Debra Salonen: When BFFs Are Guys

ds3I’m in Hawaii enjoying a few fun days of summer with my crew before the boys head back to California and I get on a plane to Australia next week for a conference.  It’s been fun to unwind and relax a little bit and I’ve also managed to get some time to catch up on reading some really good books by some great authors.

I’m especially excited about Debra Salonen‘s newest addition to her Big Sky Mavericks series.  Montana Hero is out now and already getting some great reviews.  I have enjoyed this series a lot and invited Debra to tell us more about her books.

Take it away, Debra!


Are men capable of close friendships that go beyond the commercial and over-the-top bromances of buddy movies like The Hangover?


Can one hope a deep emotional bond exists for men who not dwarves, wizards or burglers?


Perhaps trying to compare a man’s idea of friendship to a woman’s is a hopeless task. After all, both sexes are hard-wired differently, right? Some suggest men aren’t as in touch with their emotions as women, which, in light of this video, might be a good thing. 😉

I’m kidding, of course. The real question is: Are men capable of deep, long-term friendships that share a familial-like bond? When called upon for advice and help–the icky, sticky love and romance kind–will they have each other’s back?

I think the answer is yes. And I hope my readers agree because that’s the premise behind my three new Big Sky Mavericks books. This “series within a series” introduces three new heroes to Marietta, Montana. Fearless, kick butt, front line wildfire hot shots who consider themselves brothers-in-arms and best friends. But they’ve each reached a turning point in his life (although for different reasons). When one moves, they all move. No questions asked.


Flynn Bensen (MONTANA HERO) is the responsible one–the rock. A “hero” haunted by a mistake that cost a woman her life and gave Flynn a serious case of PTSD. When opportunity knocks, opening the door to a new, less hands-on–or so he thinks–job as head of Crawford County Search and Rescue, Flynn jumps at the chance to make a fresh start in the same town where his brother, Ryker, has fallen in love and made a new life himself. Flynn hopes to make Montana his forever home, too. He doesn’t expect to meet the woman of his dreams on the first day at his new job. Kat Robinson is wrong for him on too many levels to count, but that doesn’t make him want her any less.


Bold, brash and brazen Tucker “The Full Mountie” Montgomery (MONTANA ROGUE) has gambled everything on his new Marietta, Montana, enterprise: Mountie’s Marvelous Zip Line and Enduro Course. Screwing up his ankle before the first pole is in the ground was not part of the plan. Neither was meeting Amanda Heller, NYC society girl with problems of her own–demanding parents and a feisty grandmother who has no intention of handing over the reins of her life to Amanda’s mother. Tucker grew up on the Bayou. He learned the fine art of bartering from the grandparents who raised him. He’s willing to scratch his beautiful roommate’s back if she’ll help him with an itch of his own. But can roommates-with-benefits survive a summer fling without falling in love?


Justin “The Goat” Oberman climbs. Any mountain. Anywhere. People call his passion a death wish. He figures maybe he just hasn’t found something–someone–worth living for. When his best friends move to Montana, he’s right behind them, accepting a dream job that turns into a nightmare when the CFO turns out to be Nicole Richards, the one woman he’s never been able to forget. The one who blames him for the accident that left her paralyzed. Is this second-chance love affair doomed from day one? Justin says, “Yes.” But his friends–newly in love and looking at life through rose-colored blinders–disagree. “Nikki’s in your life again for a reason, Goat. Remember what you always tell new climbers: Don’t look down and never give up.”

Do you know any men–father, brother, husband, friend–who can claim a long-lasting friendship that has survived marriages, moves, divorces and distance? I’d love to hear your stories. Maybe one of them will show up in Justin’s book, which is still in the conceptual stage of production.

Thanks for reading and thanks so much to Jane for hosting me! Safe travels, my friend!



For more info on Deb and her books, please drop by her Website. Her current bio and links to her books are available on her author page here: Amazon. And Deb loves to connect with readers on Facebook & Twitter and through her weekly FIRST KISS: TUESDAY  Blog.

Thanks for sharing, Debra!  Readers, look for Montana Hero next time you’re treating your kindle to goodies.  This is a wonderful series to lose yourself in!  I’m also giving away a special prize in honor of Debra’s new release to one lucky winner.  Have you read any books in Debra Salonen’s Big Sky Mavericks series already?  Is there one mentioned in this blog that you’re particularly looking forward to?  Share your thoughts in a comment and you’ll be entered for a chance to win!  Contest ends on Tuesday with winner announced Wednesday.



  1. Thanks for hosting me, Jane. I had fun with this post because my Tule Publishing blog is so serious (talking about the effects of Alzheimer’s on families). Plus, I’m really excited about these three heroes. Just heard back from my fabulous Tule editor and she loves MONTANA ROGUE. Happy dancing!

  2. I need more coffee. Can’t spell worth beans today. But the ocean is calling so I will be hit and miss with replies. Sorry. But…it’s the ocean. I can’t say no. It has this pull… 😉

  3. Actually looking forward to both Montana Rogue and Montana Rebel maybe Rogue the most, but every time we have One of Debra’s books coming I can’t wait. I hadn’t read her till I became a Tule Girl and now she’s a favorite it’s like her books are addicting when I have to put one down its like an itch to get back to it.

  4. I have read all of the books and the series and looking forward to more. Speaking of guy friend, some people think this is strange, but one of my best friends is a guy and it’s my ex-husband.

    1. I’m not at all surprised, Janine. Sometimes, the act of living together just doesn’t work but what drew you to a person is still there. I say, “Go for it.” Everybody needs a BFF.

      1. When he decided to move to Hawaii (something we had talked about doing when we were married), he asked me to go with him. He said he would help me get my new life started. I knew I could never make it on my own there, so I didn’t go. But it was a nice thought. We always get together when he comes home to visit.

    2. Janine I am still very good friends with my first boyfriend from HS, and we have now been friends for over 30 yrs.

  5. Yes, one of my BFFs is a guy I worked with a long time ago. I was 18 when we met and he two years older. I think the romantics in the office hoped for a little office romance. Three years later I got married to someone else. I know he took some teasing that *** snatched me up right under his nose. We continued to work together a number of years and people would often joke that I had two husbands; one at work and one at home. He too is now in a steady relationship. Even though we are far apart and only talk a few times a year, we remain good friends.

  6. Love the covers Deb and I can’t wait for Rogue and Rebel. Justin shars my husband’s nickname which has to be a good thing.i have quite a few frends who are men, more of the, thanI have female friends truth be told. Not a hint of romance in the air with any of thrm, we all have partners and famikies elsewhere, but those boys are there for me when I need them.

  7. I haven’t read them yet but looking forward to reading them. So of my best friends have been men so yes to friendship with men.

  8. I haven’t read this series but Montana Rogue looks captivating. I look forward to enjoying these books. Best wishes.

  9. Jane love you! Now Debra love you too busy I haven’t read the Montana books yet. Looking forward to it and hero looks most enticing!
    Btw the video is hysterical!

  10. I haven’t read any of them yet. I like Montana Hero..he sounds intriguing and I like a man with some flaws..

  11. Of course I’ve treated my Kindle with this new goodie. So far I have loved this series, my absolute favorite is Montana Maverick. Now I’m especially looking forward to Flynn’s story. My holiday starts on Thursday, so I hope I will be able to save it till then.

  12. Loving this series, as you well know. So excited to get Tucker’s story next. Can I say my husband is my best friend, he supports my habit of reading and all of my author friends.

  13. I haven’t read this series yet, but oh I will. I love Debra’s books. They are always good. I look forward to all of them, but Montana Rogue caught my interest the most.

  14. I haven’t read any of the series yet, but man, all of these look good and I intend to read them all. You asked about men’s relationships, my cousin met his best friend when they both joined the army right out of high school. My cousin came back home and his friend moved here later, but they have went through the thick and thin together, marriages, one divorce (the friend) kids, kids marriages, grandbabies, and then, the ultimate, we lost my cousin in a motorcycle accident a few years ago, I think the friend goes to my cousins graveside as much as we do. I call him my other brother because my cousin was more like a brother than a cousin. So yes, men can share a special bond just like we women can.

  15. Hi Deb! I love this series. I’m reading Montana Hero now and can’t wait for the next two books. I’m especially looking forward to reading Justin’s story.

  16. one of my best friends is a guy I knew in high school. After graduation we went different directions, but always touched base when we ere home for holidays. Unfortunately we lost touch for many years. We found each other again thru facebook and met up at a high school reunion. It was as if it was yesterday…just back in the groove as friends.

  17. Congrats to Deb on the new release. I haven’t read any of the Big Sky Mavericks books, but will check them out.

  18. I love the covers and the premise of these next books Deb!! I can’t wait until I can read them!! My brother got married at age 30 and started a new job about a year after. The job required that he travel, a lot. My sil didn’t like it and asked for a divorce after 2+ years of marriage. My brother switched jobs again and moved from east coast to west coast. He still traveled. About 12 years ago he moved back to the east coast, the Philly area. He found the one and they married on my brother’s 50th birthday. This sil is wonderful and understands his job and travel needs. He became a father when he was 52 and has since cut back on his travel because he wants to be around to raise his daughter. I finally see a more relaxed brother who is enjoying life again through the antics of a 6-1/2 yr old girl. He still connects with his buddies from high school and if you are part of his inner circle he will have your back for life.

  19. Deb is a new Author for me but not anymore. Great covers nd I enjoyed all the excerpts. I’ve always had more male then female friends. I’ve got a couple friendships that go back 45 years.
    Carol L

  20. I have loved every Mavericks book so far and can’t wait to dive into these. And two of my closest friends are guys!

  21. Hi! No, I haven’t read any of the Big Sky Mavericks books yet, but I AM looking forward to doing so! Thanks for the heads up!
    I DID read HIS DADDY’S EYES this summer and loved it, though! It was believable, I was glad the HEA came a few chapters before the end so that more of their story could be told, I loved how the mystery was solved by the end, and I appreciated how the “loose ends” were tied up effectively too.
    I just posted this on, so I figured I’d go back and post about some other books I’ve enjoyed recently too. I couldn’t find THE LAWS OF LOVE, but please know I felt their love (mostly shown by actions), loved their commitments to family despite unloving circumstances, and I left it wanting more – especially would have liked an epilogue re life in the country with Molly’s grandson, TJ.
    OH! I DID read HER FOREVER GIFT! I could relate to their ups and downs, as well as their imperfections, but definitely enjoyed this sweet romance (so I just posted my review on for this too).

  22. I love the Marietta “boys” and their stories. All three of these also interest me, yet I would bet Flynn is the one I would love the most. Something about a damaged man draws me in.

    Love Deb’s work!! Thanks, Jane, for having her on your blog. xo

  23. #24, Rita Jo R, you are the winner! Send me your mailing info and I’ll get prize to you soon!
    Have a wonderful rest of the week, all. 🙂

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