Bachelor Fan? Check out Marietta’s 6 Hot Bachelors!

Dear Reader,

I’ve been bad.  Instead of writing (and I should be writing) I’ve been reading the first of the Montana Born Bachelor Auction stories coming in and I love them.  This exciting new series set in Marietta, Montana is sexy and sweet, emotional and real and I think they’ve got great covers, too.


Bachelor #1, Beau Bennett, is brought to you by the one and only very talented Sarah Mayberry in Bound to the Bachelor.  Here’s the blurb –

Your date with Marietta local Beau Bennett includes a day on the slopes at Big Sky Resort, complete with a sumptuous meal in the Resort’s fanciest fine dining restaurant and door-to-door transport. Dig deep to secure the attentions of one of Montana’s most eligible – and elusive – bachelors.

Lily Taylor knows Beau Bennett dislikes her, but that won’t stop her from asking him to volunteer for the Bachelor Auction she’s organized to help her friend Molly provide for her tragically injured son, Josh. If Beau’s gorgeous face, piercing blue eyes and chiseled body inspires the women of Marietta to dig into their pockets for a good cause, then Lily will do whatever it takes to secure his participation.

Beau Bennett isn’t sure how he wound up on the auction block being eyed up by hundreds of eager women, but he knows who to blame for it – Lily Taylor, the sexy, distracting, off-limits best friend of his kid sister. As far as he’s concerned, the sooner this nightmare is over, the better.

The last thing either of them expects is for Lily to wind up bidding on – and winning – Beau, or that their date will lead to Beau stepping in to save Lily when her past comes back to haunt her. As Beau does his best to keep Lily safe, they discover that maybe they don’t dislike each other quite as much as they thought.

In fact, maybe it’s just the opposite…


After Sarah’s story, there are five more delicious bachelors in the line-up, brought to you courtesy of some of today’s best writers, all bestselling and award winning authors in the romance industry.  I’m sure you’re already familiar with Kate Hardy, Dani Collins, Kelly Hunter, Megan Crane and Kat Latham, but if not, you soon will be.

Now do me a favor.  Check out the six Bachelor Auction series covers above, and tell me which is your favorite bachelor and one of you will win my fun Bachelor Auction Cover Reveal prize consisting of 3 signed JP books, a hand glazed mug, chocolates, a $5 Starbucks gift card and reader treats.


So do comment now, tell me your favorite and check back Friday as the giveaway ends Thursday night and the winner will be announced Friday morning.   Good luck and may the best bachelor win! 🙂



  1. I like The Bachelor’s Baby cover and the One Night with Her Bachelor cover best…it is a tie! So, I will just have to read them both.

  2. My vote for best cover goes to In Bed With The Bachelor because I love dark-haired men with longer hair…and I appreciate them a bit scruffy too so beards or goatees are always welcome!

  3. I love Megan Crane’s In Bed With the Bachelor, but the guy on the cover of Bachelor at Her Bidding by Kate Hardy also grabs me. It’s the eyes & the scruff. Plus those two look similar. Can’t wait to read these!!

  4. Got to go with In Bed with the Bachelor- he kinda looks like McDreamy! (Loved McDreamy from his Can’t Buy Me Love Days)

  5. My favorite cover is One Night With Her Bachelor by Kat Latham. Thanks for the chance to enter. Awesome prize!

  6. I haven’t had a chance to read the bachelor’s books yet but all the covers are very tempting. I can’t wait to start soon.

  7. Judging by the covers, What A Bachelor Needs and In Bed With A Bachelor would be my choice. Thanks for the giveaway!

  8. One night with her bachelor. But I don’t like the idea of messing with another woman’s man. 🙁 . ♡.

  9. In Bed With The Bachelor ….wow, I had to retype it twice…all my spelling was jibberish after looking at him….lol!

  10. I am torn between In Bed with the Bachelor and The Bachelor’s Baby! I suppose you need the first to get the second 😉

  11. My favorite cover would be Megan Crane’s In Bed with a Bachelor.

    I love the mug and could spot right away at the school if someone was making use of it

  12. I am looking forward to Megan Crane’s bachelor book. She is always one of my favorite authors on the Tule team.

  13. Do I have to pick just one Yummy???? If cornered I’d go with Kelly Hunter’s What a Bachelor Needs, but I really like them all 🙂

  14. I like What a Bachelor Needs! I think I have that yummy stomach picture on my pinterest board called Hot Men! I would add them all but that stomach begs to be licked!
    Thanks for posting about the books, I am adding to my wish list and hopefully buy and read soon! Thanks for the chance at your giveaway!

  15. One Night With Her Bachelor by Kate Latham.
    All the covers are nice, and I’m looking forward reading the stories. But I just like the expression of the guy on One Night.

  16. What a Bachelor Needs is my winner followed close behind with Bound to the Bachelor <3
    Thank you for the chance!

  17. My pick…Bachelor At Her Bidding by Kate Hardy
    The Bachelor on the cover, his eyes drew me in instantaneously. A guys eyes are the first thing I notice. Then the title got me to wondering where this story will take us.
    A definite must read series.

    Side note: I have not been able to see clearly for approximately the last 8 years. I have since recovered, by the grace of God, a small improvement in being able to read for a short time. Anything is better than nothing. I miss reading books & my Bible. So I am anxiously awaiting my first trip in years to a book store to pick up your novels & the Bachelor series.
    Thank you for getting me excited again to get out & buy a book to read! It may take me a while to get through reading it, but just to be able to read again is truly a blessing & a sense I will never take for granted.

  18. Hi, how are you? Once again I am here talking to you send me these goodies to Brazil!
    Do you know why I want these books despite being in its original language and I am not so good in English? It is because I believe that a book that contains a well-told story, which trasporta us to a situation, esperiencias and places their readers do not know, can not live more personally still live and learn new things without leaving your own home regardless of where they live and the language they speak is a book or better is a story that speaks very apena have! so even if these gifts are given to another person, I consider myself lucky because every time you or other authors I like throw a book I get a wonderful gift! New story to be experienced, other places to meet and “people” who Faram part of my life forever ”
    Thank you for sharing not only me more with all the readers of the world all your wonderful talent!
    Kisses hugs and much success!
    Lorrany Oliveira your fan number one Brazil

  19. My favorite bachelor hero cover is Dani Collin’s THE BACHELOR’S BABY!

    I like longer hair and athletic builds!

  20. This is a tough one! I like the Bound to the Bachelor. I think I may be alone in this from the other comments, but I just like it! In bed with the bachelor just looks off to me… the arm and the camera angle makes it look just strange to me…but I’m a bit strange so that is also just me. Looking forward to reading them all!!!

  21. For me, The Bachelor’s Baby. Their all great covers but that’s my favorite.Thanks for the chance.
    Carol L

  22. From Iowa. So all about Bachelor s right now
    Like cover for bachelor, s baby. Very one should look up. The other bachelor’s of Arlington They have fun. Calendar

  23. Its a tough choice but I think I like the cover of in bed with the bacholer. I can’t wait to read them all.

  24. I would be happy with any of those bachelors, but if I’m forced to choose I’ll go with number five. Jesse Grey caught my interest.

  25. Pity I couldn’t pick them all!! My cover pick is Bound to the bachelor. Hope this is open to international as I am in Australia.

  26. Can’t wait to read them! Megan Crane’s In Bed with the Bachelor is my favorite cover. I’m a sucker for biceps 🙂

  27. Can’t wait to read them! Megan Crane’s “In Bed with the Bachelor” is my favorite cover. I’m a sucker for biceps 🙂

  28. I am going to have to go with door/book #4 What a Bachelor Needs. You can’t go wrong with a book cover like that and especially by an author by the name of Kelly.

  29. #5, in bed, looks great. I love a scruffy looking guy with great eyes. after the local news story this weekend, I don’t think I’ll be able to read a book with a headless torso as the cover pic. and I’ve always felt that shows the guy is more than obsessed with his own physique than anything anyway.

  30. I’m liking all the covers but especially the Kelly Hunter’s cover. No face so my mind can fill in those blank pieces from description.

  31. They are all so great. but I would say The Bachelor’s Baby or One night with the Bachelor! Can’t wait to read them….!!

  32. What A Bachelor Needs is super sexy and One Night with a Bachelor is sexy-sweet. Tough choices with all 6 covers. These should be fun!

  33. So beautiful and gorgeous are all the covers, and I can’t wait for the series! I adore Sarah Mayberry and am excited that hers is up first.

    As far as covers go, I loved them all but openly drooled over In Bed with the Bachelor.

  34. Great collection of covers. My fave is the guy on the bachelor’s baby by Dani Collins, pulling his shirt off, getting down to something.

  35. Our winner is #54 Judy Burr! Judy, shoot me an email with your mailing details and we’ll get goodies to you soon!

    Happy weekend, everyone! xoxo

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