Cool Thoughts

I think I’ve shared this site before, I have to share it again. Talent Development Resources is such an incredible place for writers, creative thinkers, and curious, positive people. It’s probably my favorite place on the web.

In one of the current articles, Embracing Our Positive Abnormality, (of course that would appeal to me!!), there’s a couple paragraphs I have to include here:

Psychologist Timothy So notes in his article Positive Abnormality that “many great names in history, such as Benjamin Franklin, Ludwig van Beethoven, Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo Galilei, George Bernard Shaw, Winston Churchill, and still many others, all recognized their own strength and interests, believed they are unique and enjoyed being unique.”

He adds that they “put extra efforts to make their dreams come true, to impact society positively. They are as ordinary as any Tom, Dick, and Harry in many ways. The only way they are different from others is that they believe that they are unique and daring enough to stand out from the crowd, think outside the box, and choose to go on a path that those with a self-limitation are afraid to choose.

I love that. I love the encouragement to be great, to stand out from the crowd, to embrace that which is different. I’ve always believed that our happiness comes from being unique and not conforming. We writers, and we women, don’t have to fit in to any mold of box. We don’t have to please. We just have to be ourselves.

So be yourself. And I’ll be myself. And I know it will make the world a better place.


  1. God created each of us to be unique individuals. Those who never do anything and try to stand out on their own are the ones who never make mistakes. I take pride in my mistakes because I know that I at least tried.

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