More of those Scandalous Copelands!

In between celebrating my fifth wedding anniversary, and helping my middle son with his college applications, I’ve been trying to finisn the revisions on my next Harlequin Presents, which is Logan and Rowan’s story, the third and possibly final story, in my Disgraced Copelands series.

Logan and Rowan’s story hasn’t been scheduled yet, nor is there a cover, but I thought I’d let you see the world I use when creating.  Like so many authors today, I rely on Pinterest to help me world build, (check out my board) and then I also still use good old-fashioned bulletin boards, printing out pictures, layering in text and sometimes maps, or even color swatches to help inspire me when I’m writing.   This story features an American socialite and a Greek-Irish hero and I loved the setting…can you guess where much of the story is set by the pictures I’ve pinned?

And here’s a quick sneak peek excerpt from Rowan and Logan’s story:

“Check your phone,” a deep, rough, impatient male voice echoed, this one most definitely not Joe’s.

            Logan turned swiftly, eyes widening as her gaze locked with Rowan Argyros’.  His green gaze was icy and contemptuous and so very dismissive.

            She lifted her chin, her press of lips hiding her anger and rush of panic.  If Rowan Argyros—her biggest regret, and worst mistake—was here, it could only mean one thing, because he wouldn’t be here by choice.  He’d made it brutally clear three years ago what he thought of her.

            But she didn’t want to think about that night, or the day after, or the weeks and months after….

            Better to keep from thinking at all, because Rowan would use it against her.  More ammunition.  And the last thing a former military commander needs is more ammunition.

            He didn’t look military standing before her.  Nor had he looked remotely authoritative the night she met him at the Bachelor Auction fundraiser to benefit children in war torn countries in need of prosthetics.  He’d been a bachelor.  She’d helped organize the event.  Women were bidding like mad.  He would go for a fortune.  She didn’t have a fortune, but when he looked at her where she stood off to the side, watching, she felt everything in her shift and heat.  Her face burned.  She burned and his light, green gaze remained on her, as the bidding went up, and up, and up.

            She bought him.  Correction: she bought one night with him.

            And it only costs thousands and thousands of dollars. 

            The remorse had hit her the moment the auctioneer had shouted victoriously, “Sold to Logan Lane!”

            The intense remorse made her nauseous.  She couldn’t believe what she’d done. She’d filled an entire credit card, maxing it out in a flash for one night with a stranger.

She didn’t even know then what Dunamas Maritime was.  Insurance for yachts?  Ship builder?  Cargo exporter?

            He knew that, too, from his faint mocking smile.  He knew why she’d bought him.

            She’d bought him for his intense male energy.  She’d bought his confidence and the fact that of all the attractive men being auctioned, he was by far the most primal.  The most sexual.

            She’d bought him because he was tall and broad shouldered and had a face that rivaled the most beautiful male models in the world.

            She’d bought him because she couldn’t resist him.  But she hadn’t been the only one.  The bidding had been fierce and competitive and no wonder.  He was gorgeous with his deep tan, and long, dark hair—sun streaked hair—and his light arresting eyes framed by black lashes.  There was something so very compelling about him that you couldn’t look away.  And so she didn’t.  She watched him, and wanted him. Like every other woman at the charity event.

            They’d all looked, and wanted.  And many had bid, but she was the one who’d bid the longest, and bid the highest, and when the heart-pounding bidding frenzy was over, she came out the victor.

            The winner.

            And so from across the room that night he looked at her, his mysterious light hazel eyes holding hers, the corner of his mouth lifting, acknowledging her victory.  Looking back she recognized the smile for what it was—mockery. 

            He’d dared her to bid, and she had, proving how weak she was.  Proving to him how easily manipulated.

            By morning he would hate her, scorning her weakness.  Scorning her name.

            But that hadn’t happened yet.  That wouldn’t happen until he’d taken her again and again, making her scream his name as she climaxed once, twice, and then after a short sleep, two more times before walking out the door the next morning.

            The sex had been hot, so hot, and so intense, and so deeply satisfying.  With anyone else it might have felt dirty, but it hadn’t been with him.  It’d just felt real.  And right.

            But she did feel dirty, later, once he’d discovered she wasn’t Logan Lane, but Logan Lane Copeland, and the shaming began.

Speaking of the Copelands, have you read the other books in the series?


Do you have a favorite couple?  And if you haven’t read my Copelands, what are you reading now?  Share with me and you’ll be entered to win a fun Harlequin Presents themed prize filled with signed books, a Starbucks gift card, and reader treats!  Contest ends on Saturday with winner announced Sunday!


  1. I loved the other two Copeland Presents! SO looking forward to this one! You can feel the chemistry leaping off the page already. I am reading Protect Me, Cowboy. Enjoy the conference!

  2. I have so many books I’m reading or should I say started. I’m reading a arc by Dana Marton, and want to start Love in Left Field by Megan Ryder. I have those I will concentrate on but have other’s started like Forgive me by Michael Palmer it’s the first book I ever read of his and really enjoying it even though it’s off to the side for a week or so (it was a read/review I was doing for the shore bookstore) I can’t think of other books on the current list at the moment. I haven’t checked the Copeland’s yet but hopefully I’ll get the chance.

  3. I have had a really bad year and haven’t read the other two Copeland books. I will have to order them. I read the excerpt above and loved it. I am such a fan of your Presents line. Those books are always the perfect escape and boy I know I need to escape.

  4. Excerpt is intriguing, so I will definitely order the first books in the series. Am now reading Julia Quinn’s Splendid trilogy. I just love historicals!

  5. I have not read any of the copelands yet! Just bought THE REAH by becca st john. About to start it tonight. Worked too much this summer, 6-7 days a week. Havent had time to read much. Now that things are slowing down I am eyeing my to be read pile!

  6. just finished readine Amy Ruttan’s Medical Romance Tempting Nashville’s Celebrity Doc…. it was fab… I loved it…

  7. Hey Jane!! Happy Anniversary! Right now I am reading Olivia Miles, I love her. 🙂 I can’t wait to read your Copelands!!

  8. Just starting Protect Me Cowboy,won’t mention the one I just finished as it made me anxiety filled all the way.

  9. Now I need to find your other two and this one when it finally releases. I’m reading an ARC by Jennifer Bernard. Thank you for sharing Jane.

  10. I have been reading a lot from Michelle in the last few weeks. I would love to read this story. Sounds delicious!

  11. Yes, I have read your Copelands books, and I really loved Drakon and Morgan! I know it sounds odd, and there are some major differences, but the main premise behind the two of them reminded me of me and the love of my life. We spent years apart, and it was basically because we both were not communicating how we really felt. We were both scared to be hurt, and we ended up with other people, all the while still loving each other. I hope to get my happy ending too!

  12. Haven’t been reading much since my husband broke his hip socket 4 weeks ago today. Only just starting to get my life back, as I was continually helping him for the first 2 weeks and am just plain exhausted the entire 4 weeks….

  13. Love those Copelands! Currently reading an ARC. Secret stuff.

    going through the college app process with my middle son, too

  14. I have a birthday tomorrow. As a gift to myself I have decided to spend much more time reading. Stories are wonderful ways in which to keep ones mind in a happy place. I have limited mobility so I love my book escapes. Look forward to reading a Copeland story soon.

  15. Congratulations on your anniversary, and may you enjoy many more! Currently reading Ilona Andrews’ MAGIC BINDS with my favorite couple, Kate and Curran, finally tying the knot amid chaos and upheaval (par for the course in Urban Fantasy).

  16. Love reading your Harlequins. Have read them all. Can’t wait to read more about the Copelands. Loved “His defiant desert queen”. One great read. Currently reading something very different. Exposed by CJ Carmichael. Can’t wait to see how it all ends

  17. I have read many of Jane’s Harlequins and loved them all. I haven’t read the Copelands, but will have to check them out.

  18. Happy Anniversary! And thanks for the smoking hot excerpt.
    Currently reading Jennifer Probst’s Everywhere and Every Way.

  19. I haven’t read the Copeland’s lately been reading a lot of biker book, read Megan Crane’s and a lot of other authors that write about bikers my favorite author is Debra Kayn-happy 5th anniversary to you and Ty! I shouldn’t be reading so much for going back to college at 62 is a bit rough but fun at the sametime! thanks for the chance to win your prizes!

  20. Have been sick the last two weeks so would love to win some goodies and new books to read! Right now leading pretty baby by Mary Kubica, a suspenseful book. thanks for the chance

  21. Congrats on your Anniversay Jane. I love, love the sound of this. I’m looking forward to reading about the Copelands. Sounds great. I’m reading Root, Petal, Thorn by Ella Joy Olsen.
    Carol L

  22. Congratulations, #38 Marina Tyson! You are the winner of my Harlequin Presents themed prize! I hope you had a nice birthday too! 🙂
    Shoot me an email with your mailing details and I’ll package to you soon.
    Thank you all for chatting with me and the good wishes.
    Love to all,
    Jane xoxoxoxo

  23. Just finished Rowan Logan’s wonderful story. I, for one, really hope you decide to write about the last two Copeland siblings, especially Bronson. You fleshed him out as such an interesting character, it would be great to see where his life leads him. Victoria’s story, too – how she ended her feud with Morgan, what her life-story is.
    I really enjoy your writing style!

  24. j’ai adoré l’histoire sur les Copeland, j’espère que nous aurons l’histoire sur Bronson et Victoria pour boucler la boucle.


  25. Hello, just wondering if You will write about the last two Copeland siblings? I would love to read about Bronson…

  26. Boa tarde. Li os dois primeiros livros da Família Copeland. Gostaria de ler o terceiro (Logan/Rowan). Onde posso consegui-lo?

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