Terri Reed’s Home For Good

615R6sgpHfL__UX250_I love stories about hearth, home and happiness, especially during the holidays and Terri Reed‘s Home For Good was a perfect fit.  A sweet story that delivers on it’s promise of love and family and second chances, and packed with lots of emotion too.

Terri is an award winning multi-published author with lots of romance and romantic suspense novels on her list of impressive accomplishments.  She also loves to cook and I invited her to share one of her wonderful recipes with us.  I’m so glad she’s writing for Tule!  Please help me welcome Terri Reed!

Thank you Jane for hosting me and for giving me the opportunity to write Home for Good. This story was born out of preparing for a workshop that I was giving to my local Romance Writers group. Once the characters grabbed ahold of me they wouldn’t let go. Setting them in Marietta was a perfect fit. I so enjoyed living in the world of Marietta Montana and getting to know the other characters in town. I’m planning on writing one of Home for Good‘s secondary characters story next.

Follow her dream…
After making a deathbed promise to her father, Joelle Winslow is ready to seize the NYC business opportunity to take her jewelry designs global. All she needs to do is cash out her inherited half of the family ranch in Montana—which means convincing her childhood rival, and now co-heir, to sell or buy her out. Sparks fly when Matt, no longer a gangly, solemn teenager, but a tall, handsome cowboy with work-hewn muscles, is unwilling to give up on the legacy he’s worked so hard to keep without a fight. And part of his bargain includes Joelle staying at the ranch with him through Homecoming Weekend.
The son her father never had…
The Winslow ranch rescued Matt Locke from a life in the foster-care system. As an orphan boy adopted by Clark Winslow and groomed to take over the ranch, he wants nothing more than to marry, raise a family, and continue the legacy of the man who became a father to him after his parents’ tragic deaths. Matt can’t imagine a life anywhere else, and he definitely can’t afford to buy Joelle out. Can he convince the dark haired beauty to not walk out on him and her home a second time?

Since the holidays are fast approaching and we’re all starting to think about our menus I wanted to share this recipe for Italian Sausage Spaghetti–Squash.

Italian Sausage Spaghetti–Squash

½ pound butter
1 pound Italian sausage
1 yellow onion, diced
4 stalks celery, diced
5 gloves of garlic, crushed
1 tsp fresh thyme
1 tsp marjoram
1 tsp fresh sage
¼ cup Sherry wine (I substitute Marsala wine)
½ cup chicken broth (more if you want it soupier)
salt and pepper to taste
1-2 large spaghetti squash(depending on the ratio you prefer of veggies/sausage to squash)

Pre-heat oven at 450 F degrees.
Split the squash in half, scrape out seeds. Drizzle the inside with olive oil. Use a non-stick baking tray or line an oven tray with foil. Place flesh side down and roast for 30-40 minutes until fully cooked. The shell will be soft. Remove from over and let rest until cool enough to handle.
10 minutes or so before the squash is done, heat butter in a sauté pan, add sausage and brown. Add veggies, garlic and spices and sauté until the veggies begin to cook. Add the wine, salt and pepper, if desired.  Remove from heat and cover.
When the squash is cool enough to handle, using a large fork or kitchen spoon, scrape the strands of squash from the inside of the skin, it will unfurl like strands of spaghetti.  Toss the spaghetti squash with the ingredients in the bowl. Serve and enjoy!



Thank you, Terri, for sharing your favorite holiday recipe!  I can’t wait to try it!

Readers, please get your copy of Home For Good today and please help Terri feel welcome too.  Leave a comment for a chance to win this awesome prize Terri’s offering to one lucky winner!



  1. Welcome, Terri! I really enjoyed Home For Good. Your recipe looks delicious. I love all kinds of squash, but oddly, I only think I’ve eaten spaghetti squash once or twice and I’ve never cooked it. Maybe now I’ll try. Thank you for the recipe and the wonderful stories. I look forward reading more of them.

    1. Kimberly, so nice to know you enjoyed Home for Good. It was a joy to write,
      I’ve only recently started cooking squash and have been experimenting. My favorite kind is butternut squash with brown sugar and butter. 🙂

    1. Hi Denise, I am happy you enjoyed the story. Its a bit of a departure for me. I usually write suspense. I was tempted to add a villain or a dead body. LOL

    1. Gram, I haven’t put recipes in my books but that is definitely something I will think about doing. Thank you for the suggestions

  2. Thanks for sharing the recipe. I don`t like squash but I`m gonna share this it with my sister and cousin, they`ll love it.

    1. This recipe came out of experimenting. Hubby and I are trying to cut back on the carbs so instead of noddles we tried the spaghetti squash and liked it. You never know until you try. Though this recipe is NOT low fat. 🙂

  3. welcome Terri! love to read this booek sounds good! I make your recipe all the time for I’m on W.W. and I like it for I substitute the squash for the pasta and its a lot healthy too! Have a nice weekend!

    1. Carole, That’s great that you already use spaghetti squash. I only recently discovered it. Its also tasty tossed with garlic, butter and parmasean cheese.

  4. Hi Terry, would love to try your books (I’m a newbie!). And your recipe sounds great. We’re gluten-free, so it’s very do-able for us. Thanks for the chance in your prize giveaway!

    1. Kristy, my daughter is gluten-free too. Though she’s still at that age where she doesn’t like veggies.
      Thank you for commenting. And I hope you’ll enjoy the recipe.

  5. Congratulations Terri,
    I can’t wait to read your book. And I read your recipe, that really sounds delicious! Your giveaway is really great, I’m going to keep my fingers crossed.

  6. Just copied the recipe to my notes 🙂 thank you Terri ! you are a new for me author, haven’t read any of your books yet. *fingers crossed for the giveaway, as nov 13th is my wedding anniversary :)*

  7. Welcome Terri and thank you Jane for introducing her. The premise of your new book sounds like a good one and I will certainly look for it. I so enjoy the “push/pull” type situations like this when there is a cowboy involved and a woman who has her own career and then the spark of attraction. What to do? I must read the book!

  8. Can’t wait to read Home for Good. Recipe sounds yummy – going to run out and get some squash & sausage for this weekend.

  9. You’re a new to me author. The book sounds great love the cover. Recipe sounds good. I am ready for Thanksgiving the stuffing, turkey, pie oh my!!!

  10. You are a new author for me and your book sounds like a wonderful romance story. Love the recipe, copied it so I can try it. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Hi Terri,
    I loved reading Home For Good. It is all about finding and living your dream. Loved it. I can’t wait to read more of your books. I have never tried spaghetti squash I think I might have to give it a try the recipe looks yummy.

  12. I look forward to reading Home For Good. And that recipe, yummy! We cook our acorn and sometimes other squash similar to that, cleaning them and then stuffing the unseeded area with cut up brown and serve sausages, and baking them. So very good!

  13. Hi Terri, I grabbed the book and look forward to reading it. The recipe sounds yummy, I am not sure that I have ever had spaghetti squash. I am not much of a cook.

  14. Welcome Terri. This sounds like a book I will love. My dad was from Montana and we went there every summer when I was young.

  15. Whew, I made it! Sorry I’m late 🙂

    That recipe looks delish and it’s gluten free so my son could eat it!! I’ll have to find a Spaghetti squash and try it.

    *Waving happily* Hi Jane!!

    1. Danielle you’re not late at all. I hope your son will like the dish. My daughter is also gluten-free. I’m not sure if she’ll eat squash. But I’m going to try. She’s 21 and still doesn’t like veggies.

  16. Hi Terri,
    This book sounds amazing!! I must read it! I’m going to have to try that yummy sounding recipe, as well! Hope you have a great weekend!

  17. Hi Terri! Home for Good sounds like a great story, I’ll definitely be ordering that one. And thanks for the recipe, I love spaghetti squash, sounds delicious!

    Jane, thanks for sharing Tule and all the great authors at Tule with us. Mission accomplished! 🙂

  18. Hi Terri ~ Thanks for the recipe. Home For Good sounds like a great read. Thanks for the chance to win ~ Have a great weekend 🙂

  19. This does sound like a great read…will have to add it to my TBR pile-sorry can’t read it right away. Love being given a chance to win!

  20. Love the look of this book and an going to the deli tomorrow to pick up the ingredients for that delicious recipe
    Love Tule books and one day ima grab me a cowboy

    Admittedly il be a superannuated daisy duke by then but ya got to have goals!
    Lol x

  21. What a great recipe. I am going to have to try it with the spaghetti squash I have in the kitchen…
    Loved Home for Good!

  22. Welcome Terri! Congrats on all your books. And thank you for the recipe. I am definitely a recipe kind of girl….I follow them because I am not very creative myself with cooking.

  23. Hi Terri, your book sounds fantastic and I can’t wait to read it. Also will have to try your recipe sound really good.

  24. Joelle & Matt’s story sounds like there are definitely going to be some bumps in the road! 😉 Squash recipe sounds yummy too. Thanks for sharing Jane & Terri!!

  25. your book sounds amazing and that recipe sounds pretty yummy ty for sharing it your a new to me author cant wait to read your book

    Thanks Jane for haveing her!sorry im so late posting been sick this weel

  26. I LOVE that you host different authors! This is such a great way to learn about other writers and view their books. I also love the recipes! Can’t wait to read this book and cook something yummy!

  27. The book sounds great! I love a heartfelt story around the holidays also. I’ll have to check it out. And that recipe is so tempting. My daughters & I need to try it! Thank you! And welcome!

  28. I need to go order this book. It sounds wonderful. I love Montana and really enjoy spending time there in books. Also, thank you for the recipe. I crave Italian sausage. It is so good, I could just eat it and nothing else.


  29. Oh gosh. The recipes and the food are so mouth-watering! Even the title makes me giddy because has three of my favorite things: Italian, Spaghetti, and Squash!

  30. I love spaghetti squash! My husband and I look forward to squash season so we can have some and we will be trying your recipe.
    I have not read your book but it sounds interesting.

  31. Terri Reed… your story: HOME FOR GOOD sounds like a wonderful tale to read at Christmas. It’s on my TBR list. And your sausage recipe will be great to prepare in advance for family during the holidays.

    Best wishes and great success.

    Charlotte M. Liebel
    aka Sharliebel

  32. Thank you Terri for sharing your talent of spinning wonderful words together and also for sharing your recipe for Spaghetti Squash! I’ve never prepared any myself, but have eaten it on a couple of occasions. Your instructions on how to prepare it seems easy enough for me not to mess up, I hope!!

  33. Love the recipe! Looks delish! Always love the book/author posts – nice to learn about someone new! You are the best – been away from here for a bit, but back! Will keep following! Lisa Lange

  34. thank u for giving me the chance to win one of your books i totally love reading and this book really caught my eye and the recipe looks so divine i really must try it even my eldest daughter loves trying something new x

  35. Love the cover. Going to start reading the book in the weekend.
    Always enjoy a good receipt. Thank you for sharing. It looks yummy 🙂

  36. Hi ladies thank you all so much for your warm welcome here on Jane’s blog. I’ve been out for a few days with a horrible cough. its time to pick a winner! I plugged in the number of comments into the random number generator and the winner is…Niki #45.
    Congratulations Niki. Can you email me @ terrireed@sterling.net with your mailing info.

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