you all! More fun stuff lined up and coming your way soon.

    Much love,

  36. Oh my gosh! I just finished reading The Sweetest Thing. It is such a wonderful book. The book made me laugh and cry!!! Wonderful! I will be reading more of her books for sure. Thank you so much for the ebook.

  37. loved loved loved this book
    i described it to friends as like a layer cake – cos it has layers …lots of them
    start out feeling agrieved for Tully – end up seeing that carrying a chip on your shoulder only weighs you down – forgive… not because its 100% deserved (although in this case i felt it was) but because you, the person, deserve to be free of guilt –
    the description of hope versus ability to heal – of the cancer’s ultimate goal to keep on racing thru despite the best efforts of Sugar to set things right before it was ultimately too late really resonated with me
    facing up to feelings that perhaps had sustained us for many years – pride mostly – and finall realising that healing only begins when you face up to things instead of being moralistic

    i have recommended this book to all my friends, for different reasons, but mostly because its fantastically written
    bravo jane for gathering together a group of novelists who write from the heart


    xx d xx

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