Celebrating Life & Love

Four years ago today Ty and I married in Las Vegas.  We wanted a celebration, and we wanted it to be fun.  I hadn’t planned on ever marrying again and I’m a deeply spiritual person but being married by Elvis in a tacky little chapel seemed right.




Because it was Ty and me, combined, doing this–love, life, marriage–our way.  We’d done everything backward to that point and so making our wedding uniquely us, felt right.  It felt hopeful and fresh, making our commitment, new and strong.




In just minutes we’re taking off for the Dana Point Harbor to take a boat to Catalina for the night.  It’s a quickie escape as we’ll be back by noon tomorrow, but we wanted a chance to do a little celebration of us, and our committment.

We make a point of celebrating little things and big things as often as we can.  Why?

Marriage is hard.

Love is complicated.

But life wouldn’t be anything without love, and I cant imagine my life without my husband and three sons.


I’ve learned that we celebrate holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries because we don’t just want to celebrate, we need to celebrate.  We crave reasons to get together and talk.  We need to laugh, remember, and share.  We need joy, and we need moments that cement us, and stablize, allowing us to put down deeper roots to hold us fast when the next storm hits.

So celebrate life and love.  We should focus on the good as often as we can!


PS And to celebrate that love, I’ve got a fun giveaway for one of you.  Comment below and winner announced Sunday!  xoxox


  1. love your story! it needs to be written into a book! hope you have a Happy Anniversary & many more to come. all my best & much love to you both!

  2. Happiest of Anniversaries – we have our 20th next month and ironically are in Vegas for the weekend for a celebration of my husband’s companies 20th Anniversary – we’re staying an extra day to have our own celebration – all my best to you and your boys

  3. Congrats Jane and Ty!! What a wonderful love story and I agree with you about needing to celebrate these milestones. My husband and I just celebrated our one year on September 13th and we did our wedding our way instead of what was expected of us. We both had never been married, nor did we expect to ever marry, but it was right. Very right. I am 33 years old and have never been happier, even when it is so hard I don’t know what to do. Have a wonderful trip to celebrate four years of love, happiness, and commitment.

  4. Jane…
    Had a big wedding the first time… it was a bust… had an elopement the second time… 23 years later we are still together…. I wouldn’t trade anything… btw… we had a huge party months later that involved…. Volleyball…. swings….swimming and a beef and pig roast….it was come as you want no spending $$$ on clothes you don’t need….we had a blast…. 150 people and everyone ate and drank and had a great time all for under $2000 !!! I’d rather buy a house then spend 30.000. on a wedding like some friends did…then ended up divorced….. wedding are about love not about money!!! and outdoing the jones!

  5. I love that you went with a fun theme instead of the stuffy nerve wracking traditional wedding! You two make a great looking couple! I love following you and reading your posts. Hey yeah what about a book about you and your Ty Guy???❤️

  6. Happy Anniversary!! Beautiful story Jane. I wish you and your husband all the love possible and as long as possible with your wonderful family.

  7. Jane, some parts of our lives seem similar. You inspire me constantly. You have a feel good and peaceful being that puts me at ease. You are a special person to so many, but I want you to know you inspire me in so many ways and give my dreams hope! Congratulations to you and Ty! Wishing you many more years of love, happiness, excitement and experiences that help you grow together and seal your love each year! ❤️

  8. Jane, what a nice take on celebrations! It is great to feel connected to the ones you love. And I always enjoy all your photos. That cake is pretty spectacular. Here’s to many more!

  9. Love that you got married by Elvis! Our 20th anniversary is next month. So true that marriage is hard and love is complicated and we need to celebrate. We don’t always celebrate anniversary (besides acknowledging it) but this year I told him we have got to set the day/evening aside. We can’t do a trip (first kid just went to college and we’re in sticker shock) but dinner out is doable. Congrats to you and Ty.

  10. Happy anniversary Jane and Ty! I love the story of your romance and wedding. Thanks for making me smile today. Cheers!

  11. There is no greater gift in life than true love Janie Porter! I am so happy you found the one true great love of your life… I never wanted to date again much less marry again and I went on a blind date with a high school history teacher and at the end of our date we ended up making out in the front seat of my truck for over 3 hours in the most passionate innocent make out session I ever had. Every date with him makes me feel like a teenager in love. He changed ever expectation I had about love and marriage and we are talking about together forever now… Love you Janie

  12. Happy anniversary 🙂
    Wishing you many happy years together.

    In my family we also love to celebrate happy moments together.

  13. Happy Anniversary! Enjoy your overnight getaway. My husband and I have been married for 31 years and we still love to get away together a few times a year if we can.

  14. You are so right Jane to celebrate all the little things and the big things in your marriage. Praying you and Ty celebrate for many more years!

  15. What a story! Happy anniversary and you’re right, we should find reasons to celebrate, love, life and family! Thanks for the chance!

  16. “Marriage is hard; love is complicated.” But I would not want to live in a world without love either! Beautifully said. I love your wedding dress and the Elvis wedding is/was perfect! Who needs to do things in the right order anyway?

  17. What a wonderful tribute to your marriage! I can’t believe it’s already been 4 years. It’s great to hear that you & Ty are taking some time to celebrate each other and I hope you enjoy every second of it to the max! I know that I’ve missed out big time my entire life by not having my own partner or family but maybe some day the Universe will see fit to send me one of my own. In the meantime, my dog is it! Lots of love to you & yours, Jane. xox

  18. Happy Anniversary. Love your story.
    My daughter got married on August 1st. Her officiant was her best friend from England. Got her ministry license on line. The reception was held in her friends brewery. We were catered by a food truck. It was the best wedding I have been to. Not because it was my daughter, well that was one part of it. It was very relaxing, guests were dressed casually. Jeans, sandals, everyone talking to everyone.

  19. Happy Anniversary Jane to you & your husband.
    Thanks for sharing this day with all of us.
    Carol L
    Luckyy4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  20. It is so cool that you did your wedding your way. I am sure God was there because he likes to have fun, too (just look at some of the weird animals & bugs he made). I bucked tradition (kind of) 36 yrs ago by not having a sit down dinner & open bar. I only wanted people to come for us & not for dinner & drinks.

  21. What a wonderful story of celebration!! We celebrated 35 years together, 33 married, this past June. Congratulations and wishing you many, many more years together!!

  22. Thank you for sharing so much if your life with us! Our family definitely believes in NEEDING to celebrate –little and big events and everything in between. Jeff and I’ve been married 8 years this December-my first wedding and his second. I always thought it would be fun on like our 10th or 15th anniversary to renew our vows in Vegas at a cheesy Elvis wedding chapel!! Happy Anniversary and to many many more!!!

  23. Congrats Jane and Ty! So happy for your on-going happiness! Kudos for living your life YOUR way, staying true to what feels right to YOU, not the way everyone else thinks it should be done. I love love, and love your stories, and YOUR story! Thanks for living your truth, finding your way together, and inspring many including me!
    Many blessings and much aloha. ♡

  24. Congratulations, you crazy kids!

    If it was Graceland Wedding Chapel on the strip, I’ve been there. Hubby and I were already married, but we wanted to stop by and take a look anyway!

    Hope your weather in Catalina was marvelous.

  25. Happy anniversary!

    My cousin was married by an Elvis impersonator, too, and the whole ceremony was surprisingly touching. I definitely teared up.

  26. What a great way to make a commitment! You looked beautiful and so happy. May your marriage last an eternity. My husband and I made it to our 45th anniversary this year. Time fles so fast…make the most of it. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you and Ty.

  27. I read an article about how the generation that we live in today seems to celebrate every little thing and that we over do it.

    This article really bugged me for some reason so i kept thinking about it, and it kept coming back to bug me.
    Until i realized that i didnt agree because life is SHORT and it is hard.

    It’s full of ups and downs all the time. We are only given a limited amount of time with the people that we love. So why not celebrate the special moments with them while we can. Enjoy the small things because to others they may seem small but they are all part of a bigger picture to shape the people we are, the bonds we forge and the children we raise. You never know what will happen in this crazy life we live.

    Happy Anniversary!! I wish you both continue to grow together and love one another on your amazing journey.

  28. Happy Anniversary Jane & Ty. As long as you keep the fun in the relationship and don’t take anything too serious it’ll be a happy time. Thanks for the giveaway.

  29. What a beautiful Wedding …Happy Anniversary ! Wish you both, Joy and happiness around every corner that you turn .

  30. An amazing wedding and a beautiful family. I have thought about this kind of wedding for my husband and I. The Vegas chapel…we got married in a courthouse an I think retaking our vows in Vegas would be cool. Happy anniversary!

  31. This post is so beautiful! I love that you got married in Vegas. Everyone looks like they had the most fun! How very special! Thank you for this wonderful post & Happy Anniversary!

  32. Happy Anniversary Jane and Ty.
    I am so glad that you got got your HEA. I only wish you more happiness and lots and lots of celebrations to come. How I envy the Vegas wedding you and Ty had. I hope you enjoyed your special day.
    Here’s to you and Ty 🙂

  33. Happy Anniversary to you Jane.. and your hubby too of course.. I am helping my youngest cousin celebrate her 25th Wedding Anniversary tomorrow and my oldest cousin was married 40 years last Sunday.. September is a good time to get married.. Lots more happy years together.

  34. Happy Anniversary and many more. Life is a celebration. I have been married 39 years in July and I agree you need to celebrate big and little events to stay connected.

  35. I can’t believe it’s been four years since you announced your Las Vegas wedding with only a few weeks’ notice…loved the theme, the red shoes and the general sense of fun and celebration. Congratulations!

  36. Happiest of Anniversaries to you both! You are very blessed to find someone you love so much the second time around.

  37. What a fun wedding idea! I married my husband on New Year’s Eve 26 years ago this year…talk about a fun way to celebrate our love with all our friends and family! Of course it is an awesome anniversary to have every year as well! We are attending our cousins wedding tonight as a matter of fact, and looking forward to being with family we don’t often get to see! Celebrate the moments indeed! XO

  38. Happy Anniversary! And what a great reminder we should all have- celebrate as often as we can because marriage and life can be tough! Celebrate the love. Live well, laugh often, LOVE much! <3 God bless you all! From another mom of 3 boys!

  39. Lovely story! Have a wonderful tume in Catalina! I’ve been married for nearly 35 years and we still sneak off for thise special times together. You’re right! It does smoothe out the bumps.

  40. I loved the book because I love your story. I think love is huge and complicated but is worth all the effort – and I agree that you have to do it your own way. Congratulations on the yearly celebration! I would tell you to enjoy every moment, but it is completely evident that you – and Ty – already are. Wishing you all the best!

  41. Congrats to you and Ty! The right person in your life can make miracles happen. You’re so right, marriage is hard work but worth it. My husband and I are celebrating our 30th anniversary. Here’s to you and Ty having many more years together.

  42. You write about Ty with your heart on your sleeve which in turn gives hope to those still waiting and hoping. I always smile at your posts, your delight in your husband is so genuine. Vintage stilettos to you both. (That was supposed to read congratulations, thank you auto correct!)

  43. Thank you so very much for telling us your story! You are so correct in urging everyone to celebrate all the moments in life. It can change in an instant…grab your joy at every opportunity! Marriage is a job of work which rewards in so many unexpected ways…always when you seem to need it most! Felicitations and wishing you many more joyous years!

  44. You are so right, my kids still talk about celebrating things like the first day of school, snow days, anything.
    Memories make families!

  45. Big congratulations! When I married 46 yrs. ago I just went along with everything and I’m sure I’d change things but luckily I’m still with the same guy lol. My daughter had a second marriage. First was the traditional with a big influence from her mil. This time she had a destination wedding in FL with just 18 people and last week they had a huge reception in the park for 200 friends and family!

  46. Happy Anniversary I just love the way you tell a story. You are a great story teller. Enjoy your getaway and thanks for sharing your story.

  47. Thank you everyone, for the good wishes for our anniversary. I truly do have the best readers and friends ever! Love you all!!

    The winner for this anniversary prize is #88 Katy Myers. Katy, shoot me your mailing details and I’ll get the prize on its way to you asap. 🙂

    Have a great week, all.
    Jane xoxo

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