A Week at the Lake with Wendy Wax

I’m off this morning to spend a few days with my good friend CJ Carmichael at her Flathead Lake, Montana cabin.  This is where Montana Born Books was founded back in May 2013 as we brainstormed our four rodeo novellas which launched the line, and the first books by Tule Publishing.  That week with CJ, Megan Crane and Lilian Darcy changed my life and every time I go to Montana I recharge and find new stories and I can’t wait to brainstorm new stories with CJ this week.

From Montana I head to Atlanta for two book events.  I’ll be staying with my friend, novelist Wendy Wax while I’m in Georgia and doing a book event with her at Cat Blanco’s The Book Exchange Monday, June 29th.  Do come see me, and get Wendy’s brand new book.

Speaking of Wendy’s brand new book, A Week at the Lake, it’s out TODAY!

A Week at the Lake is getting rave reviews and they are all well deserved.  I hope you’ll pick up (or download!) a copy as well – and if you enjoy it, do get on social media and give Wendy a shout out or post a review.

AWATL announce to share

“Wax really knows how to make a cast of characters come alive.  Readers will love and fuss at the characters as if they’ve been friends with them all along….Wax infuses each chapter with enough drama, laughter, family angst and friendship to keep readers greedily turning pages until the end.” –RT Book Reviews

To read an excerpt: http://bit.ly/1GvjCOc
To buy:  http://amzn.to/1ftoVrW

Are you a Wendy Wax fan?  Do you have a favorite book she’s written?  Tell me and one of you will win a Wendy Wax prize package filled with Wendy’s novels and some of my bestselling stories, too.  Contest ends Friday with winner announced on Saturday.



  1. I haven’t read any yet but once again, Jane has added another book to my list. This sounds really good..

  2. I read 10 Beach Road, on a recommendation here from you, and am looking for my next summer read! I thoroughly enjoyed 10
    Beach Road and am heading to Kobo.com now to order another one of her books!

  3. Ten Beach Road & Ocean Beach are my favorite books of hers! can’t wait to read her new book!

  4. I love Wendy’s writing style and her books.
    Ten Beach Road and the Accidental Best Seller are good.
    I am hoping to catch up on my reading soon.

    I am planning on seeing Jane at the Roswell, GA event if everything works out 🙂

  5. I have not read Wendy, yet. =) The book sounds like one I definitely want to read though. Have an amazing time in MT and GA.

  6. I am familiar with Wendy Wax but have never had the pleasure of reading one of her books. It’s time, right?

  7. Wendy Wax is a new Author for me. I’ve heard so many positive things about her books. I look forward to reading her books including A Week At The Beach. Thank you for the introduction to another new Author, for me at least.

    Carol L

  8. This would be my first Wendy Wax book. Just read an excerpt and I now need to read this one! It sounds so good! I am sure it will not be the last I read by her either.

  9. I have not read any of her books yet, but I have several on my TBR list…I have seen so much about this one, I can’t wait to read it!
    Have a wonderful time in Montana and in Georgia!

  10. Happy pub day to Wendy! She is a new-to-me author, but no worries. I’m going to pick up A Week At The Lake.

    Enjoy your time in Montana, Jane.



  11. I am a Wendy Wax fan! I think my favorite book is Ten Beach Road. Now let’s hope that my library finally orders a copy of A Week at the Lake. Please and thanks for the chance to win!

  12. Wendy Wax is a new to me author. Based on your recommendation I will be checking out her books. Have fun in MOontana with CJ!! I love Tule books!!

  13. It is hard to pick a favorite, all of Wendy’s books are great reads. I would say While Watching Dowton Abbey inspired me the most. After reading it, I had to watch the show and now I am hooked. I also had to try a Shandy…lol

  14. I have read Wendy’s book 7 Days And 7 Nights and enjoyed it. So I hve to say that is my favorite.

  15. You know I’m a Wendy Wax fan – please tell her I said hi. I am so bummed that I’ll miss you – both in ATL and Montana! We left Bozeman on the 23rd (now in Yellowstone). Jane, I fell in love with the area and the town. I wish we could chat – I have so many questions about the books and Bozeman. Rich loves it too – you never know, we may pack up and move. Enjoy you trip(s)!

  16. I have not had the chance yet to read any of Wendy’s books. But I have many on my TBE list. I will be adding this one to.

  17. I don´t believe that I have ready any of Wendy´s books. I´m so sorry to say that. Do love the cover and title of her new book 🙂
    Have fun in Montana.

  18. Haven’t read any Wendy Wax, but just finished “It’s You” during last week’s vacation. Loved the ending. So satisfying.

  19. Haven’t read any of Wendy’s books yet, but you can bet I will! Thanks for the recommendation, Jane!

  20. Wendy’s While We Were Watching Downton Abbey is in my TBR stack. Best of luck to her on the new book. And, Traveling Mercies to you Jane.

  21. Anyone who reads Wendy Wax for the first time, you’re in for a real treat!
    This time, our winner is #27 Jami Birnbaum. Congrats, Jami! Drop me an email with your address info so I can get this package to you soon.
    Happy reading!

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