Happy Memorial Day & New Releases!

It has been a whirlwind spring. I can’t believe Mother’s Day has already come and gone! I knew this year would be busy with my 8 year old’s First Communion and my 18 year old’s senior activities, along with all the other graduations happening for my friends and family.

Mac looking sharp for his First Communion
Son Ty with his date for Senior Prom
Ty with his best friends and music band members.
With my sister, Kathy and mom, Marybeth at my neice, Krysia’s graduation from Duke University

But here we are, with prom last week and graduation on Saturday and I couldn’t be more proud of my crew–not because we’re perfect and do anything all that amazing–but because we are a family and we keep sticking together through ups and downs, thick and thin, and its a very real love, with muscle and heart.

I’ll have two books out very soon, the 3rd book in my Harlequin Presents Scandalous Copeland mini-series, and then the 2nd story late June in my historical Montana series.

Her Sinful Secret, Harlequin Presents
The secret she never told…
Heart racing, Logan cannot look away from tycoon Rowan Argyros as he declares her life is in danger. All she can think is that Rowan took her virginity, heartlessly rejected her after a night of reckless abandon…and is the father of her child. She must reveal the truth before she’s whisked away to Rowan’s castle for safety…
Isolated together, Logan finds herself at the mercy of Rowan’s unrelenting need to claim her— and their daughter! Logan has known no touch but his, and yearns to feel it again…but to do so, she must agree to meet him at the altar!


Married in Montana, Tule Publishing
Beautiful, spirited, Texas born Ellie Burnett needs a husband. Fast. Her father, rancher Archibald Burnett, is dying and she’s determined to marry to protect the ranch and preserve her father’s legacy in Montana’s rugged Paradise Valley. The trouble is, she wants to wear the boots in the family and the man she has in mind, Irishman Thomas Sheenan would never stand for that.
Independent and taciturn Thomas Sheenan isn’t looking for a wife, having spent far too much of his life taking care of others.  He’s come to Montana to carve out his own identity, and be his own man. The last thing he needs is a headstrong bride, but when Ellie approaches him with the offer of a lifetime, he can’t refuse.
Thomas didn’t anticipate falling for his new bride.  He moved to Montana to stake his claim…he never planned on losing his heart.


I also have a fun JP Memorial Day giveaway full of books, giftcards and lots of cool colorful summer swag for one lucky reader because new releases should be celebrated and readers need to know how important they are. I wouldn’t be here–17 years after my first sale–if it weren’t for you. For a chance to win, leave a comment below and tell me did you receive my newsletter this morning? Contest ends Wednesday with winner announced Thursday.

I wish you the happiest of Memorial Day weekends and you know how much I enjoy hearing from you. Please stay in touch!
All my love,


  1. Congratulations! So much to celebrate with your boys, family, and books.

    My youngest has a birthday, my middle is graduating, then my oldest has a birthday all in the next two weeks.

  2. Beautiful family pictures Jane, and I love the formal communion attire, so cute!

    I did receive your newsletter by email this morning before visiting your blog/website.

    Have a great long weekend, I am soooo looking forward to the end of the work week!

  3. I received your newsletter this morning. Your family is special and the photos wonderful. Enjoy your holiday weekend. We will be enjoying time with family and celebrating a birthday.

  4. Ah the joys of children growing up. It can be emotional for a Mom but also a very proud time. Congrats to the new graduate and on your baby’s communion. From the pics you’ve posted of his Dad, we all know who he looks just like. Wow.
    Congrats on your new books and to your kids.
    Happy Memorial Day!!!

  5. I received your Newsletter! What fun to see a glimpse into your beautiful children’s accomplishments and joy. Congratulations to all! 🙂

  6. Yes I received your newsletter this morning! Beautiful pics! Congrats on everything! 🙂

  7. But of COURSE I received your newsletter, Jane! Duh!
    While scrapbooking pics from when my kids were still kids, I realized we crammed a LOT of stuff into our days and weekends like you do. Today, though, with both now grown adults, we don’t do as much (too tired and/or poor). I guess we did things back then because your kids are only kids once, and we wanted to share their growing-up years with trips to the zoo, concerts, and friends/family homes each and every chance we got. DO enjoy them while you have them (as I know you already do).

  8. I loved the photos you posted in your newsletter that I got this morning. Already found your Presents in the store!

  9. You have had a lot of exciting events this spring. I enjoyed seeing the pictures. I did receive your newsletter. I have it going to two different emails just in case one messes up. It arrived in both this morning. Have a wonderful weekend!

  10. Hi! I did receive your newsletter this morning! Congrats on the great stuff happening with your family. I will be watching the Indy 500 this weekend a family tradition and I get to head to visit my Indiana family next Wed. Just not the same without my gram, but I do enjoy visiting with friends and family.

  11. Congratulations on all the good things happening with your books and family! I did receive your newsletter this morning.

  12. Yes, I received your newsletter. Thank you for sharing your family pictures. Such a beautiful family. It’s that time of year for celebrations. Have a happy weekend Jane.
    Carol L

  13. Yep I received the newsletter and read it! I love seeing pics of your family and hearing the latest news! School is finally out so I’m looking forward to reading some new books!!

  14. Looking forward to newest addition to your Montana series. I have already pre-ordered. Maybe you will have a little downtime for the holiday. Anyway, enjoy!!

  15. Congrats and love all the pictures of your beautiful family! I have read your newsletter! have a wonderful memorial day weekend, busy going to graduation parties and having family over for dinner! thanks for the chance to win all your goodies!

  16. I received your newsletter. Congrats to you and your family on these wonderful accomplishments. Have a great weekend!!

  17. Yes, I did get your newsletter and love hearing about all that is going on in your non-writing life too, lol. I am amazed at how prolific you have become since I met you in 1995. Keep up the good work!

  18. Hi, Jane I have watched all your boys grow up from way back when you started. They are a handsome bunch of guys full of heart <3, and spirit. You did a great job.
    Yes,I did get your newsletter. Thanks for the list of new books I am looking for some new books to read. Oh, and the question you asked on facebook, about if we could see a post (which I couldn't see) there was a 'blue' word that said 'filtered'. I hope that helps. Have a memorable Memorial Day. 🙂

  19. What a fun and exciting time for you and your family! I received your newsletter and am anxiously awaiting your new releases!!

  20. I do subscribe to your newsletter, but it hasn’t come through yet. I saw your post on facebook and went to take a look. Congrats on all the milestones that several of your family members had.

  21. What a wonderful way to slide into summer! This is a great reminder for us all to celebrate what we have. Yes, I received the newsletter. Thank you for sending it and for the joys of your books. Keep the writing coming!

  22. You have a beautiful family! Thanks for sharing the photos of them with us. I didn’t receive your newsletter, for some reason.
    I hope you enjoyed your weekend of festivities and family!

  23. I did get your newsletter I love reading your news letters and i really had a fun relaxing memorial day Ilove reaidnga and seeing your pictures you all look so happy and blessed

  24. I received your newsletter. Love the pics of your boys growing up. it really goes quickly. Hope you had a relaxing Memorial day.

  25. Carole Fiore, #19, Congratulations! Your name jumped out of the hat as the winner of my JP Memorial Day giveaway full of books, giftcards and lots of cool colorful summer swag! Send me an email with your mailing details and this package will be in the mail to you soon!
    much love to all,

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