
My guys are missing.  Make that two of my guys and my brand new babysitter.  They headed up to The Summit at Snoqualmie Pass to snowboard only hours after the pass reopened following reported avalanches, and two hours after they arrived, the highway closed again with more avalanches. 

Fortunately, my crew of three (Surfer Ty, son Ty and Summer the new sitter) aren’t trapped in one of the cars in the snow, but safely tucked into a parking lot at The Lodge at the Summit, but they won’t be home anytime soon.  In fact, there’s talk that the road won’t be open again until nearly noon tomorrow so they could be arriving here mid-day tomorrow.  Or later.

I’m really glad they’re safe and I’m working hard at my end to get them a lodge hotel room so they don’t have to sleep in the car, or on the lodge floor, but I do wish I had my car.  I’ve doctors appointments in the morning and I need shots tonight and it’s just odd to feel this way….kind of helpless, useless.  And yet, at the same time, its sort of an adventure for everyone involved.  New babysitter Summer is getting to know my Tys very well, and my Tys are getting some serious bonding time, too. 

Since Sinclair has agreed to come over tonight to give me my evening shots, all I need now is a ride to the doctor’s in the morning.  

And to get those crazy adrenaline junkie snowboarders  home.


  1. Yikes, Jane! I was watching all the footage last night about the Pass being closed down/blocked off. Scary! But, I’m so glad everyone is safe, though maybe not very comfortable. As for your shots, I wouldn’t be able to give them to myself, either. Sinclair is a true friend to offer to stick another friend. 😉 Hope the guys and the sitter get home soon, no worse for wear!


  2. Its awful when stuff like this happens, and so anxious for the one left at home and not able to help.

    We don’t have snow in my neck of the woods (Sydney) but about once a year my suburb gets cut off by bushfires – usually a week day so all the husbands are at work and its left to us Mums and all the Oldies to defend our homes (plus the fire-fighters of course!). So I know how discomfitting it is when you are kept apart from your family by the awesome power of nature.

    Hope the medical stuff goes okay.

  3. Glad to hear that everyone is safe…sounds so scary! I’ll keep them in my thoughts and prayers! Hope they arrive home safe soon:)

  4. Jane~Hope that everyone is doing okay and that they made it home safely. What a nerve-wracking experience for you.

    I’ve got my fingers crossed that all goes well with the medical things.

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