What’s Next for the Sheenans?

Readers have been asking me what’s next for the Sheenans?  The good news is that there is quite a bit!


I love this family.  I am really attached to them and not at all eager for their stories to end.  The good news is that there are still 2 more Sheenan stories to come, with Cormac and Whitney’s out in time for Christmas.  I’ve been rewriting his story after I was on a flight to Seattle and sat next to—no.  Can’t tell you.  It’ll ruin the surprise.  But let’s just say I’ve re-imagined Cormac’s story and changed it almost completely…making it well, magical, and perfect for Christmas.  The title is changing, too.  It’s now called A Christmas Miracle for Daisy as it’s become a holiday story that will be out in November.


After Cormac in November, we will have one more Sheenan story in early 2016 as there is a mystery in the Sheenan family which has contributed to the mother’s unhappiness and it’s time that family knew the whole truth.  That mystery story, and mystery Sheenan, will conclude my Taming of the Sheenan series.

It’s going to be hard to let this family go, so the good news is that the mystery Sheenan has an intriguing story that ties in with the ranch invasion on the Douglas property, that took the lives of McKenna’s family.  So as I conclude the Sheenans, I’ll be launching the first of the Douglas Ranch stories.

If you’ve been reading my Sheenan series, you briefly ‘met’ Quinn and Rory Douglas in Trey and McKenna’s story, The Kidnapped Christmas Bride.  Quinn and Rory are fascinating men and I know my readers will love their stories, too, especially as it allows us all to spend more time in Marietta, Montana.

Are you sick of my Montana stories, or still looking forward to more?  Let me know and one of you will win a very special Montana prize package that includes a print copy of The Taming of the Sheenans anthology along with Montana treats, reads and more!


  1. I LOVE the Sheenans. I have loved every story and am very excited to read Cormac’s. I’m a fan of all the Marietta stories, and am looking forward to more time in Montana.

    And that is the sweetest cover ever!

  2. Yes I want more more more of the Sheenan’s story and love staying in Marietta, it’s like your really breathing in Montana. maybe we even can get to Trey and McKenna’s little boy’s teen years and all that teen angst.

  3. I love the Montana stories and want more of them! Thanks for the update. Sounds like more good stuff coming up. That cover is beautiful.

  4. I LOVE the Sheenans!!! They must have cousins. If I weren’t married, I’d marry one. lol. Seriously, not tired of the series–looking forward to more and the new series, too!

    Jane, you rock!

  5. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Sheenan’s! Did I mention that I love them? 😉

    Seriously they have been some of my favorite stories in the Montana Born Books!

    I look forward to each one and feel like they are old friends I get to visit with.

  6. I can’t get enough of Jane Porter, PERIOD! The only thing I long for is that each book keep going. They end too soon. Luckily, you have had another one coming down the pipeline. It will be sad to see them completed, but I just picked up “It’s You” and I know there will always be another Jane Porter novel to enjoy even if I have to re-read. I am very excited for what’s coming next. I hope you always find joy in the creative nature of writing, Thank you for some great reads. 🙂

  7. The new cover looks great. Keep writing Montana books and we’ll keep reading. Thanks for the chance ❤

  8. Love Love Love your Montana romance books Love and have read them all multiple times :0
    Cant seem to get enough of them Perhaps that is why I reread them <3 Sheenan boys just sound awesome Cant wait for the next book to become available 🙂

  9. I can’t wait for this story! I love the Sheenan’s and am very happy staying in Marietta. I also can’t wait to find out more about the Douglas family…and what happened on their ranch. Gorgeous cover, too!

  10. So glad there will be more books. Looking forward to the mystery of the murders at the Douglas farm and knowing more of affair between Bill Sheehan and Bev Carrigan. The cover for A Christmas Miracle for Daisy is beautiful.

  11. I love this series and can’t wait for the next. I love the little teaser at the beginning.

  12. I have loved reading the Sheenan series,but all good things must come to an end. I love the mythical town y’all have created in Marietta, Montana I look forward to the start of the next series. I can’t wait to read A Christmas Miracle For Daisy.

  13. I love the Sheenan Series and all of the Montana Marietta Stories! Knowing that I might see a glimpse of a previous character on the streets of Marietta eliminates the sadness that I usually feel when I finish a great book.
    Keep them coming!

  14. I am a Sheenan stalker! I love this series and absolutely love your Montana books! The cover above is beautiful and gave me goosebumps. Now I don’t want to rush summer but I am so excited to read your next book! I can’t get enough of the Sheenan boys and Marietta. I may fall into a small depression when the last book comes out.

  15. Looks like another winner just from the cover. Love holiday reads, even in the summer months. Enjoy the family and think it’s the best book I’ve read til the next family book comes along. Love surprises.


  16. I am looking forward to reading this series!! So glad I starte following u on FB as I’ve discovered new reads, thx for the giveaways!

  17. always looking forward to more Montana stories!!! can’t wait to read the 2 new Shennan stories when they come out. sad to see their family stories ending, but glad to see you are writing the Douglas Ranch series!

  18. I have been hooked on your books ever since I read my first my first one… Love these Sheehan boys and I can’t wait to read all about the Douglas boys. And of course any other boys you right about.

  19. I love the Montana series books! Keep them coming! Reading them has made my desire to visit Montana even more. Looking forward to your next book.

  20. They say never to bite the hand that feeds you, so why would I say anything derogatory, LOL? Seriously, though, I enjoy whatever you write, Jane. Whatever YOU want to write is more than enough for me to enjoy.
    Hope you’re having a great weekend so far!

  21. I love your Montana stories and looking forward to your new ones. The cover is great. Glad you are going to have more with the Douglas Ranch.

  22. I love everything Montana and Marietta. Can’t seem to get enough.
    And wow. Love a twist and beautiful cover. Will be perfect for Christmas. Can’t believe we are talking Christmas in June Great news. Thanks for sharing.

  23. I love your stories!! I love Marietta!!! Can’t wait to read about the rest of the Sheenans and meet the Douglas family!!!

  24. I love your Montana stories and can’t wait to read more, Jane! Keep writing and I’ll be reading. 😉

  25. I love the Marietta stories and all things Montana. They’ve all made me feel right at home, so please keep them coming!

  26. I’m catching up and looking forward to more great reading from Montana. The cover is beautiful.Thanks for the giveaway.
    Carol L

  27. Since I live in Michigan, I can never get enough of your books set in Montana. Keep them coming!

  28. LOVE THE SHEENANS! Can’t wait to read Cormac’s story! I must admit that Brock’s book is still my favourite. You have become one of my one-click authors. Safe and happy travels. xoxo

  29. I love reading about this family. Looking forward to reading more about them. Thanks for the chance of the giveaway.

  30. Kelly Bransom, #30 – Congrats on being picked as the winner for this prize! Drop me an email with your mailing details and I’ll get this package in the mail asap!
    love to all!!

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