Carole Mortimer’s Alpha Series

71bGj40QD8L._UX250_It is no secret I’ve been a long time fan of Carole Mortimer and it pleases me so much to have her as a guest on my blog again to tell us about the latest book in her Alpha series.  Carole has written over 200 books in contemporary romance, Regency, and her own hot romantic suspense series, Alpha.

She is Recipient of the 2015 Romance Writers of America Nora Robert’s Lifetime Achievement Award, 2014 Romantic Times Pioneer or Romance, and in 2012 was recognized by Queen Elizabeth II for her ‘outstanding service to literature’.

She is very happily married to Peter, they have 6 sons, and live on the beautiful Isle of Man.

Here she is to tell us about Shadow Alpha.  Welcome, Carole!


This summer is such an exciting time for me!

On July 15th Shadow Alpha, my 200th book, became available in trade paperback as well as ebook. It’s for those readers who don’t own an ereader, or so many other who have asked me to publish a physical copy of my 200th book for their ‘keeper shelf’.


July 24th sees the release of Renegade Alpha, the 5th book in my bestselling ALPHA series. I have been overwhelmed by readers’ response to this romantic suspense series. All five books, so far released in the series, are currently all in Kindle Top 100 Bestseller lists. I absolutely love writing the ALPHA books, and Lijah Smith, the hero of Renegade Alpha, is a particular favourite of mine. He’s really hot!

The pre-order for Warrior Alpha, the 6th book in the series, to be released October 4th, will also be available on July 20th.

I am currently in New York at the Romance Writers of America conference, and tomorrow evening the RWA are very kindly presenting me with the Nora Roberts’ Lifetime Achievement Award. This is such an honor for me, the pinnacle of my 37 years as an author.

Even more exciting, my whole family are joining me in New York tomorrow, and they arrive in time to be able to attend the RWA awards ceremony. Then we’re all going to have a wonderful week’s holiday together in New York, one of my favorite cities in the world. We’re also going to celebrate my birthday while we’re there. It isn’t till August 5th, but who can resist celebrating in New York, so wonderful they named it twice? I certainly can’t!

Also this month my cover design lady and I have been putting our heads together and coming up with some spectacular designs for the covers for my new Regency novella series. The pre-order for the first novella will be available early September this year, with a release date of November 4th. I am so excited about this new Regency series. It will be published alternate months with my Alpha series during 2016.

August 27th sees the publication of Pursued by the Devil, by Bad Boy book for Tule Publishing. What fun I had writing this novella! Mikhael is exactly the sort of dark and brooding hero I love to write about, and Lindsay is every bit a match for this “bad boy”.

Hope you all have a great summer!



Thank you, Carole, for your time and for sharing with us.  Readers, be sure to add Carole’s Alpha series to your to-read list if you haven’t already.  You’ll be hooked!

To help Carole celebrate her upcoming releases, I’m giving away a very special Carole Mortimer prize consisting of books, gift cards and awesome reader goodies to one lucky reader.  For a chance to win, just leave a comment and you’ll be entered!  Contest ends Tuesday with winner announced on Wednesday.


  1. Carole, Congratulations on the receiving the RWA Nora Roberts Lifetime Achievement award. WOW! That is really something for an author and for the Queen patting you on the back for outstanding service to literature is a real “wow” in my book.

    I am looking forward to reading the Regency Novellas you have coming out starting in September.
    Happy Early birthday and enjoy your time in New York.

  2. Carole, congrats on your up and coming new releases. I have not read your work before but will be looking for it. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Heartfelt congratulations to Carole! I have been a fan for many a year and, God willing, will be for many, many more. I can never read too many C.M. books!
    Thanks, Jane, for highlighting Carole and her amazing accomplishments!

  4. Congrats Carole on your newest release and also on your Nora Roberts Lifetime Achievement Award. That’s wonderful. Thank you so much for your post.
    Carol L

  5. Congrats on your 200th book and for getting the Nora Robert’s Achievement Award, what an honor on both! I enjoy reading your books and thanks for the chance to win this wonderful prize that Jane is giving us! looking forward in reading your new book!

  6. Congrats on 37 years of writing and publishing, plus on your 200th release. That is an amazing feat to have accomplished. I’m looking forward to finding some of your books to read. Thank you for your post.

  7. Congrats on the awards, including this year’s lifetime achievement award. What a great honor and well deserved!

  8. Congratulations Carole Mortimer! Carole is new to me and I am looking forward to sharing in her visions.

  9. Carole, Congratulations on the receiving the RWA Nora Roberts Lifetime Achievement award. 200 books is beyond my thought process, still trying to wrap my head around that. You must be doing something right. Once again congratulations! ~Becky

  10. Carol, congrats on the awards and on the lifetime achievement award! They are well deserved! You are one of my favorite writers! Thank you for all the wonderful stories you have created for us to read!

  11. Congratulations Carole on your reward and the celebration of your 200th book. I’m glad your family will be there celebrating with you. Have a wonderful birthday and enjoy your time with your family.

  12. Carole, congratulations on receiving the RWA Nora Roberts Lifetime Achievement award. What an amazing career!

  13. Sounds exciting! I’m intrigued! And what fantastic people & amazing things you are involved withJane!

  14. Carole, Congratulations on your 200th book! Amazing. Even more amazing, looking at your photo, you must have started publishing at 5! 🙂 Can’t wait to try out your Alpha Series! Congrats on your RWA Lifetime Achievement Award, too. Well deserved!

  15. Congratulations Carole on your 200th book and your Lifetime Achievement award. I hope you have a wonderful birthday with your family.

  16. Congratulations Carole on winning this year’s award and Happy Birthday! I’m looking forward to reading your Alpha series!

  17. Carole heartfelt congratulations for your 200° book and for delivery of the lifetime achievement award RWA Nora Roberts. Thanks to Jane for the opportunity to win this fabulous prize

  18. Congratulations on your 200th release and receiving the Nora Roberts Lifetime Achievement Award. Enjoy NYC, it is one of my favorite places. Can’t wait to read your latest.

  19. Congratulations to Carole for receiving Nora Roberts Lifetime Achievement Award.
    Thanks Jane for the giveaway 🙂

  20. I have always enjoyed Carole’s writing and am pleased that her talent has been recognized in this manner!! Congrats!!!

  21. Carole, congratulations for both your 200th and the Nora Roberts’ Lifetime Acheivement Award!
    I’ve been a longtime reader and fan. Just One Night remains a favorite. I’m very much looking forward to reading Pursued by the Devil.

  22. Carole,

    Congratulations on receiving the RWA Nora Roberts Lifetime Achievement Award! You’ve earned it!!

  23. Congratulations on the receiving the RWA Nora Roberts Lifetime Achievement award ANd in your 200rh book. New York is a great place to celebrate. Going to go check out your Alpha series now.

  24. I have always enjoyed your books so I’m definitely adding this series to my wish list. Congratulations on your Lifetime Achievement Award, it’s much deserved.

  25. Congratulations to Carole on her 200th release. I’m sad to say that I am unfamiliar with her work, but thrilled that you’ve brought her to my attention. I now have a new author to read! Thank you!

  26. Congratulations, Carole! Seeing all the photos and comments from the authors, RWA looks like a blast. 🙂

  27. I started reading your books through Harlequin and slways loved them. Now I continue to read your other books.

  28. Congrats Carole on your well deserved lifetime achievement award! So excited to watch you receive it live online! I have read your books for decades, from the Harlequins in the 70’s and 80’s to your Alphas today. I was thrilled to see the cover for the first in your Regency Unlaced series.Continued success and enjoyment of your family!

  29. Seeing Ms. Mortimer’s name elicted an instant smile and feeling of warmth.
    Have enjoyed your books for years. I always know a good time will ensue as I delve into one.
    Congratulations on the well-deserved award.

  30. Oh, my gosh, Carole Mortimer–one of the major reasons I fell in love with Harlequin Presents–she was my one of my very favorites. Love!!! So excited to see her on your blog. <3

  31. Congrats, Carole, on your 200th release and your lifetime achievement award!! Ah-mazing!

  32. #64, Barbara Tobey, Congratulations on being picked as the winner! Send me an email with your mailing address and I’ll get package to you soon.
    Thanks, everyone, for making Carole feel welcome. I am such a big fan of hers!

  33. Carole Mortimer’s return to the blog echoes the journey of a “Voyage of Life” book. With a prolific portfolio spanning romance genres, including the engaging Alpha series, her narratives embody diverse chapters of emotions and connections. Her presence enriches the literary voyage, inspiring readers through various storyscapes.

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