Mama Mia

People ask me all the time if Surfer Ty is going to move to Bellevue now that we’re expecting, and I say no.  We’re going to keep doing what we’re doing, which is being together and then apart, but then together again.  We always find a way to get back to the other and sometimes we wait a month but later, when the baby is born, it won’t be a month, it’ll be less, but for now, it’s what it is, and it works.

How?  I don’t know.  I do know that Flirting with Forty is magical because of him.  He isn’t the entire story, but just when I was so broken up about life, marriage, divorce he was something entirely new, and entirely wonderful and I fell so hard.  So unbelievably hard and it was just like Mama Mia, the ABBA song,

Just one look and I can hear a bell ring

One more look and I forget everything

Mama Mia, here I go again.

My, my how can I resist you?

I couldn’t resist him that first year.  I was crazy about him, absolutely head over heels, and I’m still crazy about him and we’re heading towards five years.

Our relationship isn’t the relationship in the book.  It’s more complicated.  And it’s been harder at times.  But it’s been better, too, because we’ve reached this place where we have a life together.  A house there in Hawaii, a house here in Greater Seattle, and now a surfer baby on the way.  Life wasn’t over at forty.  Life was just beginning.

Just one look…


  1. Whatever works for you…as long as you are happy!!! I love the Mama Mia song and you are right! Did you see the movie? It was amazing and I left the theater in such a great mood!

    Mang hugs,

  2. Your story is so sweet and I think that is what makes Flirting With Forty so special! I wish you so much joy with your future! Now, the burning question still for me is: Are you going to find out whether that baby is a boy or a girl? 🙂

  3. I think it sounds like it is working out just fine. Not everything has to be so traditional and by the book! And you get the best of both worlds–Hawaii and Bellevue–how cool is that! Your story is very romantic.

  4. Wow…What a way with words you have:) Which is good in your line of work, right? I am in a good mood today…can you tell? I love your story but then again, I loved the book too! You and Ty have to make it the way it works for you! Love is not always traditional…it is what it is! It has no age, no limits.
    Hope you are feeling well!

  5. You guys are pretty dang inspirational, if you ask me. Not everyone could make it work the way you are able to!

    Oh, and by the way…this latest TV guide must have 5 different mentions/ads/blurbs, etc, of Flirting with Forty! Check it out! Dates: Nov 24-Dec 7.

  6. I remember the time before Surfer Ty all those years ago.
    You certainly deserve such happiness.
    I loved the movie Mamma Mia. I was and still am a big fan of ABBA. I am counting days until the DVD is available next month.

    Isn’t it amazing how some songs seemed to have been written just for us and touch our hearts. For me it is Chicago’s You’re The Inspiration.

  7. Man Jane–you always leave me with that aw . . . and wow feeling! Especially this time. Enjoy and be happy and do what works for you.

    And do tell–will you find out if it’s a boy or girl? How are your boys dealing with it all? Excited?

    Glad you cleared the air–because of course we all feel like we have a part in this relationship too! Ha!


  8. You give me such hope with today’s blog! My husband is going to start travelling three weeks a month starting in December and I wonder if we can make it too. You have given me such hope! Thank you. Just like your books, there is hope and love.

  9. People have thoughts about other relationships all the time. How do they do it? Do you think he is good enough for her? What does he see in her? LOL

    In the end, it is the two people in the relationship that know what works. And they are who counts.

  10. I love when those impossible relationships, you know the one everyone swears won’t last, do. If it make you happy, that is all that matters.


  11. I’m so glad to see you so happy, Jane. You are a wonderful person, inside and out. You deserve much happiness and good fortune.

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