Food Should be a Love Language with Shirley Jump

I’m buried under a tight deadline but wanted to tell you I’m so excited about the new Bake-off Bachelor series from Tule Publishing featuring books by some authors I love to read. Kicking off the series is an author I’m a big fan of – Shirley Jump! Shirley is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling author who has published more than 60 books (in 24 languages!).  She also competes in triathlons and loves to have in-depth discussions about important things like chocolate and shoes!

I invited her to share something about her love of baking with us. Please give Shirley a warm welcome!

When I was a little girl, my mom used to bake bread every weekend. I’d get up in the morning, and she’d be in the kitchen, kneading the dough. Push, pull, flip. Push, pull, flip. Over and over, until the thick dough glistened and was ready for its final rise, then a trip to the oven. I’d go outside and play, and when I came in for lunch, the scent of fresh-baked bread would hit as soon as I opened the door. So rich and comforting, like a scented hug. My mom would brush the warm loaves with butter, and then cut off a couple slices and make me the world’s best peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

I don’t bake—I never did acquire my mom’s talent with things involving the chemical miracle of yeast and warm water—but I do love to cook. Some of my best memories are from dinners with my children, or times in the kitchen when one of them would help me mash potatoes or create a casserole. Now that my kids are grown up, I don’t have those dinners very often, and I do miss them.

My son, however, who worked for a couple of years at a diner type place, will sometimes cook for me. In his down time at work, he’d create his own concoctions. When I come home, tired or sick, he’ll tell me to sit down and he’ll make me something. It’s always amazing, always delicious, and a real gift of his creative talents.

I think food should be one of the love languages. So much preparation and time go into creating dinners and desserts, and thought about what the other person likes or doesn’t like. We put the plate before the one we love, then hold our breath, hoping every bite is going to hit them with joy. With a handful of ingredients and a couple of hours of time, you can tell the other person how much you love them, and how much you want to share that hour at the table with them.

Tell me, what is your favorite recipe to make for the one you love? Are you a cook or a baker? Or neither?

Look for Shirley’s book at these online retailers:
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | Kobo

Thank you for sharing with us, Shirley! Readers, don’t miss this great series and do be sure to download Shirley’s book today.  I’m helping Shirley celebrate the launch of this delicious series so be sure to leave a comment below and you’ll be entered to win a fun JP prize! Contest ends at midnight on Friday with winner announced on Saturday.


  1. I like to bake and cook. Chocolate chip cookies and jambalaya are family favorites.

    Congratulations on your new release.

  2. I love to bake and cook! I love baking my brownies that I use to sell in Chicago, now I’m trying to sell them on a food truck here in fla. I love to cook to and my favorite is making stuff shell’s or lasagna. I haven’t seen my brothers who live in the chicagoland area always talk about my lasagna and so when they come here to visit I’ll make it also a batch of my triple choc. brownies, also my banana bread! thanks for the give away and have a good weekend!

  3. I like to bake and cook. Oatmeal cookies, chocolate chip cookies, and brownies are among the favorite sweets of my family. I make a mean Shepard’s Pie and enchiladas.

    Congratulations on your new release. It was wonderful!!

  4. I am not really a cook or a baker, but I would love to learn. I do make a mean grilled cheese though! looking forward to this series.

  5. When my children were little, on Friday evenings the bread would be made and left to rise overnight and the beans would be set to soak. Can you tell I’m a New Englander?

  6. I loved this book. I’m not that great of a cook, but I can make good lasagna. I was brave this year and made it for Christmas at my mother-in-law’s house and everyone seemed to enjoy it.

  7. I enjoy cooking for the family. What I love creating is eggplant parm, roasted veggies and salmon with kale and for dessert a marble cake.

  8. Cooking is therapy for me, just get in the kitchen and put together something for my sweet hubby and me or for our Grands when they come. A recent favorite of mine to make is a recipe I found on Pioneer Woman’s blog: Sheet Pan Chicken and Dressing. Yummy! Good luck with your book Shirley!

  9. I love to cook and bake.

    My favorite thing to make for my hubby is a strawberry cake or pie, both of which are his faves!

  10. I like to bake. I make cinnamon buns every year for Christmas and, if the family is lucky, I’ll make them once or twice during the year. My husband tells me “you’re a good cook but a great baker”.

  11. Nothing much better than the smell of fresh bread. I’m not much for baking, but happy to eat the yummies my mother makes.

  12. #15 Lori Davidson, Congratulations! You are the winner of my fun JP prize! Drop me an email with your mailing address and I’ll get package in the mail soon. 🙂
    Hope you all are having a great weekend!
    Jane xoxoxo

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