Treat yourself to a Hot Aussie Hero!

I’ve always loved Australia and visited there a few times with my family.  I love the vivid colors, the stunning scenery, the wonderful, big-hearted people and just that punch of strong emotion this country always evokes in me.  It always takes my breath away.

So it thrilled me to bits when Tule Publishing’s Holiday Books decided to introduce readers to four fun and sexy Hot Aussie Heroes from Australia!  Each story is packed with a ton of emotion and a delicious, hunky hero and there’s plenty of gorgeous Australian scenery too, and I’ve invited the four authors of this great new series to join me here and tell you a bit about the stories.

Welcome authors!

Margareta OsbornThe Cowboy
TheCowboy-SMALLSexy, laid-back yet capable, Aussie cowboy, Jake Richardson, is the polar opposite of chic, tough, go-get-’em New York business woman Carina ‘Ree’ Chapman. And when these two meet, their instant antipathy (… or is it instant attraction?) causes sparks to fly.
I’ve always loved the idea behind the Crocodile Dundee movies – the “That’s not a knife. This is a knife,’ quirky kind of humor and it was a variation on this theme that sat at the back of my mind as I wrote ‘The Cowboy’. I’ve worked and lived on the land all my life here in Australia and met plenty of guys like Jake. Put them in an upmarket professional capacity in the inner city and they’ll be all at sea. Place them at home in the Australian bush and they can deal with most things in an offhand way that makes tough and often seemingly irretrievable situations look like a walk in the park. They’ve got that “she’ll be right, mate” attitude, and just knuckle down and fix whatever is the problem – snakes, wild horses, broken down trucks miles from home. It must be the caveman thing – very sexy.
LBP_0058Conversely, I’ve always admired women like Carina. They know the right clothes to wear in any situation, the difference between twenty different kinds of coffee, can put together a marketing plan in ten minutes flat, wear stiletto’s like they’re cowgirl boots and just ooze with confidence in any situation life throws at them. Even finding out their secretary has booked them into the wrong resort, in a place out the back of beyond owned by a sexy, tough cattleman who promises to deliver the five step method to an everlasting relationship. How on earth can an Aussie outback bushman know anything about that? Ree asks herself.

She’s about to find out.

Amy AndrewsThe Hero
TheHero-SMALLFinding inspiration for my hot Aussie heart throb was NOT difficult. Justin is an Australian actor who has made it big in Tinsel Town. And there’s plenty of inspiration around for that!
Exhibit A – Chris Hemsworth
Exhibit B – Hugh Jackman
bioExhibit C – Erica Bana
Exhibit D – Simon Baker-
Exhibit E – Sam Worthington
See? I was spoilt for choice. And Justin Wilde is just as hunky!

Madeline AshThe Playboy
ThePlayboy-SMALLThanks for having us on your blog today, Jane! I’d love to introduce Parker Hargraves, the sexy hero in my novella The Playboy. Parker was a player when he was younger: blond, gold-skinned and wealthy – and obnoxious to the point where he humiliated Alexia. Years on, he’s learned humility and compassion the hard way, and wants to make amends for how he treated her.
madeline-ash-profileThe character of Parker is actually from a manuscript I wrote years ago. I couldn’t get him to connect properly with that heroine, so put it aside. It’s like he knew he was meant to be with Alexia, because as soon as I put him on page with her, he couldn’t get enough! In this version, he owns a successful surf brand and beachside bar, rides the waves every morning, and will do anything to win Alexia’s heart. She’s one lucky lady, let me tell you…

Victoria PurmanThe Millionaire
TheMillionaire-SMALLDon’t we all love someone who wants to change the world? Sure, we all love a handsome man too, but combine those looks with a commitment to making the world a better place and, phwoar. Instant hero material.
In The Millionaire, I wanted to explore what happens when suburban reporter Ellie Flannery meets international photojournalist Chris Malone, the man she’s admired because of his work in the world’s trouble spots and disaster zones.
VictoriaPurman-190-300x198But when she meets him in the flesh, and things get off to a rocky start, she decides that perhaps it’s best not to meet your heroes after all. I loved writing Ellie’s story and how she gradually sees more than his reputation and, for Chris, I wanted to show him coming to an understanding that that there’s more to life than running from one war zone to another and that he should be chasing Ellie’s heart instead.


Thank you, Authors, for sharing your insight with us.  Loved reading it all!  Readers, if you didn’t already do so, please go grab your downloads of each of these fantastic stories and enjoy some sexy fun.  And speaking of fun, there’s more to be had!  I’ve got a great Aussie prize pack worth $50.00 here for one of you.  For a chance to win, leave a comment and let me know if you’ve been to Australia and what you loved most about your trip.  Or if you’ve not been, would you like to visit one day?  Winner will be announced Wednesday, the 28th!



  1. I haven’t visited Australia. I have friends in Sydney and would love to visit them someday. I want to go to Bondi Beach and see Ayers Rock.

  2. Your stories are captivating. I haven’t visited Australia and I would love to visit the beaches, and Melbourne. Best wishes.

  3. Way back in college, a million years ago, my best friend was from Perth, Australia. I’ve wanted to go since then. I think I read most of Margaret Way’s books, Stephanie Lauren’s books, and so many more and now I have more to read, altho at 70 and on SS I’ll never get there.

  4. I have never been. My sister in law lived there for a few years, and my husband went there for work. I also have to say it…Rick Springfield is from Australia! LOL.

  5. All of these stories look awesome and I would love to read them. I have never been to Australia but would love to go. The only why I will get there would be in books though.

  6. I’ve never been to Australia although I have wanted to since reading The Thorn Birds when I was a teenager. If I go, I would definitely want to scuba dive on the Great Barrier Reef.

  7. Yes i went with my husband about ten years ago. My favorite thing—by far the people! Had trouble understanding a few at the beginning of the trip.

  8. I have never visited Australia, I know only through books, but it’s one of those places that I’d like to visit, especially certain areas of Sydney,Queensland and Outback.

  9. That used to be my #1 place to visit, now that I’m older I can’t imagine being on a plane for that long :/ I’m sure it’s beautiful!

  10. I live in the Australian bush. I loved these four books! I love to travel but always get a thrill as the plane begins its descent into Melbourne. The thrill grows as I head up thr Hume to home. The Australian bush is so special to me that I also get a thrill when I see it showcased in a book. Throw in the flying doctors and I’m head over heels in love!

  11. I haven’t been to Australia. It IS a dream of my husband’s. My friend recently went to Australia and New Zealand. I loved her photos and can only hope to go there one day.

  12. These books are the closest I will ever come to going to Australia. I would love to go there one day. But I know the reality is I will never make it.

  13. Ever since I was a little girl I have wanted to visit Australia. I haven’t made it yet, and now I’m getting older and hate trying to fly under the new conditions. Flying isn’t fun anymore!
    But I love to read about Oz.

  14. I have never been there but would love to go. When I was younger, I dreamed of being rich so I could travel to all the places I read about. It hasn’t happened yet.

  15. Jane Porter,
    I must say that you seem to surprise me more and more. Because just when I think you’ve outdone yourself, you up and top the last giveaway, or promotion you’ve had. So, this time is no surprise to me!
    To answer your question, no I’ve never been to Australia. And, yes I would LOVE to be able to afford to travel there. I have watched shows that had footage of Australia, and it was breathtaking! I put Australia on my bucket list, about 8 years ago. I am hoping to travel there someday.
    Thanks Jane Porter for all the great things you do for all of us. B

  16. We would love to visit Australia. These new books from Tule Publishing sound fantastic. Thanks for the introduction to these authors from down under.

  17. I have never been to Australia but it’s always been on my bucket list. I can’t wait to read the stories. Love the Tule line.

  18. Would love to go just to escape my sister. I would take her and leave her there but I don’t think that they deserve that.

  19. Sadly, we have not yet been to Australia. My husband bring up going there a few times every year. I am watching the budget and will have to check out just how much the trip would cost. It would definitely be a trip of a lifetime.

  20. I have not been to Australia and probably will never go…I don’t like flying and that is such a long time to be in an airplane…I would love to see the country .

  21. I’ve never been to Australia but would love to some day. My brother did spend 6 to 8 weeks there working with, and studying, sheep. He’s a research veternarian. I’m looking forward to reading these stories. Thanks Jane.

  22. I have never been but would love to go. From everything I’ve ever read or seen it would be a dream come true. Great stories above. Have to check it out.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750. (at) aol (dot) com

  23. I’ve never been to Australia but I’d love to go one day. (And Crocodile Dundee is one of my favourite movies! I often quote the “knife” scene to my kids LOL)

  24. I have only gone to Australia through the books I have read.
    And to think way back when, England thought they were getting rid of their misfits. But look what they and their descendents created! Would love to visit the place.

  25. Never been, never will, as health won’t permit it. Since Star Trek’s communicators became our cell phones, and we now have talking computers, why can’t we have transporters too? THEN I could travel to Australia or anywhere else, LOL!

  26. I have been to Australia. I went there on my honeymoon. That was great fun. Loved Brisbane. Would love to move there one day. Loved that city.

  27. I studied at the University of Melbourne in 1999 on exchange. It was an amazing experience and I loved the culture. I’d say my favorite thing was the pace of life in beautiful Tasmania.

  28. I’ve never been to Australia but would love to visit one day. I’ve made a few friends on facebook who live there and my boyfriend has a good friend who moved there a few years ago. It would be nice to visit with them. The huge spiders I can live without though 🙂

  29. I have been to Australia a couple of times – Sydney, Gold coast and Sunshine Coast and I plan to go to Melbourne this year. What I love are the beaches – long stretches of white sand and the water is clean and strong!

  30. I have never been outside the US. Ireland and Australia is on top of my list for places to visit plus I have family everywhere would love to meet them all

  31. Ooooh, Australia! I’ve never been, really hope to go some day. I was completely fascinated with the country from books I read as a teen, even tried to go to college there. Really looking forward to these books!

  32. I’ve never been. But I have always wanted to go and just see the beauty of it. Thank you so much for the chance!

  33. I’ve never been; it would be a dream trip. But it would have to be for at least a could you ever decide what to see?

  34. I have not been there yet. It is the one place that I have always wanted to go and see. One day I will make it there.

  35. I would love to visit there i have a couple friends i met offline that live there so would be awesome to visit plus it looks soo beautiful there

  36. Indiana University Football had an Aussie kicker. His family visited several times. His trip to Bloomington IN was about 3 days long…

  37. I do have some family who live in Austraila, but I’ve never been there myself. I would love to go! It looks like a beautiful place to visit.

  38. Never been! My son wants to live there one day, so maybe I’ll be able to go over there 🙂 It’d be nice just for a visit!

  39. I was in Australia back in 1988 and would love to go again……we just met a charming couple from there and would love to go visit them.

  40. I’ve never been to Australia but would love to visit. The Aussie heroes series make me feel as if I were there.

  41. I have two True Blue grandsons! My daughter married a lovely Aussie man and we’ve had the opportunity to see parts of Australia as guests of his parents and extended family. I especially enjoy learning Aussie words and hearing them come from the mouths of those dear little ones.

  42. I just went to Aussie in 2014. I actually did NZ and Aussie as I have family in both countries. It is a rugged and beautiful land. I hope to return again by 2017.

  43. Yes, I’ve been there and studied and lived there for three years. I lived in the most livable city in the world Melbourne and I love it. What I love about Aussie is the great view and scenery the arts , the food and especially the friendly people

  44. I’ve never been, but had an Australian model stay with us several years ago. Would love to go Snowy River.

  45. I’ve never visited Australia…except in books. I’ve picked up all four of these stories and am looking forward to reading them!

  46. A visit to Australia is on my “bucket list”. Unfortunately, I will probably kick that proverbial bucket long before I ever get there…so reading stories based in Australia is the next best thing to being there. Can’t wait to start reading!

  47. I have never been to Australia, but would love to go. In the meantime, I would enjoy reading the stories and keep the dream alive.

  48. I have never been to Australia. But sounds wonderful. I am sure I want ever be able to go. Love to read about it anyways. Thank you

  49. I have not visited but, it’s on my bucket list. I’d like to visit a long time internet friend, Meredith, in Fremantle . Thanks for the chance!

  50. Australia is on my bucket list. Back in the 70s, I could not get enough Australian romances taking place in the outback. I love this setting,

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