Meet Patricia W. Fischer!

Patricia W. Fischer is one of those great Texans I love so much.  She’s smart, kind, generous, but also very hard working.  I love her can-do attitude and her desire to contribute and when the Men of Marietta series was being developed, the Tule team though she’d be an awesome fit.  Help me welcome Patricia to my blog and so glad she has a chance to meet you, my amazing readers and friends!

Hello Tule Readers! I cannot accurately express how excited I am that my book Burning with Desire, earned a spot in the Men of Marietta series.

This is my first book with Tule and I hope I brought all of you a story that you’ll love because I sure had a great time writing it.

To give a bit of backstory, last summer when we discussed this project, our fearless leader, Jane Porter, gave me the chance to bring a brand new character to a familiar place in Marietta—the Main Street Diner.

What a challenge! But I pulled out many of my family recipes and began thinking what a new kid in town would add to an already happy establishment. Food brings people together and gives us all a great idea of what it’s like to be sitting at the next table and listening in on the conversation between the hero and heroine.

Being from Texas, I knew I wanted Gabriella Marcos, the heroine, to come from my home state, but getting her to Marietta was a bit of a challenge. After a bit of brainstorming with writer friends, I figured the best way to get someone out of their comfort zone is giving them no other choice and Gabriella really has no other choice but to leave everything she knows and head to the very cold state of Montana.

Along with being the new owner of the diner, she also brings her teenage daughter, Trinity, a two beloved pets, Cookie Cat and Belle, a lab.

Upon their arrival, she awkwardly meets her neighbor, Kyle Cavasos, a firefighter and paramedic with the Marietta First Responders.

Kyle hasn’t been in Marietta that long either, but he’s been a welcome addition to the fire department, especially since he’s agreed to pose for the calendar to raise money for Harry’s House.

Coming up with inspiration for my characters wasn’t difficult. Instantly, I knew I wanted Gabriella to be Hispanic and the first actress I thought of was Gina Rodriguez from Jane the Virgin. She’s smart, gorgeous, and the perfect compliment to Kyle Cavasos, who reminds me of Jensen Ackles from Supernatural . (Guess I was in a CW mood when I came up with the story.)

Add in some good recipes, fun conversation, hilarious pets, and some saucy scenes, stir and savor and you’ve got Burning with Desire, coming April 18th.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the book.

Give me a shout or write a review.

Burning With Desire is available at these online retailers:
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | Kobo | Amazon UK

Because I’m in Hawaii right now, I can’t help but think a Hawaii giveaway would be just the thing.  So for great beach reads and a Hawaii Starbucks drink card and chocolate macadamia nuts and so much more, leave a comment, welcoming Patricia to the blog, and/or comment on the Men of Marietta series and you’re entered! Contest ends Saturday with winner announced Sunday.


  1. I love following ALL the Marietta characters. I know multiple authors are involved, but Thank You so much for writing these stories!

  2. I’m hoping to start reading this book soon. I’ve loved this series and group of books. I think Tule should publish their own calendar using some of the hot male models from the covers of the books.

    1. Wouldn’t that be amazing?
      I tried to find out who the model was through iStock, but they said they couldn’t tell me, even if they sent him my info.
      Maybe someday I’ll get his name and say, “Hey! Our readers want to know all about you.”

    1. I know, right?
      I got to meet him years ago at a local award show. He was very gracious and kind.
      Plus, he’s a fellow Texan so that ranks him pretty high in my book.
      Perhaps I should channel his “brother” Sam (Jared Padalecki) for a future book?

  3. Congratulations on your first book release with Tule. I am looking forward to reading your story with a modern day hero.

    1. Thank you so much.
      Kyle is for sure a great hero. Loved creating him. It was terrible work having to research/interview all those fire fighters.
      What I do for my craft. 😉

  4. Hi Patricia! Congratulations on your new book! it really sounds like one that I will enjoy and can’t wait to read it. I just requested it from NetGalley. Thank you Jane for always bringing us these fantastic new authors! I hope you’re enjoying your family time in Hawaii.

  5. Hello Jane and Patricia, Welcome Patricia to Jane’s Blog and to Tule Publishing. Sounds like you are going to be a great addition to the group. I look forward to reading your book. And, Jane hope you are having a great time in Hawaii enjoying the beauty there and your family time. Aloha!

    1. Man, I do love Hawaii.
      There’s a tree on Maui, a big Banyan Tree that they light up during the holidays. I’d love to see that one day.

      I appreciate the welcome and I look forward to hearing you input about Gabriella and Kyle’s story.

  6. Welcome Patricia. I love that I now know what the characters look like, I will just enjoy the read more. And I will do reviews.

  7. This is an exciting time for you, good luck, congratulations and enjoy it all. Love the cover…Ruth

    1. It’s it amazing? They did an incredible job.

      I tried to contact the model to give him a bit of cross promo, but couldn’t get iStock to give him my info. Of course, I’m guessing this guy gets a lot of “requests” for cross promo.

    1. Yes, saucy for sure.

      I mean, it’s spring in Montana where it’s still snowing and the windchill can be in the single digits. They’ve got to stay warm for survival, right?

  8. Hi Patricia! Your book sounds so good and can’t wait to read your book, love the books I’ve read from Marietta Montana…thanks for the chance to win this contest!

  9. Hi Patricia. I love the books from Marietta MT. Can’t wait to see what other characters you have in your story. Happy Release Day too.

    1. It was kind of a puzzle to not only pull in the new characters from the Men of Marietta series, but bring in well established characters as well.
      I wanted to make sure I did right by all of them so I hope you like the mix.

  10. sounds like a good read, down to earth book and story sounds better as it involves first responder-hope to learn more about that line of work/career. can’t even imagine owning and running a diner, gonna be fun to learn that that also.

    1. I had a great resource. My friend is a chef and has worked in the restaurant business for years. I used to wait tables so I have an idea of working in a diner, but not running one.
      She really helped me out.

  11. I loved Burning With Desire. I loved this romantic feel good story. I posted reviews. I’m hooked on the Calendar Men of Marietta series.

  12. I am loving the Men of Marietta series. Each book gets better and better. I enjoy finding new authors and can’t wait to read Patricia’s next book.

  13. Welcome Patricia and Congrats on the release of your book Sounds like a wonderful read. And picturing Jensen Tackles is a gorgeous touch. 🙂

  14. Marietta, Montana – who know there was such good stories there? Would so enjoy reading this book, thanks for post and the opportunity to win.

    1. Thank you. I really wanted someone who’d been such a strong character without being overwhelming.
      Someone who didn’t need to be rescued, but who didn’t mind being pampered, you know what I mean?
      Gina Rodriquez was the perfect inspiration for Gabby.

  15. Congratulations to #26 Jean Torgeson! Jean, your name was picked as the winner for the Hawaii giveaway. 🙂 Shoot me an email with your details and you’ll be enjoying your goodies soon!
    Thanks, everyone, for chatting with Patricia and I hope you’re loving the Men of Marietta as much as I am!
    much love,

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