Celebrating Christmas with CJ Carmichael

I met CJ Carmichael in Victoria B.C. over 17 years ago and its been an incredible friendship.  Not only do we try to meet once a year for a writing retreat with Barbara Dunlop, our fellow Singletree pal, but we also now do a Montana adventure every Spring/Summer to CJ’s charming cottage at Flathead Lake.

This past June it was just CJ and me for a week and we did a little bit of everything:  wrote, shopped, brainstormed cover ideas for this year’s Montana Born books, attended a rodeo in Poulson, and spent a day in what must be God’s country–Glacier National Park.

I’m sharing a few pics from our visit to Glacier National Park below.  When we left her cottage for the peak we had no idea that we’d soon be hiking in shorts in snow!






I think you can tell how much I love CJ.  She’s my buddy, my mentor, my touchstone, and a huge part of my heart, which is why  it gives me great pleasure to help celebrate her brand new Montana Born Christmas release, A Bramble House Christmas!

If you haven’t read her yet, do.  CJ’s stories are warm and smart, packed with emotion and characters you will love.  She writes the small town setting so very well and here’s her gorgeous Christmas story for 2015, and yes, this beautiful cover happened while we were in Montana last June!  (Thank you, Lee Hyat, for your awesome design.)


Finn Knightly a.k.a. Finn Conrad wants to know why his recently deceased father left his nurse fifty thousand dollars after knowing her a mere six weeks. So he travels to Bramble House B&B in Marietta, Montana to find answers.

But Willa Knightly is not the conniving woman he expects to find. Before he knows it, Willa-and her six-year-old son Scout-are stealing his heart. And that’s before he finds out Scout’s secret and the real reason this Christmas is so important.

CJ Carmichael‘s A Bramble House Christmas is available for Download RIGHT NOW at the following online e-retailers:
Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Kobo | GooglePlay | Smashwords | Amazon UK

Start reading now!  Here’s a link to the excerpt too.  I have no doubt you’ll love this latest story in the Carrigans of the Circle C series.  (I personally love how CJ’s Carrigans intersect with my Sheenans.  It’s part of the magic of Marietta, Montana!)

As always, no new release celebration is complete without a special reader giveaway and I’ve put together a I Heart CJ Carmichael prize (the prize includes CJ’s anthology Let it Snow, my Taming of the Sheenan anthology, and a Calgary, Canada Starbucks mug). For a chance to win this tote packed with books and treats, leave a comment below, sharing with me what you like most about CJ’s Carrigans series (if you’ve read any of the books so far), or if you’ve read any of her other books. Contest ends on the 31st with winner announced on November 1st.



  1. haven’t read any of her books YET but does sound interesting.
    Would love the goodies(who wouldn’t)and the Starbucks mug from Calgary(where my sister and family live).
    you are once again kind and generous. thanks.

  2. I love the Carrigans series. There is so much emotion in all of the stories. I love how the sisters get along with each other. I also really loved reading about Sage’s Chocolate shop. I am so excited to read this newest story!

    1. I haven’t had the pleasure of reading any of her books yet. I have some on my kindle app., will start reading them soon
      Thank you for this wonderful giveaway

  3. A while back I read the “family matters” series and that is to date my favorite one.

    I love her books and you too as somewhat of the same style and love so far everything you write

    And Jane, what a cool looking “gift bag”. I think you have outdone yourself with this one. Looks absolutely awesome.

    Keep writing and I’ll keep reading your books

  4. I am so excited for this book! I have loved all of the ones in this series and the other books that connect with it. I wish Marietta was real, I would live there! CJ’s books always bring me on an emotional journey and I love every minute of it.

  5. I just found your Facebook page and was drawn in to find out more. I don’t get much time to read, but I’d make time for these books. I’m especially interested in the 8 short stories book. Please put my name in the hat to win the prize.

  6. I love C.J’s book. I like the sisters in the series. I have 3 sisters and I love reading about the way sisters interact with each other.

  7. I think that in A Cowgirl’s Christmas the secrets that came out and I was in tears in the very first chapter and my eyes were glistening with tears at the end of the book because the way CJ writes the characters they are so real and you feel like you know them, your heart is all involved.

  8. I love CJ’s books. I mostly like all of the family interaction in each one. Though they might disagree on something sometimes, they still stay close and support each other when needed.

  9. I love the strong family conection, the emotions and the real life problems the characters. I can’t wait to read A Bramble House Christmas.

  10. I’m reading the book now. As always love the characters, how the characters connect. The small town. Even the hot chocolate from Sage’s shop.

  11. I’ve read all the books in the Carrigan series. I love the interactions of the sisters. I’m torn between Sage and her chocolate shop and my heart broke over Callan & what her father did to her. I’m also eagerly waiting the release on Bev Carrigan & Bill Sheenan.

  12. A few of my thoughts on CJ’s books:
    Colorado Cowboy – re-read it because of its exciting ending.
    Next of Kin – past-paced page turner where I enjoyed the mystery details (as some were surprises to me).
    Rodeo Cowboy – didn’t think the hero could be redeemed but it was written so well that he was.
    Remember Me, Cowboy – couldn’t read it fast enough and enjoyed every step of the romance.
    A Daughter’s Place – teared up, felt the love, and felt the story was everything I wanted it to be and more.
    Million-Dollar Dad – felt their love and wished story could have continued.
    Promise Me, Cowboy – their love resonated with me.
    I look forward to reading more of CJ’s works, as well as yours, Jane. Thanks for sharing the love!

  13. I have read CJ’s books and enjoy them. It is great that the two of you are such good friends and what a beautiful part of the country for you to be in to brainstorm book ideas. Wow!

  14. I love CJ’s books , they are real stories and take you away page by page .
    Looking forward to reading her new one tonight

  15. I love CJ Carmichael’s stories! I can’t wait to read this one. Thank you for sharing your pictures. I really can’t wait to visit Montana!

  16. I need to read the series which sounds so good. Glad you had fun at Glacier. I have been there once. It is beautiful!

  17. Hi Jane! I love your posts because I love to travel and when I can’t your books and others you recommend take me to a new or familiar place! Thank you for that! I look forward to reading your friends books as this is the usual way I get turned on to reading someone’s work. I trust in an authors recommendation! So thank you again!

  18. I am so excited for this story and can’t wait to read it! I also love how the Carrigan and Sheenan families intersect. They are the reason why I would love to move there. If only…am I right?

  19. I went to Amazon and scrolled through her books to see if I might have read something of hers; but, alas, I haven’t. Sorry. It would be great to start with her Christmas book.

  20. I have read several of Cj’s books. I really enjoyed them. You get easily sucked into the stories you read. I am a fan. ☆

  21. CJ is one of my favorite authors. Her books are well written and the characters are just believable and about people I would love to meet. The books are so heart warming with just the right amount of sizzle that I hate to see the last page of the book.
    Looking forward to reading A BRAMBLE HOUSE CHRISTMAS this season.

  22. I love CJ’s books. She just has a way with words that paint pictures in my head when I read her stories. I can’t wait to read this latest one either!! Plus I love the cover!!

  23. I love CJ’s books and have read all her previous Carrigans series! The cover is gorgeous and I’m excited to read this new Christmas story!

  24. I love there cover. Just beautiful. I read Promise Me Cowwboy. It was so good I read it in one sitting & then said okay, have to read more of her books. She has the gift to pull you right into the characters world. It just feels so personal. I love the characters and their journey to HEA.
    Thanks for the giveaway.
    Carol L

  25. I like C J’s books because they are believable with interesting characters and situations they find themselves in. How they cope makes for a good read.

  26. CJ’s books are beautiful, emotional and memorable. I enjoy the characters and the writing. Thanks for this lovely feature and giveaway.

  27. Love the 3 sisters books. Congratulations CJ on your newest release. Love the pictures. I would really love to visit Montana.

  28. Haven’t read any of her books yet. Being a cover girl, I love love love this cover and think it is by far the most stunning I have ever seen. Love the prize pack and am in awe of your friendship…that is just wonderful!

  29. I’ve not had the chance to read any of her books, but am looking forward to it.
    Thanks for the chance!

  30. Love CJ’s books. I started with Promise Me Cowboy & have been hooked ever since. You ladies are the best!

  31. Just bought the Montana Born Christmas Box set last week … excited to enjoy CJ again. I’ve been reading her Harlequin novels for years and years. I think one of my all time favorites would have to be a Superromance from way back when called For a Baby. 🙂

  32. Good morning, everyone! I have returned to announce the winner for the I Heart CJ giveaway. The winner was drawn by Mac (in between bites of a massive heavily frosted sugar cookie) and the winner is #42 Gigi Hicks. Congrats, Gigi! Can you please send me your address and I’ll get your awesome gift box out in the next mail!

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