Jeannie Moon on Librarians and Romance Novelists

I’ve been writing a lot and haven’t had as much time to read as I’d like, but at the top of my tbr is Jeannie Moon‘s Daring The Pilot.  It’s no secret I love the fictional town of Marietta, Montana and Tule’s new Men of Marietta series has to be one of my favorites.  I roped Jeannie Moon into sharing with us more about her new release in this series.  Please join me in welcoming Jeannie to JaneBlog!

What happens when you cross a librarian and a romance novelist?

You get me and one of my books.

I love writing. Truly. Developing characters and stories is an incredibly good time. But I have this problem. Deep inside me is my other half.


MY librarian half is always waiting.  And she researches topics to death.

I raised three children. My two oldest, my daughters, majored in hard sciences.  Julie has her doctorate in Physical Therapy.  Katie is a civil engineer. I know…they’re no joke.  Needless to say, I love girls who love science, and Keely is not the first scientist I’ve written. But she’s the definitely the most intense.  In order to make her true to life, I had to learn about geology. And geophysics. And volcanoes. And mountains.

I spent a ridiculous amount of time looking at US Geological Survey maps and reports about the mountains around Marietta. That’s where Keely was going to be working and studying for the next year, and I needed to know the age, the composition and how the mountains were formed. I also wanted to know if the area was seismically active…and guess what?  Marietta sits right near Yellowstone and it turns out Montana is one of the most seismically active areas of the United States. That was the payoff.

All of this may seem dry, but as I built my character, I started to appreciate the area much the way Keely did. A born science girl, the only thing Keely wanted was to know more than she did the day before. Sometimes she took risks, but in the end, Keely never regrets getting one more piece of information.

This is part of why Jonah falls for her. He’s a straightforward guy. Smart and focused, he’s one of the best pilots around, but when it comes to Keely, her brains are the biggest turn on for him. He loves her curiosity. He loves how she thinks, and how she processes information. Sure, she’s pretty on the outside, but what finally gets to Jonah is how much her work matters to her. How much she’s given up for it. Her dedication and her smarts make for a perfect package in him mind.

I get questions sometimes about why I write the brainy heroine. No one wants to say it, but there’s an underlying question about whether smart and sexy go together. I can tell you, after writing teachers, nurses, engineers, psychologists, entrepreneurs, lawyers, artists, librarians, and yes, geophysicists, that sexy is a state of mind, and smart is very sexy.

In the end, what does all that research do?  It helps me build realistic heroes and heroines who are smart, funny, and focused.  It allows them to go beyond the confines of what I know into the realm of what I can learn. It gives them depth. It gives them a something to care about.

In turn, the readers care about them.

Look for Jeannie’s Daring The Pilot at these online retailers:
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | Kobo | GoogleAmazon UK

Jeannie, thanks for a wonderful book in a great series! You’ve tempted me to do nothing all day but stay lost in the joy of reading.  I do have a fun prize for you all! Leave a comment for Jeannie and you’ll be entered to win a Marietta Montana book girl prize – Books, gift car, tote bag, fun stuff and so much more!  Contest ends Friday with winner announced Saturday.


  1. Happy Release Day Jeannie!! Keep writing those science girls!! I love reading your books and this one is no exception.

  2. Happy Release Day to Jeannie. I’m loving the post and I need to read it badly 🙂 Just awesome post! Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. Hooray for smart heroines, after all you have your daughters as models.

    I appreciate all the research that authors do to make their books accurate, interesting and appealing.

    And who doesn’t love to learn new things.

    I look forward to reading this story!

  4. I love reading books that have smart heroines. I especially appreciate the time and research an author does for their book. I like to think I am learning a little bit while enjoying a good romance. The book sounds wonderful.

  5. Smart is sexy? There is no doubt in my mind (nor in my friends’ minds) that this is absolutely true.

    As an aside, Jane, I had a girlfriend visit this weekend. Many years ago I had given her one of your red READ totes. She said she still loves using it, gets lots of people commenting on it (as she takes public transit daily in Toronto), and they ALL think you had a great idea by promoting reading in that way. *I* think they are absolutely correct, but I am also glad that these conversations give my girlfriend the chance to tell them what she knows and has read re Jane Porter and her books. We are ALL thrilled with how you promote reading in so many ways; it’s a lost art, so to speak (reading AND promoting reading). Thank you again….

  6. Congrats on your new release. Your research makes the character have more depth and we can learn,too. On my TBR list.

  7. Smart can indeed be sexy! Thank you, Jeannie, for another great book. Smarts and great characters, Marietta and romance. I’m ready.

  8. So glad you guys do all the research!!! and I’m up for winning a new gift car roflmao – thanks!!

  9. I appreciate all the research that makes the characters and the location ring true for me! Love the area and going to go to Montana on vacation soon so please don’t say Marietta is fiction because it seems real to me.

  10. Hi Jeannie!
    I’m halfway through and I’m loving it! I’m a science girl myself – keep writing smart heroines!

  11. I enjoyed your post. I just finished reading Daring The Pilot. I loved this story. This is a great addition to the Men of Marietta series.

  12. Just purchased this book to read Looking forward to it Have read book 1 & 2 Sure this will be as good 🙂

  13. The education program here is trying to encourage more girls to go into the sciences. Love that!!

  14. I enjoy your character development-especially your “brainy heroines”. Thank you for showing women can be smart and sexy!!!

  15. Bette Hansen, #20! Yay, Bette! Your name was pulled as the winner. 🙂 Shoot me an email with your details and the prize is yours.
    Thanks to everyone for chatting with Jeannie.
    More fun is on the way. Stay tuned!

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