You’re Invited… to the Montana Born Brides Series

I’m crazy about brides and weddings and have loved Bridal Magazines since I was a girl.  There’s something about those gorgeous white dresses–puffy, sleek, shimmery, silky, slinky–and how they transform an ordinary girl into a princess.

I think every girl at one point has secretly flipped through a glossy Brides magazine, wishing she could be that Bride, which is how Montana Born Books new Spring series  came about.  We wanted great writers to give us a great bride…and it was up to the author to find her inspiration.  The only rule?  The heroine had to be in or from Marietta, Montana, and by the story’s end, she had to be a bride.

And the stories are wonderful.  So very very wonderful.

They’re even better than the beautiful glossy brides covers Lani from Storywonk gave them.  (Thank you, Lani!  You’re a dream!!)

Last week Tule Publishing launched the Montana Born Brides series with Kelly Hunter’s What a Bride Wants, and the reviews have been pouring in–65+ so far and they’re fabulous.  I think her cover is perfect, too.  It’s fun, flirty, and sexy which suits Kelly’s great characters and  voice.  When questioned about her heroine, Kelly said, “I adore Ella Grace Emerson from this story. She’s such a blend of confidence and insecurity. She’s a strong woman. A capable one. I also gave her a go get it attitude and a little touch of princess. I think I want to be her.”

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000031_00003]
What a bride wants…
Ella Grace Emerson adores her father, but he keeps trying to marry her off to every eligible rancher in Montana. When he puts an ad in the paper on her behalf – for a docile house-husband – Ella retaliates with one of her own, pinned to the noticeboard of the local saloon. No husband required, housebroken or otherwise. What she wants is the perfect lover.
What a bride needs…
Newcomer Cam Sawyer is perfectly willing to tear up the sheets with Ella and be her partner in chaos. She wants a bad boy and he’s had experience aplenty. But what she really needs is a strong and loving partner, and until Sawyer stops running from his past he can never be that.
Sawyer’s the one Ella wants. But can he be the man she needs?
Just yesterday,  Tule released Trish Morey’s Second Chance Bride, the second story in the Brides series, and it’s only $0.99 cents on Amazon today so be sure to get your copy right away.  Sometme tomorrow, on Tuesday, the price will go up to $2.99 so don’t miss your chance.  (And see what I mean about gorgeous covers?!?  Trish’s cover makes me want to dance!)

When I asked Trish what she loved most about her heroine, Scarlett, she said – “I love that Scarlett is flawed and knows it. She adores her twin sister, Tara, (even if she’s not too crazy about her choice of boyfriend) and wishes she were more like her. Tara’s the sensible twin while Scarlett has always been the one to get in trouble and need bailing out. But she’s strong too, and resilient, and she’s nobody’s fool, and by the end of the story, she’s getting her act together and finding her place in the world.”

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Scarlett Buck has always been flaky in comparison to her sensible twin sister Tara, so nobody is really surprised when Scarlett spends all her money on a one way ticket to Australia to be with the man she’s met on the Net. But she hasn’t reckoned on the guy already being married, or her mom getting sick, and now she needs money for a flight home to Marietta, MT—quick. Signing on with Bella’s Belles in Kalgoorlie isn’t be the proudest moment in her life but it will get her home fast. After all, it’s just sex.
Or is it?
Mitch Bannister’s ex is about to marry his best friend, and he could really do with a cold beer and a hot woman. But the cowgirl he takes a shine to at Bella’s is surprisingly skittish, and in the end he leaves without hooking up.
Later, when Mitch spies the cowgirl in the local pub begging for a job, he shrinks into the shadows–he’s not looking for complications, and something tells him that Scarlett Buck is a whole handful of them. But soon it’s clear she’s not just trouble, she’s in trouble, and like it or not, he’s not about to turn his back on this stray from the States. Especially if she can do him a favor in return. After all, it’s just a helping hand.
Or is it?

Then coming up next week on the 15th of April will be the 3rd Brides story by the incomparable Sarah Mayberry.  Sarah’s Almost A Bride, features Trish’s heroine, Scarlett’s twin sister, Tara and another stunning cover.  Sarah’s story is amazing…all these authors are amazing and I am so excited for you to discover these talented authors, too.

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000031_00003]
Tara Buck has always been the good sister, level-headed by comparison to Scarlett, her flaky, impulsive twin. But when Tara learns her fiancé has been cheating on her with one of his school students, the orderly world she’s created for herself suddenly feels as if it’s falling apart. For years she chose the safe option, but from now on she’s going to live a little, stretch her wings…be a little daring. And if that means acting on the long-suppressed feelings she’s always had for Reid Dalton, then so be it!
Reid has wanted Tara from the moment he met her, but she’s always been out of bounds. Not only is she his patrol partner at the Bozeman PD, she’s also engaged. But then her relationship blows up, and Reid finds himself battling his own instinct to stake his claim with the finest, hottest woman he’s ever known.
Even if anything did happen between them, it would only ever be temporary – Reid’s a born wanderer, while Tara’s roots run deep in Marietta. So even if things are good between them, it seems their romance is destined to be short and sweet…

And if you love these first three stories as much as I do, you’re in luck.  There will be five more Brides novellas by talented authors Katherine Garbera, Joanne Walsh, Kathleen O’Brien, Megan Crane, and Anne McAllister.  Lucky luck us!

But before I get ahead of myself, let’s launch this first stories in style!  I’ve got a terrific giveaway for one of you consisting of a beautiful teapot, teacup, tea, 3 brides stories by Harlequin super star talents Trish Morey, Kelly Hunter and me, plus lots more fun reader goodies —


For a chance to win this pretty bridal prize, talk to me!  Tell me, are you a fan of wedding stories?  Have you read the first book in this new Montana Born series?  If so, what did you think?  Or tell me when was the last time you attended a wedding!  Fill me in and you’ll be entered for a chance to win.  Contest ends Thursday night with winner announced Friday so enter today!  (And don’t forget to get your copy of Trish’s book for just $0.99 before the price goes up!)


  1. I haven’t read the first book in this series yet but I love bridal stories. Unfortunately, I never attended a wedding but I am just 23, so maybe in some years I will be guest on my own wedding or the one of a friend.
    Thank you for the great giveaway.

    Sabine x

  2. LOVE bridal stories. Read the first book of the series; it was awesome! Last time I attended a wedding was several years ago.

  3. I enjoyed reading What a bride wants and I devoured Second chance bride. That was just so good.
    I attended my first all American wedding in the fall and that was a fun experience.

  4. I LOVE wedding stories and just weddings in general. There is always such a happy feeling in the air with everyone. The last wedding I went to was last fall for one of the guys my husband works with. It was an unusual wedding, done in a cemetery (where both of the groom’s parents are buried), but it also had a touch of goth to it. I had never been to one like that, but really enjoyed something different. In the end, It’s still about the love for each other. I have enjoyed the first two books in this new series and can’t wait to read the next. The covers really are fabulous.

  5. Hi Jane,
    Last wedding I attended was about a yr ago and it amazes me how extravagent they have become.


  6. I love wedding/bride stories. I did read What a Bride Wants and loved the chemistry. I did pick up Second Chance Bride and can’t wait for Almost a Bride.

    I think the last wedding I attended was a couple of years ago now. The bride was my oldest friends – we’ve been friends for over 30 years, since 5th grade. It was wonderful to sharing in her special day. I think her parents were worried she was never going to get married. 😉

  7. LOve these bride stories. We are in the mist of planning my daughter’s wedding right now. She is getting married this June, picked out her dress yesterday, a good friend is making it for her.

  8. I like Bride stories.. I guess because I was never one.. But I am looking forward to my next crop of nieces to get married. I have been looking through lots of pictures of Bride’s dresses to help them out when there time comes…

  9. What beautiful covers!! I love the idea of the bride series. I just finished Cooper Mountain Rodeo Anthology and loved it so I know I will love this one also. Looking forward to reading these. A beautiful prize.

  10. Love bridal stories. Have not yet read What A Bride Wants. Biut is on my TBR list. Have a wedding coming up in a few months and looking forward to it.

  11. I have read and enjoyed the first two Bride Books. Love to attend weddings and love the looks of that teapot, I love drinking my teas.

  12. This looks like a fun series that I would love to start reading! I have not been to a wedding in ages and really miss them. I need to find some younger friends : )

  13. 🙂
    I can’t honestly say if I’ve ever read a bridal story … but I’d definitely give it a try!

  14. The books sound fun. Looking forward to reading them. I do enjoy weddings. Last one I went to was my niece’s wedding. I have plenty of nieces and nephews who are not yet married, so I know I have plenty of family weddings in the future.

  15. I love the Brides series! I did read the first one and just bought the second. Am I a fan of weddings? Yes…but the receptions can drag on and on. Depends on who else is there, I guess. But at my age, not too many weddings to attend.

    Congrats Mrs. Publisher girl! 🙂

  16. I haven’t read the first book but it sounds really good. I’m getting married soon so of course I’m interested in bridal stories! lol The last wedding I went to was my friend JoAnne’s. She was divorced for 40 years and got remarried last year. I was in total shock when she called and told me.

  17. I love to read wedding books. My niece is getting married this May on the beach and the whole family will be there. We are all getting very excited!

  18. I do enjoy weddings but it’s been a while since I’ve been to one. I haven’t read the first story yet but I’m sure I will soon.

  19. I love wedding stories – I just watched a fun movie about one last night ‘The Big Wedding’. Often the family & friends are the funniest part of the wedding story. It’s been a while since I’ve been to a wedding, but we may have some more planned soon (fingers crossed).

  20. Doesn’t everyone love weddings? Have not read the first book yet. I do love the covers – our granddaughter is getting married next year – can hardly wait!

  21. I’ve attended my nephew’s wedding last month, and I will be going to another one of my nephew’s wedding later this month. This is a busy year for babies and weddings. That’s a beautiful giveaway you have in the above photo.

  22. I attended my nephew’s wedding last year and it was very romantic and elegant.

    Super food and a very happy atmosphere.

    I love books about brides.

  23. I love to read bridal and wedding romance stories. I have not had the pleasure of reading this series yet, but it sounds really good. I was at a wedding last summer for my best friends son. It was a beautiful ceremony and reception fun of culture and color. Thank you for the chance.

  24. I love bridal stories. I am just glad it is not me having to go through all of that mess. I have not been to a wedding in years. I used to play the organ at church and played for the weddings. I have not read any of the books in the series but will look at getting the first!

  25. Love weddings! Last one I attended was my niece’s last summer, but I have a son getting married in August!

  26. I love bridal stories and sadly have not read this one. Though I am headed off with my kindle to go get it. I have been to several weddings including one where I was matron of honor. The weddings I have attended have ranged from an Irish handfasting to a super formal wedding in a stately old mansion. All have been super special and unique. Thank you for the chance to win.

  27. I can honestly say I have read bridal stories, and I found them to be much the same. That is until I read Kelly Hunter’s book. I loved it, and I bought my own copy so that I can read it again. Her characters are based on real life, when you’re reading it, it’s like you are reading about someone you actually know. Her way of writing is very refreshing! I am now a fan.

  28. I enjoy reading wedding stories. I especially liked the Bride Quartet series by Nora Roberts. I plan on reading your series too and Debbie Macomber’s Blossom Street Bride series.

    My nephew was married on December 21st. This was the first winter wedding I attended complete with a Wisconsin winter snowstorm. Also my youngest son was married May 24th in the mountains of Virginia. This was different as only the parents were in attendance.

  29. I picked up both books and can’t wait to read them. I love bridal stories. Last wedding I attended was my younger daughter’s wedding. She was the first of my 4 kids to marry, not that any of the others are in relationships. She was beautiful & it was a very special day!!!

  30. My husband’s uncle just married his girlfriend of 27 yrs – he’s 80 and she is 71. Not a dry eye in the house – twas lovely.

  31. read those books in the series and really enjoyed them.
    I love reading wedding stories- they are fun snd makes me happy.
    The last wedding I want to was 2 weeks ago and I had a great time.

  32. I live both novellas and can’t wait for the rest!! 🙂 the last wedding I went to was my brother-in-laws almost 8 years ago… It was the second for both so it was a semi simple backyard wedding. I love the prize! I have been looking for a teapot! Had to borrow some fort daughter’s birthday tea party…

  33. I have not read the first book yet, but purchased the second one today. I will go back and read the first one before I can start the second. I have to read then in order! Love the covers – Thanks!

  34. I haven’t read these, but I love wedding stories so they will def be added to my TBR list. The last wedding I went to was about 6 years ago for a young couple from our church.

  35. I’ve gotten the first two books in this new series but haven’t read them yet. I love wedding stories and those covers are just gorgeous!

  36. I love weddings, so it stands to reason that I would love wedding stories too. Always fun & full of dramas.

  37. Weddings are so much fun. I think I’d enjoy these stories. Also, my BFF Kim would love that teapot-butterflies are special to her.

  38. The last wedding I attended was twenty-four days ago. It was my daughter’s wedding and she was a beautiful bride.

  39. I love weddings, I buy the magazines all the time, its embarrassing really…..but thankfully my friend is getting married in June! so i gave them to her 🙂 The dresses are the best, and I just love the thought of two people starting out life with a great party 🙂

  40. Wedding stories are wonderful! The last wedding I attended was my granddaughter’s. It was small, beautiful and held in my son and DIL’s back yard. It was hastily planned so the groom’s father (he had terminal cancer) could attend. It was perfect.

  41. The last wedding we attended was maybe 8 years ago? A beautiful outdoor wedding on the shores of a lake…it’s too bad there was no HEA.

  42. I love wedding stories and adored the first book in the Bride series. I loved Ella and as the author said I would love to be her. I had a different kind of wedding as I ran away and eloped with my husband. I have never regretted it and would do it over a million times because he is the love of my life. Can’t wait to read the next Bride book. Thanks so much!

  43. Hi! I love wedding stories, haven’t read any of the series for I don’t have a kindle or a nook! I attended a wedding that was a country style and it was so beautiful, the bride and her dad came riding in a horse and buggy, and the whole event was a western theme, hanging laterns made of mason jars, and the tables, had simple flowers, its was a down home feeling and very magical!

  44. To tell you the truth I’m not even sure when the last wedding I attended was, but I’m thinking it was way back in 2009. It was a small ceremony for friend’s of my fiancé in Bellingham, Washington. Fun to visit a new city and meet new people AND a fun first road trip for my Sweetie & me. 🙂

  45. Looking forward to reading these books. The last wedding I attended was about ten years ago. The last couple of weddings I went to were destination weddings, so they were fun.

  46. The covers for these books are wonderful! I just went to order the books, but they aren’t available on Kobo…haven’t been to a wedding in a while, but I love going…love looking at the dresses, the flowers and always hope to hear special vows!

  47. I haven’t read the books yet (on my list for summer reading) but I’m planning my own wedding for May 23, 2015. It’s my second marriage after I swore I’d never marry again. I’m marrying my soul mate and love of my life. Last wedding I attended was last spring of my good friend and her hubby. Happy Tuesday Jane!!

  48. I love bride stories from the beautiful to the zany and everything in between. I just picked up the Second Chance Bride and will go check out the first one here shortly.

    The last wedding I attended was my son’s. I have a nephew who will be getting married on May 31st, so I have that to look forward to.

    Thank you,

  49. Read the first and really enjoyed it. Have the second one downloaded but haven’t gotten to it yet. Anxious to read Sarah Mayberry’s offering too! Been awhile since attending a wedding but it is prom season so I’ve been seeing plenty of wedding dresses and accessories while shopping for prom dresses with my daughter. Someday she’ll be a bride…but not hurry!

  50. I love these covers and the stories as well! The last wedding i attended was last June. It was a beautiful outdoor wedding with a western like theme.

  51. These covers are fantastic and the stories sound great. I do love weddings! The last one we attended was for one of our son and dil’s best friends and was enchanting. There is just something about a wedding….hope the books sell well. I would love to read them in paperback.

  52. I enjoy reading Bridal stories. I haven’t been to a wedding in quite awhile though. Unfortunately I haven’t started this series yet but it’s on my TRL for sure.
    Thanks for the opportunity.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  53. I love wedding stories. I’ver read the first two books in this series. Loved them! I can’t wait to read more.

  54. I have the first two in my kindle and I’m saving them for my trip to Bermuda this weekend. I have 2 engaged daughters and I’m looking at wedding venues in Bermuda while I’m there (although I’m pulling for Maui). I was lucky enough to win a copy of Sarah’s novella because I already had her other two self pubbed books….she’s my author girl crush from way, way back, so this is no surprise. So happy you have some of my very favorite authors…Kelly Hunter is another fave….I’m a Presents lover from way back!

  55. Jane,

    I have not read a Montana Born Book that I haven’t liked. So I really can’t wait to read the bride series!! Who doesn’t love weddings? They are so beautiful and fun and romantic. I love the magazines, the dresses, colors, and themes too.

    Yay…all new books to read 🙂

  56. I read and loved both the first and second book in the series and loved book so far. I like reading about how the characters develope and finally end up together and it’s great if the characters can be in the future books. It’s been awhile since I was at a wedding.
    The prize as usual looks awesome. I love teapots, and teacups. Thanks for sharing.

  57. That last wedding I attended was last year when my daughter got married. This year, I will be attending my son’s wedding. I’m bless with lots of wedding bells! 😀

  58. I love wedding stories! Last wedding I went to was in St. Lucia a year and a half ago. Have 3 this year! Always seems to come in waves!

  59. What great timing for this post. I hosted a wedding at my house three days ago! My girlfriend, Lise (form book club:)), got married on a gorgeous spring day – and it was fabulous! Blogging about her love story/wedding in the next couple days.

  60. I`d rather tell you about the NEXT wedding I am attending – my own in just a week and a half! I have been addicted to bridal magazines for the last year and these stories look so fun! 🙂

  61. I love wedding stories and this series sounds fabulous. I think the last wedding I attend was my fathers. This was many years ago and both his and his wife have past away. It was a beautiful wedding though.

  62. These books sounds great! love weedding books..I can’t wait to read them. Thanks for the giveaway!

  63. I loved this review of books – totally inspired a story for me to write! Yes, I love bride/weding stories – who doesn’t love a happily ever after? The last wedding I attended? My sister’s – had a blast! And of course, they lived happily ever after 🙂

  64. Sounds like a fun series. I can’t wait to read them! At least one bride should be wearing cowboy boots under her dress!!!

  65. I love all things Bride. One of my first jobs in HS was working in a Bridal shop. I absolutely loved it!!!!! I am loving the Bride books and can’t wait to read them all.

    That Teapot is so fabulously cute!!! I love butterflies!

  66. Let’s see the bridal shoes, not just the dresses…I’m looking for a pair of white cowboy boots to be worn by one of the Montana brides, at least.

  67. I do like wedding stories but I haven’t read the first book in this series yet. Our daughter’s best friend is getting married in July so I am really looking forward to it although I can’t believe she is all grown up.

  68. I’m thrilled that so many of you love bridal stories! Fingers crossed you’ll love all the titles in our Brides series too. 🙂

    Our winner for this contest is –

    #70 CarolBEE

    Carol, please drop me an email with your mailing details and I’ll get the prized organized for mailing right away!

    love to all,
    Jane xoxo

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