Megan Crane: Falling in love with the Rodeo

Readers, you need no introduction to this guest author…my bud Megan Crane.  We’ve shared editors, publishers, an agent, and noone knows me better.  Welcome back, Megan!

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I was born in Texas, which means the rodeo should have been in my blood.

(At least that’s what I think it means.  Shhhh.)

Unfortunately, I spent only days in the land of my birth before being whisked away to New York, where rodeos were things I read about in my beloved romance novels and never part of my life at all.

Until Jane.


Jane has been the gateway drug to a lot of marvelous things in my life.  Trips to Hawaii, Italy, Montana.  Fantastic new books to read and write.  And one of the best friendships I’ve ever had.  When Jane asks me if I’d like to do something (travel to this or that exotic place, start a publishing company, etc.) I’ve learned it’s always worth it to Just Say Yes.

So when she asked me if I wanted to go to the rodeo, that’s what I did.



The truth was, I really didn’t.  I grew up in places where agriculture was something that happened Elsewhere.  No cows or bulls or people in ranch attire.  I thought attending a bull riding event would be an interesting sociological experiment.  And I’m a writer, so I love a good sociological experiment.

Imagine my surprise when I fell completely and wildly in love.

I was jumping up and down.  I was screaming.  I was swept away in the drama of men and wild bulls, the cheers of the crowd, the antics of the rodeo clowns.

I don’t think I’ve ever had so much fun in my life—and I don’t think it has anything to do with my Texan blood.  I think that’s what the rodeo DOES.  It’s elemental love.  It’s worth checking out.

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I hope you enjoy your taste of the 76th Copper Mountain Rodeo in Please Me, Cowboy, and the other Montana Born Rodeo books.  Because I promise you: it’s definitely worth falling in love!


Megan, it’s always fun to have you as a guest.  Thanks for sharing with us today!

Readers be sure to download your copy of Please Me, Cowboy if you haven’t already.  And to help Megan celebrate her new release, I’m giving away this fabulous prize to one lucky winner!


For a chance to win, tell me what you’ve enjoyed the most about the Copper Mountain Rodeo romances or you can just tell me about your weekend.  You know I love to hear from you!  Winner will be announced on Thursday.


  1. I love the cowboy heros in the books. We spent the weekend putting a new taller toilet in the house. Not a fun weekend.

  2. The romances are captivating and wonderful, another world where I can escape to. Weekend was filled with busy family with grandchildren.

  3. I love cowboy books. I spent my weekend sick trying to rest up and get rid of a nasty virus. The only good thing I did was read, when my head allowed it.

  4. I love the rodeo series, but hen I love everything about the town of Marietta. They have become my friends, along with the Tule authors.

  5. I love hearing about y’all’s terrific friendship. I have really enjoyed the Copper Mountain Rodeo books. I love the excitement of the scenes and of course the love story.

  6. I love reading about the rodeo’s
    There aren’t many here in Maryland, and they don’t come every year either. I have yet been able to make one due to other commitments (there was a small one nearby this past weekend, but of course I was out of town).

  7. I have never met a cowboy I didn’t like but maybe it’s because I have never met a real cowboy. Although I did love my grandpa who was a cowpoke in Texas in the early 1900s!

  8. I spent part of the weekend babysitting 4 of my grand kids. We worked in my garden picking beans, peppers, tomatoes, lettuce and pulling up onions. We then grilled and had cake with ice cream.

  9. Since I haven’t read the Copper Mountain Rodeo romances and last weekend was dull, I will tell you about the weekend before. I went to my first book convention! It was so much fun and the authors were all very nice. There was a variety (mostly indie, or at least most of them started as indie) but I met Colleen Hoover, Abbi Glines, Tara Sivec, and Mia Sheridan and several others. Had a great time and spent too much money! 🙂

    1. Ugh! where are my manners? Of course I also meant to say thanks for the chance at this great giveaway! Would you believe I’ve never read any rodeo or cowboy themed books before? I know!

  10. Thanks for hosting a great giveaway!

    We were busy this past wknd. On Saturday, took my son & his BFF to the Town Picnic. They had an awesome time. Great food, friends, laser tag, bouncy house, soccer, petting zoo, fireworks, & more.

    On Sunday, took my son to my old church’s Ukrainian Festival. Another great afternoon. Listening to Ukrainian music, watching dancers perform, more delicious foods, face paintings, another bouncy house, old friends, & he rode a mechanical bull! Can’t beat that. Being around all the sights & sounds of where I grew up really felt like coming home for me. Having my son there to experience it with me … priceless!

  11. I had a great time in Bozeman MT this weekend. Tailgated and cheered the MSU Bobcats. I love rodeos and bullriders.

  12. I loved the characters in the books; the settings; their stories of love.
    Spent the weekend with my boyfriend; had a lot of fun just hanging out and doing stuff together.

  13. First let me say as always your giveaway is fabulous, but then you are fabulous. Thanks again. Now what I love about the Rodeo Series well that’s not an easy answer. I first fell in love with Marietta, Montana when I began reading the Great Bride Giveaway Books. The stories bring the town to life in such a way that you can’t help but want to know all the people, visit the shops, and just settle in as if you lived there yourself. But then throw the actual stories in, with all of the characters and well for me, a girl from a small town herself, I couldn’t help it I was hooked. I haven’t stopped reading since I first started with my first bride book. Since then I’ve read so many that I run out before I get a chance to replace the ones I’ve read. There’s just no way I can narrow it down to one person or character, because I love them all. I think you’ll find that many of your readers feel the same way I do. Because your books are a family in themselves. And I for one want to say Thank you to all of the wonderful writers. I love all of them and hope to read more of them.

  14. Well yesterday I spent the afternoon laundering my bed linens. Then I spent over an hour in the tub with my kindle. Great way to relax the aches and pains away. I love all of your stories I have read so far, the sexy cowboys and the women they love even when they try not to. Thank you for all the great stories and the chance to win a free gift.

  15. I love the people!!! Whether they live on a ranch or in town or are new to town, they are down to earth and caring. The authors have been assume with their descriptions of the characters as well as the background. When I read them I feel as if I am there too.

  16. I spent the weekend with a chedt cold and resting in bed, so I did a lot of reading my cowboy romance books to keep me occupied. I love books about cowboys and ranches and anything like that.

  17. I spent the weekend in bed with a 2 day migraine, but I did manage to do some reading while my better half of 36 years delivered snacks and snuggles!

  18. We didn’t do anything much this weekend. Just being lazy and hang around the house. Would love to win thesee books. Thank you for the chance

  19. I haven’t read the books but I had an enjoyable weekend. We rounded out summer by spending Sunday at our friend’s lake property. 🙂

  20. Weekend was spent in bed with ….. A chest infection!! Oh and a fat part-Siamese 20 ball of fluff that, despite my requests, wasn’t a very good nurse or waitress …. Building myself up for a weekend of ice hockey watching my fave EIHL team the Belfast giants what better if you can’t get to the all make restoring flooded rodeo than watching toothless Canadians and Americans with anger management problems “leave it on the ice!!
    Anyway … Love ALL the books they truly take me away to a cowboy centric universe .. Real stories .. Real men … And the women who love them x

  21. Hi!!! 🙂
    I love books about cowboys! But unfortunately I havent started this series yet 🙁 I’d LOVE to though, it sounds awesome! So thank you for the chance! <3 (hopefully this is open to Australia!)

    My weekend consisted of working Saturday and Sunday, and then going down to the Gold Coast Sunday afternoon to catch up with a relative that is visiting from America!

    Hope you had a great weekend! 🙂

  22. I am growing to love the town of Marietta. It’s nice to get to know the different personalities that make up this community and find them popping up here and there in different books. I like the country feel that goes bad in hand with the rodeo. I like the honest, hardworking men and women that populate these books, the horses, the smell, look and feel of the rodeo. Oh yes, and good, old fashioned love stories intertwined with all of this.

  23. We had a lazy weekend because we are all fighting either allergies or colds. I sort of love lazy weekends because I get to catch up on some reading!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  24. What I love about the books is it is about cowboys. I roped me a country boy 9 years ago, and I don’t regret one single day. Country boys know how to keep things lively. 😉

  25. Our church had a Fall revival that ended with Homecoming on Sunday. Good food and great fellowship…..It was a wonderful weekend!

  26. Having never been to Montana the books paint such a beautiful picture of it. After reading any of the books I feel like I have taken a vacation there. They just draw me in. Love them. Love the pictures of Montana by the way on your Facebook pages. I need a girls trip there someday because of you two beautiful ladies!

  27. My weekend was spent going to a pumpkin farm for family day for husbands work. Then we took the kids to the fair. Then came home and made out own balloon pop game for the kids to play with since they wanted to do that more at the fair. Also visited my dad and met his new girlfriend.

  28. I really just LOVE Marietta. Each book is like a piece of the puzzle, or an episode of a tv show. I wish I could visit!

  29. Have enjoyed the ones I have read very much. Along with the beautiful pictures that are posted makes me want to visit!

  30. While I have gone to rodeos, I can’t say I’m particularly wowed by them. I do like the energy, and watching the people (spectators as well as riders), but it’s not hard for me to stay home instead.
    Now I do like reading about rodeos, and rodeo personalities, and I do like seeing pictures of rodeos. Guess it’s just the crowds, dust, noise, smells, I’m not overjoyed with.

  31. Always love to hear from Megan! 🙂
    I haven’t been to a rodeo since I was a kid! My grandpa took me once. I need to find another! I am hoping next year at the OC Fair I can find some of the events that I’ve been reading about.

  32. I haven’t had a chance to read any if the Copper Mountain Rodeo romance books yet, but they are on my list!! I love the rodeo and cowboys! Wish I had them right about now, (I’m on vacation from work and sick) they would have been nice to read with a comfy blanket and warm drink!

  33. The books capture that rugged, independent, give you the shirt off my back personality that so many cowboys and cowgirls have…most are just really nice folks. And, throw in the romance part, well the books are fun to read and have happy endings and make me smile. Thanks to all who have written short stories and novels for the Copper Mountain Rodeo series and best of luck to continued success for Tule Publishing.

  34. I just love this rodeo series. I have missed Marietta. It´s a great collection of stories so far. Can´t wait to read more. If there are more books in the series 🙂 And beautiful covers also. Both you ladies write great stories.

  35. I’ve really enjoyed reading about all of the happenings of the rodeo and small town life. I’ve never been to Montana or the rodeo, so it has been great to get a little taste of that.

  36. I thoroughly enjoyed having a date night (dinner & fishing) with my hubby since our boys went on a sleepover! And I LOVE the rodeo.

  37. I haven’t read these books yet however I am about to cruise Amazon and find one to dive into. My weekend consisted of trading in our 06 Suzuki XL7 for a 2004 GMC Yukon. It is plush! I love it. We also celebrate my grandma’s birthday, she is 90 years old. Thanks for the chance to win. I’m excited I’ve discovered these books.

  38. So great to hear from so many of you! I’m on pushing hard to finish my current story so I’ll keep this short!

    Our winner is #37 Shani W.

    Drop me an email, Shani, with your mailing info and we’ll get the prize to you soon!

    Have a fabulous weekend and much love to all!

    Jane xoxo

  39. Jane,
    Our weekend was consumed with family illness.

    Congrats on the RITA this summer. Such a wonderful achievement!

    xxoo Laura

  40. My weekend is going well so far. Saturday night is a Christmas dinner for women served by the men! Yayyyy! I am wanting to read the e-books but don’t have a kindle or I-phone. I’ve read all of your paper books. I’d love to read the e-books, maybe after I get my 2 kids through college 🙂

  41. Busy week and weekend with church musical rehearsals and the 3-night performance. Tiring but fun. I am in the choir, and my husband runs the sound for it.

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