New release! Away in Montana is here!

I’ve just returned home from the most amazing trip to the UK. I loved visiting the UK Mills & Boon/Harlequin office and spending some time with my editorial team and catching up with author friends was the highlight, but I’m so happy to be home with family for the holidays!

Author friends and lovely editors from Harlequin Mills & Boon
Jane with Megan Haslam, Megan Crane and Flo Nicols
Megan Crane, Maya Blake and Jane

Today is an exciting one for me as my first historical romance, Away in Montana, is here! Though my Sheenans series has concluded, I love Marietta and my characters so much, that I decided to write about their family histories. Sinclair and McKenna’s story is the first in my new series, and I cannot wait to hear what you think of it!


If you didn’t get a chance to pre-order it earlier, you can download a copy today at one of your favorite online retailers:

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | Kobo | Google

Whenever you get around to reading it, I hope you’ll drop me a line to share your thoughts.  You know I always love hearing from you!

I have some lovely author friends with great releases for the holiday season and I added a few to my own kindle which I’ll be back to tell you about soon but in the meantime, let me leave you with a lovely, yummy quick and easy recipe for Mulled Wine.  It’s the perfect beverage to curl up with and get cozy to read.

1 orange, sliced and seeded
1⁄2 cup sugar
2 cups water
1 teaspoon ground cloves
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 bottle red wine
Combine the orange, sugar, water, and spices in a large stainless steel or enameled pot.
Slowly bring to a boil, reduce the heat, and simmer for 15 minutes.
Reduce the heat, add the wine, and slowly reheat but do not boil.
Serve warm in mugs.
Serves 8.

Last but not least, what’s a new blog and a new release without a fun giveaway to enjoy the celebration?!  I’ve got a festive prize pack full of goodness and tons of holiday cheer for one lucky winner and I hope it’s YOU!  Leave me a comment below, tell me if you enjoy historical romances and what was the last historical you really enjoyed, or share what you love most about the holidays.  You’ll automatically be entered to win!  Contest ends Friday night with winner announced on Saturday.  Happy Reading!


  1. Of COURSE I love the chance to be with good friends and family during the Christmas season. Goes without saying.
    That being said, I also enjoy the ambiance that comes from a nearby Christmas tree’s lights. Perfect for company. Perfect for reading. I enjoy it so much that we put up our tree right after the American Thanksgiving. It would have been a week earlier, but we were waiting until my husband no longer needed a walker or crutches (after he broke his hip socket when he collided with another bicyclist around a concealed corner). Today, 3 months later, his hip still isn’t healed, but at least he’s walking unaided again all the time (although he can’t lift anything heavy – like all the wet snow we’ve been getting).

  2. Historicals are my favorite novels. I enjoy the era, the place and being transported back in time. My favorite historical romance is The Confectioner’s Tale by Laura Madeleine.

  3. Best part is getting to spend time with family and friends and also all the sales. Love historicals. Last one I read was Elizabeth Hoyt’s “Duke of Pleasure.”

  4. I have not read historicals for a long time and they were mostly Regency types. But I read Michelle Beattie’s A Rancher’s Surrender.

    I LOVE Away in Montana, I am looking forward to more in the series!

  5. I read all kinds of books and especially the romantic historicals. Thanks for sharing the recipe it sounds really tasty.

  6. I love historical romances. I especially like Western themed books. I think your book sounds like one I would enjoy. Have a great Holiday Season.

  7. I enjoy historicals, the last I read was Vanessa Kelly’s last one. I have Julia London’s new one sitting here waiting, and a couple Eloisa James books waiting, too! I can’t wait to read this one!
    I love the holidays for the times spent making memories with my kids, especially baking cookies and decorating them!

  8. I love Historical Romance. It’s one of my favorite genres. I enjoy tat time period and reading how different everything was. I love Grace Burrough’s historicals and Lila DiPasqua just to mention two. And I love everything about Christmas, the music, the smells and the family coming together in joy. Thank you for the opportunity. I’m really looking forward to reading Away In Montana.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  9. I adore Historical Romance! I’ve been catching up on Elizabeth Hoyt’s Maiden Lane series – currently reading ‘Dearest Rogue’ which features a blind heroine – that’s a unique idea – enjoying the book and the series.
    sallans d at yahoo dot com

  10. The most recent historical I read was one of Eloisa James’ books. I think it was Three Weeks with Lady X. I love spending time with my family at holiday time. Your trip to England sounded amazing and you did so much in such a short time. I bet the boys are thrilled that you are home. Thanks Jane.

  11. I love historical romance. Your new book was the last one I read and I love it!!! Congratulations! Before that, I read one by Valerie Bowman.

    So many things to love about the holidays. Will be nice to have the college son home for a few weeks.

  12. I have never tried Mulled Wine. I must now.

    I do love Historical Romances. I’ve been on a Jane Austen re-read. EMMA is so much fun.

  13. Congrats on the new release. I think its a great challenge to write in a different genre. I do like historical romances even though I thought I never would. The last one I read was Do You Want to Start a Scandal? by Tessa Dare.

  14. Hi! Megan shared some photo’s of your trip and its a beautiful city! can’t wait to read your new book, thanks for thnee chance to win your goodies. looking forward to spending time baking cookies for my family and need to send some to my brothers in Chicago, also spend time with my grandson Tuff even though I babysit him-they don’t stay little that long! Have a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends!

  15. I love Historicals… they are the romances that initially got me hooked on reading! Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season!

  16. I love Historical romances. I am a voracious book reader of all types! This is usually my favorite time of year, but since moving to Oregon a year ago, I really miss the holidays with my family.

    1. Try Jane Kirpatrick’s historical novels…she writes many about the early days in Oregon…might give you a connection to your new home.

  17. I enjoyed reading Away in Montana so very much. It was so very obvious that it was a story from the heart.
    Historical or not. Your best work to date.
    Now, go write something else. Can’t wait to see where this journey of yours takes us.

  18. Historical is my first love, but I have to admit I haven’t read many this past year. I have had a rough year. Looking forward to reading Away in Montana this season . I need some happy.

  19. I love historical romances, even back to the covered wagon days.Away In Montana was the last I read, it was 5 star all the way, I didn’t want it to end.

  20. i love historical romances. i was so glad to read Away in Montana; totally awesome story. thanks for the new recipe to try.

  21. I grew up reading Julie Garwood and Jude Deveraux. I loved the historical romances, but haven’t read many in several years.

  22. I have loved your Sheenan series which I have on kindle.
    Away in Montana is equally good.
    I love the way you build characters and develop their personalities.
    I think we all wish our menfolk could be as sensitive and caring as your heroes!
    I shall try your mulled wine this Christmas. Thank you.
    Keep writing the good stuff!
    Have a lovely Christmas yourself.

  23. Congratulations, #21 Tracy Shafer! Your name was picked as the winner for my festive prize package! Drop me an email with your mailing details and I’ll get this in the mail soon. 🙂
    Happy reading and much love to all,

  24. Just finished Away in Montana and love hearing the “back story” of the characters I have come to love like family. I first read Daisy’s story in the Christmas collection you had with Brenda Novak. Loved it and bought the whole Taming of the Sheehans…devoured them, one after the others. I wasn’t ready to leave Marietta either so am glad you found a way to let us stay. Hope you have a Merry Christmas and I look forward to more from Paradise Valley…

  25. Jane, my print copy of the Christmas in Montana has never been shipped to me!! I teally would love it and although I keep checking each day, it has not yet arrived
    I still look forward to a copy from you on my doorstep each day!!when you can after Christmas,I’d love to read a copy from you. I think the Christmas spirit will still be with me and I’m dying to read your work. If you still wish me to have a copy; address is: 46 Springlake Place, Atlanta, Georgia. 30318. If I wrote it for all the world tided, please block it!! Merry Christmas and a happy joyous , and healthy New Year! Look forward to hearing from you soon.

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