Amy Hatvany’s It Happens All The Time

I’m so incredibly proud of my friend, the wonderful Amy Hatvany for writing It Happens All The Time, a very important book all women should read.  It’s deep, emotional and so honest and real. Here’s more about the book:

From master storyteller Amy Hatvany—whose writing has been hailed as “gripping and emotionally honest” (Stephanie Evanovich, New York Times betselling author)—comes a provocative and compelling novel about two friends whose lives are changed by a drunken kiss.

I want to rewind the clock, take back the night when the world shattered. I want to erase everything that went wrong.

Amber Bryant and Tyler Hicks have been best friends since they were teenagers—trusting and depending on each other through some of the darkest periods of their young lives. And while Amber has always felt that their relationship is strictly platonic, Tyler has long harbored the secret desire that they might one day become more than friends.

Returning home for the summer after her college graduation, Amber begins spending more time with Tyler than she has in years. Despite the fact that Amber is engaged to her college sweetheart, a flirtation begins to grow between them. One night, fueled by alcohol and concerns about whether she’s getting married too young, Amber kisses Tyler.

What happens next will change them forever.

In alternating points of view, It Happens All the Time examines the complexity of sexual dynamics between men and women and offers an incisive exploration of gender roles, expectations, and the ever-timely issue of consent.

In Amy’s own words:

Perpetrators thrive in the silence. This video, and this book, is me, as a survivor of sexual assault, finding my voice, in the hope that it will help others.

If you love emotional, honest stories, don’t miss this winner! To celebrate Amy’s new release, I’m giving away a copy of Easy on the Eyes, a Los Angeles themed Starbucks drink card, and lots of other reader treats! For a chance to win, just leave a comment below and you’ll automatically be entered.  Contest ends Friday with winner announced Saturday.



  1. How could anyone call someone a “good boy” if he forces himself on a woman or anyone??? How could a male think it is ok to force himself on anyone? I don’t understand male minds. No is no, no matter who you are. I would love to read this book.

  2. This sounds like a book I could really get into. I was a victim of a date rape when I was in my 20s. But back then they didn’t look at it as they do today. They considered it the woman’s fault for getting herself in that position. So, I never told anyone about it. The guy told me he wouldn’t take me back home until it happened. And not knowing where I was except for it being a warehouse of some type (and we didn’t have cell phones back then), I had no choice but to let him do what he wanted. It was the middle of the night and I didn’t know where to go for help if I did start walking. I never saw or heard from the guy again after he dropped me back off at my apartment.

  3. The book sounds like a winner,maybe one that pulls you in two different directions. Thanks fo a chance to win.

  4. I really want to read Amy’s book. I was molested by a family friend when I was very young. I applaud Amy for writing this book.

  5. I was lucky enough to be able to run away when I was sexually assaulted at 12 years of age. Back in those days, my mom refused to tell the police about our neighbour, as that would not put HER in a favourable light….

  6. Wow! Thank you for sharing your story with us and writing this. I know there are way more victims than people realize.

  7. this book hits home for me because I was sexual assaulted by a man who I thought was my friend and in the end I wasn’t the victim for he was some big time football player and I was ruining his career but in the end we settled out of court and I finally became myself again, sounds like a good book that I would read for I love meaningful stories, thanks for sharing also she’s a new author for me so its nice to find someone new to read!

  8. Sounds like an important topic and I trust your recommendations, Jane. Books you’ve shared fill my library with laughter, tears and remarkable characters. In these last days of March, a good book is a favorite entertainment.

  9. I’ m sorry you had to go through that situation. I would love to read your book. Thank you four posting and the excerpt.
    Carol L

  10. I just purchased the book on Audible and am looking forward to reading it. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. We need to break the silence on all types of violence against women. Congrats on the new release.

  11. This is such an important topic. In the 1960’s, when I was in college, it was almost always the woman’s fault. Sadly, things haven’t changed much. Working at a shop, a friend was molested by a stranger who came behind the counter. When she told her parents, she was scolded and blamed for the event. It was never reported. My daughter was the victim of an attempted date rape in college. She had to see him for the next few years and he just never understood why she was upset. Luckily she was able to stop him, but it still traumatized her.
    As far as we have come, they aways look at the victim to see what she did to cause the attack. Excuse me, why not ask what caused the attacker to feel he was entitled to do what he did?
    I look forward to reading this book and sharing it with my daughter.

  12. I love Amy’s books and yours too Jane. This one might be a hard read for me because of events in my past but I still think it would be worth it. This book will definitely be added to my must read list.

  13. The content hits a sad note that still creeps up to haunt me. I think it would be a hard, yet wonderful book to read. It will go on the to buy list for sure.

  14. Excused from jury duty as I, too, had been raped. I said I could serve without prejudice, but we all know better. Jail the jerk!

  15. I was fortunate to get an ARC of It Happens All the Time. It was an emotional read. It’s unique in that it gave alternate points of views. Highly recommend reading this book.

  16. Yay for #14, Cindy Moody! Your name was drawn as the winner for this contest! Please email me with your mailing details and I’ll get prize to you soon.
    Thanks everyone for checking out Amy’s book and do help spread the word about it.
    much love to all,
    Jane xoxo

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