Katherine Garbera’s Her Christmas Cowboy

kgReaders, I have another wonderful friend visiting JaneBlog today.  Please give a warm welcome to USA Today bestselling author Katherine Garbera, who isn’t just a friend of mine, but was the 4th author to join Tule!  When we realized we wanted some holiday stories I reached out to Katherine and she immediately agreed to write something for our new Marietta, Montana.

Please help me welcome the amazing, Katherine Garbera!

When Jane talked to me about Tule Publishing in Atlanta in 2013, I was immediately smitten with the idea of a publishing company that was run by authors.  I immediately said, “Hell, yes, I want to be a part of it!” and went home to start working on my first novella for Tule.  It was A Cowboy For Christmas.  When I started writing the book I knew I wanted Carson to have a large family of brothers, in fact there was a dearth of women in the Scott brothers’ lives.  But as I was crafting this five brothers one showed up fully formed inspired by an article I read.  And that brother was Lane Scott.


I, like many authors, spend a good deal of my time when I’m not writing reading.  It might be books, magazines or articles on the Internet and this one article showed up out of the blue of a couple’s engagement photo shoot.  The groom was Jesse Cottle was a double-amputee who had been wounded in Afghanistan.  His story of heroism was inspiring and a little kernel of my own character was born.  But what really inspired me was when the photographer said that he wanted to get a shot of the couple in a field and the groom took off his prosthetics and the bride to be carried him out onto the field where they were going to take the photo.  She gave him a piggy-back ride and it captured my heart and my imagination.  You can read the article here.

It took me a long time to figure out the right heroine for Lane Scott.  And over those three years, I was inspired by more stories of courage from everyday people who went off to fight for their countries and came back to a changed lifestyle.  So Lane participates in the Invictus Games, he skis, he speaks at schools and veterans’ associations.  He comforts others and finds comfort himself in sharing his story and his recovery. But he has also been searching for a home again and Christmas is really for me about home and family.

Lane has physically been based in Marietta but he hasn’t found a reason to stay until he gets knocked off his feet by Felicity Danvers.  A sweet girl he knew in high school but had been too shy to do anything but smile at him.  Together they face the holidays together and the holiday season works its magic on them.

Her Christmas Cowboy is a story that many readers have asked for and I’m really happy that it is finally here for you to read.


To celebrate I’m giving away a holiday gift pack which includes an autographed copy of Her Christmas Cowboy and some holiday goodies from the UK (including some chocolate, tea and recipes cards).  To be entered to win tell me your favorite part of the holidays.

Mine snuggly under a blanket with my hubby, drinking hot chocolate while watching our favorite holiday movies.  I have two ultimate favorites: Christmas Vacation and Elf!

Happy Reading!

Kathy 🙂


Thanks so much for stopping by to share with us today, Kathy!  Readers, be sure to add Kathy’s books to your tbr pile this holiday season and be sure to leave a comment for Kathy below so you can be entered to win the fun prize she’s offering!  Contest ends on the 14th with winner announced on the 15th.  Happy Reading!



  1. I loved Kathy’s story!!!

    I love baking before Christmas and hanging out with the kids the week after. I love Christmas Eve service at church, and I love Christmas day with the family.

  2. Katherine I have to say I loved this story!!! Those two were perfect for each other!!

    My favorite are getting the family together, baking latkes (potato pancakes) for the dinner, and exchanging gifts. We always bake extra for my daughters to take home.

  3. I enjoy shopping for gifts for everyone. Even if my budget is small, I still try to think of something that they will like. I also love eggnog. Oh and eggnog flavored ice cream too.

  4. I love being with family and its going to be so exciting since my son and his wife gave birth to my first grandson name Tuff, and so will give him so many first memories!

  5. I just finished reading the Brennan series and i enjoy it so much I am wondering if there will be other books in this series. I would love to read more about Brianna and Tom and Cass.

  6. It sounds like a wonderful read. Thank you for sharing. My favorite part is gathering with family to celebrate and the decorations/music.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  7. When the living room is only lit by the lights from the Christmas tree and I’m watching the Hallmark Channels newest Christmas romances. I do like the classics, too, It’s a Wonderful Life and Miracle on 34th Street.

  8. Hi, Katherine & Jane:

    Those who Tule…Rule!!!

    Thank you for sharing the story of Jesse and Kelly Cottle–I share it too!

    “Her Christmas Cowboy” sounds terrific–and by the way, Santa, you know that I have been extra good this year. If you have an extra “Christmas Cowboy” send him my way ; )

    My favorite time of the year is September through December. I love Autumn, Thanksgiving, Christmas–the whole works! What a special and spectacular time of year–and it’s so beautiful here in the mountains of Virginia. The sights, sounds, and scents are more vivid, and emotions are deeper and richer–there is an added poignancy and resonance to everything.

  9. Katherine, I loved reading your blog and learning about your early involvement with Tule. My favorite part of the holiday season should come as no surprise to a book lover like you . . . cozy winter days to curl up and read, read, read! Thanks for your fun books.

  10. love this blog entry! favorite part of the holiday season is finding everyone on my list a gift to open on Christmas Eve; even on a limited budget. 🙂

  11. I love decorating the Christmas tree. Putting on all the special ornaments that the family has collected over all the years and then turning off the house lights and just look at all the lights on the Christmas tree. There is just something magical and peaceful about that.

  12. Spending time with family, walking through the neighborhood at night and seeing all the pretty holiday decorations, and drinking hot chocolate.

  13. #14 Kathleen Shaputis, congratulations! You’re the winner for Katherine Garbera’s holiday gift pack! Drop me a quick line with your mailing details so I can share with Katherine. And thank you all for welcoming Katherine to my blog and sharing your favorite part of the holidays.
    Happy Reading!

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