Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is next week and I’m trying not to panic as I have a book due Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, which means this next week is going to be long hours of writing, and Thanksgiving will be more of a “thankful mom even tried to find turkey” holiday this year.  Fortunately, the boys love me and are pretending that store bought pumpkin pie is as good as mom’s homemade ones.

9780373060337-284x450It’s funny how reality recedes when I’m writing a lot, and as I’ve been writing a lot I feel as if I’ve been traveling almost constantly, even though I’m just at my desk, in my chair.  Late December my next Harlequin Presents comes out, and early December, my historical romance set in Marietta Montana, releases.

Away In Montana, the first of my Douglas Ranch of Paradise Valley series, and set in 1889, when copper was king and the Northwest Territories were all becoming states, is a reunion romance and my favorite kind of story that is full of achy-breaky heart and lots of emotion.  I didn’t intend to write more Montana historicals when I finished this one, but I’ve become very attached to the 1880’s and 90s and story ideas keep whispering to me.  Check out some of my inspiration for this story on Pinterest:  https://www.pinterest.com/thejaneporter/away-in-montana/ and you’ll see just how beautiful this world was inside my head!


You know I love hearing from you, so please tell me what you’re doing for Thanksgiving, and I’ll be drawing 5 names from the comments for a special prize pack from me, consisting of a signed print copy of the gorgeous UK edition of Christmas at Copper Mountain and lots of special, festive reader treats.


Sending you much love and wishes for a peaceful, joyful Thanksgiving week, and hoping you’ll be with your favorite people, whether they be friends or family!


  1. We will be staying home this Thanksgiving. My Father, who is 92 TODAY (Happy Birthday, Dad!) fell a month ago and broke his ankle. He is wheelchair-bound at the moment and living with us for a few months. Since it’s pretty difficult getting him around, we will be having dinner at home with a good friend who is along this Thanksgiving. We will make it a good one!

  2. Just a small Thanksgiving at home this year with the hubby, son and daughter while they are home from college.

  3. I will be going to my mom’s house because she can’t get out. Family will be bringing and preparing the food at her house so that she can enjoy the day with family without being inconvenienced.

  4. I LOVE Thanksgiving! You just need to get together with the ones you love and eat!! That’s what I’m doing this year – two Thanksgivings.

  5. I am having my two adult kids and their significant others over and my grand daughter plus my Mom and Brother. I can’t read the new Christmas story. I just pre-purchased it. Happy Holidays!

  6. Enjoying the company of our ENTIRE family this year will be the blessing we all need. Wishing many blessings for you and yours

  7. I’ll be cooking Thanksgiving dinner this Sunday because both my husband and oldest daughter have to work on Thursday!

  8. Ooh I love historical romances – glad you dipped your toes into this genre! Canadian Thanksgiving was in October and I had three of my four kids with me and it was a lovely long weekend (pumpkin and pecan pies for breakfast the day after)!

  9. I will be hosting a family and friends thanksgiving this year. My immediate family my husband and son will be here but my parents and siblings will not be. It will be a great day but I will miss my family that will not be with us.

  10. Taking my daughter to Disney for a combination birthday/thanksgiving as she has not been well and needs some smiles. Hoping Mickey and Minnie will bring them to her

  11. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. It will be small for us this year, just me, my husband and my mom at her house. I thought some of my sisters were going to come in, but I guess they both (and one’s kids) changed their minds. We’re all a disappointed about that.

  12. I’ll enjoy the day with family, watch minimal football, and read maximum Tule Publishing, Montana Born literature. Through it all, I will be thankful for every blessing, small or large.

    I hope everyone has a joyful and safe holiday.

  13. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Jane! I will be having some of our family over to our house for our Thanksgiving meal in the afternoon. And then later on we will be going to my brother’s house for a dessert feast!

  14. This has been a month of operations, one major surgery and another upcoming one, so I don’t know what, where or when the event will happen but I am prepared with a 23 lb. turkey and a ham…..so far. Safe and fun Holidays to all and for those with ‘deadlines’ ~ let everyone help you…eat, then run!

  15. I’m staying home this Thanksgiving and my mother in law is visiting.
    With the kids in school we don’t have time to travel.
    I’m baking and cooking like crazy and trying to get the house read.
    We are also always making tons of crafts. It’s fun, but time consuming.

  16. Hope you and yours have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
    Having Thanksgiving with my Honey and his parents the day after will nice. My kids are grown and they are so busy working too… But are a true blessing!

  17. Well for Thanksgiving, my wishes have come true! My brother and sister in law bought me tickets to fly to Florida with them and go to Disney World. I haven’t been in 21 years and now I get to experience it with my 2 year old nephew!! On Thanksgiving, we will be watching Indiana State play basketball in a tournament at the Disney Sports Complex and then that night, we are having Thanksgiving dinner with the team at their hotel. My nephew will love it!!

  18. First, Thank you Jane for the giveaway! Since my mom’s passing, we all gather at my brothers house in Chicago. So my daughter and I will by flying out soon from RI!

  19. I’m going to an aunt & uncle’s house for Thanksgiving (they usually host). Her family joins our side of the family, which is awesome as we all get along. Everyone brings something for the meal, which makes it nicer for all of us. I usually bring breads, cranberry sauce & relish along with a dessert.

  20. I don’t even know when Thanksgiving is apart from “next week”, however assuming the weather stays good I should be giving thanks for having finished staining all our fence postd and strainers, and maybe reading a good book.

  21. I live in a nursing home so I will eat there and later my family will visit me and bring homemade leftovers for me to eat. It will be fun.

  22. I’m having my parents and my son and his family over on Thanksgiving. We’re having the works with turkey, sides, and desserts. On Saturday, following Thanksgiving, we’re going to my brother’s for a very large gathering with the Zobel clan.

  23. This will be our first Thanksgiving at my home since 1984.
    We always went to my mother’s or the in-laws house. My girls are both coming in for the holiday. Wish me luck on the meal. 🙂

  24. My parents and I will be going out to Claim Jumper this year. We might be taking a couple of Marines with us (waiting to hear back.) I miss Thanksgiving dinner at home though. I was hoping to go to Utah to visit with a good friend, it is her birthday and her daughter’s as well, maybe next year! I absolutely love the UK cover and looking forward to reading your historical and Presents! Have a blessed Thanksgiving with your family.

  25. The family is always together at Thanksgiving, usually at my sister’s house. This year, though, will be having the gang at my mom’s – she just had knee replacement surgery, so it will be easier for her. We do the usual too much food, loads of laughter, and many naps late in the day!

    Happy Thanksgiving from Tulare county, Jane!

  26. will be having dinner at home. will also be traveling to Ohio to see my big sis & my Dad. Dad is getting older, not traveling to Florida this year, so we are going to him. should be fun & entertaining.

  27. I will be cooking, as usual, for hubby and the two boys who live at home. Oldest daughter and her husband will join us, as long as we eat after 5 pm. Younger daughter isn’t able to since a lot of out of town family on her husband’s side is coming to town. I’m going to try to bake a pumpkin style dessert un addition to turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, and cranberry sauce.

    I’m looking forward to reading your historical Marietta book Jane.

  28. Our Thanksgivings are a lot of family there will be 20 people we always have so much fun and we are all blessed to be together.Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family God bless you all.

  29. Since my husband will be working again, and I won’t leave him, I ordered a turkey breast and will make sides to go with it. Last Thanksgiving dinner was awful since we waited too late in the day to pick something up. It’s hard to cook in a motel room, but it’ll be worth the effort. We have no family here so we do the best we all can. We are blessed with a wonderful family! Praying everyone has a safe and blessed holiday!!

  30. We’ll have both the in-town and out-of-town members our families at our home for Thanksgiving meal and afterwards the male members of the families will decorate our front and side yards for Christmas. We live on a corner and 2700 cars go by my kitchen window daily. Traffic surveys verified that fact. The guys decorate everything that will hold lights, including the large trees. It is a long time tradition and they love doing it. The lights remain up until New Year’s Day.

  31. hi Jane, I will be with my daughter and grandkids and we will be cooking by her this yr. I usually cook my me and take it there, so this is a 1st

  32. Happy holiday season to you and your family! I will be celebrating with my mom and my brother here in Northern CA!!

  33. Thanksgiving Day will be low key this year.We will do our family get together on Sunday instead. It is when we can all get together. We were a career military family and learned a long time ago that what you are celebrating can be done when you can do it. A day is just a day, the reason for the celebration is what is important. To top it off the kids and their families decided we are having pizza and a tossed salad for our Thanksgiving meal, but I still need to make the apple and pumpkin pies. At least there will be a little bit of the traditional. I will miss the leftovers from a traditional turkey dinner. I will probably make dressing and cook a turkey breast or something on Thanksgiving Day. I enjoy the turkey sandwiches and left over dressing almost more than the big dinner itself.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving no matter how they celebrate it.

  34. Wow, I love that cover! It’s weird but I think UK covers are always way better than US ones.
    I’m spending Thanksgiving with my parents and my aunt and uncle. We will eat some delicious food. I’m also doing a 2 hour spinning class at the gym Thanksgiving morning.

  35. I can’t believe Thanksgiving is next week! This year my birthday falls on Thanksgiving too! I’m going to celebrate with parents and grandma and put my birthday candles in a pumpkin pie.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  36. The book sounds great. After years of cooking for my large family this year it will just be me and my younger daughter. The other children will be with their families but everyone will stop by for dessert. My place is too small nowadays to fit everyone. I hope everybody has a wonderful & blessed Thanksgiving.
    Carol L

  37. I am cleaning and cooking trying to get ready for the big day. The whole family will be coming over. Hope to sneak in some reading time between now and then. Have a great Thanksgiving!

  38. This Thanksgiving is extra special . We will be celebrating my husband being Cancer Free !! He had surgery 4 weeks ago and is still recovering .
    Looking forward to being with family and enjoying yummy food also

  39. Thursday isn’t the only day to have the Thanksgiving dinner. You could always do it on Saturday or any other day that works for your family. It’s more about family than the day of the week. Good luck and Happy Holidays!

  40. We will be staying home for Thanksgiving and we are actually celebrating it on Tuesday instead of Thursday. We both work in healthcare and there is no such day as off on the holidays for us. Thanks for the chance

  41. We live “just around the corner” from my folks. So we share the cooking and I host. One of my sisters comes up from Old Orchard Beach and cooks as well. Her twin and family arrive later with desserts! Everyone gets a slip of paper to write what they are thankful for this year and then we draw to read each other’s comments. 🙂

  42. Happy thanksgiving! I’m having thanksgiving with my kids and my 3wk. old grandson Tuff, and friends that are alone and who ever stops by and wants to eat with us. I work at a bakery so I’m getting them all from them. Its being with family that’s important. I can’t wait to read your new book sounds really good A away in Montana. like that period too-going thru my great-greatmother’s barn that still standing in Missouri found son neat stuff that my brother took and knew that I would like! old pictures and frames and other things, she died years ago and was 92 and some old letters. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family!

  43. This year I will be with family and friends at a big dinner. And I don’t have to cook! yeah
    However, I plan to make a couple of pies and will take one (I don’t like their store bought ones)

  44. Will spend Thanksgiving at home with family. Just preordered “Away..” and checked out the Pinterest board for it. Lots of interesting scenery, etc., probably applicable to Oklahoma also for the same era, just not the mountains. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and you can celebrate on Saturday or Sunday after you get your book done!!

  45. Have a Happy Thanksgiving. Will be sharing the day with my children and grandchildren and my middle daughter’s in-laws. Looking forward to baking a scrumptious apple pie for after dinner!

  46. I will be enjoying a turkey dinner on Thanksgiving. Our weather is suppose to be great so plan to be outside alot.

  47. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I will watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade on tv and then later in the afternoon cook a turkey dinner for my husband. We are opting for a quiet day on our own but look forward to a noisy and happy holiday with family next month!

  48. We have no family nearby; my family lives in Mississippi (almost 2,000 miles away), and my husband’s family lives in California, about 400 miles away. So, Thanksgiving will be our family of 4 humans, with our 4 furbabies begging for feast crumbs. My daughter and I generally cook (she just turned 13 this week and still loves to help me). My husband mentioned buying a pre-cooked meal so we can all just enjoy the holiday (and it’s cheaper for us, too), but I’m sure he’s forgotten. 🙂

  49. I will be staying home for Thanksgiving. I’m feeling guilty for not going home to my parents but I’m traveled out from work. I do plan to take time to visit them for Christmas. Happy Thanksgiving!

  50. We already enjoyed Thanksgiving (in Canada) with our family, despite our toilet clogging up before they arrived (but, thankfully, was repaired just in time for company).


  52. My son and I are starting the day with a 5K, then we are having dinner at one house, and then switching over to have dessert at another. Busy day!

  53. Thank you everyone for taking time share with me your plans for Thanksgiving. I loved reading your comments! I have winners for this Thanksgiving contest and the lucky readers are:

    #4 Beth Ann Tilley
    #14 Linda Kish
    #35 Sandra Marlow
    #47 Tammie Morris
    #63 Kathy Gleich

    Ladies, please email me with your mailing details and I’ll get goodies in the mail to you!
    much love to all,

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