Flirting with Forty Film Premiere

With less than a month until Lifetime’s Flirting with Forty movie airs, I’m beginning to get really excited about the film.  I’ve watched it several times now and I always start smiling at the opening credits.  I love the opening shot with the soundtrack.  It’s fizzy and fun and so perfect for the holidays.   You can find more info about the movie over at Lifetime, including the air time of 9 ET/PT.

Flirting with FortyMy publisher is also re-releasing Flirting with Forty in a trade edition that has the Lifetime logo on the cover to tie-in with the movie.  You can see the cover on my site, and I’m hoping the new cover will grab some new readers.  Lifetime has planned some very cool promotions, including print advertising in People, contests on their site and more.   You’ll have to let me know if you see or hear spots promoting the movie.

Speaking of the movie, one of my friends, Kelli, is hosting a gathering of her friends to watch the Flirting movie premiere at her house on Saturday, December 6th.  She sent me an invite and I’m trying to see my way clear to attend as I’d promised to attend a fundraiser on that date before I knew the movie aired the same night.  However, I love Kelli’s idea of hosting a Flirting movie party, and I’ve heard from readers that they’re intending to watch with their friends, so I’ve decided to put together a fun party box with individual gift bags to anyone who is hosting a movie party on December 6th.

The party bags include my updated Jackie Laurens Luau cookbook, my new big fat blue Flirting with Forty pens, and a special Flirting with Forty bookmark to commemorate the movie plus sweets and treats to munch on.  How to get gift bags for your guest?  Send me an Evite to your party, along with your mail address and the number of guests you expect and I’ll get the party box to you in early December just before the movie airs.

And before I forget, if you’d like to give signed copies of Flirting with Forty for Christmas and you live in Greater Seattle, I will be doing some local signings in December and I can personalize the books for you then.  But if you don’t live here locally and want signed editions for Christmas (or an upcoming 40th birthday present), shoot me a private email and we can work it out.   I’ve had readers order books via Paypal and others have sent me a check with the dedication they want, and I get the books out in the next day’s mail.  I just want everyone happy so let me know what I can do for you!

And lastly, keep your eyes open for all the fun Flirting with Forty contests I’ll be holding here on my blog in the coming weeks.  I have little contests, big contests, and tons of fun stuff to give away to celebrate the premiere.  Here’s to a exciting and festive month!


  1. Great, something other than the usual holiday fare to enjoy! With so many repeats during the season, it is something special to look forward to. I am going to ask at lunch tomorrow and see if it isn’t too late for our fun lunch bunch to get together that evening and watch the movie and drink some wine and have our usual giggly, wonderful time together.

  2. That’s so cool! Kari and I were chatting one day and wondering if somehow we could watch it at the same time while being across the country from each other!! The time difference would put me at an advantage though, I think!! I love the idea of a movie night though!! And a Sex on the Beach candle from Scent-sations would be a good favor too!

  3. Just a note to let you know that your fellow I.E.C.R.W.A. members are so looking forward to your movie coming out! We are equally excited about your wonderful gift that is due out in May!! You are thought of often & wished the very best, so stay in touch.——Denise

  4. I can’t wait til this comes out and hope it airs up here in Canada. This is still my favourite book of yours. Now I’m off to find out where it’s airing up here and when.

  5. WOW! I have been waiting for this movie to come out!!! I’ll start working on my evite now I know the date. I can’t wait for all your fun contests too. I’m really looking for to Robert Buckley without his shirt LOL!!!

  6. Hello Jane,
    I can’t wait to see the movie! I read the book 3 times and gave out at least 4 copies to date. What a great idea to have a party and watch the mnovie together. Well, I made some calls and we are on for December 6th. The girls are asking can we purchase the party packs? and if so how much are they? Please let me know how we/I can aquire one.
    Thanks for you great writings and new movie!
    Denise D’Antonio

  7. Jane- I just read your book and was so excited that a movie is coming out. My favorite book of yours. Just love it. I was telling my sister about it and how any woman can relate. I especially love how you brought out how women “really” think. Funny! We just can’t help oursleves, can we? Guess what my sister is getting for Christmas?
    Blessings, Jill

  8. Wow, Jane, that is so generous of you! To add to the fun of the movie night, I’m planning on making many of the recipes from Jackie Lauren’s Luau cookbook! How cool am I? LOL!

    Now, if I can just find on the Lifetime web site what time the movie starts…


  9. I answered Denise’s question re goodie bags privately but I’ll also answer here. There’s no charge for the movie swag and goodies. I just need an Evite from you, along with a mailing address and an estimated headcount of guests attending, and you’ve got your party box! I went shopping for all the fun stuff today and am putting the goodies together tonight. What’s great is, I already have five party boxes to mail! So everyone, plan that party, shoot me the details, and I’ll get you the fun stuff!!

    Jane Porter

  10. Hi Jane,

    Can’t wait for the movie, already have the TIVO set to record. That way I can watch it over and over.


  11. Oh, man…I am so excited about this! I have my party planned. I have everyone psyched for it. I even gave my mom my book so she could read it first. Yeah, I invited my mom. She is newly single and I know she needs some fun! Thanks, Jane.

  12. Putting together the guest list right now while I’m supposed to be working – oh well! Will send you the evite and headcount once I get the menu settled. That is the second most important ingredient after the movie and good friends~ right?

  13. Jane: sorry to be an idiot! I sent you the evite, but neglected to put in the headcountand mailing address on the invitation itself. May I send that directly to you via private email?

  14. I am super excited to be hosting a movie nite in my neighborhood 🙂

    None of us have read the book yet, so I think we should all try to read it so that we can talk about it before the movie and then see how we enjoy the movie experience versus the book experience.

    Only one of the people that I have invited has even heard of this book, so this is a great way to get exposed to some new folks 😉

  15. This is such fun! I can’t wait for the movie! I know we are going to have a few people over, but I’m waiting to hear back from two more people. I’ll send an invite very shortly , Jane. 🙂

  16. hi – i cannot wait to see this movie and plan on having a friends party. I am dying to find out the name of the song in the preview…someone said it was Chasing Sidewalks, but it doesnt sound like it, though i may be wrong, can you tell me if this is the song????? thanks so much!

  17. Hi all, just an update on the song played during the movie trailer, I emailed the Lifetime publicist and got the full low down. The artist is Adele, song is “Chasing Pavements,” and album is “19.” Hope this helps those of you asking!


  18. I’m so excited for this movie; we have Satellite so will get the movie one way or another. I’m getting my invites together now. Thanks so much.

  19. Have looked everywhere but can’t find out if FwF will air in Canada! My experience with a younger man while on vacation mirrors a great deal of Jane’s book…PLEASE – any ideas of how to see this in Canada? Lifetime won’t even let us see the trailer!

  20. Love, absolutley love the promos and soundtrack. Where can i buy it. Help must have that CD for the music.

  21. What is the name of the song that plays at the end of the movie flirting with forty,
    ” Seasons never change this is gonna last forever.”

  22. Will the movie “Flirting With Forty” become available on DVD? Does Lifetime plan to release a DVD? I would like to be able to purchase a copy of this movie. Thanks for any information.

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