Lara Van Hulzen’s Recipe For Romance

I’ve been strapped in, working so hard to reach the deadline on my Harlequin Presents but it’s hard to resist all these fun books in the Bachelor Bake-Off!  Today I have another Bake-Off author, Lara Van Hulzen as a guest to tell us more about her book.

Welcome, Lara!

I began publishing with Tule after a surf lesson in Hawaii led me to connect with Jane. It’s a great story, really. One that I could see ending up in a book one day.

When Jane asked me if I would be interested in being a part of a Montana Born series about a Bachelor Bake Off, I jumped at the chance. I had never done a book in a series with other authors and it was a great learning experience, as well as a lot of fun.

I’m proud to be a part of the Bake Off Series, not only because of the other great authors involved, but because I was able to write a story set in the town of Marietta, Montana.  Jane and I talked about a potential storyline based on a wealthy family that lives in Marietta and from that came A Recipe For Romance.

Wes St. Claire is the oldest of four children. He runs the family estate, his father having made his fortune in television and broadcasting. While visiting his dad in Marietta, he’s suckered into being a part of the Bachelor Bake Off that’s raising money for Harry’s House, an after school activity center for kids. He agrees, but only because Noelle Olsen, a beautiful dance teacher that has caught his eye, agrees to help him learn to bake.

This was a fun story to write, not only because of the Bake Off setting, but because it’s the first in a four book series that will center around the St. Claire family. And I have to own up to the fact that I don’t bake. I love to eat desserts, but my daughter holds the status of baker in our household. She was a great help to me when it came time to pick recipes for A Recipe For Romance!

Do you enjoy baking or, like me, would you rather be the one to devour the finished product?

Look for A Recipe For Romance at these online retailers:
Amazon | iBooks | KoboAmazon UK

Thank you, Lara, for dropping by today and sharing with us.  Readers, don’t miss A Recipe For Romance!  I’m celebrating this release with Lara and there’s a special prize up for grabs!  Leave a comment for Lara and you’ll be entered to win a fun and sweet JP prize.  Contest ends Sunday with winner announced Monday.


  1. Hi Lara…sounds like a sweet beginning baking up a nice little series. I enjoy baking and devouring, equally and when I bake, I love sharing and knowing someone was happy even if those few minutes of happy will be showing up on ‘their’ hips! Good luck with this series and the St. Claire (did you say ‘Eclair’?) family…Ruth

    1. Hi Ruth! Thank you so much. I wish I could say I’m good at baking, but I’m not. Although I love that my daughter is – I can eat all the wonderful things she makes. 🙂
      Happy reading,

    1. Thank you. I love all the red in the cover – that’s my favorite color. 🙂 And you can’t go wrong with a story around baking. I hope you enjoy, Catherine. 🙂
      Happy Reading,

  2. Happy Release Day, Lara. I’m not much of a baker and am really jealous of people who bake cookies and cakes from scratch.

  3. I usually lick the spoons/whisks when baking. Yum!
    I share most of my baking with friends and family, but occasionally I just can’t resist eating them myself too (as I usually don’t eat the finished products).

    1. Your self control is impressive. I have a friend who makes the most amazing sugar cookies and she only eats one every time she makes them – how is that possible? She loves to do it then give them to people. I would end up eating more than I gave. LOL

  4. Lara, Nice to meet you here on Jane’s blog! Your book sounds yummy. I first learned to cook baking cookies, so baking is my go-to activity for relaxing in the kitchen. I can’t eat as many sweets now as I did when I was younger, but I am transported when I walk into a bakery or someone’s home where there has been baking going on…smelling that sweet smell of delicious goodness, I am back in my teens learning to cook. Best of luck with your books. I am looking forward to reading them. Reading about sweets is almost as good as eating them. Almost….!

  5. I love to bake but honestly don’t spend a lot of time doing so. I’d much rather eat the sweets.:) Great cover and excerpt. Look forward to reading it. Thank you for the giveaway chance.
    Carol L

  6. Lara, congrats on the release! Sounds like this book and the series were meant to be. I am a baker–and an eater! So I will be devouring these books along with the fun Bake-Off recipes that have been released by the various authors.

  7. I am not a baker either, but I sure can put away some desserts. Mine are all store bought. I look forward to reading your bachelor bake-off book. It sounds really fun.

  8. Hi Lara!! I loved this story!! Noelle and Wes were awesome!! I’m so glad there will be more St. Claire stories.

    I love to bake!! I just only problem is that I also love to eat those baked goods, which isn’t always good for me.

    Happy Release Day!!

    1. Thank you SO much! I’m so happy to hear you enjoyed Wes and Noelle’s story. I’m writing Mike and Franchesca right now. I love these characters and this family. I’m having such a great time writing this series. :)I
      I can’t thank you enough for your kinds words. 🙂

  9. I love to bake. Especially one pan recipes. I try to give a lot of it to family/friends so I don’t eat it all. Looking forward to reading this story.

  10. This looks like a fun story to read too. Just the cover had me smiling.

    I’m happy for my mother to bake while I eat.

  11. Your book looks captivating and special. I learned to bake many years ago from my grandmother and loved the experience and time spent together which was precious. Now I bake for my grandchildren.

    1. Thank you! My grandmother was a wonderful baker. I miss her. She would love to bake with my daughter if she were here. 🙂 Kitchens are always so full of great memories, aren’t they?
      I hope you enjoy! Happy Reading. 🙂

  12. Congrats Lara!!
    I’m not the baker in the family…that honor is my hubby’s! I do enjoy a good scone or Irish bread, but I’m frankly more of a crunchy, salty snacker

  13. I need to devour the final product-I wish I were the baker, though! This way I could cook and devour

  14. Lara, any chance you’d describe your book as “steamy”? I try to avoid those, and, unfortunately, it’s not usually easy to find out until you’ve already purchased.

    1. I agree with you, Louise, and it’s a great question. This is a “sweet” series so you’re safe. 😉 All of my books are on the sweet side. Similar to Hallmark movies. 🙂
      I hope you enjoy! Happy Reading. 🙂

  15. I love men who can cook. Luckily I am married to one. His mom told me early on how nice it was to come home after a long day at work. She would pull into the carport and smell bread baking. Not bad for a high school/junior college student. We both cook and bake and enjoy it. As we have become empty nesters and retired, we eat out more than before – we are more busy now and always seem to be out at meal times. I do miss trying new recipes. We are trying to cut back and do more at home.

    1. My husband loves to cook as well and I can’t even tell you how much I adore that about this man. 🙂 I can cook and bake, but I’m not a fan. I don’t enjoy it like he does, God love him. In most of my books the men can cook – I think that’s my husband’s influence on my stories. 🙂
      I hope you enjoy. Happy Reading!

  16. Congrats on release day,I’m still reading it you would not believe how much taking care of a husband after his surgery can cut into your reading time.
    I baked a lot when my kids were little but as soon as I became a diabetic I stopped everything but baking bread.

    1. I love baked bread! I think almost more than sweets. My college roommate had a bread machine. We lived on fresh bread – it was great!
      I hope you enjoy. Happy Reading. 🙂

  17. I enjoyed reading how excited you both are about the “Bake Off” Series! The entire ensemble is intriguing, because as a book reviewer, we never get bored with romance revolving around baked goods…in the lovely landscape of Montana!
    It sounds like “A Recipe for Romance” is going to be a recipe for success..whether you really can bake or not 😉
    I look forward to reading the 4-book series! I admire Jane Porters work, so I am excited to read the work of an author she admires.
    I’ve been on a hiatus due to health problems, which are coming to an end…So, this is perfect timing!
    Wishing your series much success,
    Annie of The Write Review

  18. Hi, Lara. Love the cover of this book and the premise of the series. Haven’t read you before but will be looking now. I don’t bake, either, but am happy to hire out (for free, mind you!! Lol) to taste test anyone else’s treats! My sister-in-law bakes do us sometimes.

    1. Thank you! I have a close friend who is such a great baker – every time she comes over and asks what to bring I tell her Dessert, of course!!! 🙂 Happy Reading.

  19. The book looks to be a de-lish read. A Bachelor bake off series sounds oh so yummy.
    I love to bake. I just wish my waistline would allow me to eat what I bake. LOL Since my kids have left my nest I don’t bake as much as use to.
    Now I enjoy watching the Great British Baking show and Masterclass on PBS. Mary Berry is just so sweet and I love to listen to them talk about their sponges and such.

  20. Looking forward to jumping into this new series! I am always excited to read authors that are new to me.

  21. The series sounds like it will be a hit. I can’t wait to read it. Thank you for stopping by and chatting with yes.

  22. Hi Lara,
    I love bake and try out new recipes!!! Of course, tasting the finished product is a must!!! Your new series sounds very good!! I hope to read it as it comes out!!!

  23. Congratulations to #17 Ruth! You are the winner of a fun and sweet JP prize. Shoot me your mailing address soon!
    Thank you all, for helping make Lara feel welcome.
    Much love and happy reading!

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