Fun In LA

Although I wasn’t a big fan of the four days spent on the train getting to and from LA, I did have a great time once down there.  On Wednesday I did a cable TV show and then Megan Crane picked me up afterwards and we met up with Kristin Harmel, a friend and fellow 5 Spot author.  The three of us hung around Barnes & Noble (what else are writers to do?) for awhile before we grabbed an early dinner at a nearby Greek restaurant.

Jane and Kristin Harmel in Santa Monica
Jane and Kristin Harmel in Santa Monica

Jane and Megan at dinner
Jane and Megan at dinner

Jane, Kristin and Megan
Jane, Kristin and Megan

Thursday was busy with two appearances, the lunch hosted by Friends of Huntington Beach Library.   Kate Jacobs, the NY Times bestselling author of The Friday Night Knitting Club, and I were the featured authors for the library’s September lunch and it was a pleasure to sit next to Kate and talk to her about writing and books, book tour and publicity.  She’s a gifted writer, talented speaker and really nice person.  I was a bit in awe of her success though.  Still am.  She has the kind of career novelists dream of.

All the women attending the lunch were lovely, although many confessed they’d never heard of me.  Fortunately Eileen, Ty’s aunt, was attending the lunch, too, and she had heard of me so that made me feel better.

After lunch, Ty returned to drive me to our Costa Mesa hotel where I took a quick nap, changed, and headed to Laguna Beach for a pre-event appetizer with Ty’s mom, aunt, and Mackie, his mom’s good friend.  We sat outside at Las Brisas overlooking the ocean and it was gorgeous weather, gorgeous day.  I couldn’t eat much (other than the amazing guac!) but it felt so good soaking up all that sunshine.

After an hour we were off to Laguna Beach Books for the evening event which started with a wine and cheese before the reading and signing.  The turn out for the event was wonderful.  Two of my cousins attended, one with her husband and mom, and the other with her little boy.  Ty and his family joined me, as did writer friends Megan and Liza who made the trek from LA.  Another surprise was the arrival of Kerry, a good friend from my UCLA days that I hadn’t seen since graduation in 1986.  Writer and filmmaker, Christine Fugate, who put the event together for me, was there with her girlfriends and then others just wandered into the store and stayed for the event.  It wasn’t my biggest event this year but it was probably my favorite.  Everyone at Laguna Beach Books made me feel so welcome and the atmosphere was relaxed and fun.  I wish all events could be like that!

And now it’s September 30th and the last day of the month.  Tell me how your month was and if you’re glad we’re almost to October and everyone who posts a comment today by midnight will be entered to win the final prize in the Princess Brides contests–the ultimate Princess Brides collection, with goodies that tie into all three books in the trilogy along with a signed copy of the book.   I’ll draw the winner’s name in the morning and post it below.  Good luck!


  1. Oh, I am glad to see the end of the month. We’re finally seeing the tail end of humid weather and feeling the cool breezes of autumn fill the bottom notes under warm sunshine. I love the crisp evenings and being able to roll the windows down and let my hair snarl up at the end of a stressful day.

    The prematurely-turned leaves have been baking in 80+ degree weather, but now the main volley of trees are shifting into brilliant reds and yellows that warm my soul. I’m newly back in suburbanville, so it’s my first non-urban autumn in a while and I plan to enjoy it! First a country fair this weekend and then maybe some apple picking later this month. I started this past weekend by treating myself to apple cider and pumpkin spice donuts.

    Good times are sure to come soon.

  2. My month has been really good, Jane! I have had quite a few lunch dates with fellow preschool moms and just recently I have come across something I am very excited to start. I just need my husband and me in the same place at the same time to discuss it further!! I have been talking to Kari and am very interested in becoming a candle lady also! Isn’t she adorable? We, of course, talk about your books often but also of so many other things we seem to have in common!! A new friend and a new passion always makes me happy!! Hope you are feeling better!! Happy October!!

  3. My month of September is a blur! I can’t believe how fast this entire year has gone, and with no sign of slowing down. I do look forward to October, though. It’s the beginning of the holiday season and Fall is my favorite season as an added plus. 🙂 It’s time to get cozy, spend more time with family and enjoy the changing signs of the seasons that only the PNW can bring. 🙂

  4. Hi Jane,

    I have to my September was pretty ineventful, which is the way I like it. The children are back in school and back to a routine so that makes life a lot easier. I am so excited for October, it happens to be my favorite month. I have waited all year to put up my Halloween decorations, I think I have more for Halloween the I do for Christmas. I just love Halloween, the one night of the year where we can be whomever we want to be. Take care and Congratulation on your little surfer.

  5. I love summer, but I’m totally ready for fall. Glad the September Back To School Hazing is over.

    Ah, Huntington Beach. I remember it well. I spent a good portion of my childhood there.

  6. Hi Jane
    Absolutely thrilled about your little surfer. Hugs to you and Ty. Try toast or dry biscuits before your feet hit the floor, just a little bit even before you trot to the ladies, it does work. When October is gone, so will the nausea be. We hope.
    August, September have been travel months – but met, did and saw so much and so wonderfully now my well is full. Time to soak the beauty of home.
    Make sure you do some soaking too
    Love Fiona from Aus

  7. My month has been crazy. Hubby had surgery the day before my birthday and therefor my birthday was not so wonderful. He’s doing well though, so I am happy for that. And I have been working out like a mad woman…I have lost 9 pounds and 5 1/2 inches so far, so I am psyched!!

    I am looking forward to October though. Hopefully I can get a visit in with my family in VA and some calm time!!


  8. Well the kids going to school was great although I do miss them. I’m so ready for fall. It’s my fave season.
    This has been a hectic month for me. It seems like one thing or another has gone wrong so I’m hoping October is a great pick me up month.

  9. Sept. has flown by and probably because I have started a job that has 12 hr. shifts in a Personal Care Home situation. I love it and time flies.

    I look forward to Oct. for family birthdays and my sis’s big 40 one.

  10. I’m glad it is over. The hurricane made it rather rough.
    But so far it is ending on a happy note.

    Great… I probably just jinxed my self.

  11. I’m looking forward to October. September gave me a few disappointments. I’m taking a break from writing and editing to catch up on some reading, and then I’m going to start writing fresh again in October.

  12. I am so glad this month is over. The engine died in one of our cars and the washing machine just keeps washing and won’t spin. I’m hoping things stop breaking in October.

  13. Hello Jane-
    Can’t figure out why my feed isn’t working so I’m glad I checked back again. I think I’m glad the month is over except they all go by too fast! But I like fall weather so that is a plus! Thanks for the contests and stay well!

  14. Unbelievable month for me – I fell face first into a staircase, broke and smashed one bone in my arm and dislocated the other bone from my elbow. OUCH! You might say. Never having had to deal with broken bones before, it has been an experience I hope to never face again. I had to wait a week for the doctor to do the surgery where he inserted an eight inch steel rod in my arm. The surgery added even more spice to my injury as when they did an EKG prior to surgery I decided to scare everyone with a weird heartbeak due to a hot flash. They cancelled the surgery the first time, put me into the hospital for three days and then decided I was right – it wasn’t a massive heart attack, but a hot flash…they should listen to us romance writers because we know hearts. 🙂

    What I learned from all this – besides being more careful when I walk – is that it is the little things in life that count. Like the joy I felt the first time I could touch my nose after surgery. WOW, there were several days I couldn’t do it. Another thing, after typing with two hands for hundreds of years, it is most difficult to hunt and peck with one hand. I am back to using both hands again because the physical therapist said it is healing and strengthening. I smiled because I knew I could finally get back to writing about my gorgeous hero.

  15. I celebrated my wedding anniversary this past weekend, which was the best part of September for me. Fall is a lovely season, when sunshine lights up the changing leaves and the sky is blue, but September means the end of summer, which makes it bittersweet for me because I prefer the long daylight hours and the warmth of summer days to any others. Still, our planet moves around the sun and the only thing to do is enjoy whatever a day brings (it is just easier to enjoy a summer day).

  16. Maureen, I drew a number 15 out of the hat and that is you. You are our the lucky winner for the big fun princess tote filled with all kinds of fun things. Please send me a private email with your mailing address and I’ll get the goodies out in this week’s mail. Happy October 1st!


  17. I know I am too late for the drawing!! Just wanted to comment on your trip–I have eaten at Las Brisas! I am a big fan of Laguna Beach and try to get out there once a year (fortunately Eric has on office in San Diego).

  18. Jane:
    I am often asked which season I most prefer. It’s difficult to answer living in the Northwest.

    I went to school in San Diego and it was so strange to finish finals and then take a walk on the beach and see a light Christmas tree on the beach. I’d find myself standing in Kirkland the next day, wondering if we’d have a white Christmas and frankly the whoel experience just made me more homesick.

    I love the fall here. I love walking on the Burke Gillman trail through the UW campus and hearing the leaves crunch.. or mush if it has been raining. I love the return of football and hearing my kids start to talk about the princess, transformer, vampire or veggie tale they want to be for Halloween. It’s exciting to retreat into comfy sweaters and nice evenings in front of the fire.

    I’m especially glad to be starting a new month as I leave the month we lost a precious friend at my son’s school. Little Mara Adams, age six, passed away from a brain tumor on the 22nd of this month. Her family is absolutely incredible and my heart just aches for them. To know we are moving on to a new month means we are 9 days further in the healing process.

    As I grieve the passing of one life, I learn about the creation of another through your site! Congratulations on your pregnancy! I feel like I am a friend because of your “Flirting with 40” book which perhaps let us in on our life a little??? Best wishes to you and your family! Hang in there with the morning sickness! I always joke the way I lose weight is to have a baby because I puke for 8 months straight. Hugs to you!

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