My Movie News!

Dear Readers,

I sent out a newsletter today. Did you get it? If not, here’s a peek at some of the news I’ve shared.  I am so excited that Christmas Miracle for Daisy, one of my Taming of the Sheenan series, is moving into production this month for a Christmas movie this year.

It’s amazing how fast they can turn a TV movie around, with pre-production lasting three weeks, filming three weeks, and then two to three weeks for post production.

As soon as the producers give me the air date and time, I’ll share with all of you.  In the meantime, I have a festive A Christmas Miracle for Daisy giveaway for one of you.  Just leave a comment below, and let me know if you’ve read this one or not.

There’s more news in my newsletter so do let me know if you didn’t get it and while you’re here on my website, sign up again so you can get the next one because I do have more fun coming your way!



  1. Yay! I’m so excited to receive your email! It’s been a very, very long time and I missed you! Congratulations on the great news about your Christmas book going into production. I haven’t read it yet, but I look forward to it. Just a bit early for my Christmas reading binge.

  2. I got the newsletter, and I’m so excited to hear there’s going to be another Jane Porter movie (I loved Flirting with Forty!!)…

    I haven’t read this one yet, but I’m going to look it up…it’s so possible it’s already on my e-Reader and I just haven’t read it yet.

    Congratulations on the new movie, I can’t wait to see it! Take care!

  3. This is fantastic news, Jane! Congratulations. I have read this story and it is very emotional. Hope you are having a fabulous day.

  4. I have not read A Christmas Miracle for Daisy but I look forward to reading it! I have to tell you the first book I read of yours was Flirting with Forty. I loved it so much I reread it and highlighted passages. I passed the copy around to all of my girlfriends! Hearing that there is going to be a Flirting with Fifty is just the best news!!
    Blessing to you!!

  5. I’ve read A Christmas Miracle for Daisy 3 times! This means I’ve read the others in the series as often! Awesome series! I also receive your newsletter and follow your blog. Thanks so much for your stories!

  6. Wonderful news! Congratulations! I have read Daisy’s story. Such a wonderful book to be made into a Christmas movie.

    Can’t wait to watch it!

  7. I am so happy for your great news, so exciting for all of us really! Did not read Daisy’s story, but would very much like to. You are one busy chick!!!

  8. Yes! I read it when it came out and it’s an annual Christmas read for me. Thanks for the chance to own a print version.

  9. yes, i have read it (more than once). it is such a great book to use for making a movie! congrats! so proud of the book & you!

  10. Haven’t read this one but I’ve read others in the series and very much enjoyed them. I’m excited there will be a movie made from your book. So cool for you!

  11. This is fantastic news! I am very excited for you. ❤

    I have read this and absolutely loved it!! One of my many favorite books of yours.

  12. I did receive your newsletter. Thank you
    And how exciting that we get to watch your book as a movie this Christmas.

  13. Congrats! I haven’t read this one, but I loved Flirting with Forty and am excited to hear there will be a Flirting with Fifty book!

  14. I just read your newsletter and I’m so excited to hear about the new movie. Although I haven’t read the book, it’s still early enough to read the entire series before Christmas!

  15. Yes I received your newsletter but not unfortunately I haven’t read the book yet. Congratulations on the movie!

  16. Congratulations on your movie deal! I havent read this one yet but I will. Cant wait to watch the movie too!

  17. I am so thrilled that that A Christmas Miracle For Daisy is going to be a movie. It does my heart good to hear happy news like this. I read the book last year and loved it. I also received the new newsletter. I wait to hear when the movie will be aired. Congratulations!

  18. I did receive your newsletter and offer my congratulations on the movie. I have read the book, but it’s been a while. Since before Tule was formed, I have followed you and your books. I went back and read the previous posts on the blog and would like to offer. We never, as mothers, get past the concern and wanting to “know” what our children are going to be facing, even when they’re 40 (mine). One thought – how would those sons feel if mother was uninterested and didn’t express a concern for the unknown ahead of them. You have taught them since their birth and although we keep repeating the same things to them, I’m often encouraged when some of those words sink in once in a while. They just need to know that no matter what, you will be there for them any time they need you. No one gets through this life alone. Stay safe and healthy. Love you!

  19. Congrats on the movie deal, sounds fantastic. I have not read the book yet but looking forward to it. Also would love to read Flirting with Fifty.

  20. I did receive the newsletter. I have not read this book yet although I do own it. Can’t wait to see the movie. I will have to make sure to read it before the movie comes out.

  21. Exciting news! Can’t wait to see the movie! The book? No, I haven’t read it yet. The newsletter? Every month

  22. I received the newsletter. Congratulations on the movie. I have not read the book yet but will have to remedy that.

  23. Aloha! It is great to hear from you. I met you at a writerʻs group lecture held in Waikiki years ago…happy to hear from you and your new movie deal! I havenʻt yet read and would love to.

  24. Congratulations Jane! Thank you for sharing the wonderful news about the upcoming movie being produced from one of your stories! I’m eagerly looking
    forward to your announcement of the air date!

    Merle Perkins

  25. Hi, Jane!
    Long time no talk to!
    I have NOT received your newsletter (and have not unsubscribed to it); thanks for asking.
    I LOVED Flirting with Forty many moons ago and look forward to Flirting with Fifty. (Will there be a Flirting with Sixty? My husband of 40 years died this year and the thought of flirting with someone other than him causes tears/agitation/anxiety at the moment, but I KNOW reading your books helps, so I certainly HOPE for a “Sixty” book too.)
    Congrats on the movie. It’s something else I can look forward to enjoying in the not-too-distant future. (Time flies during COVID….)

  26. I did get the newsletter, but I am behind on everything. I have not read the book yet, but congratulations on getting it made into a movie! I had no idea the filming was so fast.

  27. I got my newsletter and I haven’t read this book yet! Congratulations on getting your book made into a movie! Thank you for the amazing giveaway!

  28. Congratulations, Brenda M! You are the winner of my festive Christmas Miracle for Daisy giveaway! Please email me at Jane(dot)janeporter(dot)com with your mailing address and I’ll get it in the mail!

    Love to all of you!

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