Launch Poll

I need some advice, especially from those of you who live in the Greater Seattle area and get the million postcards and invites to my different events. 

Here’s the question:  Should I have a book release party after the Bellevue Barnes & Noble event for Mrs. Perfect?  Or have I become excessively annoying?  I feel excessively annoying. 

The facts:  It looks like the Mrs Perfect book launch at Barnes & Noble has been moved from Monday the 5th to Tuesday, May 6th, because Monday is Cinco de Mayo and according to bookstore data, Monday nights can be tricky for drawing a crowd.

The worry:  Say we’re now on for Tuesday.  Do I do the party?  Do you think I need a after party? I’ve done them at Ooba’s for every 5 Spot book but am wondering if doing a second party in one year (since Odd Mom Out was just in late Sept) is too much, or if the women here in Bellevue like the parties?

The idea:  If I did a party I was thinking it’d be a fun Hollywood theme with chocolate-tinis and yummy little desserts to celebrate the Flirting movie now being made (and just because I look Hollywood theme parties because I love movies and the idea of Hollywood).   I could go to and order cool film cut outs and cute little cocktail napkins (I so love to order party essentials) and make it fabulous, darling.

The decision:  Would those of you in the area want to come?  Or do you think I take a hiatus until the July ’09 book comes out.  Or should we just go for it and figure whoever comes, comes, and not worry about numbers…?

The truth:  You see, for all my bravery, I get nervous about an empty audience and a restaurant full of cocktails and nibbles and no bodies. 

I honestly don’t know what to do, and if my friend Lisa Johnson will scream if I go back to her and say, hey Lisa,  I’ve got another book coming out in less than two months.  Want to work really hard, for little pay, to host a party where I can be the star?  (And in real life she’d probably be cool, but in my head she’d be screaming, No, no, no, you ungrateful wretch, no.) 

The need:  Input so I can make a less neurotic decision.  So advise me!  Be my guru!  Make up my mind!


  1. Jane-

    I really wished that I loved closer to you because I would be there!!! I have never been to a book opening and your ideas sound great! I can just picture everything and your decorations sound like a great idea to tie your book and the movie together!

    I wouldn’t worry about the numbers because we know you have fans…look at all the people who came out for Odd Mom Out (even those who complained-how dare they LOL) and I’m sure they will be there to support this next saga with Taylor’s life.

    I say “Go for it”!!!

  2. Jane,

    I so wish I lived there also!! However, if you would like to move that nice little party to say NY or NJ, I would be there with bells on!! And I have made my sister a fan of yours so she would be there too:) I say, celebrate as much as you can because you deserve it and life is too short! I really can’t believe that having an empty audience would be an issue. Even here in Jersey at that little book signing, there was a pretty good turnout! Which by the way, if you’re planning another tour, I would love to know when you are on this coast!

  3. If I didn’t have plans already for High School Musical tickets with my 5 year old daughter. I would drive over to Seattle from Spokane. I have become a huge fan of yours. An am looking forward to your event at Auntie’s in Spokane, WA.

  4. Jane, we Seattle/Bellevue chicks love a chance to come out and support you. And we love a good party *Grin*

    Plus, something to think about, there are people like me who can’t make every release party (getting babysitting can be a pita) and so I’m always saying, ‘I’ll really try for the next one!’

    I love having the option or invite to come. I say as long as it’s something you want to do, go for it. If you invite them, they will come…. and we’ll pimp you on the loop 😉

  5. Your time is now Jane! Have the party, you deserve to celebrate. If I lived closer and not in Charlotte, NC, I would certainly be there. You shouldn’t stress about something that should be a happy time for you. In reading your blog, I learned that Mrs. Perfect won’t be coming out until
    July of 2009….that is too far away!

  6. It seems to me, that every book, just like every child, deserves a celebration when it is born. We’ve only met briefly, but if I got an invite, I would love to come and your idea of chocolate-tinis is brilliant.

    Have a party.

    P.S. and if you want to fill a room, I have lots of friends and I’ve given several of them Odd Mom Out as gifts. They’d come in a heart beat!

  7. Yes! Please have a party and put me on your list!
    I am planning on taking a personal day from work and travel by ferry from Port Orchard to be there for you and “Mrs. Perfect”. I love Shari’s thought about “every book, just like every child needs a celebration”. Go for it.
    Mary J.

  8. I say have the party. I was lucky enough to be able to attend your last party at Oobas and it was a huge turnout, a big crush of your friends & fans. I loved how you had the Mardis Gras beads on the table and everyone was wearing them. You have great party ideas. I say have the party most definitely. Your time is now!!

  9. Have the party. You will always have a great turnout because of the caring, fun person you are and really, as we get older how often do we get to celebrate ourselves? Birthdays, Christmas and such lose their luster as kids become the focus. This moment in time is all about Jane and her accomplishments so TAKE THE PARTY!!

    I will, of course, be there!

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