Kaylie Newell’s Man in Marietta

I first heard about Kaylie Newell because of FB posts where my friends Megan Crane and Maisey Yates would mention her, or have a pic and a mention of them having coffee in Jacksonville, Oregon and I would be envious because they always looked like they were having such fun.  And then I started following Kaylie because her posts really resonated with me…she is such an amazing mom, and a fierce spirit, and a kind soul.  I love the combination of gentle warrior and I couldn’t wait for the day where I’d have the chance to work and play with her….and now I do!

Kaylie and Jane at the RWA Conf in San Diego, July 2016

I am so delighted to introduce all my readers and friends to the wonderful Kaylie Newell.  Kaylie, take it away!

Hi, everyone! Thank you so much to Jane for having me on her lovely blog.  If you don’t know me yet, my name is Kaylie Newell, and today is release day for my very first Montana Born book, Falling for The Ranger! To say I’m excited is an understatement.  I’ve actually been celebrating with Cadbury eggs all afternoon.  So, I have release day excitement, combined with a significant chocolate buzz going on, that’s going to make falling asleep tonight interesting.

If you’re not familiar with the premise of Molly and Todd’s story, it’s one that was born during the Olympics last summer.  As I was watching all these beautiful, young athletes on TV, I started thinking, so many of them are in their prime right now.  The world is their oyster.  But what happens when superstars such as these have too much money, too much fame, and nobody to keep them in check? That’s when Molly Cordero started taking shape.  I wanted Molly to have fallen from grace as a gorgeous, young gold medal Olympian, but finding a soft place to land in Marietta.

Todd Harris is adjusting to a brand new life as a Montana forest ranger, after making the change from a Chicago police officer.  Having been a big city cop, he’s a little gruff and a lot alpha, but he meets his match in the feisty athlete who’s got nothing to lose.

Todd and Molly are polar opposites in many ways, but they’re similar, too.  They’re both calloused from being hurt; Todd by his ex-wife, and Molly by the general public who’s decided to make her their punching bag. They both have to learn how to trust people again, and most importantly, how to trust each other.

To me, this book is about starting over and how scary that can be.  It’s about taking risks that even the most seasoned adventurers might find daunting, and discovering love in the process.

If you pick up Falling for The Ranger (the fourth book in the Men of Marietta series), let me know how you like it.  I love to hear from my readers!  And if I see you in person, I might even be persuaded to share a few Cadbury eggs.

Author coffee with Tule editorial Jacksonville, OR March 2017

Look for Kaylie’s Falling For The Ranger at these online retailers:
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | Kobo | GoogleAmazon UK

Kaylie, thanks for joining us today and letting me introduce you to my readers. I’m so excited about your new release and I know readers will love it too!  To keep the fun going, I’ve got this awesome book girl prize (which includes a signed copy of She’s Gone Country and Away In Montana) for one lucky reader! For a chance to win, just leave a comment below for Kaylie and you’ll be entered. Contest ends Friday, with winner announced Saturday.


  1. I love the premise of Fslling For The Ranger. I’ve just read the first Men of Marietta book snd am reading chronologicslly but this looks like such s great book. I’m trmpted to skip out of orfer.

  2. Hi Kaylie, I’m looking forward to reading your book.Congrats on starting with a great series.

  3. I loved Falling for the Ranger. Thank you for sharing where the idea for the story came from as I did wonder. Molly and Todd were really two lost souls.

  4. It’s so nice to get to know you, Kaylie! I can’t wait to read your book in the Men of Marietta series. I’m loving these calendar men!

  5. Congratulations on your first book, Kaylie! The main characters sound delightful and complicated, which makes for a great story. I hope you have great success with your book. I can’t wait to read it and will leave a review for you.

  6. Congrats on the release, Kaylie! I love the way your character sort of found you and took shape during the Olympics. Can’t wait to read!

  7. This sounds like a wonderful read. Thanks for posting and sharing how it came about.
    Congrats on the new release. Cadbury eggs and all. 🙂
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  8. Just the cover alone made me want to read Falling for the Ranger! That is one handsome and sexy man right there! Anyway, I’m excited to read it, and congratulations to you, Kaylie!

  9. Congrats to Kylie on her firt Montana Born book. And that commento about celebrating with Cadbury eggs all afternoon… LOL!
    Thank you for this wonderful giveaway.

  10. I’m a big fan of Jane’s, so any recommendation is good enough for me. I have read many of the Tule books, but have not started this series. Will definitely be putting it on my “to be read” list.

  11. Happy release day! I’m always happy to find a “new” to me author. I’m appreciative of your twist on the starting over trope, Kaylie. This certainly sounds like a good read. I have to send a big THANK YOU to Jane for the generous giveaway too!

  12. Congratulations to #17 Jessica M! Your name was pulled as the winner of this prize package! Shoot me an email with your mailing details and the prize will be on its way soon!
    Thank you all for your comments. Stay tuned – there’s more fun coming soon!

  13. It sounds like a really great book! I’ve been a fan of Jane’s since Flirty with Forty! I’m from Chicago so the midwest transplant character to Montana sounds fun!

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