Be A Book Hero!

I know I already posted a blog today but I just discovered something that’s so big, and so close to my heart that I had to write another quick blog and ask for help.

Click to give.

I’m going to give you a link for a literacy site and all you have to do is click the orange button that says click, and a donation will be made that will help get free books into the hands of children who wouldn’t otherwise have books–and it costs you nothing.  Just time.  A click.

Pi Phi and First Book set a goal of 34,000 books by November 16th which is why I’m asking you to visit The Literacy Site and click daily between now and Nov 16th to help them reach their goal.  I’ve done fundraisers for First Book before and love this organization and am so pleased that they are so passionate about getting books into childrens hands.

So, visit The Literacy Site, click the orange button that says “Click Here to Give–It’s Free” and that’s it.  Everybody that does it and takes time to post a comment that you did do it, will be entered to win a fun beach extravaganza prize of big bright fun beach tote bag with aqua striped beach towel, a signed copy of Flirting, a 2008 tropical beaches calendar and much more.  Let me know in the comment section that you’ve clicked–and you can tell me every day for the next couple days because you can click everyday–and on the 17th I’ll draw a winner’s name from those who’ve posted in the comment section that they visited the site and clicked.

Now this is an honor system.  I have no way of knowing if you really do click, but I know if you love books half as much as I do, you’ll want to help The Literacy Site get books to needy kids.  Pass the word on.  Let’s make this happen.  I love the idea of us being heros together.


  1. I absolutely did this 🙂 I love the First Book program! I think it is absolutely necessary that every child have books of their own to read! It’s what created such an avid reader in me…Mom and Dad read to me all the time and it stuck. I read tons 🙂 And still love it 🙂 Great post Jane 🙂 I am going to copy your post over at my livejournal blog to get other people aware of it!! Thanks 🙂

    Much love,

  2. My click has been counted and I’ll send out an email as well to spread the word. I started reading young and don’t know where I would be if I hadn’t. Two of my sisters are teachers, so I know this will be close to their hearts as well. Thanks for letting us know Jane!

  3. I clicked but I must admit, I am trying to win your prize, so I can give it away at the movie premiere party! Great prize!

  4. I clicked.
    I was wondering how a click could buy books but I saw all the sponsors.

    I have a friend thats grandaughter gets a book for free every month. It is from someplace like this.

    I can’t imagine a childhood without books. I cut my teeth on all the Walt Disney fairy tales. I had a huge 4 volume set that I read over and over for years and years. It was like an encyclopedia set of fairy tales.

    Great post Jane.

  5. That was easy, it is up to 78%! I didn’t get new books when I was a kid but I wore out my library card. A new book smells so good!

  6. Thanks for reminding all of us to click–yea for Pi Phi and First Book. Hope you are doing better Jane. Can’t wait to see Flirting with Forty.

  7. KathyGee, thanks for reminding me to check out the progress we’ve made. 78%! Good. Now maybe if we all return tomorrow and click again and then we can get that 78% to 88%! Pass the word, get your friends clicking. 🙂


  8. This is soooo cool. I have marked the site in my bookmarks and plan to keep visiting it. Anything to help kids and books flourish. 🙂

  9. As a former teacher, I wholeheartedly support getting books into children’s hands! I clicked today, and I will keep on clicking. 😉

  10. What a great program, I added it to my favorites so I can click it everyday. I also clicked some of the other ones while I was there. They are all great causes especially the Literacy,Child Health and Breast Cancer. Thanks for the link. Have a wonderful weekend.


  11. I get the email sent to me every day so I have my reminder. I have been clicking these for over a year….some for a few years. Thanks for telling people about them!

  12. Jane,
    I click on this site and the other 5 daily because I believe in all the causes. Thanks for making others aware of it.

  13. I clicked again! I also saw on the site that they are selling sequinned book ornaments. Those would look cute on a Christmas tree, and they would make a cute stocking stuffer for the booklovers you know.

  14. Wow!I would love to win, but either way I’m glad I clicked! I even sent an e-card for extra click. I am just now in my 40’s realizing how great reading is and how good it is for you. My 4 year old loves for me to read to her and sometimes I catch her just “taking in” the pages as she “reads” to herself. My 21 year old loves to read too. My 16 year old (who has learning disabilites) is so excited he gets to read a book for class…and my 18 year old made it his goal for a class project to read a certain amount each day. Thanks Jane for your part in making literacy a special thing! Sharen

  15. #15, Julie Rosetti, you are the winner of the beach tote. Please shoot me a private email with your address so I can get tote, towel and goodies in the mail.

    And thanks to everyone for clicking and taking time to help get books into kids hands. I’m so grateful you got behind this and helped make the effort more successful. You rock!


  16. By the way, everyone wins this time. I have a special gift–my JP vanilla scented heart candle that burns for hours and a $5 Starbucks drink car for everyone that posted that they clicked. To make sure you get your gift, please email me privately with your mail address and I’ll give it out. I just want everyone to know how much I appreciate their time and help!!!

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