Flirting with Friday

It’s Friday!  I’m so glad it’s Friday and the weekend is ahead.  I love weekends.  I love it when the kids don’t have to go to school, and with one boy sick, it will probably be a slower weekend.   I need to write this weekend but I want to read.  I have a terrible feeling reading will win out.  I made the mistake of reading a book yesterday.  I couldn’t go to bed until I’d finished it as I like reading best when I can do it in big long chunks.  I love being deep in a story and nothing matters but getting to the end.

Flirting with FortyThe Flirting movie premiere invites keep coming in and I’m up to twenty now which is brilliant.  Some of you are having parties with all Flirting fans.  Others are inviting friends who have never heard of the book but you want them to see the movie and learn about the book.  And some of you just want a chance to throw a party.  It’s been so fun getting the invites and reading the details.

Apparently there was a little blurb on Access Hollywood about the Flirting movie night before last.  It seems they showed a quick clip of the film and an interview with Heather where she was talking about how hot Robert Buckley is.  Rob is hot.  He does a great job as surfer Kai (now Kyall in the movie).

To celebrate that its Friday, and all the fun things happening with my books as movies (Odd Mom Out and Mrs Perfect continue to head in the right direction in Hollywood with another big meeting yesterday) I’m doing a Flirting film contest with the prize consisting of three beautiful Vera Bradley purse accessories in Mediterranean Blue (make up bag, coin purse, and purse notebook with stickie notes) along with a $15 Starbuck drink card tucked in the coin purse.  You’ll also get lots of my JP goodies including my clear blue Jane Porter water bottle and new fat Flirting pen.  So share with us your weekend plans, if you’re going to see any of the new movies, or if you’ve got a new book to read.  I’ll pick a winner Sunday night and post first thing Monday.  Come share and hopefully win!


  1. Good morning Jane… I will be attending a writers group meeting tomorrow in Fresno and then spending the rest of the day recuperating from the oral surgery I had on Wednesday… still a bit bothersome. If I am feeling up to par I will then finish getting my sons new room decorated, and hope to finish the book I am currently reading. Actually I hope to get that finished tonight and then move on to the next by the weekend. Maybe somewhere along the way I can get started on writing my next book. Starting is always so hard! Hope your weekend is great and your son is better soon.



  2. It’s a reading weekend for me. I don’t read much during the week since it’s too easy to derail my writing, but the weekends are good for the reading.

    Have a nice weekend, Jane!

  3. My best friend and I are headed to Broadway next week to see Spamalot. I won the company talent show (singing) this past September and the prize was 2 tkts. My friend has never seen MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL though – a wrong we’re setting right tonight pre-Spamalot extravaganza. Then Saturday is our monthly NJRWA meeting; 3 editors will be there and have agreed to “speed-pitching” after lunch. Sunday I have to work (sad) as my company is prepping for a pitch. So nothing too exciting for me this weekend, but after 2 crazy non-stop work weeks with much angst, it’s just good to have something else to do, even if only for a short while.

  4. Hi Jane,
    I will be attending a wedding this weekend….how romantic.
    I love to read the same way you do and that is non-stop. I’m going to read Flirting with Forty again! It’s my favorite! 🙂

    Hugs, Julie

  5. Well I work on Saturday’s so that is one weekend day shot but am off on Monday’s which works well for me. On Sunday, I am going to read “One Christmas Night” and maybe I’ll stay in my pj’s all day. That is what I feel like doing – nothing but indulging myself for a day. And you know what I am already feeling selfish.
    O well!!

  6. Well I’m working an “event” this weekend for a couple of hours and then reading, reading, reading! Presents- Abby Green’s December release The Mediterranean Billionaire’s Blackmailed Bargain and Robbie Grady’
    s Confessions of a Millionaire’s Mistress and Desire – Baby Bequest.

    Sunday….well catch up laundry, etc. no fun at all!

  7. Hi Jane,
    Well unlucky me I have to work on Saturday, but only til six and then I have some girlfriends coming over to play Phase 10 and drink a little wine. Sunday I have church and then I plan to relax the rest of the day. Monday is one of my days off so I get to finish up Christmas shopping. I just finished Mrs. Perfect, bought it Monday afternoon and finished Wednesday morning, so I know what you mean about getting lost in the book and loosing track of time. It was great, I loved, loved, loved it. I can’t wait for Tiana story.


  8. Jane-
    I struggle so with reading for fun and gettin things done. I tend to allow the books to pull me in. But, not this weekend. I am going to be reading, but not the kind of reading I’d like to spend doing. I am going to buckle down and conquer a fear that I have. I will be studying for my Personal Trainers Certification. After personal training for years, it is about time that I got over my fear of testing. I am a big believer in setting goals and getting them down on paper. That spells reality to me. So, in sharing this with you and your fans, I am now committed to following through. My passion other than reading is helping women feel great about themselves through fitness. So, wish me luck, here I go!

  9. I plan on seeing 007 Quantum of Solace the new James Bond movie this weekend. I love Daniel Craig as James Bond.
    Other than that just the regular stuff. Ya know, laundry, cleaning the house a bit of yard work. On Saturday nights I like to watch BBC America. The new season of Dr. Who started last weekend and I am hooked.

  10. Tomorrow is the last day of soccer for my kids but it’s raining and I think either I will be sitting in the rain watching soccer or it will be cancelled. Sunday, I have a mommy/daughter double date to see HSM3 and shopping. Otherwise, I will be getting ready for my first candle party/open house on Wednesday morning! It’s chilly and damp here in NJ and would I would really like to do is cozy up near the fireplace and read a good book and burn a yummy candle!!
    Have a great weekend!

  11. Hi Jane!
    I’m so happy it is Friday! I have four days off and am looking forward to it! Today I am taking my mom to lunch. Tomorrow my son has a basketball game and I may take my daughter shopping after that! I am actually off to Borders in a few minutes as i need a new book! I am excited for the Flirting With Forty movie. I have to work that night, but am hoping they re-play it soon after!

  12. Wow – it seemed like Friday would never get here!! A long, long week. But the weekend is in sight.

    I’m leaving work early to rake leaves and pull dead geraniums from the yard. Hoping for a quiet day on Saturday. We’re having an early Thanksgiving dinner with family on Sunday.

    And then, we get to start it all over again on Monday.

    I can hardly wait for the Flirting premiere. We’re having a SpaJama/Flirty with 40 Premiere event to celebrate the upcoming wedding of our friend, Kim. Nothing better than staying overnight at a swanky hotel, turning the spa into our own retreat, sipping wine and nibbling on great snacks and watching our Jane’s book come to life on screen with our favorite girlfriends in our jammies all while toasting our girl, Kim!! FABULOUS!!

  13. Going for a lovely walk with a friend and then being treated to a lunch and perhaps have a chance to browse through this great bookstore in town.

  14. Playing in a softball tournament called the Turkey Bowl tomorrow. Our first game is at 8 a.m. and it should be about 35 degrees for the first pitch. It will warm up to a balmy 45 for the high. Gee, I love playing softball in November in Colorado!

  15. Weekend plans–first of all, I took Friday off to make it a longer weekend, and today has been very relaxing & aimless. Tomorrow I am going to a big arts & crafts show in Shakopee, Minnesota. Sunday I am taking Noodles in to get a dog bath! Should be a cold weekend so I am looking forward to spending a lot of time snuggling at home.

  16. Hi Jane!

    TGIF!! I am hoping to relax tonight and order in some pizza. Hopefully start a new book! I am going to my first Jack & Jill baby shower tomorrow. On Sunday, I am going to my girlfriend’s house for homeade gumbo. Hope you have a great & relaxing weekend!


  17. TGIF Jane!

    I have a candle booth at an elementary school’s fall festival bright and early Sat. AM that lasts until 2 PM and then the Alabama vs. Mississippi State football game will be on in the evening – ROLL TIDE ROLL!!! My boss is a MSU grad, so we have a little office rivalry this weekend.

    No set plans for Sunday so far.

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  18. I’m excited to say that I don’t really have all that big of weekend plans. It seems like weekends are always jammed packed, so it’s nice to just have some time to do “nothing”. I’m sure reading will be thrown in there – I have to read every day or I start to go crazy. We’ll probably end up at the dog park at some point. We’re training both of our dogs to become “Reading with Rover” dogs and I think we have a field trip in the U-Village on Sunday afternoon. If you’re in the area, you should stop by! It’s pretty funny to see all these dogs with vests on learning new skills! It’s from 3-4:30.

  19. Yesterday like a idiot I fell and sprained my ankle. I was planning on reading over the weekend, but the painkillers make me kind of woozy. I still have to find time to go see the new James Bond movie.I’ve seen every Bond movie at least 3 times.

  20. jane…let’s see this weekend is dedicated to family. tonight i will be cooking dinner for my parents anniversary, out of the new barefoot contessa cookbook. saturday is nephew day! sun will be my family day! i did pick up the twilight and havent gotten far, but i am enjoying it..thanks for the pick. have a good weekend and i hope your son feels better…..

  21. WOW!!! What great prizes! Between driving my girls to dance and a birthday pary, I plan on reading “Your Roots Are Showing” by a local writer and friend of Jane’s. I really want to see “Four Christmases” but I have to wait for it to come out!

    I Hope everyone has a great weekend:)

  22. Hi Jane! I’ll be doing some errands this weekend—shopping, dry cleaners, hair salon— before attending a friend’s baby shower. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  23. I have to get around to picking up your other books “Mrs. Perfect,Odd Mom Out, Frog Prince etc.

    This weekend I’m reading “The Friday Night Knitting Club” and I rented an old Cary Grant classic “Arsenic and Old Lace” (which is one of my favorite movies) So I’ll be doing some reading and some watching!

  24. This weekend I’ll be shopping to get both my teenagers outfitted for their various events. My son is going to a Homecoming dance and my daughter has a Sweet 16 party. Fun! I will be doing all the regular weekend stuff (recycling, shopping, cleaning), but by Sunday night I intend to relax with my latest book, “Eating Heaven.”

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!

  25. No big plans this weekend, just enjoy the non-rainy weather by raking leaves and getting out on a hike. I bought and read “New Moon” and plan to get the last 2 books in the Twilight Saga. Dark evenings are perfect for reading!

  26. this weekend I am working 1 – 10 hr. shift and 2 – 12 hr. shifts at the Personal Care Home I work in. As you can see, I have enough time to get ready for the next shift and that is all.

  27. I’m a K-9 school librarian and the junior high kids are reading anything VAMPIRE. I haven’t been able to bring myself to read any of them yet, but I found a new one called Blue Bloods by Mellisa de la Cruz that I’m going to try to read today so I can find out for myself what they are so crazy about!

    Looking forward to the Flirting premiere, it was the first book of yours that I read!

    Have a good weekend Jane!

  28. Hi Jane! No big plans for this weekend. It’s going to being raining so I’m staying inside and doing some much needed housecleaning. I hope to get some reading in, too. Have a great weekend!

  29. I took a rug braiding class thurs night and will be braiding wool for a rug. I feel very amish and I’m excited to see it done. Of course, I’ve only just started and need to do 9-20 ft by thurs so lots to do this weekend! I love weekends as well and look forward to sleeping in a bit! Have a great weekend y’all!

  30. Hi Jane,
    I’ve a weekend filled with sports. My daughter has both a soccer game and swim meet. Also, Saturdays during the fall are Notre Dame days for us! We are huge Notre Dame fans (even though the season isn’t going quite our way). But they did pull out a win against Navy!
    Have great weekend.


  31. With a baby and a lot of papers to grade, my weekend plans include grocery shopping–is it sad that I look forward to this?–and taking the baby to swim class.

    I will be starting Janet Evanovich’s Plum Lucky tonight after I grade 15 more papers.

    I can do it!

    Hope you had a great weekend, Jane.


  32. My weekend plans are always the same – homework and training for a marathon. Occasionally I’ll work in a book (like last weekend) but those a few and way too far between these days. 🙁

    Hope you had a great weekend Jane.

  33. Hi Jane!!! Hope you are feeling better!! I drove my Mom to Asheville (8 hours round trip) for lunch with her sister. Thankfully, the leaves are stilll gorgeous in N.C. Today I intend toread the new J.D. Robb and go to the new Barnes and NOble here in town!!!

  34. It’s snowing! Time for the family to head outside and begin the long haul called winter! My 4 year old daughter loves the snow. My 10 year old nephew who is living with us is from Vegas and is so excited to see this white stuff. It’s fun just hangin around the house enjoying fun family moments and oh yes…can’t forget hot chocolate!

  35. #24 you are the winner of the Vera Bradley purse accessories, and that’s you, Meg Munson! Congrats and hope you enjoy. Please shoot me a private email with your address so I can get the goodies out in the mail!


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