Holiday Reads and Halloween Treats

Recently I heard from a few of my readers who had trouble getting my newsletter so I thought I’d share my newsletter content here on my blog so no one misses out!

It’s almost that time of the year again when cute little ghouls and ghosts come out to play and though it’s still be a couple of weeks away, son Mac and I are already busy decorating and getting into the spirit of Halloween!


Later today Mac and I will be in the kitchen stirring up some easy ‘no-trick’ Halloween treats, but before I get back to my little ghoul, I wanted to remind you of another Holiday treat that’s still available to you at a great price.

Tule Publishing’s new Christmas Boxed Set, A Montana Born Christmas, featuring a set of eight heartwarming stories from some of today’s best New York Times, USA Today and international bestselling authors is now available to download for just $0.99! It includes my first Sheenan Christmas story, Christmas at Copper Mountain, along with seven other reader favorites from Tule authors. But you must take advantage of this special deal by the 27th of October as the price will climb just after that date to $2.99 so grab it now! It would make a great ‘treat’ for friends and family too so feel free to gift it someone!



A Montana Born Christmas is available at major e-retailers so be sure to treat your own kindle and buy it today! This special price will be gone in just one week!

Before I sign off I also want to share this fun Halloween recipe Mac and I will be trying out today. I hope you enjoy!

MacsMummyPopsMac’s No Trick Mummy Pops


  • 8 straws or lollipop sticks
  • 11 oz. chocolate, melted
  • 8 Nutter Butters, opened
  • 1 cup buttercream frosting
  • Mini M&Ms, for decorating


  1. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Lightly dip straws or lollipop sticks into chocolate before topping on open Nutter Butter. Press cookie back together, then dip into melted chocolate until completely coated. (Allow excess chocolate to drip back into pan.)
  2. Place dipped cookie onto prepared baking sheet to set, about 25 minutes (to speed up the process, transfer pops to the refrigerator for 10 minutes).
  3. Fill a pastry bag fitted with a straight flat tip with buttercream and pipe from side to side. Lightly cover backside of eyes with frosting and press onto cookie pop. Set aside at least 1 hour to fully set.
  4. Enjoy!

And as always, no blog would be complete without a treat, so in honor of Halloween, I have a sweet treat for one lucky winner!  For a chance to win, leave a comment below and tell me what you love best about Halloween, or what Halloween treats are always a hit in your house.  Contest ends on Monday with winner announced Tuesday.  Happy Halloween!




  1. I have to say I enjoy all of the books that come out for Halloween. Some are too scary for me, but others are great fun.

    If it is chocolate & has nuts it’s a favorite.

  2. Love all the treats that are in halloween packaging this time of year. Reeses are a favorite in our house.

  3. I love dressing my girls up. I think my favorite part is just seeing all the awesome costumes out n about. We love all the chocolate, but my favorite is popcorn balls. Lol

  4. Have fun baking and decorating with, Mac. Inlnowvhiwbmuvh inenjoybfecorating and baking with mine, I let them pick out a recipe and we make it. It’s a great bonding time. We have a Halloween tradition where we get pumpkin pie and eat it on Halloween . Yum !

  5. Have fun making the mummy pops with your adorable little Mac. This is the time of year that I wish I had kids. I end up dressing up a couple of my cats in Halloween costumes each year and taking their pictures.

  6. Now that my kids are a bit older, I like answering the door and seeing what all the little kids are wearing! Reese’s are a big hit around here too, as are Baby Ruth!

  7. I love to look at all the costumes that the little ones are in and the older ones. Handing out chocolate to!

  8. Reese’s are a favorite here. Also, caramel apple pops are a huge hit with my daughter!
    Those mummy treats sound delicious and are so cute. Thanks for sharing that idea.

  9. We’re big fans of ” You’ve Been Boo’ed”, we’ve been watching our neighborhood get swept up with signs going up each day.
    My big treat winner so far this year is candy bark. (Melt candy melts in the microwave, smooth across parchment in a 10 x 12″ rectangle and quickly sprinkle on treats of choice (I like mini pretzels, marshmallows, chopped nuts, cornflake crunch I’ve already prepared, and lots of Halloween sprinkles). Let set in fridge for 60 minutes and carefully break into jagged chunks. A surefire winner!

  10. The favorite treats in my house are mini candy bars like butterfingers, almond joys, kit kat, mounds,reeses peanut butter cup. Have a great Halloween!

  11. I LOVE Halloween for many reasons! The decorations, scary movies, the costumes, and that my son’s birthday is the 29th so we celebrate big!!! Reece cup pumpkins is my household favorite treat!! 🙂

  12. We don’t do Halloween at my house because we are so far out in the country, but, we do Trunks of Treats at church. We serve over 800 hot dogs and have 800+ giveaways every year, this year we are striving for 1000.
    I love the smell of the hot dogs fresh off the grill, it is such a reminder, to me, of fall!

  13. Seeing all the costumes is a real treat and appreciating all the thought and preparations that go into them. I also enjoy all the chocolate treats that are ‘all over the place’. My favs are still Snickers and Baby Ruth.

  14. As long as the candy had sugar in it, it won’t last long at my house. I love seeing the cute but scary costumes.

  15. Happy Halloween to you and your family! love Ty’s costume! Its a fun time but it was our homecoming in the 11th grade and that night was with a group of friends their was a bad accident and lost a good friend, even though its a bittersweet time for me I let my kids dress-up and get candy and so they can have some nice memories! They are older now so I just get a few kids at our door! Have a wonderful Halloween!

  16. What a cool recipe. I’ll need to try that out.
    I love baking, so any Holliday that involves baking is my kind of Holliday.
    I did not grow up with Halloween, so my favorite is the decorations. We love that. We walk around the neighborhood and just look.

  17. I love Halloween. It is my favorite holiday. I love it most cause you get to be scared for fun. You get to dress up in whatever you want and it is okay, even if it is weird. The weirder the better. The scarier the better. I love taking the kids out and getting candy. I love the colors of Halloween and checking out other people’s decorations. I love carving pumpkins and eating Halloween candy. I also love eating pumpkin bars and popcorn balls.
    Thanks for the chance to win. this would be an awesome prize.

  18. Treats we always have at Halloween are Pumpkin Spice cookies, Magic cookie bars and lots of chocolate candy. I love candy corn so there is a lot of that.
    My favorite thing about Halloween is that it is a fun holiday-I love seeing the kids in costumes and having a good time.

  19. like seeing the costumes the kids have on and we love all candy and still love the Halloween Kisses from years back.

  20. When I was a kid, I loved dressing up and going trick or treating. I loved it even more when I took my girls out. Now that they’re older, I just enjoy staying home and watching Halloween specials of ghost hunter shows.

  21. We love the halloween cartoon specials that have been on for years especially Charlie Brown my husband and i sit and watch a few. We don’t get any trick or treaters but i do buy candy for the ups and anyone else who comes with a package in Oct,Nov and Dec. I take out a few Reeses and kit kats and a bottle of water for them.

  22. I love all things chocolate so I try to buy something else for the trick-or-treaters! My favorite is to see the variety and ingenuity of the costumes and love to see the little ones. They are so happy with the holiday, dressing up, and of course the candy! I love to see their eyes light up when I grab a handful of a candy mixture to put in their bags. Just so much innocence and joy in their faces.

  23. Have fun making those treats! I love getting to see all the little ones dressed up. We used to get hundreds of kids, but the last few years we have only had about 50. A couple of neighbors go all out with their decorations, which is fun to see as well. Love Reeces!

  24. I really enjoy setting on my front porch and handing out treats to the little ones. I love the Mary Jane peanut butter kisses that you can only get at halloween. Most people don’t like them but they are my favorite.

  25. Adorable picture. Love Halloween and seeing all my grandkids big & small in their costumes. Decorating is aanother thing we go crazy for. Happy Hallowen to everyone. I do miss when my 7 were till home ransacking their goodie bags. 🙂
    Carol L

  26. I love everything about Hallowen. The kids trick-or-treating, the costumes…and this year we are sponsoring our granddaughter’s first Halloween party. We used to throw them every year but now we’re in an apartment. So my youngest daughter and I have been going all out decorating her sister’s house and prepping for a bunch of kids. Just like the old days. Happiness. 🙂

  27. Hi. What I love about Halloween is all the decorations and peoples willingness to think out side the box in their creative costumes.


  28. Happy Halloween! A friend of ours has a wonderful Halloween party every year. It is this Saturday, and we look forward to going to it. On Halloween night we stay home and pass out chocolates to the neighborhood kids.

  29. Happy Halloween!
    For me Halloween is the least stressful of all the holidays. It is fun, you get the best candy corn and the mellowceme pumpkins. I love watching Fright Night with Colin Farrell and Hocus Pocus with Bette Midler. Since the kids are grown I just might be costuming up the dogs this year.

  30. Favorite part of Halloween is seeing the kids costumes who come to the door for trick-or-treat. I love decorating; i use purple for my main color. Favorite treat is candy corn and fun size chocolate bars! Happy Halloween!

  31. Halloween is very fun! I miss the kids getting dressed up and going around to all the massively decorated neighborhoods. For me my favorite treats are ginger spice or cinnamon spice candles, I try to save those for the fall. Dark chocolate is for all year ’round. 🙂

  32. Ambers birthday and the party we throw yearly and thats followed by the motorcycle clubs costume party…. I love seeing people in costumes….kids , adults and animals

  33. Cute recipe…think I will try it for my grandkids. I love to cookat Halloween time…there are so many ways to decorate foods for this holiday. Have a Happy Halloween

  34. Love taking pictures of the great grandkids in their costumes. and seeing how excited they are sure they have the very best costume.

  35. I love all the wonderful new horror/scary books that are always released this time of year. I also love getting my children ready to go trick-or-treating (and dressing up myself, if there is time). Halloween is so much fun! Thanks for offering such a wonderful giveaway.

  36. We do give out candy to trick or treaters, but at our house we also give out books! I search all year long for Halloween books and Newbury award books for the older kids. We have so much fun watching them pick out their special book treat.

  37. I love that my husband, who can be stoic most of the time, acts like HE is the kid. Our house is always the scariest on the block and he spends a crazy amount of time planning how he wants to decorate.

  38. I enjoy the costumes, there are some awfully creative ones out there!

    My favorite treat(s)? Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups!!!

  39. We don’t celebrate Halloween in the Netherlands, but it looks like great fun. I hope you all have a great time!

  40. My favorite thing about Halloween is seeing how happy my little ones get when they see themselves in their costume and when they get a treat from someone’s house.

  41. One of my favorite parts of Halloween was always after my kids went to bed…Hubby & I would raid their candy bags! I only have one left who will be going out this year 🙁 so it looks like it will be our last candy raid ever!

  42. I was always sick on Halloween but one time. My eldest brother and sister deserted me because I was too slow and I got lost…it was -20 and blowing snow but I did get back home and got their candy! Ha! I love seeing the littles so proud of their Halloween finery!

  43. Love this post! Mac’s baby is hilariously endearing! Halloween is one of my favorite holidays! My kids and Iove to decorate and get in the spirit. They get so invested and creative. It is so much fun! And then off to trick-or-treat. It’s like a huge block party—all of the neighbors visiting each other sharing laughs and full sized candy bars. We’re on a cul-de-sac streets and I suspect we work that much harder to please. I know I do :). And what halloween wouldn’t be complete without reese’s peanut butter cups? That is our must-have can-not-do-without Halloween treat. Thanks for this wonderful giveaway! Happy Halloween!

  44. I love watching my kiddos come up with designs for their pumpkins and then their excitement as the designs come to life on the pumpkins!

  45. This year I discovered some deliciously creepy round chocolate truffles wrapped in foil that makes them look like eyeballs. My 3rd/4th graders were delighted! Alison

  46. Halloween is always a big deal as it falls the day before my special needs granddaughters birthday we roll the two in to one big party! Always have Hershey bars and Reese’s on hand!

  47. Favorite candy in my house is candy corn which I don’t like so I can have them in candy dishes all over the house and never touch it. Almond joys on the other hand… Wouldn’t share‼️‼️

  48. Now that my kids are adults, I love handing out candy to the little ones in our neighborhood and seeing their costumes. My favorite treats- anything that combines chocolate and peanuts or peanut butter!

  49. Congratulations to #54 Michelle Willms! You are the winner of this sweet Halloween treat! Send me an email soon with your mailing info so I can get package to you. 🙂
    Thanks to everyone for the great comments and I hope you all have a Happy Halloween!
    Jane xoxoxo

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