Brenda Novak’s RITA nod & Brand New Release!

This was an exciting week for romance writers as the nominations were announced for this year’s Romance Writers of America’s RITA Awards.  The RITAs are my industry’s version of the Oscars and I was absolutely stunned–but also delighted–to get a phone call Wednesday morning informing me that my novella, Take Me, Cowboy, published by Tule this past October as part of the Montana Born Books imprint,  was selected as one of the best novellas of the year.   Several of my close friends were nominated for awards this year, too,  including Harlequin author pals, Megan Crane/Caitlin Crews, Maisey Yates, and Sarah Morgan–all authors I’ve featured here on my Blog.

Marie Force, my guest author this past week, was also a RITA nominee, and so is my friend, Brenda Novak.  Brenda and I date back many, many years.  She’s so terrific and giving.  Most of you are familiar with her auction, and how she is so dedicated to raising money for diabetes research.  Brenda wants a cure, and so do I, and I love supporting her in every way possible.

I was so very happy to hear about Brenda’s RITA nomination for HOME TO WHISKEY CREEK.  I have loved, loved loved her Whiskey Creek series, and if you’re reading the books, yoU know that her latest in the series, COME HOME TO ME, just released.  It’s always exciting to have a new book out, but its also stressful because you’re anxious to hear what all your readers think.  I wanted her to know how much I love her and how proud I am of her RITA nomination and her tremendous success.

If you’re reading the Whiksey Creek series, you probably know that COME HOME TO ME is getting rave reviews (4 1/2 stars from RT!!) and it’s also on sale right now for 30% off!  You can learn more about the entire series on her website or her social media:  Website | Facebook | Twitter

Come Home to Me Final Front

Here’s a very quick synopsis of the new book: When Presley returns to Whiskey Creek, she has completely changed her life. There’s just one catch. She hasn’t been able to get over bad boy Aaron Amos. But she can’t fall back into his arms…or his bed. There’s a secret she’s been guarding—a secret she’ll do anything to protect.

Brenda Against Wall Lower ResBrenda is my girl.  She always has my back and if you are looking for a terrific warm-your-heart-make-you-feel-great read, COME HOME TO ME is it.

And since Brenda knows how much I love to share the love with my readers, we have a great giveaway for one of you–the Whiskey Creek series in a darling Brenda Novak tote!  I’m throwing in a ton of reader goodies, too, so grab your copy of COME HOME TO ME while it’s on sale, and if you want to enter the contest, comment below.  You can congratulate Brenda on her RITA nomination, or comment on one of the books in the series.

The contest ends Tuesday night with the winner announced Wednesday morning so please be sure to enter soon. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.  I’m still on deadline, writing like mad, but sometime next week, Beauty’s Kiss will be out and for a couple days…free!




  1. Congratulations Brenda!! Well deserved nomination!!
    Everyone sign up for Brenda’s diabetes auction. Starts in May and lots of great things to bid on!!

  2. congrats to you both!!! Love to read and read anything I get my hands on… but like series books the most, you can see characters again and find out how they are, . . your whiskey series. . . just finished first one. Love It! Can’t wait to start next one. Good Luck Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I have seen Brenda’s books but never read any. Going to find Book 1 in this Whiskey Series and add her to my favourites. Congratulations on the nominations!!

    1. Janet, you’re in luck. Book #1 (WHEN LIGHTNING STRIKES) is only $1.99 in digital right now at both Amazon and B&N, so you’ll get in cheaply! LOL Thanks for giving Whiskey Creek a try!

  4. Congratulations, am so happy for you Brenda and you know how much I love your books especially the Whiskey Creek series and Come Home To Me was wonderful.

  5. Way to go Brenda and Jane on your nominations!! I have not read the Whiskey Creek series, but would love to.

    1. Dawn, Book #1, WHEN LIGHTNING STRIKES, is only $1.99 in digital at both B&N and If you’d like to give them a try, now’s a great time (while that book is on sale).

      1. Thanks – I picked it up yesterday and will start it soon. I love when Kindle books are in whispersync – I often pick up the audible version as well so I can listen (busy mom running kids around doesn’t always have time to sit and read!)

  6. Congratulations Brenda and Jane on your RITA nominations.

    Looking forward to your book, Beauty’s kiss on Monday Jane.

  7. Congratulations Brenda! I’ve loved all your books of Whiskey Creek Series. You do so much for so many (raising money for diabetes) and writing great books for the readers. I hope you get the RITA Award! You’re a wonderful person. The world needs more people like you!

  8. Congratulations Brenda & Jane. Well deserved for both of you!! I love Brenda’s series and Jane’s books too!!!

  9. Congratulations to both of you! I can’t wait to read both books. I love both of your styles of writing! And, I know Brenda has a great chance at winning.. And as always Jane you have wonderful giveaways… Thanks

  10. Congratulations to you all! The honorary is well-deserved! I am also a fan of Brenda Novak’s writing, although I haven’t read any from her Whiskey Creek series (think I have 1 on my iPad to read).

    1. Thanks, Natalie! I hope you get the chance to try Whiskey Creek. If you want to begin with Book #1 and that isn’t the one you already have on your iPad, it’s only $1.99 right now. It’s titled WHEN LIGHTNING STRIKES. 🙂

  11. Congratulations Ladies! I am also looking forward to bidding in the auction again this year, it is such a great thing that you are doing.

  12. Congratulations to you all on the RITA nominations!

    I’ve been reading all of the Montana Born books and loving them.

    Keep up the great gift of writing that me to my happy place!

  13. Take Me, Cowboy was so much fun to read, Congrats Jane! And, a shout out to all of your writing friends on their nominations, too. It is great to see favorite writers get recognized. Hooray!!!

    1. I checked my list and I read Take Me Home for Christmas by you Brenda and loved it. Must read the rest now!

  14. Congratulations Brenda on your RITA nomination. I look forward to reading your Whiskey Creek series.
    Thank you for your time.

  15. Congtatulations Brenda! Such an honor to be nominated for your hard work. Your books are wonderful. I’ve only started reading your books since January while I’ve been reading Jane’s ever since The Frog Prince. It’s so nice you two are friends. Although I’m not surprised. You are both talented authors!

    1. Thanks so much, Jen. I love Jane. She’s such a wonderful person and has done so much to support me in my fundraising efforts. She always donates the coolest items!

  16. Congrats Brenda! I love your book but I have only read the first one in this series, muct get more of them. Thanks for the great giveaway!

    1. Thanks so much, Quilt Lady! WHEN SNOW FALLS comes next. It won Best Contemporary Romance of 2012 from RT Book Review Magazine, so hopefully you’ll like that one as well as the first book in the series.

  17. Congrats to everyone for the nominations! That’s wonderful!

    I haven’t read one of Brenda’s books in years, but would love to start up again with this series. Thanks so much for the chance to win them (and the goodies).

    Good luck!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Thanks so much, Laney4! The first book, WHEN LIGHTNING STRIKES, is only $1.99 right now at both Amazon and B&N. Just a heads up in case you don’t win. Good luck!

    1. Thanks, Diane. You like small town contemporary, huh? If so, I hope you really enjoy Whiskey Creek. As I’ve said to others, WHEN LIGHTNING STRIKES, Book #1 is only $1.99 in digital at both Amazon and B&N right now in case you’d like to get started. 🙂

  18. Congrats to Brenda and Jane. I’ve recently found out about the Whiskey Creek Series and plan to read them soon. The covers are all pretty, too.

  19. Congratulations, Brenda! I’ve not read your books but looking forward to start with your Whiskey Creek series.

  20. Congratulations Brenda and Jane. Thank you for the opportunity to win.Have a wonderful week.I enjoy reading both of your books.

  21. Thanks for sharing Brenda. Love your books. I’ve only read the 1st book in this series but looking forward to reading the other ones.

  22. love both your book! love to win this-been so busy haven’t been able to do much reading or buy any books for the my books for my classes cost me a bundle! Have a wonderful week!

  23. Congrats to all the authors! I love all their books, so happy for you! I love your books and Brenda’s too! I’ve read a few of her books in this series but with work and my college classes I haven’t been able to do much reading fun! I’d love to win so I can read a few books on the beach during my break over Easter! Love reading your blog when I can! Have a wonderful week!

  24. brenda – jane – well done ladies on the nominations –
    just ordered the book on amazon – hey im from ireland – anything with whiskey in the subtitle – thats gotta be good right??? lol

    good luck for the RITAS ladies
    xx d xx

  25. Thank you, everyone, for the great comments and helping make Brenda feel welcome! Our winner is –

    #11 Ashley McCabe!

    Ashley, shoot me an email with your mailing details and I’ll get prize in the mail right away!

    Have a good week, all!

    much love,

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