It’s Summer…how about a Holiday Story?

Summer is finally here and I, as well as everyone at Tule Publishing, is very excited about the delicious new releases from Tule’s Holiday Books imprint!

Holiday Books offer fantastic stories by some of the best contemporary romance writers today…stories that are classic beach reads and romantic, flirty and fun.  These stories also take place in gorgeous vacation destinations since a great beach read needs a great sexy setting, which is why Holiday has kicked off summer with the awesome Honeymoon Series.

Montana Born had a Brides series this spring, so Holiday needed a Honeymoon series, and first up was the fabulous USA Today bestselling author Carol Marinelli’s The Bride Who Wouldn’t (isn’t the cover gorgeous and sexy?!?), which released mid June and is selling very well right now at Amazon and getting incredible reviews!  If you like steamy…this is it!  Do check it out because I looooove Carol’s writing (and she’s a fellow Harlequin Presents author and this girl can do hot like nobody’s business!).

A romantic honeymoon in Paris, with a sexy billionaire Russian groom….
There are only two problems. It’s a marriage of convenience. And, the virgin bride is frigid.
Kate Edwards has never embraced her sensuality, is terrified of intimacy, and the wedding night is a disaster. Instead of calling the whole thing off, Isaak Zaretsky listens to her and challenges her using his unashamedly sensual nature and superb bedroom skills. But can Kate really give herself without love?

Then last week Holiday released this ‘perfect-for-the-beach’ read from Ally Blake, Second Chance Honeymoon and the reviews have been stellar!  I love the cover and the story—a romance on a cruise ship.  So fun.  And I love Ally’s premise…this is true escapist reading and a wonderful introduction to Ally Blake’s charming characters and voice.

Juliana Jones is twenty-seven, single (divorced) and out of work (again). But for the next eight days none of that matters. A citizen of the Royal Pacific cruise ship, she’s going to put it all behind her and with the aid of sun, rum and fun she’s gonna get her wild on. Then JJ discovers that she’s on a Second Honeymoon Cruise and is the only unattached passenger on board and the only one under the age of sixty!
Enter Kane Phillips, former star athlete turned ship’s fitness director. Kane can make JJ’s knees melt with a glance, but he’s staff and therefore off limits (right?). Besides, JJ’s not looking for a guy who has faced his own disaster and come out the other side of it all self-aware and ready for a relationship. Better to leave relationships to those who know how to tend one. But JJ’s feelings for Kane are growing and she has nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and even if she could run…
Is Kane just the man to keep up with her?

And just yesterday Holiday released the 3rd story in the Honeymoon series, Melissa McClone’s The Honeymoon Prize.  You know Melissa from her incredible bestselling Montana Born Christmas novella, Home for Christmas, and you’ll love her warmth in this story, too.  It’s a friends to lover story…one of my favorite kind.

He needs a wife…
Single bodyguard Nick Calhoun has been given an ultimatum by his boss—find a wife or lose his cushy, high-paying job. Clients’ wives are hitting on him and putting Nick, and his boss, in hot water. But monogamy? He’s never been a white picket fence kind of guy, and he’s not about to embrace the happily married lifestyle now. He needs a wife who doesn’t care about his steamy, extra-curricular love life…and he knows just the woman to fit the bill.
She needs a home…
Adalaide Sinclair spent years caring for her ill grandmother. Upon Grammy’s death, she’s stunned to find herself evicted from the only home she’s ever known and labeled a thief by her inheritance-hungry family. Addie needs to find a place to live and a job—fast. So when her childhood friend, Nick, proposes a no-sex marriage of convenience, she puts her dreams of true love and happily-ever-after on hold. Finding Prince Charming can wait a little longer, right?
But will their friendship survive the honeymoon?
When Nick and Addie unexpectedly win a dream honeymoon, they decide to go their separate ways during the ten-day vacation. Too bad a camera crew is waiting for them at the tropical paradise. Acting like a head-over-heels bride and groom for reality TV wreaks havoc on their no-sex agreement…and blurs the line between fantasy and reality. Will Nick and Addie remain married in name only, or will a romantic honeymoon for show turn them into true newlyweds?

And then next week, my friend USA Today bestselling author Kelly Hunter concludes the Honeymoon series with an incredible, unforgetable story,  The Honeymoon Trap.  This story is so original.  You won’t want to miss it.    

They were on the honeymoon of a lifetime. Pity it wasn’t theirs.
Eli Jackson has just married the woman of his dreams. Sure, it was part of an online role-playing game and not exactly real, but he totally dominated the wedding battle that followed and his lady wife was very impressed.
Eli never imagined that his brothers would bestow on them a real-world honeymoon package at one of the Gold Coast’s premier hotels. He never figured on costume designer Zoey Daniels being such fun. Together they’re dynamite, but Eli’s not looking for a real relationship and Zoey lives only for the day.
Besides, no one falls in love this fast. Do they?

To celebrate these wonderful Holiday Honeymoon series, I’ve got a wonderful giveaway.  How does a $50 Visa gift card sound plus lots of reader goodies?  I think we could all use a little extra spending money right now for a gorgeous beach cover up, a fun dinner out or maybe a spa manicure and pedicure…

To be entered to win the Honeymoon Series $50 Visa Giveaway, tell me in the comment section below if you’ve read any of the Honeymoon stories yet, and if you haven’t which of the four appeal to you most?  And if you have, what do you think of the stories so far?

The winner of the Honeymoon Series Giveaway will be announced one week from today, on July 9th, so be sure to comment and let your friends know about these wonderful sweet and sexy romances, perfect for reading at beach, by the pool, or even tucked up in bed!

Hope you’re enjoying your summer.  I’m so looking forward to the 4th.  No work for me this year on the 4th.  Just BBQ, family, and fireworks!


  1. All of these books sounds awesome – I def have to put them on my wishlist!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. I just started Melissa’s Honeymoon book, and so far I love it. I think it’s because it’s similar to my story with my youngest son. My best friend became the love of my life, you could say…. It’s funny how some stories are so close to real life situations, don’t you think? Can’t wait to read the other 3… HUGS

  3. Well, in hopes that someday soon I will get married, these books appeal to me not only as a young woman, but also a book reviewer as well! I like books like these that make me feel like I’m taking a vacation from what I normally read! I am looking forward to check these all out!

  4. I have not read the Honeymoon series yet, but I’m intrigued by the premise of Kelly’s “The Honeymoon Trap.”

  5. I haven’t read them as yet…but I really like the looks (and title) of ‘Second Chance Honeymoon.’ I definitely want to read that one. Sending wishes for a happy and safe 4th of July!

  6. Haven’t read any yet.
    Like all the blurbs. Can’t choose one; it’s like choosing a favourite child!
    I am THRILLED with all of your books so far, Jane! Congratulations on a job well done (and continuing to be well done)!

  7. I read all 3 honeymoon books and I enjoyed them all but my favorite so far is The Honeymoon Prize.

    I just love stories about friends to lovers and it was funny and full of emotions and great characters.

    Thanks for the giveaway and have a great summer 🙂

  8. These authors are all new to me, ….but I would like to read Second Chance Honeymoon…seems like it would be hilarious being the youngest single person on a cruise

  9. I haven’t read any of them yet. The Honeymoon Prize sounds the most interesting. Think I’m going to go find it on amazon.

  10. I have downloaded Second Chance Honeymoon…but haven’t read it yet. Cant wait to get the other two! Thanks Jane for a.summer prize package!

  11. So exciting! 🙂

    I absolutely loved Second Chance Honeymoon (which reminds me that I must go post my review) and I can’t wait to read The Honeymoon Trap.

    thanks for all the summer fun, Jane! hope yours is full of smiles. XOXO

  12. I haven’t read any of them … yet! But “The Honeymoon Prize” is the cover that calls to me!!!


  13. The Honeymoon Prize and Second Chance Honeymoon sound the most intriguing to me! Love stories of “fake” relationships that turn real! And Second Chance Honeymoon sounds like pure escapist fun! thanks 😉

  14. I haven’t read any yet but they all sound great. I would probably like to read The Honeymoon Trap the most because, as you said, it is such an original idea..

  15. Haven’t read any of the Honeymoon books yet, but they all sound fun! Looking forward to my own honeymoon soon … so the theme is perfectly timed! 😀 ❤

  16. Unfortunately, I haven’t read any of them. The Bride Who Wouldn’t caught my eye and sounds like a great read. I will have to add them all to my “to read” list, though:) Thank you for the opportunity to be introduced to new authors.

  17. I have not read any of the Honeymoon series listed above. They all sound like great books. The Honeymoon Trap im intrigued the most by. I’m a sucker when it comes to any love story. Especially when its a fake relationship that turns into the real thing.

    This is a great prize package

  18. I haven’t read any of these yet but am looking forward to them. I am going to go spend time with my sister’s on the forth. I have to make the deserts tomorrow for the cook out. Really looking forward to it.

  19. I’ve not read any of these, but that $50 would clear up that in a hurry!! LOL…. but the Second Chance Honeymoon really looks like a lot of fun could be happening!!

  20. I am reading the 3rd book right now and loving it! Enjoyed the 1st 2 as well. They have been the perfect beach reads and I think the 4th book is going to he a fun read!

  21. I have read The Bride Who Wouldn’t ‘ and The Honeymoon Prize, loved them both. I have Second Chance Honeymoon on my kindle, will read this weekend. Can’t wait to read the next one. I love all the Tule books.

  22. I haven’t read any of them yet but they all sound amazing. I’d like to read The Honeymoon Trap the most. =]

  23. I have yet to read any of the Honeymoon series, but,”Second Chance Honeymoon,” sounds great!

  24. I haven’t read any yet. But looking forward to it. The Bride who wouldn’t looks very fun and interesting.

  25. I purchased The Honeymoon Prize earlier today as it sounded like a fun book. If I like it, I will purchase the first two.

  26. I haven’t read any of them yet. They all sound great I will put them all on my list. Especially Second Chance Honeymoon. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!

  27. I am loving them all. They are the perfect mix of fun and steamy. My favorite so far has been Second Chance Honeymoon. Can’t wait until next week for The Honeymoon Trap. I have a thing for gamers (as I am married to one).

  28. I have Second Chance Honeymoon on my Kindle but I haven’t read it yet. Saving it for my plane trip Friday.

    The Honeymoon Prize sounds awesome- they all do actually- but that one just sounds extra appealing.

  29. Look forward to reading my first honeymoon selection. Second chance honeymoon looks like a great first choice

  30. I haven’t read any of the honeymoon series yet but I think I will try the honeymoon prize.

  31. I haven’t read any of them, but they all look so good! I would probably read Second Chance Honeymoon first. Everybody deserves a second chance, don’t they? Thank you so much for the opportunity! 😀

  32. I haven’t read any of these yet but will all sound like great reads and will get them on my wish list. I loved Melissa McClone’s Home for Christmas so I will probably start with The Honeymoon Prize.

  33. I have read all three that are already out and I’m looking forward to the fourth one as well. My favorite so far (hard to pick just one) is The Honeymoon Prize. Wished I could’ve been on that exotic island!

  34. I just bought
    :last Chance Honeymoon” will read this weekend, thank you for being a great author.Agatha

  35. Haven’t read any yet but have them on my TBR list. Looking forward to reading all of them.

  36. Hi Jane,
    I haven’t read any of them (yet) but they all look good and I will add to my list. I think I’d ready Second Chance Honeymoon first. Have a good day.

  37. They all look so good. It’s hard to choose which one I want to start first!! I think all of them will be on my TBR list but the one I want to start first is The Honeymoon Trap.

    I love the covers too. Especially the beach ones. Definitely makes me feel like I need to take a vacation. Since I don’t have time for that I will take my favorite vacation and escape into a good book 🙂

    Hope you have a wonderful 4th of July!!

    Blessings to you and your family!


  38. I LOVED the honeymoon stories so far and can’t wait for the next one.I love the tropical settings and fun characters in the books. I don’t get to travel anymore, so books with great locations is my escape. No plans for us for the 4th. My husband has the day off, but he has to work on Saturday. So, he will want to be in bed early like any other work night. No plans for the rest of the summer either. I”m enjoying having lots of reading time. I hope you and your family and a fun 4th and summer.

  39. I have not read any of the honeymoon series.
    At the moment, I am 3/4 into listening to The Good Woman.
    What a family!!!

  40. They all sound great but I think I would want to read The Honeymoon Prize first. Then I would go on to the other stories.

  41. I have read The bride who wouldn’t and I’m currently reading The Honeymoon prize.
    I so enjoy reading them and love them. They are just so good.

    Can’t wait to read the other two.

  42. Jane, I haven’t read any of these (yet), but I’d have to say “The Honeymoon Prize” takes the cake. I love the idea of two people set against/afraid of a relationship who discover love was all they needed. I sounds wonderful…I’m on the way to the bookstore! 🙂

  43. Second Chance Honeymoon sounds good – actually, they all sound good. I just finished reading a book moments ago, so it’s good timing to head to Amazon and check these out!
    Thanks, Jane. Happy 4th!

  44. They all sound great. I love vacations, beaches, love stories….I think I would pick Second Change Honeymoon to read first because I love the cruise ship setting. But, they all sound fun. Happy 4th of July to you Jane. Enjoy the day off with your family/friends.

  45. I read the Bride Who Wouldn’t and enjoyed it, though not as much as I do your books. I will try the one by Melissa McC. because her
    Christmas book was a delight!

    Jane, Have a wonderful holiday weekend! July 4th is a favorite of mine, and I never miss reciting it. Thomas Jefferson was an awesome writer; the words would have inspired me to fight for a nation independent from England. If only he had written, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men AND WOMEN are created equal…” it would have saved us more than two hundred years of struggles for equal rights for women

  46. I haven’t read any of these books and you’re right–they all peak my interest. I think I’ll start with the Second Chance Honeymoon first. Happy 4th of July! Thank you!!!!

  47. I read Melissa’s book yesterday. Honestly, I didn’t intend to inhale it but when I peeked at that opening scene…I was pulled right in! Loved it!

  48. I am interested in reading Second Chance Honeymoon. I am looking for a good one to read while I am in the hospital at the end of this month. Thanks for introducing me to it.

  49. No. I haven’t got a chance to read all of it! But, if I will start this series , I am interested with the honeymoon prize by Melissa McClone 🙂

  50. They all sound good but I’m going with Melissa McClone because I’ve enjoyed her books before but I also am a sucker for a marriage of convenience and how it all can possibly work out!

  51. I’ve loved the 3 that I have read, and can’t wait for the next one. Another great series!

  52. Haven’t read any of them yet. But I will be reading them soon. Love the cover’s of all of them. If I have to pick one I would pick Second Chance Honeymoon. Looks like a good book to start reading..

  53. I’ve been reading the bride stories from Montana Born, so haven’t read these yet, but I’m looking forward to The Honeymoon Prize the most. I enjoy reading storied of friends who become more.

  54. I have read the first three and really liked all of them, funny they just keep getting a little better than the last one, the fourth one looks wonderful to.

  55. haven’t read any yet; The Bride Who Wouldn’t stands out for me to want to read.

    Happy 4th Jane.

  56. I have only read The Bride Who Wouldn’t and loved it! I’m looking forward to getting into the other three. I love the cover for The Honeymoon Trap! Hope you have a happy 4th of July Jane!!

  57. I havent read them yet but the first one I would read is Second Chance Honeymoon.they all sound good.

  58. I have read The Bride Who Wouldn’t and 2nd Chance Honeymoon. Gave them both 5 *****’s on reviews I left. I am about to start on The Honeymoon Prize, so I am excited for that. So glad you are not working for the 4th! It will give you a chance to have some fun. I can’t wait to enjoy family, friends & food that day myself. Happy 4th!

  59. I haven’t read any yet for I don’t have a kindle or a 3-reader and most of them are in that form. I’d love to read 2nd chance Honeymoon, they all sound good! Hope your having a nice summer and Happy July 4th to you and your family!

  60. I haven’t had a chance to read any of them yet, but plan to read them all–I enjoy these wedding stories, and The Honeymoon Prize sounds like a hoot! Friends to lovers for the win! 😉

  61. I’m adding all four to my tbr list. The one which sounds like I would read it first would be The Honeymoon Prize. But they all sound good!

  62. Not sure…the second chance and honeymoon prize sound the best for me:) Thanks for a chance for a giveaway…I do know what I’ll be doing with the $50 though!

  63. I have not read the series, but now that I know about them I will have to get them. Second Chance Honeymoon sounds interesting.

  64. I haven’t read any of them yet but would like to read The Honeymoon Prize & The Honeymoon Trap. Although the other two also sound promising. I will have to gocheck them out. Eventhough I told myself I needed to a break from one-clicking. Looking forward the the 4th – hope you have a great one!!

  65. Hi Jane

    No I’ve not read any of the books in this series but I would start with Second Chance Honeymoon by Ally Blake. I truly enjoyed the premise of this story and look forward to reading it soon. I have to admit all these stories are going to be some wonderful summer reads.

    Happy 4th of July.

  66. I’ve one-clicked a couple of these but haven’t had a chance to read them yet. I think I will be reading The Bride Who Wouldn’t first since I really enjoy virgin bride and marriage of convenience stories.

  67. I have not read any of the books. They a now on my wish list. I always have to start with book one of ant series I read, no matter what. It’s my OCD. I can’t wait to read them!

  68. The honeymoon series looks like a fun way to breeze through the summer. I love all the covers. Tule Publishing, you have my attention.

  69. Carol Marinelli had me at “sexy billionaire Russian”. My high school crush was a Russian and he’s still easy on the eyes today ; )

    I’ve missed you Jane! Happy 4th of July!

  70. I haven’t read any of these but Second Chance Honeymoon appeals to me most because it sounds like a pretty funny situation being stuck on that cruise!
    This summer has been very busy so far, maybe time out with one of these books is just what I need! 🙂

  71. I haven’t read any of them yet. If I had to chose though it would be honeymoon prize. Just what I will need to read after hubby deploys.

  72. You’ll be glad to know that without your blog I probably would not even know about these Honeymoon series. 😉
    Anyhow, I am so intrigued by The Bride Who Couldn’t by Carol Marinelli, I can’t wait to read it. Plus, Paris is one of my favorite city in the world so I am definitely hooked.
    Oh, and your contest is awesome!

  73. I haven’t read any of them. The all look good but I would pick The Honeymoon Trap since Kelly Hunter since I have read and enjoyed several of her stories.

  74. I love this series. My favorite is The Honeymoon Prize. I love it when a friendship develops in to something more.

  75. I have not read them, but they sound great. Second Chance Honeymoon Cruise sounds like a fun book.

  76. I have not read any of these, all these authors are new to me! Second Chance Honeymoon sounds like a really fun book, but they ALL sound amazing!!! Have a wonderful 4th of July!!

  77. I haven’t read any of these novellas, but I am looking forward to do it. Melissa McClone and Ally Blake books sound wonderful. Can’ wait to start them.

    Happy 4th of July!

  78. I’ve been missing your blogs, glad to see a new one 🙂
    Heading over to Amazon now to download The Honeymoon Prize, sounds great!

    Happy 4th of July everyone!

  79. I have really enjoyed this series , I’m on the last book. My favorite so far is The Honeymoon Prize , read this one I till early Am , could not put it down !

  80. I have read them all, and loved them all. Hard to pick a favorite because they are all so good and different.
    I did love The Honeymoon Prize touching and so sweet (I didn’t stop reading until I finished)Melissa transported me to Fiji. Second Chance Honeymoon was funny and I love cruising. The Bride Who Wouldn’t had a really HOT alpha Russian male and our historian was so innocent and sweet. The Honeymoon Trap was different and funny and really spicy and hot, oh, be still my beating heart. Summer is really heating up. 🙂

  81. Haven’t read any of them yet, but I’d like to read The Bride Who Wouldn’t first, then The Honeymoon Prize. I adore the friendship first, then more…so heartwarming.

  82. I have not read any books in the series, but they all sound great! Thank you for the chance to win.

  83. All of these authors are new to me, but won’t be for long- because these books sound awesome and are going on my to read list!!!! Thanks for the amazing contest! Hope you had a happy 4th!!

  84. I can’t resist the friendship turned romance type, so it’s the Honeymoon Prize for me. although they all sound pretty irresistable. Where can we get that georgous blue bathing suit from Honeymoon Trap?

  85. I haven`t read any of them yet, my tbr list is crazy and it just keeps growing. Hopefully I`ll get to them soon. 🙂

  86. Thanks everyone for all the great comments and it’s fabulous that many of you are looking forward to the Holiday books!

    Our winner is #16 Vicki Hammons

    Vicki, shoot me an email with your mailing info and we’ll get the prize to you asap!

    Happy reading and more fun coming soon!

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