New Book and a Festive Giveaway!

I am so happy the holidays are here and that I have a new book,  A Christmas Miracle for Daisy releasing today!


I love Thanksgiving—the turkey and feast, the gathering of family, the big football game followed by an evening movie.  But I also love it because it kicks off my favorite four weeks of the year.   I’ve always loved the way sturdy brown, beige and orange gives way to the sparkle and shimmer of Christmas.

Most of you know I have a weakness for Christmas.  I start Christmas shopping after Labor Day and love thinking about what would make the perfect gift for each member of my family.   My kids and husband say I am terrible at receiving gifts—it’s true, I don’t know why—but I do love to give them.


Last June I flew to Seattle next to a stout older man with white hair and a beard and I thought that if Mac was with me, he wouldn’t be able to take his eyes off the man, convinced we were sitting next to Santa Claus.  The old man looked like the real thing, and by the time the plane arrived in Seattle, I had a brand new story…but it wasn’t the one I’d planned on writing for Cormac Sheenan!

I was so conflicted. I didn’t want to listen to the idea, but once the premise took hold, it wouldn’t let me go. I thought about it all summer and then when I sat down to write, Kris Krinkles kept popping up, and taking over. It’s definitely a miracle story, though, as well as a riff on the very popular film, Miracle on 34th Street.

I wrestled writing A Christmas Miracle for Daisy. It was a fierce battle, but I was committed, and determined that Daisy, Cormac, and Whitney have the happy ending they deserved. A Christmas Miracle for Daisy releases today and I hope you’ll love Kris Krinkles, my kindly old Santa, as much as I do. He’s truly a delight and made me giggle as he put tough, non-believing Cormac Sheenan in his place, while regaling four-year-old Daisy with his most inventive stories.


A Christmas Miracle for Daisy has been released at $2.99 to give all my loyal readers a chance to scoop it up before it switches to $3.99 on November 30th.  If you’re following my complicated, tough Sheenan brothers, you won’t want to miss Cormac’s story!

Look for A Christmas Miracle for Daisy at these online retailers:

I’m celebrating the new book with a great giveaway and I’d love your help in spreading the word about my new release.  For a chance to win, share my $2.99 Santa graphic on your social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, Google etc. – anywhere you like) and then come back and leave a comment below, letting me know where you’ve shared it.  I’ll pick a winner on November 30th and you could win this fun holiday prize!  (To share the graphic, right click on the Santa-with-finger-on-lips image and save it to your computer.  Then share on your choice of social media.)


Have a wonderful week and much love to you. As ever, I am so very thankful to have you in my world.  I wouldn’t be here, writing, without you!


  1. Since I am not on the social media circuit, I shared it with my huge email contact list. I will cross my fingers.

    Merry Christmas to you!

  2. Happy release day. I shared your image on FB and Twitter. It’s good to know someone else who starts their shopping early. My husband always makes fun of me when I start early. I had all of my shopping done before Halloween (except two gifts which are gift cards).

  3. Too bad Mac wasn’t with you on that flight what a priceless moment. I am right there with you, loving the seasons. wishing you and your family the best. I shared it on Instagram hope you get lots of hits. Hugs!

  4. Congrats on your release day of A Christmas Miracle for Daisy. I just love the movie Miracle on 34th Street. Shared on Facebook

  5. I’m not on social media and can’t share on pinterest because I’m using a Nook with no mouse to right click. 🙂 Not technical at all. lol But I still want to congratulate you on the release. Sounds like a wonderful story.
    Carol L

  6. I shared on Facebook! I started liking Christmas again,my mom made Christmas special ayearnd after spending time with my cousin for she came to my son’s wedding that took place just this pasted Oct.17th we got to talking about the holidays and how special both our mom’s made it she lost her mom this pass summer, anyways can’t wait to read this book love reading Christmas stories! Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and a wonderful New Year! I shared on FB.

  7. One of my all time favorite movies is “Miracle on 34th Street” with Natalie Wood.. and this book looks like a winner. Love the cover.

  8. I absolutely loved this story and I will reread it every year! I shared on fb, twitter,Pinterest and instagram.

    I think it is perfect.There is a man in Oceanside who looks like Santa and drives a red truck with Santa plates. It is pretty cool to see him out and about.

  9. Hi I am not on anything but facebook so will be more than happy to share there. I love this story and it is so good. Love it that you live in ca and i have all my family there wish i still lived there 48 years so good compared to ia. But thank you for the giveaway and would love to read the book in print.

  10. Hi Jane!
    An early Merry Christmas to you and you family. I can say I am just like you when it comes to receiving gifts. I love giving then but I am not good at receiving them. I find myself a little guilty about that; as a mother I tend to put everyone else’s needs above mine. I am really looking forward to reading your new book. Count me in on your giveaway. Sorry I’m not a Facebook junkie or any other social media site so I have not shared. Thanks,Lisa

  11. Congratulations on your new release.
    I shared the picture on Facebook
    Thank you for this giveaway
    Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas

  12. Hi Jane – I shared on Twitter and Facebook. I’m looking forward to reading this one, I love these Sheenans! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your guys!

  13. Thank you all, so much, for helping me spread the word and sharing my graphic on your social media! You’re all awesome and the best readers ever!

    #36 Robbie Bauldree, congratulations! Your name was pulled as the winner! Please email me with your mailing info and I’ll get this fun holiday prize to you.

    Thank you again, everyone, for all your support!
    Much love,
    Jane xoxoxoxo

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